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der of Coching, detached a force againft the Dutch fort of Quilon, and their factories of Porca and Quilon in the Travancore country. They were delivered up without refiftance; and we are new in poffeffion of all their fettle, ments on the continent of India."

(End of the Gazettes.)


There was felt on the 17th and 23d February latt, two violent shocks of an earthquake at Lisbon. The inhabitants were thrown into the greateft confterna tion, and quitted their houfes, but the city futained no damage. A fate fimilar to that of 1755 was apprehended.

March 17. Admiral Chriftian failed from Spithead in the Thunderer man of war, with the Invincible, La Prompte and Albicore frigates, and feveral tranfports, for the Welt Indies.

Eins, an Emiflary of the London Cor reponding Society, who had been delivering lectures at Birmingham, has been apprehended under a charge of feditious practices, by a warrant from the Secretary of State's Office.

The Prince of Wales, and a board of general oficers, have propofed to adopt an entire new form of drefs and accoutrements for the cavalry. The fwords are to be lengthened, and the caribines fhortened. The waistcoats are to reach a good way down the thighs. The boots are to be made fo ftrong between the calf and the thigh, as to refift the ftroke of a fabre. Helmets inftead of hats, in a new form, are fuggefted: they are to clafp at the chin, like the old-fashioned hunting caps. An alteration, likewife, is to take place in the faddles, and indeed in almost every part of the accoutrements and drefs.

Of the fourteen charges adduced" againft Colonel Cawthorne, the Court found the prifoner guilty of eleven of them, and part of the twelfth. The first was, that of having withheld and appropriated to his own ufe the marching guineas, which by Act of Parliament are allowed to militiamen. The other charges were generally of a fimilar nature, accufing him of peculation, of receiving money to excufe perfons from serving in the militia, and putting it in his pocket, without providing fubftitutes, &c. It is faid he received twenty guineas from a waiter at the Prince of Wales' Coffee

houte on that account. The fentence upon him is, "That he be cafhiered, and declared incapable of ferving his Majefty in any military capacity." The fentence is to be read at the head of every militia regiment in the kingdom.The King has confirmed the sentence.


April 7. The trial of Admiral Cornwallis, for difobedience of orders, in not proceeding to the Weft Indies, pursuant to the instructions of the Admiralty Board, commenced on Board the Orion at Portimouth, at eight o'clock in the morn ing.

The charges were three in number. The fubftance of them is as follows: Firft, That Admiral Cornwallis, after having failed from England for the Weft Indies, and proceeded a confiderable way on his voyage, did return contrary to the orders he had received. Secondly, That not having a fufficient regard to the importance of the fituation of a Commander in Chief, he omitted to shift his flag on board of fome other ship after the Royal Sovereign had been disabled, in order to proceed, as he ought to have done, to the place of his destination; but that, inflead of doing fo, he gave his inftructions and the command of the convoy to another officer. And thirdly, That after his return, he disobeyed another order of the Board of Admiralty, by not hoisting his flag on board the Aftrea frigate, and proceeding to the Weft Indies as had been ordered by their Lordships.

The chief evidence confifted principally of the correfpondence between the Admiral and the Board, by which it appeared, he thought his health would be endangered by going out in a frigate, and requested permiffion to wait till his flag fhip was repaired.

The Admiral, in his defence, produced a paper or addrefs, which was read by Mr Erskine. The main ground of it was, that he had acted according to the beft of his judgment undercircumftances, and did not conceive his prefence in the Weft Indies was abfolutely neceffary to the expedition.

Mr Tibbit, fhip-builder in Portsmouth, defcribed the damage the fhip had fuftained-that he could not even be repaired in harbour, and that the must be taken into dock and heaved down.

Captain Whitby of the Royal Sove


April 1796.

British Intelligence.

reign, Mr Alexander the master of the fhip, and Mr Kan the Surgeon, were called to prove the anxiety of the Aimi ral to have proceeded in the Royal Sovereign to the Weft Indies, which was rendered impoffible by the damage the had fuftained; that circumftances did not permit the Admiral to change his Bay, and that his health would have been greatly endangered by his going out in a fngate.

Some letters which had paffed between the Admiral and the Board on the fubject were alfo produced; and after there had been read the trial clofed before one o'clock.


"The Court having heard the evidence in fupport of the charges exhibited against the Hon. William Cornwallis, Vice Admiral of the Red; and having heard his defence, and the evidence in his behalf, and having maturely weigh ed and confidered the fame, were of opinion,

"That with respect to the two first charges, of his returning without leave, after having been ordered to proceed to Barbadoes, and of his difobeying the or ders he had received, MISCONDUCT WAS IMPUTABLE TO HIM, for not having thifted his flag on board the Mars or Minotaur, and proceeding in either of them to the West Indies; but in confideration of other circumstances, the Court ACQUITTED HIM OF ANY DISOBEDIENCE in his conduct on that



ried by the current above the town. In this fituation he was attacked on the morning of Tuesday, by all the gun-boats and other veffels which the enemy could müfter; and after a gallant and even defperate refiftance, against a force fo infinitely fuperior to his own, he found himfelf at length obliged to furrender. We are happy however to find that he received no injury in the conflict.

fettlement in New South Wales, was A cargo of flax, the produce of our fome time ago imported into Whitehaven.

