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spirituality, experimental religion, or, according to our old divines, heart-work. It is the enemy of Ritualism, Formalismof mere Scholasticism. Mysticismus, on the contrary, denotes the corruption or exaggeration of Mystik. This is our word Mysticism. The two are distinguished much as we distinguish, in common usage, spirituality and spiritualism, religion and religionism, piety and pietism. But, as the adjectives cannot be distinguished as the nouns are, the advantage lies, we think, with our language, and the German phraseology on the subject is open to a confusion from which we are free. In giving so negative a definition of mysticism as he does, pronouncing it simply the repudiation of dogma, the substitution of feeling for truth, of rational Ego, or the emotional Ego, for the authority of God,-M. Von Gasparin has shown himself too partial or too hasty. The generalization is by no means so easy. No one who has studied the phenomena of mysticism,-that strange tendency which has produced the most various and most contrary results-energy intense and absolute inaction; Titans and lotus-eaters-Egotheists, Pantheists, Nihilists, the Umbilicani of Mr. Athos and George Fox,-the Brethren of the Free Spirit and Madame Guyon,-at once the contemners and the devotees of vision and of miracle, the opposite of self-annihilation and of self-deification,-no one who has questioned these motley shapes, and listened to the Babel of their dialects, can imagine that the question concerning the nature of mysticism can be settled in so off-hand and curt a fashion. Dr. Ullmann knows what mysticism has been far better than his reviewer. The latter should be introduced to Hugo and Richard of St. Victor, and to Chancellor Gerson, countrymen of his in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fifteenth centuries, and he would learn that mysticism allied itself in them with that antagonist scholasticism, against which Bernard enlisted it— that it animated and interpenetrated, instead of repudiating, dogma-gained from the schoolman a tongue, and offered in return a heart. Spirituality, or religious feeling, becomes mysticism when it asserts an independent standing for itself, apart from intelligence, or moral order; when, not content with being a part, it arrogates to itself the whole of religion. It does so also when in its zeal against a false external authority it repudiates the true; when feeling and impulse are made an inspiration, and the zealot reads only in the internal Bible of self-will and the apocryphal book of fancy. Mysticism has clustered its luxuriance especially about the great doctrine of the union of the believer with Christ. It has lost sight, more or less, of the necessity of a Christ for us, in the emphasis it has laid on a Christ in us. Its error in this respect has lain in making the medium of such union, not faith, but in

tellectual intuition, or the reverie and the practice of the contemplative ascetic. It has represented this union, not simply as moral or spiritual-as consisting in a life which is lived by perpetual communication from the life which is in Christ-but as an essential oneness which confounds the divine and human personality, and which tends to obliterate the distinction between the sonship of Christ and the sonship of Christians, as though all devout or thoughtful men were incarnations of the Infinite. Hence its close affinity with pantheism. This whole question concerning the nature of mysticism, is one of great and growing importance. It reaches far beyond any personal dispute between a German and a French divine, and in this broader view Dr. Ullmann has treated it on the whole dispassionately and wisely.

The next paper-"A Word on the Contemplation of Nature from the Christological point of View "-is foolish and fanci ful. We thought it had been left to Jacob Behmen to find Christology in psychology, theology in metaphysics, and divine mysteries in natural phenomena. But here a Swiss doctor unintelligibly teaches how somnambulism and clairvoyance are ever recurring types, which find their highest realization in the life and death and prophetic office of the Son of God. Mankind would seem never to be cured of its old mistakes. Our modern theosophists may have a little more science, but assuredly no more wisdom than the old.

The "Life of Luther," illustrated by the able designs of König, with accompanying letter-press by Gelzen, is favourably reviewed: as is also a very different work,"The Thoughts, Essays, and Maxims of Joubert." Lechler's "Prize Essay" on the apostolic and post-apostolic age, is noticed with deserved approval. Dr. Lechler has already made himself favourably known in Germany by his "History of English Deism." His book is, in fact, a refutation of Baur and the Tübingen school of criticism.

