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had under it Manasseh & Benjamin. The fourth head was Dan,to which were joined the tribes of Affer & Naphtali. This is what we readin the fecond Ch. of Numbers. Tis certain alfo that every one of these four bodies had its Banner & its Enfign. For in the fame place there is express mention of four standards. v. 3. The ftandard of the company of Judah. v. 10. The Banner of the company of Reuben. v. 18. The Banner of the company of Ephraim. &v. 25. The Banner of the company of Dan.

But to this 'tis added, that these four Banners had the figure of four living Creatures. That of Judah had the figure of a Lion; that of Ephraim of an Ox; that of Reuben of a Man; & that of Dan of an Eagle. As for this laft point tis known only by tradition. Aben Ezra faith fo, Barnachman and Chaskuni'all very modern Authors, & of little authority. Wherfore this laft circumftance of these four living Creatures painted in the four banners is more than uncertain. It is not fo much as probable. For God that knew the great inclination which this people had to Idolatry would not have tempted them in placing among them images in fo eminent a place. Yet 'tis principally on this circumftance that the conjecture is founded. For he would have thefe four living Creatures of the Revelation represent all the Chriftian people, because of the ancient Ifrael that marched under these four Banners. Suppofing that these four living Creatures fignify all the faithfull people, it muft alfo be fuppofed that the twenty four

C 3


The four living


are Efay's

Elders reprefent the Paftors, & that they poffefs that place in the vifion which the Le vites & Priests held in the assembly of Ifrael. This alfo is the opinion of fofeph Mede. And he believes that the number of twenty four refers to the twenty four Claffes of Priests which K. David made.

To find out the truth we have nothing else to do but to invert the opinion of Jofeph Mede, & fay, that the twenty four Elders reprefent the people, & the four living Creatures the Paftors. That the twenty four Elders & the four living Creatures both together reprefent the whole body of the Church compofed of Paftors & people. This is unquestionably fo, & whoever doth but carefully mind the matter, will not doubt it. But that the four living Creatures fignify the Paftors, will not be doubted neither, when the thing is well confidered.

First, we must know, that the four living Creatures are the fame as Efay calls Seraphims. of St. John. This appears; 1f, by the fix wings: 2dly, by the feraphims, fong Holy, Holy, Holy; characters which agree to the living Creatures of Efay & those Cheru- of St. John.

& Exe.



2ly. These also are the living Creatures of the two visions of Ezekiel in the firft & tenth Chapters. These living Creatures of Ezekiel are called Cherubims. Each of them had four faces, that ofa Lion, that of an Ox, that of a Man & that of an Eagle. Thefe are exactly the four faces of the four living Creatures of St. John. with this difference, that in Eze

kiel four heads are together on each of the bodies of the four living Creatures; wheras in St. John's Vifion each living Creature hath but one Head. But this difference is of no importance. For the defign of the Mystery being to represent by thefe four Heads the Qualities & the Character of the Gospel-ministry, 'tis of very little importance that the four heads be on the fame Bodies, or on different bodies; seeing thefe four living Creatures represent but only one Miniftry & not four different ministries. I will obferve by the by that 'tis very strange, that thofe that are curious fearch with fo much labour & uncertainty what was the figure of the Cherubims under the Law. For Ezekiel calling the living what was the figare Creatures which he defcribes Cherubims in of Moses's the tenth Ch. of his Revelations, I think it Cheru can't be doubted but that the figure of Mofes's Cherubims was fuch as Ezekiel represents it

to us.

I fay, that these four living creatures cal led Seraphims by Efay, Cherubims by Ezekiel, & only Living Creatures by St. John, represent the Miniftry & the Minifters of the Gospel. They have four different heads; the First is that of a Lyon, tis the Emblem of Strength & Courage, which the Paftors muft have in the Exercife of the Ministry. The Second is that of an Ox. This is the most profitable & moft laborious Creature; this reprefents the Profitableness of the Miniftry & the laborious & indefatigable Courage of the Paftors. The Third is that of a Man.



Man. This is the Emblem of Wifdom & of Reafon, this fignifies the foveraign Reafon, Prudence & Wisdom of the Paftors, who muft unite that with Wifdom & Courage. The Fourth is that of an Eagle; 'tis the emblem of Elevation & Penetration. There's no bird that flies fo high. The Paftors must lift up men from Earth to Heaven, & fly up towards divine things: The Eagle fuftains the rays of the Light, & looks ftedfaftly on the Sun the Paftors of the Church are called to fuftain the fight of the most adorable myfteries. Thefe living creatures are called Seraphims, i. e. Burning, to exprefs the greatnefs of their Zeal. They are called Cherufignifies bims a word that in the Syriack & the Chalto labour, dee fignifies Labourers. This name is given original of them for the fame reafon as the head of an the word Ox, to reprefent that they ought to labour


the Chaldee

the true





in manuring the field of the Lord inceffantly. They have four wings, according to Ezekiel, & fix according to Efay & St. John, to reprefent their Vigilance, & the Swiftnefs with which they muft run to execute the commandments of God. According to Ezekiel. when thefe living Creatures walk, they turn but every one walks to the place with his Face forward. This is to fignify that the minifters of the Gofpel must be far removed from all obliquity, & that they must go straight in their ways. One part of their Wings ferves them to cover their Bodies. i. e. their lefs comely parts, as Interpreters Understand it; tis the Emblem of that modefty that muft rule in all their words & actions, Ac

According to Ezekiel, the likenesse of the Cap. 1. 13. living Creatures was like burning coals of fire, &like the appearance of Lamps: It went up and down among the living Creatures & the fire was bright, & out of the fire went forth lightning. "Tis a defcription of the Word & of Preaching that sheds light abroad, & fpreads knowledg, in fcattering darkness by the miniftry of the Paftors. Is not my word as fire? Thy word is a Lamp to my feet. 'Tis a fire that Ch. t. 219 fends forth the light of faith, & communi- 22. cates the heat of charity. In Ezekiel, When the living Creatures moved, the Wheels alfo moved; when the living Creatures Were lifted up from the Earth, the Wheels also were lifted up. When those went, these went & when thofe ftood, thefe ftood. Thefe Wheels are the People, the living Creatures, i. e. the paftors, are the Spirit of the People. The Peo ple do not go, or stand still, or lift up themfelves, or fall down, but by the infpirati on of the Paftors.


In St. John the living Creatures are in the throne & round about the throne: i. e. immediately near the throne, nearer than the Twen


four elders. 'Tis because the Paftors are the mediators between God & the People. They are nearest to God, & the People draw nigh to God by them. Thefe living Creatures are full of eyes within. 'Tis because they inwardly have the Spirit of Penetration & Discerning; not only like Solomon's Wife Man, that hath his Eyes in his Head, but they have Eyes in their Heart; . e. they have a clear fighted

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