My Father's Final Word?Xulon Press, 2007 - Всего страниц: 132 ".and His name is called The Word of God." Rev 19:13 Do you desire a more exciting, explosive and living relationship with the indwelling Christ, the Word of God? As you read My Father's Final Word?, the Scriptures will open up in a Christological/Christ-centered manner. 5 things you'll gain: 1.God's Word will explode like a stream of living water as mighty as the Amazon river. 2.You'll regain your spiritual Name and Language. 3.You'll be able to explain God's deep manifold mysteries quickened by the Holy Spirit. 4.You'll know that you're a word sent forth by God to accomplish your God-given purpose. 5.You'll effectively wield the Sword of the Spirit in your faith walk by knowing Jesus as the final Word of God. My Father's Final Word? is jam-packed with guidelines and practical solutions. My Father's Final Word? will lead you into an exciting, explosive, and living relationship with the indwelling Christ, and is the first in an exciting trilogy of books leading you from the outer court through the inner court right into the Holy of Holies. Johan Fourie, with his wife, Marié are the founders of God With Us Ministries. He is anointed to minister the fullness of Jesus Christ. As an author, he has a passionate love for Jesus, the Word of God, and Spirit-driven revelation knowledge of the Word. Besides discipling and going on outreaches and mission trips, Johan and his wife, Marié, ministers both locally and internationally, and is in the process of establishing a worship and discipleship facility with a vision to empower every member of the Body of Christ to come to the full stature of the indwelling Christ. |
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Preface | xi |
Definitions | xv |
Introduction | xvii |
How Do You Read the Bible? | 23 |
The Approach | 33 |
Jesus the Focus | 39 |
Guidelines | 45 |
Resources | 57 |
The Holy Spirit | 61 |
Let Us Learn How | 69 |
Spirit Words | 91 |
Points to Ponder | 107 |
A Last Word | 113 |
End Notes | 121 |
Hearing Gods Voice | 123 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
allow the Holy Andrew Murray anointing ask the Holy awesome baptism believers Bible MKJV Bible reading bless blood body Brother Yun Christians Christological dead deeper degree of glory depths Deut E-Sword eagle everything Ezek Father fig tree fig-tree flesh flow focus Fourie glory God's Word Godly golden Gospel of John grace hear God's voice Heavenly Holy Spirit intellectual knowledge Jehovah Jesus Christ Jesus John John Wycliff lead letter kills literally living Bread Lord Lord's Supper means meditate mind Name of Jesus obedient Old Testament Pharisees pray prophesy prophets quickens read the Bible receive religious leaven revelation knowledge search the Scriptures shadow types shepherd speak Spirit to reveal Spirit-driven revelation Spirit-filled spiritual eyes streams of living Strong's sword verse teach testimony things trust the Holy truth unto verse William Tyndale wine wisdom worship write