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glance at the empty chair next to his more recent acquaintance; but this was immediately taken possession of by Edward Basinstoke, who at once entered into conversation with his pensive cousin.

"Well, Saint Cecilia," said he, smiling, “you have heard the great news. What should you think of my losing my seat after all, on account of my Catholic predilections ?"

"That certainly would be one of the strongest possible instances of popular injustice," replied she; "yet I have little doubt but that you will be able to vindicate your fair fame from such very unfounded aspersions."

"We shall see: I must do my best next month at the County-meeting. Do you think that I can in conscience take such pledges of anti-Papism as will confound and silence my antagonists ?"

"I should say that you certainly could, were they to be headed by Spinosa himself."

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Come, come, Saint Cecilia, that is not fair; but we must allow for some little asperity on your part in these days of renewed contentions."

"I am afraid you must, indeed," replied she

sadly: "I suppose that you have heard how the poor Saint lost her temper towards the end of dinner."

"Did she indeed? How I should like to have been there."

"Well, it might perhaps have inspired an additional paragraph upon the intemperance of the Romanists to your forthcoming tirade. But see, Lady Helen's eye is upon you, and seems to reprove you for neglecting your London cousin. Had you not better join him, for more reasons than one?"

As Edward Basinstoke did not show the slightest inclination to acquiesce in this gentle admonition, Lady Helen's voice was soon heard, in confirmation of her unheeded glances' true purport.

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Cécile," exclaimed she, rather sharply, “the tea is there."

Her niece immediately arose, and repaired to the tea-table, where she was soon followed by the rest of the party, with the exception of the worthy Baronet, whose cares, sorrows, and resentments all lay buried, for the time, in a state of deep, though by no means noiseless, unconsciousness.

"Is it your cousin who generally makes tea?" inquired St. Edmunds of Constance.

"She does of late," was the reply.


must know that I have been reckoned too careless and indolent to be intrusted with the very responsible office of satisfying each particular taste, while she is so attentive and thoughtful!"

"Ah! it was sharp practice enough on that girl's part, I can tell you," observed her brother; "for now poor Cécile has succeeded to all the scolding."

"And do you get much of that?" continued the young Viscount, addressing the latter.

"Not half as much as I deserve, most probably."

"Then your demerits must be awful, indeed,” resumed Edward; "for "for there is hardly a morning or an evening that I do not hear her Ladyship exclaiming, in her most impressive tone:- Cécile, the tea is worse than ever,' or, 'Cécile, the water did not boil: you must see yourself that it did not;' or else, 'That girl is always in the third heaven; surely you might condescend to give us your attention during two minutes !" "

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Edward, my dear, how can you talk such nonsense?" interposed Lady Helen. "I cer

tainly think young ladies would do very wrong to neglect household and practical details, however trivial these may appear to them; and I own, that I do not see anything in Cécile's position or prospects which is peculiarly exempt her from this general rule, or to render her so supremely indifferent to everything in the world but reading."


"Ah! you must remember that that is the most important obligation of all to her, as she intends to be a governess.'

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"Indeed!" most sarcastically observed Lady Helen; "I was entirely ignorant of any such views on her part."

"Not more so, I assure you, Lady Helen, than I am myself," exclaimed Cécile, smiling; "but Edward seems to be in a particularly inventive mood this evening."

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Come, come, Saint Cecilia," resumed he, "you know very well that I have good authority for what I am saying. Who was it that was enlarging so eloquently, not three days ago, upon the merits and inward satisfaction of those who

enter upon that respectable but much maligned profession ?"

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'Well, but if I did say something in commendation of those who shape out for themselves, by their industry, an honest livelihood, without forfeiting what may be due to their birth and original station, I don't remember showing any particular inclination to follow their honourable example myself.”

"Oh! that was all, was it?" continued Edward. "There was nothing about your passionate love for children, and your longing to live with them, and to instruct them?"

"Did I say something of the kind?" inquired Cécile, not without a slight blush. “I do not remember ever having considered myself qualified for the task.”


are not.

"Qualified! I should like to know who is, if But I should almost suggest, that instead of following out this vocation, by running away from us into a private family, you should open a school, either in the village, or at Glanford. I say, St. Edmunds, wouldn't we attend ?"

"Rather," answered the Life-guardsman,

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