"With refpect to the third charge, of his having, after his return, difobeyed the orders of the Board of Admiral ty, in not going out to the Weft Indies in the Aftrea frigate, the Court were of opinion, that the charge WAS NOT PROVEN, and therefore ACQUITTED Admiral Cornwallis upon that charge." A letter was received at the Admiralty on the 19th inft. from the firt Licutenant of the Diamond frigate, off the coaft of France, containing an account of the Capture of Sir Sydney Smith. Sir Sydney in the night of Monday laft, went in his boat to cut out a French lugger in the port of Havre. This he accomplished, after fome refiftance, by which one Frenchmaa was killed; but, deterred from im mediately failing by the rapidity of the current, he caft anchor. During the night, however, the ship drove from her anchor, the cable, it is faid, naving been cut by one of the prifoners, and was car


of April, an affair of honour was deterAt Perth, on the morning of the 1st mined between Captain WLieut. Cg, of the Princess of - and Wales' Light Dragoons, quartered at Perth. The parties with their feconds (Major L----n and Captain_W―――t), met on the North Inch; when after an and the parties were reconciled. exchange of fire, the feconds interfered,

Thomas Tod, Efq; were interred in the On the 4th of April the remains of burying place belonging to the Orphan Hofpital. When the funeral proceffion reached the hofpital, it was met by the Governors; and the boys and girls, headed by their mafter, alfo joined in paying the last tribute of affection to their worthy benefactor. The crowd of spectators on this occafion was uncommonly


juftices of peace of that diftrict of PerthAt Dumblane, on the 5th curt. the thire, fined feveral delinquents in the fum of 6881. 10s. 6d. for diftilling whisky.

jeffy's pleafure, was received by the Lord 9. The day a refpite, during his MaProvost for John O’Niel, under fentence of death in the tolbooth of this city.

of this year's growing, digged in the oOn the 11th, there were new potatoes pen field, as large a crows eggs, upon the farm of Merkfwood, about an Englith mile north of Paifley.

attended the Theatre on the 14th, and The Duc D'Angouleme and his fuite were most cordially received by a very crowded and fashionable audience The decorations of the box fitted up for his Royal Highness did credit to the tafe and liberality of the manager. fettoons were a dark purple fattin, edged with a dep filver fringe, and Ened with white muflis gantly finished, were placed at top. His Majesty's arms, ele



On the 17th, the church of Cranston, four miles fouth of Dalkeith, was totally confumed by accidental fire, which was occafioned by the beadle having left fome coals in the ftove. It was obferved in flames about half an hour after the congregation had left it, and by five o'clock was all in afhes.

20. A duty on wine being among the taxes brought forward on the 18th by Mr Pitt, an exact account of the ftock on hand was taken this day.

The navy of this country, exclufive of the hired armed vefels for protecting the coaft trade, confifted on the 31ft of March laft of 170 fhips of the line, 29 fifties, 188 frigates, 211 floops, making in the whole a navy of 598 hips of war. We have taken and deftroyed, fince the commencement of the war, 153 fhips of 1. French navy, of which 27 are line-ofbattle hips, not under feventy-fours, and we have added, of these captures, 64 to our own navy. The enemy have taken and deftroyed of our naval force 34, 5 of which are line-of-battle fhips. This account extends to the 31st March last.

The reduction of the price of oatmeal is an agreeable circumstance. In the market of the 12th, the best kind fold at 1l. Is. 6d. per boll, which was three fhillings and one penny half-penny cheaper than laft week. The magistrates therefore ordered the peck to be fold at feventeen pence, which is twopence lower than it was last market day.

The Magiftrates have lowered the affize of bread. It is expected to be foon further lowered.

of sheep will be encreased nearly one half this year.

22. The Dutch prisoners were remo ved from the Caftle to a large lodging at Fountain-bridge, in order to make room for fome French prifoners.

By order of the Lord Provost and Magiftrates, a general furvey and examination of the weight of bread took place, through the city, extended royalty, Canongate, Potterrow, Brifto, Wefter Portfburgh, and Leith; and we are authorised to affure the public, that (one or two inftances excepted) the whole bakers were found to have their bread of fufficient weight and quality.

25. This day the Rev. Dr Erskine preached before a very crowded congregation in St Andrew's Church, being the firft fermon for the benefit of the Edinburgh Miffionary Soceity. The Society has met with the greatest encouragement. It has not exifted much aboye a month, and it has already received upwards of 8ool.

