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contrary, the mystery of Iniquity doth not fo much as principally fignify that. He that fays a Mystery, faith a Religion. This ought to have been minded. So then, in this term the Papifm is described with respect to its Religion and Idolatry And its tyranny and impiety is properly meant in these words, that exalts himself above all that is called God.

Some mens heads have run fo much upon this Character of Antichrift, viz. Tyranny, as if that were the only one, that they will not find Antichrift, even inthe Papifm before the time that the Pope began to act the part of a temporal Prince, which they find he did towards the Year 755. This is the opinion of Monfieur du Moulin in his accomplishment of the Prophecies. This alfo is the reafon, that he hath fo widely mistaken the time of the birth of Antichriftianifm; and that he hath fet the time of his ruin fo far off: For he thinks that Antichriftianifm will not be at an end before the Year 2015. fo we fhould have yet 330. Years longer to fuffer. He should have remembred, that Idolatry is more Antichriftian than Tyranny, or at least as much. And therefore, that there is no reason to exclude out of the Antichriftian Period, the fixth, seventh, and eight centuries, wherein Idolatry was so strongly established. Corruption and looseness of manners were introduced into the Church, and were the way for Antichriftianifm, its progress followed by the introduction of Idolatry. And at laft Antichriftianifm was confummated by Tyranny. These are the three true Characters of that Empire, the union whereof will fhew us the true point of its birth.



That the three Characters of the Antichriftian Empire do perfectly agree to the Empire of the Papifm. Proofs out of History and Prophecies. Reflections upon the Prophecy in the fecond Chapter of the fecond Epistle to the Thef falonians, and upon the end of the Roman Empire.


E have feen in the fore-going Chapter, that the names of the Antichriftian Empire are Egypt, Sodom, Babylon; and that its Characters fignified by these names, are Tyranny, Pride, Cruelty, extream corruption of manners, Idolatry and Paganism. We have fixed this Babylonish Empire every where, where thefe Characters are to be found. We have reckon'd the Papifm for the center and the body, Rome for the capital place, and the Pope for the head. We must now prove, that thefe Characters do perfectly agree to the Papifm, to its capital place, and its head. But we do pretend, that as to us, this thing hath been already done: we have done it in our just prejudices against Popery, afwell as we are able; and indeed that whole work is but a proof of this propofition, that all the Characters of the Antichriftian Empire do agree to the Papifm.

racter of

If any defire a proof of this, that the Papifm The Cha is an Egypt, and that tyranny is exercifed there, Tyranny he need only read the twelfth and thirteenth agrees to Chapters of the first part, where he will see that


the Papi

That of Pride a


the Empire of the Papifm is an Empire purely
temporal, under the fhew of a fpirituality and
the fourteenth Chapt. where its purely humane,
politiques are fo clearly brought to light, that
not fo much as a fhadow remains unfcatter'd. If
any would be affured, that the conduct of the
Papifm is a moft horrible Tyranny, he need but
read the 21. and 22. Chapters of the first part,
where is an account of the infolent, tyrannical and
proud actions and fpeeches of the Popes towards
all men,
without excepting even Soveraign


In the fame Chapters will be found the proof grees to it that Pride, another Character of the Antichri ftian Empire, perfectly agrees to the Papifm. For there its Pride will be feen in its opinions and Divinity; the pride of its Clergy and Priests, that call themselves the Kings and Emperours of the World; the Pride of its head, who calls himfelf a God upon Earth, who caufes Divine honour to be given to him, who domineers with authority over the Kings of the Earth; who spoils them of their Crowns who gives away their Kingdoms to others, who difpenfes with their Subjects Oaths of Allegiance; who treads them under his feet and puts his foot upon their throat; who as for his own perfon, is clothed with purple, and all the pomp of the Roman Em perours.

of the Fa

pism is an

Egypt for


The Empire In the 26th and 27th Chapters of the fecond part it will plainly be feen, that cruelty perfectly agrees to this Empire. For there you will find an Epitome of all the cruel perfecutions, which the Church hath fuffered by this mystical Baby lon; the blood fhe hath fpilt, the fires the hath kindled, the witty punishments fhe hath invented,



and the incredible number of the faithful that the hath murder'd. If enough of this be not found in that piece, you may have recourse to our History of Popery.


The 2d recrimination is wholly spent in fhewing, that the Papifm fince more than 700. Years ago, is like a cruel beaft, armed vvith teeth & claws, that tears in pieces & devours all that oppofes its greatnefs; and that one cannot follow it in Hiftory, but by the track of innocent blood that it hath fhed. It will appear in all thofe places, that the Papifm is always the fame, and that at this very day as well as formerly, it is cruel, bloody, and tyrannical; which we have proved by the perfecutions of Bohemia, Hungary, Savoy, and laftly that of France which at this day is driven on to extremity, and is the most terrible of all that ever the Church endured.




As to corruption of manners, one may be con- The Emvinced that it cannot go further than it hath al- pire of the Papifm is a ready gone in the Papifm, by reading what we sadom for have written in the fixth and ninth Prejudice. of manIn the fixth we have proved the corruption of ners, the heads of the Papifm, by a fhort History of the abominable immoralities of the Popes. And in the ninth, we have given an account of an infinite number of witnesses in all Ages, who do depofe, that all the most horrible and filthy things that can be imagined to be met with in the carriage and manners of the Monks, Priests and Laity in the Papifm. To perfect the defcription of the corruption of the Papifm, the eighth Prejudice may be added, in which the filthy, fordid, fimoniacal and facrilegious covetonfness of Rome, and all its Agents are discover'd.


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The Empire of the

To be affured that Idolatry, one of the prinPapifm is a Cipal Characters of the Antichriftian Empire, aBabylon for grees to the Papifm, you may read the 33. Chap.


of the laft part, where you will find a fhort defcription of the extravagant and abominable worship, which the Church of Rome gives to the Holy Virgin and all the Saints; in which worfhip we have plainly discovered an evident Character of reprobation and Antichriftianifm. Laftly, for the proof of the Paganifm of that Church, you may read the 12th of our prejudices. We have there made a very exact Parallel between Popery and Paganism, enough to convince any one that they both had the fame fpring and Author, because they have the fame objects diftinguifht into the very fame claffes, and very near the very fame ceremonies. To which may be added the History of the fables of the Papifm, more filthy and more numerous than thofe of Paganism. You will find it in the fixteenth Prejudice.

Befides all this, we have taken our fecond Prejudice from the perfect conformity, that is between the Prophecies concerning the reign of Antichrift, and the things we fee in the fettlement and the nature of the Kingdom of the Papifm. We have alledged all the Prophecies, wherein 'tis agreed, that Antichrift and his Empire are both fore-told and described; and we have juftified it, that all the ftrokes of thefe defcriptions do agree to the Pope, to his Seat, to his Religion, and to his Empire.

The Roman Religion, is that falling away and that Apoftacy, of which St. Paul speaks in the fecond Chap.of the fecond Epift. to the Theffalonians. 'Tis the firft Text we have produced against it.


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