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authority, but perhaps with the sincerity of faith. Would you require yonder sufferer to pronounce, with those mental faculties now on the very verge of extinction, whether Calvin be more orthodox than Arminius, or Socinus less clearly borne out than Luther by the more plausible interpretation of the text? Would it be a great consolation for her now to learn, that her creed has been cunningly shaped and fashioned to the prejudices and passions of a nation, or will she not rather call for that visible sacrament which embodies the uncompromising tradition of Catholic belief?"

"There is doubtless much, very much, in what you say, Miss Basinstoke; and still, I am sure that you will excuse me for observing that solace might also be derived from hearing, at such a moment, some of the more appropriate passages of Holy Writ."

"No doubt," responded Cécile, "and though my heart might fail me whilst making the dread selection, I should not until now have deferred the performance of that duty, had I deemed that no other ministration than mine would be granted. But stay, I think I hear the sound of an approaching horse without. It is, it must

be he!" exclaimed she, fervently clasping her hands; "oh! this is a mercy indeed!"

Cécile was not mistaken: within a few minutes, the tall figure of the long-expected Father Athanasius darkened the narrow threshold of the cottage. There, Miss Basinstoke met him, and at once seizing his proffered hand, conducted him first to the corner of the room, where Mr. Lewis had been patiently awaiting his arrival. The greeting exchanged between the two churchmen, though distant and reserved, was by no means uncourteous. Both had been members, first of the same university, then of the same Church; and if there was something more stern and compressed in the manner and countenance of the Romish priest, perhaps this might be partly accounted for as the consequence of the altered bearing towards him, since his secession, of many of his former friends and associates. The conference was an earnest but very short one, after which Mr. Lewis retired, and Father Athanasius proceeded, with Cécile, towards the sick chamber. At the door, she paused, and after having exchanged a few words with her confessor, she turned towards St. Edmunds and said to him:


"You can come with us, if you please, but I presume that you would rather not."

Our hero, though somewhat perplexed, finally assented to the latter view, and every one else having fully shared his scruples, with the exception of Mr. Bolus, who thought it his duty not to leave the death-bed, the last solemn ceremony was performed with no other witnesses than he and Cécile.

At the end of about a quarter of an hour, Miss Basinstoke re-appeared, and requested Mrs. Hawthorne's attendance. The door having remained open behind them, St. Edmunds. could see the priest raising poor Mabel in her bed, that she might embrace her step-mother, after which the death-stricken form was suffered to relapse into its former position ;-but soon the nurse was anxiously summoned. As she passed the door, she gently closed it, and for the space of about ten minutes, no further tidings from within reached the outer room. Then Mrs. Hawthorne re-issued first, pressing her handkerchief to her eyes; then Cécile followed, looking very pale, but perfectly composed; and then Mr. Bolus himself, with his great coat on, and his hat in his hand :

"She went off much more quietly than I expected," said the latter.

Cécile nodded a silent assent.

"I suppose that I can be of no further use ?"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Bolus," answered she; "but I should think not."

A few minutes of silence succeeded his departure, after which our hero drew near Miss Basinstoke, and said:


"You seem much fatigued, Miss Cécile ; trust that your painful task here is now accomplished."

"It is," said she. "I have one word more to say to the nurse, and then, I shall be quite ready to return home.”

She again withdrew for an instant, but when, on re-entering the outer room, she encountered St. Edmunds, she paused for


moment, coloured slightly, whispered to him, not without tation :

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"I should almost wish you to see how calmly the sufferer sleeps now."

He followed her to the all-stirless couch,

by which the priest alone was still kneeling. The rapture of repose was there, indeed!

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Death, that knows all, can have told her no

tale of fear," muttered Cécile.

"No, in truth,"

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