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Christmas Day.

GOD, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of Thine only Son Jesus Christ; grant that as we joyfully receive Him for our Redeemer, so we may with sure confidence behold Him when He shall come to be our Judge, who liveth and reigneth with Thee .and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

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ETERNAL God, Father Almighty, who, in compassion to lost man, didst send Thy only Son to become his Redeemer, have mercy upon us. And Thou, O blessed Jesus, who wast born in the form of a helpless infant, and subject to all our infirmities, who wast born in poverty and want, that we might learn to renounce all pride

and follow Thy great humility, look down, we beseech Thee, and vouchsafe to give us Thy grace that we may make Thee our pattern, and be Thy true disciples. Have compassion on us, and perfect in us the work of our redemption; we have no help nor hope but from Thee, no redemption from sin but by Thee, no peace with God but through Thee, no expectation of blessing, nor hopes of life but in Thee. Be Thou our God to protect us, our Master to teach us, our Light to direct us, our Redeemer to save us, and help us to give Thee glory and praise henceforth and for ever. Amen.

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Good Friday.

MERCIFUL God, look down with pity upon us Thy sinful servants, for whose salvation Thy Son Jesus Christ was contented to suffer death upon the cross. Receive our humble thanks for all that He has done and suffered for us. Grant us Thy heavenly assistance, that we may in some degree imitate the glorious example He has set before us. When we read of His wonderful sufferings, let us never repine at our slight afflictions, but bear what is most grievous to us with perfect resignation, and with a desire to improve under Thy fatherly correction. When we read of His meekness, let us never resent the trifling injuries our fellowcreatures can offer us, but pity and love them, and endeavour, like our blessed Master, to spend our lives in doing them


good, and even to endure sufferings for their sakes willingly. Breathe into our souls a Christian spirit of repentance and mortification, strengthen us, that we may be enabled to take up our cross and to deny ourselves everything which might tend to evil or detach our hearts from the love of God.

Mercifully accept our humble prayers for all who live in ignorance or contempt of Thy Holy Word; receive them into Thy flock, blessed Lord, and grant that we may all become partakers of that glorious resurrection which Thy Son Jesus Christ died to purchase for us. For His sake, pardon the imperfections of our prayers, and hear us. Amen.


Easter Day.

LESSED Jesus, who hast triumphed over the powers of darkness, and conquered hell and the grave, who, by Thy glorious resurrection hast made known the power of Thy divinity and proved Thyself to be the true Messiah; keep us steadfast in this faith, and grant that all our actions may testify the sincerity of our belief. Make us to rise from the death of sin to a life of righteousness, that we may mortify all our corrupt lusts and affections; that we may fix our hearts on things above, and spend the remainder of our lives in securing that happiness which Thou hast purchased for us; that by Thy strength we may fight against all our spiritual enemies, and by Thy power we may overcome them. Let not the thoughts of death be any longer uneasy to us, since

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