27. This morning an alarming tumult took place in Glasgow, but by the timeous interference of the magiftrates, with the aid of the military, the rioters were difperfed, and peace was again restored to the city. The caufe of disorder seems to have originated from fome country people in the butter, and egg market afking extravagant prices for their goods. A proclamation has been iffued by the magiftrates, offering a reward for the difcovery of the rioters.

30. The Ruffian Admiral Tate arrived this evening in Leith Roads, along with a two-decker and two frigates. He has made the fignal for convoy to the Baltic trade.

There has been of late a very great importation of grain jato Leith and other ports in the Frith; of confequence a further reduction may be immediately looked for,


The countries which, by the existing laws in France, conftitute the French territory, are; 1. France, as it flood at the commencement of the war.-2. The French colonies in the West Indies ftill occupied by France.-3. The islands of -France and Mauritius.-4. Martinico and Tobago.-5. The whole ifland of St Domingo.-6. Pondicherry, Chandenagore, Carical, Mahe, and the other French 19. The House of Lords gave judgeeftablishments in India.-7. Avignon,ment in the caufe of Stein v. Steuart, and the county of Venaifi.-8. Principality of Montbeliard, and Bishoprick of Porcntrui.-9. Savoy, Nice, and Monaco. 1o. Auflrian Flanders and Brabant, and generally, whatever belongs to the Emperor on this fide the Rhine. 11. Maeftricht, Venlo, and Dutch Flanders.-12. The Bishoprick of Liege.

It has been computed by fome, that . from the mildnefs of the winter, and favourable feason for the lamos, the fteck

Somervail, and Co. merchants in Leith. The interlocutors of the Court of Seifion were ordered to be reverfed, and a proat of certain of the articles of the appeilant's condefcendence allowed; and on the proof being taken, that the Court of Seflion fhould re-hear the caufe.

THE extreme degree of mildness which has continued uniformly throughout this month, has not been equalled in the memory


[blocks in formation]

Great oats with fodder
Ditto without fodder
Brocked oats with fodder
Ditto without fodder
Small oats with fodder
Ditto without fodder
Bear with fodder
Ware bear with fodder
Ditto without fodder
Farm or market bear without

memory of man. Of confequence the
farmer has had every opportunity he
could wish for fowing and labouring, and
the fields wear a molt pleafing and pro-
mifing afpect. Excepting a few fhowers
between the Ift and roth, the weather
has not only been fair, but clear and
warm. On the 18th, the thermometer
food as high as 34o before fun rife; and
it was at 70° feveral days at noon in
the fhade. Fish continue in abundance,
cfpecially turbit, and fo low as is. of
a moderate fize. Beef and mutton ra-
ther fearce and dear, best 7d.-veal 6d.
and 7d. Bread and potatoes have fallen.
The English report for March ftates,
that the appearance of the next crop of Peafe
wheat, in every part of the kingdom, is Wheat
exceedingly promifing. The feed-time
was never known to be fo forward as in
the present season, and it has generally
faccreded fo well, that a most abundant
harvet may reafonably be looked for.
Oats are alfo in great forwardnefs; the
land is in excellent condition for barley;
and the beans come up remarkably

White meal, 9 ftone
Farm meal, 8 tone
Market malt


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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

Best wheat, per boll
Second ditto
Beft barley
Second ditto
Third ditto
Beft oats
Second ditto
Beft oatmeal

Eat Lothian.

Best wheat, per boll
Second ditto
Third ditto
Beft barley

Second ditto
Third ditto
Best oats
Second ditto
Third ditto
Best peafe
Second ditto
Third ditto

Thefe excellent appearances, added to a confiderable foreign fupply, have produced, in the courfe of the laft two weeks, a proportionate reduction of the prices of wheat. At Mark-lane, it fell on Monday from 125. to 148. per quarter, making, with former reductions, upwards of twenty fhillings. In the weft and north it has fallen in nearly an equal proportion, and in fome places the markets have been glutted. Barley and Oats have alfo experienced a very dull fale, and the prices have confiderably fallen. Indeed, these laft articles, from the large flock in hand, promife to be unusually abundant. While grain has thus lowered its price, butcher's meat and pota toes are on the advance. The former have advanced fince laft month nearly a penny per pound. Cattle in general keep high and fearce, and find a ready fale in all the principal fairs. Sheep have actually advanced nearly one third in value fince this time last year, and few good ones are to be bought at any price. Good horfes find a ready fale Malt at very high prices, notwithstanding the reduction of the fencible cavalry. The Wheat cultivation of potatoes from shoots has Oat-meal been fuccefsfully practifed in various Barley parts of the island, and found to be highly advantageous.



Oatmeal, per boll
Barley bear
Blanded bear
Muirland bear
Great oats
Small oats

Chefter bear


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O 17

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