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"The public mind is often shocked by instances of outrageous wickedness, perpetrated by individuals of considerable respectability. Funds are embezzled. virtue is assaulted, or a murder is committed, by some one not suspected capable of any such outrages upon morals. If the history of the mind and heart of the transgressor could be read, it would be seen that the immediate occasion of the offence merely brought out, or matured, what had been a thousand times enacted in the imagination. The real fall was not sudden, but gradual, having its incipient stages and its growth in the workings of the imagination."

The chapters on "Moral and Religious Manhood" show that the only sure basis for a manly character is true religion. Every other foundation is but quicksand. On the whole, the book is a most valuable present from the excellent author to the "Young men of the Time," and we trust it will be widely circulated.

(17.) It is never too late to do well. The publishers have been very tardy in sending us "Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, delivered at the University of Virginia, during the Session of 1850-51." (New-York: R. Carter & Brothers, 1852, 8vo., pp. 606.) But it is welcome; and we only regret that we cannot devote an article to it instead of a brief notice. The Lectures were delivered entirely by Presbyterian clergymen—a fact thus explained in the Preface:-" The only point which seems to need explanation is the fact that all the lecturers were chosen from one denomination of Christians. This was a point of much deliberation, and the plan adopted was considered the most likely to secure in the end the best and widest result. It was hoped that our example would be followed by the other denominations, as they in turn had possession of the chaplaincy: and thus only could all be allowed an equal opportunity. The material being inexhaustible, let each denomination draw up its own schedule, select its own champions of the faith, and publish its own volume of lectures, and thus, and thus alone, might we hope to have the flower of American Christian intellect in the several Churches engaged in a united assault upon the ranks of infidelity." We have reason to believe that the "flower" of the Presbyterian Church has been engaged upon the lectures before us, and the result is a work of which the Christian Church (much more any denomination of it) has no reason to be ashamed. We suppose there must have been some arrangement between the lecturers as to their several topics; if not, they have chanced upon a remarkable series of well-adjusted lines of thinking, going very nearly to make up a rounded whole of Christian evidences. Dr. Plumer's lecture on "Man Responsible for his Belief," is a fit portico to this noble edifice, albeit, as a portico, it is not so highly finished as some of the inner chambers. But we dare not attempt, in our half-page notice, to characterize the several lectures. The best of them, according to our judg ment, are Dr. Alexander's on the "Character of Jesus Christ as an Argument for the Divine Origin of Christianity;" Dr. Breckenridge's on the “General Internal Evidence of Christianity ;" and Rev. T. V. Moore's on the "Unity of the Human Race, in answer to the ethnological objection." But while the other lectures are of unequal merit, none are without merit; and the book, as a' whole, is a valuable addition to the apologetical literature of Christianity.

(18.) "The Complete Works of SAMUEL TAYLOR Coleridge, vol.i: Aids to Reflection and Statesman's Manual." (New-York: Harper & Brothers, 12mo.. pp. 484.) It is quite the fashion, in some quarters, now-a-days, to abuse ColeRIDGE as a man possessed of great powers, indeed, but wasting them in dreamy indolence. And yet this man has made a stronger impression upon the thinking minds of the age than any other on English ground, and his writings and conversation have given a more manly turn to philosophical inquiry than existed among his countrymen for a century before,-not to speak of his poetry, which exhibits more varied powers than have been shown by any one man since the days of Milton. Believing thus, we cannot but rejoice at the appearance of the first volume of a collected edition of his writings. The series (of which there are to be seven volumes) will contain all his published writings, with the exception of his newspaper articles, which are omitted on account of their comparatively ephemeral character. The whole is to be edited by Professor SHEDD, who has given ample proof of his capacity for the task in the genial and able Introductory Essay prefixed to this volume, which contains also Dr. Marsh's admirable Essay originally prefixed to the Aids to Reflection. A very meagre index to the " Aids" appears at the end of the volume; we hope it is not a specimen of what we are to expect in that way throughout, and trust that an ample index to the "Works" will appear in the seventh volume. Without it, the collection will be still incomplete.

(19.) "Outlines of Astronomy, by Sir J. F. W. HERSCHEL." (Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea, 1852, 8vo., pp. 557.) This edition of a work too well known to require special comment is reprinted from the fourth London, (of 1851,) which contains the author's latest additions. There is no other summary of the facts of astronomy so full, accurate, and perspicuous.