THE October number of the same journal, contains the following articles:I. The Method of History of Doctrines, with special reference to the recent expositions of that science, by Dörtenbach, of Würtemberg: II. The Creation: an essay on the first and second chapter of Genesis, by J. G. Staib: III. The Reformatory and Speculative Elements in the tract entitled, "Deutsche Theologie," by Ullmann: IV. The Relation of Inspiration to the free intellectual activity of the Sacred Writers, by A. Köster, of Nassau: V. Delitzsch on Solomon's Song, reviewed by Umbreit: VI. Ritschl on the Origin of the Ancient Catholic Church, reviewed by Redepenning: VII. Jacobi's Naturlebes und Geistesleben, reviewed by Wächtler:

VIII. Elucidation of the newly revived claim of private confession upon the Lord's Supper, by Süskind, of Ludwigsburg. Köster's Article on Inspiration is thus noticed in the British Quarterly :

"He has a theory for escaping from the difficulty in reconciling the freedom of the sacred writers with the divine influence imparted in inspiration, that resembles those medicines which remove the disorder, but kill the patient. He supposes that revelation was made to Abraham, Moses, and others, not of doctrines, &c., but of facts. For example, Abraham's consciousness of God was miraculously elevated, so that he concluded God entertained for him an especial love, and would bless his soul; and thus the promise and covenant, made by God, are to be understood as the mere reflection of the patriarch's new views of the divine goodness. The "thus saith the Lord," throughout the Old Testament, is only a Hebrew mode of expressing the individual conclusions of those favoured persons as to what God would wish done, or would do. Moses is supposed to have derived the greater portion of the ceremo nial economy from Egypt; and yet, without any culpable fraud, to have represented every particular as according to a pattern divinely given. The circumstances attending the prescription of the Decalogue, because unfavourable to this notion, are supposed to be the relation of a later pen. The fact, that a man had attained views of the divine nature superior to those about him, is supposed by this writer to give him

warrant for issuing commands, announcing doctrines, and predicting the future, as he sees best; claiming meanwhile for every separate saying, the especial sanction of a divine injunction. This notion is the legitimate issue of the theory of inspiration propounded by Mr. Morell, in his "Philosophy of Religion." Such an hypothesis says little for their sense of the demands of truth who can maintain it. Their ethics are in even greater disorder than their theology."

Prospective Review, for October:-I. Money and Morals: II. The Eddas: III. Uncle Tom's Cabin: the Present Condition and Prospects of American Slavery: IV. Hartley Coleridge's Lives of the Northern Worthies: V. Lectures on Moral Philosophy.

Irish Quarterly Review, for September: -I. Poets of To-day and Yesterday: II. The Streets of Dublin: III. Italy in 1848; Hungary in 1851: IV. Dr. Maginn: V. Artistic and Industrial Exhibitions: VI. The Brehon Law Commission.

Christian Remembrancer, for October:-I. Ida Pfeiffer's Voyage to Iceland: II. Recent Poetry-Moir and Reade: III. Elec

tion of Proctors to Convocation: IV. Church
Festivals and their Household Words:
V. Achilli v. Newman: VI. Study of Words:
VII. Japan, &c.: VIII. Notices of New
Books and Pamphlets.

British Quarterly Review, for October :I. University Reform: II. French Memoirs of the Age of Louis XIV: III. China-its Civilization and Religion: IV. Mure's History of Greek Literature: V. The Theology of the Old Testament: VI. Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: VII. Shakspeare and Goethe: VIII. The Meeting of Convocation: IX. Our Epilogue on Affairs and Books.

English Review, for October:-I. Parochial Visitation: II. Tyler's Sermons: III. Practical Working of the Church of Spain: IV. Uncle Tom's Cabin: Negro Slavery in the United States: V. The Church, the Government, and the Elections: VI. Murray's Horatian Criticism: VII. Convocation: VIII. Short Notices of Recent Publications: IX. Foreign and Colonial Intelligence.

The Quarterly Review, for October:I. British Bards and Stonehenge: II. Ionian Islands: III. Salmon: IV. Dr. Chalmers: V. Sindh: VI. Lord Langdale: VII. Gold Discoveries: VIII. Parliamentary Prospects.

North British Review, for November :I. Oxford and the Royal Commission: II. The First French Revolution in Chemistry; Lavoisier III. Tuscany and its Grand Dukes: IV. Guizot on Shakspeare and Corneille; French Criticism: V. The In

fallibility of the Bible and Recent Theories of Inspiration VI. The Diamond; its History and Properties : VII. American Slavery, Uncle Tom's Cabin: VIII. The Modern Exodus in its Effects on the British Islands.

Westminster Review, for October :-I. The Oxford Commission: II. Whewell's Moral Philosophy: III. Plants and Botanists: IV. Our Colonial Empire: V. The Philosophy of Style: VI. The Poetry of the AntiJacobin: VII. Goethe as a Man of Science: VIII. The Profession of Literature: IX. The Duke of Wellington: X. Contemporary Literature of England: XI. Contemporary Literature of America: XII. Contemporary Literature of Germany: XIII. Contemporary Literature of France.

