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"Tush! the traitor shall be hanged ere that, child."

"Nor," she continued, resuming her former discourse:" Nor doubt my valour, 'cause ye ever heretofore have seen me in a female's garb; and 'cause I have been used to spin and sew, and elfe my locks in ringlets, and only busy me with such light easy things as are of woman's fashion. Here do I bid adieu to all like studies. Henceforth, I am a knight, a warrior, cased in armour, panting for revenge.-Trust me! for albeit I do wear a female's form, I bear a lion's heart!

"Treasure lacks not-my coffers are full on't; -they shall be unlocked, and gold poured forth to the deserving. The loyal and trusty Guillaume de Cadoudal, shall still remain your governor, whilst I go forth to quell the foe, and fix in due allegiance such as be less firm in it than ye."

The unusual appearance of a fair, delicate female, clothed in complete armour, coming before an assembly of warriors to crave support,

her beauty, the desolateness of her situation,the majesty of her deportment,-its courtesy,the grief, which raging in her bosom, struggled to get free, and, spite of every effort to restrain it there, at times broke loose, and showed itself upon her cheek and in her voice,-the assurances she gave of victory,-the judicious and well-timed compliment she paid their faithfulness; and lastly, the innocent and half timid aspect of the child, scared, and wondering at what he saw, whilst seemingly he implored protection,-filled the minds of all present with admiration of the Countess's behaviour, with pity for her misfortunes, and devotedness to the cause she pleaded; and she had no sooner finished, than one simultaneous shout of promised faith broke forth, and-"Long life to Jean de Montfort, Lord of Britany, and to his noble Lady and her Son. We'll follow them to death!" was uttered by a thousand voices.


"Ama il mio nome, ama il rumor ch'intese
Di mie guerriere imprese; una donzella
Con l'elmo in fronte, e con l'acciaro al fianco
Nuovo è per lui e strano portento."

METASTASIO. Il Ruggiero.

JEANNE, having thus engaged the affections of the garrison in her favour, and received their assurances of faithful service; descending from the Cavalier, as it was called-a huge mound of earth, heaped up at a former period, for the purpose of enabling the garrison to command some distant work of a besieging army,-advanced, leading her son by the hand, into the midst of the multitude, still testifying by loud cheers their willingness to lay down their lives in her support.

Smiling in the gladness of her heart, she looked courteously around, and, personally addressing each individual she saw, thanked him; promised future reward and favour to the common men; and to their superiors, that renown which their chivalry and devotedness so well merited. Bowing then her head, in token of adieu, she turned towards the castle, whither she was followed by all who had left it with her.

It was now time for her to make preparations for an immediate departure from Rennes. Aware that the Duke of Normandy and Charles, elated at their recent success, would use their utmost expedition in following it up, and that, her husband being captured, they would, in order to terminate the contest, have nothing more to do, than to obtain possession of herself and son the Countess saw that not a moment was to be lost, for, that the bruit of her misfortunes, circulating through the province, would naturally encourage those towns, which had always been disaffected to her government, now to shake it off; and those who wished well to

her cause, to waver, through fear, in their allegiance.

Her first care, therefore, was to apply herself to remedy this evil,by marching through Britany, and shewing herself in its towns of greatest note, either to terrify or coax their inhabitants into obedience. This she sat about performing, with all that promptitude and decision, which is the characteristic of great minds under unforeseen and extraordinary circumstances; and issued commands for the conduct of affairs during her absence, with the same ease and judgment, as though she had undertaken an office to which she had been accustomed from childhood.

The complement of men was left unimpaired in the garrison, lest it should be rendered too weak to resist the attack which it was apprehended the foe would shortly make on it; and Guillaume de Cadoudal was still continued in

the office of chatelain or governor. Whilst Amauri de Clisson, together with those who had accompanied him from Nantes-and the number was soon increased by other

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