(20.) "The History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France, by ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE,” vol. iii. (Harper & Brothers: New-York, 1852, 12mo.. pp. 554.) Each volume of this History appears to be an improvement upon its predecessor; certainly the narration of Napoleon's fall is a most admirable piece of composition. Lamartine appears to great advantage amid the flatterers and parasites of Louis Napoleon, uttering himself boldly and freely with regard to the overweening and unscrupulous ambition of Mon Oncle, and showing how it led him first to wrong and then to ruin. The present volume carries the history down from 1815 to 1821. The second restoration affords a fine field for M. Lamartine's power of scene-painting: the capture of Napoleon. the escape of Lavalette, the judicial slaughter of Ney-that ineffaceable blot upon the memory of that hard and heartless man the Duke of Wellington-are depicted with even more than his usual skill at picture-making. The closing passage of the volume contains, in few words, a condensed characterization of Napoleon's character and career, so just and so accurate that we cannot forbear to quote it :

"The intelligence of his death changed the immense terror which had beset Europe during his life into immense pity. When people ceased to fear him, they FOURTH SERIES, VOL. V.-20.

ceased to hate. Impartial minds began to do him justice. Genius and glory were not denied to him; but it was deplored that so much genius and so much glory had only been consecrated to the personal greatness of one man, instead of being devoted to the amelioration of the world. This is where he failed to his destiny, to God, to humanity, to France, and to himself. The fine part of his character was not equalled by the good. He was the greatest man of modern times, but he was also the most sterile in results for the human race. He wasted France and Europe for fourteen years, without imparting to them an idea, a liberty, or a virtue. He shook the world without displacing it. France, however, which owes him a severe judgment, owes him also impartial gratitude. He made her illustrious; he made her resound with the splendour of his own name, during the early part of a century, through the universe. It is a service to aggrandize the name of one's country; for the name of a people is a spell in time and history, and a certain claim to immortality."

(21.) "Pleasant Pages for Young People, by J. P. NEWCOMBE." (Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1853; 18mo., pp. 426.) This is a book something after the style of the fascinating "Evenings at Home," but more accurate and authentic in its scientific information. Its aim is to reconcile pleasure with useful instruction; and it is skilfully prepared for use in family education.

(22.) “R. J. Wurst's Deutsche Sprachdenklehre, zum Selbstunterricht in der Muttersprache eingerichtet und mit einer Erklärung der Gebrauchs Methode versehen, von WILHELM NAST." (Cincinnati: Swormstedt & Poe, 1853; 12mo., pp. 172.) Dr. Nast is unwearied in labours for the benefit of his countrymen in America. The last "good work" in which he has been engaged is the preparation of this manual, which is everything that the title-page indicates.

(23.) "Cornelii Nepotis liber de excellentibus Ducibus, &c." (Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea; 18mo., pp. 216.) This forms one of the “Classical Series" heretofore edited by Schmitz and Zumpt; but which, from some misunderstanding, we believe, between them and the Edinburgh publishers, has passed into other hands. The edition before us is well adapted for school use.

(24.) "Religion, with or without rank, wealth, beauty, rare endowment, varied accomplishment, or any singularity, can lift Woman to the highest distinction and confer the most enduring glory-that of filling well, not the narrow, but the wide and divine realm of HOME." Such a distinction, and such a glory, certainly belong to the subject of the “Memoir of Mary L. Ware, Wife of Henry Ware, jr., by EDWARD B. HALL," (Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co., 1853; 12mo., pp. 434,) now before us. A true, faithful daughter, wife, mother, friend; with no eccentricities, no extravagances, no marvellous qualities of head or hand; but with an honest truthfulness of nature, a willing spirit of self-sacrifice, and an ever-loving heart-such was Mary L. Ware. It is by such women that woman's rights are best vindicated by the steadfast performance of women's duties. Mrs. Ware's religious life was pure and unspotted; and had she lived in a warmer atmosphere of Christian feeling, she would have been a model, besides, of Christian experience.

(25.) “ Meyer's Universum" (New-York: H. J. Meyer, 164 William-st.) continues to appear with praiseworthy punctuality. Part XI. contains views of Liège and Seraing; a view on Lake George; Alcazar in Segovia (Spain); and Trajan's Arch in Benevento (Italy). In Part XII. we find the following: Wall-street (New-York); The Napoleon Column on the Place Vendôme in Paris; Environs of Cuma and Lago D'Averno, with Lago de Fussard; and the General Post-office (Washington).

(26.) Of the following pamphlets, essays, sermons, &c., we regret that we are unable to give anything more than the titles:


A Tract for the Times, or Elemental Contrast between the Religion of Forms and of the Spirit, by S. S. SCHMUCKER, D. D.

An Appeal to Christians. A Sermon, published by request. By ROBERT ALLYN, A. M., Principal of Providence Conference Seminary.

The Balm of Gilead, a Missionary Sermon, by LYMAN A. EDDY. 1852. A Discourse delivered by H. P. TAPPAN, D. D., at Ann Arbour, Michigan, on the Occasion of his Inauguration as Chancellor of the University of Michigan, Dec. 21, 1852.

A Funeral Discourse on the Death of Robert Craig, Esq., Richmond, Va., Jan. 9, 1853. By Rev. T. V. Moore.