AMONG the books in Theology and kindred subjects recently announced in Great Britain are the following:

The History of the Christian Church. Vol. I. The Church in the Apostolic Age. By Henry W. J. Thiersch, Dr. of Philosophy

and Theology. Translated from the German by Thomas Carlyle. 12mo. London, Thos. Bosworth, 215 Regent-street:- Dr. Cumming's Expository Readings in the Book of Revelation. Expositions of the Chapters read on Sabbath Evenings in the Scottish National Church, Crown Court, Covent Garden, forming a continuous and complete Commentary on the Apocalypse:- The Church before the Flood: a Series of Lectures on the Book of Genesis. By Rev. John Cumming, D. D. Uniform with "Apocalyptic Sketches:"-Memorials of Early Christianity presenting, in a graphic, compact, and popular form, some of the Memorable Events of Early Ecclesiastical History. By the Rev. J. G. Miall, Author of "Footsteps of our Forefathers." In post 8vo., with Illustrations :-The Free Church of Ancient Christendom, and its Subjugation under Constantine. By Basil H. Cooper, B. A. 12mo. :-The New Reformation in Ireland: Interesting Facts and Anecdotes, illustrating the Extent and Character of the Movement. With a Map. By the Rev. Llewelyn W. Jones, M. A., Curate of Oswestry. In fep. 8vo. :-The Mission and Martyrdom of St. Peter; with Prefatory Notices by the Rev. Dr. Cumming and Rev. Dr. M'Caul. (This work gives the original Text of all the ancient passages supposed to imply St. Peter's Visit to Rome, with comments showing that there never was even a tradition to that effect.) 8vo. :The Lands of the Messiah, Mohammed, and the Pope, as visited in 1851. By J. Aiton, D. D., Minister of Dolphinton. 1 vol., 12mo. : -Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical. By the Rev. William Archer Butler, M. A., late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. Edited, with a Memoir of the Author's Life, by the Rev. T. Woodward, M. A., Vicar of Mullingar. 1 vol., 8vo. :The Eternal Duration of Future Punishments not inconsistent with the Divine Attributes of Justice and Mercy. By Geo. M. Gorham, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College.

AMONG the books in theological and general literature recently announced on the continent of Europe are the following:

Disquisitio de loco Paulino, qui est de Sikaiwoɛt, quam scripsit Lud. Guil. Ern. Rauwenhoff. Lugd. Bat., 1852. 136 pp., 8vo.

Zur Charakteristik des heil. Justinus, Philosophen und Märtyrers. Von Karl Otto. Wien, 1852. Broch.

De compositione evangelii Joannei. Scripsit Chr. Ern. Luthardt, Lic. theolog. Repetentis nomine ordini theol. adscriptus in Academia Erlangensi. Norimbergi, 1852. 92 pp., 8vo.

Disputatio de antiquissimo librorum sacrorum N. T. Catalogo, qui vulgo fragmentum Muratorii appellatur. Scripsit Jan. van Gilse. Amstelodami, 1852. 4to., pp. 30.

Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreibung. Von Dr. Fd. Chr. Baur, Prof. an der Universität zu Tübingen. Tübingen, 1852. 269 pp., 8vo.

Prophetæ majores in dialecto linguæ ægyptiaca memphitica seu coptica. Edidit cum versione latina H. Tattam. Tom. I., II. Oxonii, 1852. 976 pp., 8vo.

Hiob. Erklärt von Prof. Dr. Ludw. Hirzel. 2. Auflage durchgesehen von Dr. Just. Olshausen. Leipzig, 1852. 265 pp., 8vo.

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Codex Claromontanus, sive epistolæ Pauli omnes græce et latine. Ex cod. Parisiensi celeberrimo nomine Claromontani plerumque dicto sexti ut videtur post Christuma sæc. nunc primum ed. Dr. Const. Tischendorf, theol. P. O. Hon. Lips. Lipsiæ, 1852. 8vo., 599 pp.

Einleitung in die canonischen Bücher des neuen Bundes. Von Dr. Fr. X. Reithmayr, geistlichem Rath und Prof. Regensburg, 1852. 786 pp., 8vo.

Einleitung in die Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Von Dr. Adalb. Maier, geistl, Rath u. Prof. Freiburg, 1852. 604 pp., 8vo.

De christologia Paulina contra Baurium commentatio. Scrips. Jul. Fd. Räbiger, theol. Dr. et Prof. Vratisl. Vratislaviæ, 1852. 94 pp., 8vo.