Catalogue of Dickinson College, for the Academical Year 1852-3.

Sixth Annual Report upon the Common Schools of New-Hampshire, the same being the Second Annual Report of the Board of Education of the State of New-Hampshire. June, 1852.

A Contrast between the Erroneous Assertions of Prof. Schof and the Testimony of Credible Ecclesiastical Historians in Regard to the State of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages. By J. J. JANEWAY, D. D.

The Christian Ministry: a Sermon delivered before the New-York East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Hartford, Conn., June 13, 1852, on the occasion of the Ordination of Elders. By Rev. Daniel Curry, a Member of that Conference.




THE elaborate, and in many respects excellent, Commentary of Baumgarten on the Acts of the Apostles is completed. We have received the second division of the second part, under the sub-title," Von Korinth bis Rom;" (Braunschweig, 1852, 8vo., pp. 525.) Baumgarten belongs to the latest school of German theologiansthat is to say, to the most orthodox; for the tendency of the German mind of late years has been toward the early and simple belief in the word of God as a divinely

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"The Natural History of Infidelity and Superstition," (Svo., pp. 520.)

"The Life and Epistles of St. Paul," by CONYEARE & HOWSON (London, 2 vols. 4to.), is now completed, and is pronounced by European critics the most valuable contribution that has been made of late years to Biblical Literature-certainly the most elaborate and complete work on St. Paul that has ever appeared. The following extract from the introduction explains the plan on which the authors have prepared the work:-" To comprehend the influences under which he grew to manhood, we must realize the position of a Jewish family in Tarsus, the chief city of Cilicia;' we must understand the kind of education which the son of such a family would receive as a boy in his Hebrew home, or in the schools of his native city, and in his riper youth at the feet of Gamaliel' in Jerusalem; we must be acquainted with the profession for which he was to be prepared by this training, and appreciate the station and duties of an expounder of the law. And that we may be fully qualified to do all this, we should have a clear view of the state of the Roman Empire at the time, and especially of its system in the provinces; we should also understand the political position of the Jews of the dispersion;' we should be (so to speak) hearers in their synagogues; we should be students of their Rabbinical theology. And, in like manner, as we follow the apostle in the different stages of his varied and adventurous career, we must strive continually to bring out in their true brightness the half-effaced forms and colouring of the scene in which he acts; and while he becomes all things to all men, that he might by all means save some,' we must form to ourselves a living likeness of the things and of the men among which he moved, if we would rightly estimate his work. Thus we must study Christianity rising in the midst of Judaism, we must realize the position of its early Churches with their mixed society, to which Jews, proselytes, and heathens, had each contributed a characteristic element; we must qualify ourselves to be umpires (if we may so speak) in their violent internal divisions; we must listen to the strife of their schismatic parties, when one said 'I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos;' we must study the true character of those early heresies, which even denied the resurrection, and advocated impurity and lawlessness, claiming the right to sin that grace might abound,' 'defiling the mind and con

science' of their followers, and making them abominable and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate;' we must trace the extent to which Greek philosophy, Judaizing formalism, and eastern superstition blended their tainting influence with the pure fermentation of the new leaven which was at last to leaven the whole mass of civilized society.

"Again, to understand St. Paul's personal history as a missionary to the heathen, we must know the state of the different populations which he visited; the character of the Greek and Roman civilization at the epoch; the points of intersection between the political history of the world and the Scriptural narrative; the social organization and gradation of ranks for which he enjoins respect; the position of women, to which he specially refers in many of his letters; the relations between parents and children, slaves and masters, which he not vainly sought to imbue with the loving spirit of the gospel; the quality and influence under the early empire of the Greek and Roman religions, whose effète corruption he denounces with indignant scorn; the public amusements of the people, whence he draws topics of warning or illustration; the operation of the Roman law, under which he was so frequently arraigned; the courts in which he was tried, and the magistrates by whose sentence he suffered; the legionary soldiers who acted as his guards; the roads by which he travelled, whether through the mountains of Lycaonia or the marshes of Latium; the course of commerce by which his journeys were so often regulated; and the character of that imperfect navigation by which his life was so many times endangered."

The first volume of a new and copious commentary on the Epistles of St. John has appeared under the title of " Die drei Johanneischen Briefe, mit einem vollständigen Theologischen Commentare von Dr. F. DUSTERDIECK.' (Göttingen, 1852; pp. 392.) This volume contains a copious introduction (pp. 1-112), treating of the form, contents, and origin of the first Epistle, and carrying on the commentary to chap. i, 28. The second volume, completing the work, is promised in about a year.

The "Jahrbücher der Biblischen Wissenschaft, von HEINRICH EWALD, (viertes Jahrbuch, 1851-1852,) has made its appearance promptly. It is full of Ewald's trenchant criticisms and fierce assaults; but yet, as a record of current Biblical literature, it is of great value.

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