Commentar über den Brief Pauli an die Römer. Von Dr. Fr. Ad. Philippi, ord. Prof. d. Theol. zu Dorpat. 3. Abth. Kap. 12-16 enthaltend. Frankfurt a. M., 1852. 154 pp. Svo.

Lehrbuch der christlichen Kirchengeschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der dogmatischen Entwicklung. Von Dr. W. Br. Lindner, Prof. zu Leipzig. 3. Abth. 1. Hälfte: Geschichte d. Kirche der neueren Zeit. Leipzig, 1852. 326 pp., Svo.

Christliche Dogmatik. Von Dr. J. Pet. Lange. 3. Thl. Auch unter dem Titel: Angewandte Dogmatik oder Polemik und Irenik. Heidelberg, 1852. 344 pp., 8vo.


MESSRS. CARLTON & PHILLIPS (200 Mulberry-street, New-York) have just ready for publication, " Manly Character, a series of Lectures to Young Men, by GEO. PECK, D.D. (12mo.)

The same publishers have in press, and will speedily issue, "The Brand of Dominic, or the Inquisition at Rome, supreme and universal, by Rev. W. H. RULE." This work describes "the history, policy, principles and practices" of the Inquisition in a way at once truthful, accurate, and impartial. It is a sober, earnest, telling book; and the more so as Mr. Rule makes no statement without giving the original authority for it. We predict a wide circulation for this little volume. The spirit of the Inquisition prevails among Roman Catholics more extensively now than for two centuries past, and the public mind of America should be disabused of the false notion that there is no danger to be apprehended from it. The Pope is something more than a bugbear, now that he is allying himself with all the despotic powers of Europe to put down freedom of thought.

WE continue our summaries of the contents of American Theological Journals:Bibliotheca Sacra, (Andover,) October :I. Autobiography of Dr. Bretschneider: II. Elements of Culture in the Early Ages: III. Protestant Christianity adapted to be the Religion of the World: IV. Islamism: V. Character of Infants: VI. Alleged Discrepancy between Paul and James: VII. Life and Services of Prof. Edwards: VIII. Sketch of Justin Martyr.

Biblical Repertory, (Princeton,) October: -I. Eloquence of the French Pulpit: II. The Gymnasium in Prussia: III. Laws of Latin Grammar: IV. The Apostles' Creed: V. Memoirs of Robert and James A. Hal

dane: VI. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah.

Christian Review, (New-York,) October: -I. Baptists of the Mississippi Valley: II. The Personality of the Holy Spirit: III. Life and Letters of Niebuhr: IV. William Penn and his Achievements: V. The Ark of the Covenant: VI. Spectral Illusions; their Causes and Laws.

Theological and Literary Journal, (NewYork,) for October :-I. Sources from which the Material of the Present Crust of the Earth were derived: II. Designation and Exposition of the Figures of Isaiah xxii: III. Excellence and Importance of Truth: IV. Tendencies of the Times: V. Critics and Correspondents.

Church Review, (New-Haven,) October:I. Science and Religion: II. New-England Theology: III. John Sterling: IV. Life and Character of Henry Clay: V. Life and Character of Bishop Henshaw: VI. Wesleyan Methodism: VII. Humphrey's History of the Propagation Society.

Southern Quarterly Review, (Charleston,) for October:-I. Battle of El Molino del Ray: II. Proprietary History of South Carolina: III. Value of Words: IV. Marcus Aurelius: V. English Universities: VI. Stephens's Lectures on the History of France: VII. Instruction in Schools and Colleges: VIII. Laws of Life: IX. Building and Loan Associations: X. Natural Characteristics of the Book of Jonah.

North American Review, (Boston,) for October:-I. Geology of California: II. Jeffrey's Life and Letters: III. Winthrop's Addresses and Speeches: IV. The Great Exhibition: V. Decline in the Value of Money: VI. Stiles's Austria in 1848-49: VII. Felton's Memorial of Dr. Popkin : VIII. Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers.

Classical and Miscellaneons. EUROPEAN.

TIMES have changed in England since Sydney Smith asked, "Who reads an American book?" If one might judge from the advertisements in the London newspapers, and from the book notices in Magazines and Reviews, the question might almost be, "Who in England reads any but American books?" Warehouses are opening to receive American "consignments;" firms are formed to do American "trade:" and every bookseller, almost, advertises for American

"orders." Apropos to this is the opening sentence of the "New Quarterly Review" (London) for October:-"Our backward glance over the productions of the quarter shall this time be brief. There is little to please the eye, much to mark a decadence in British Literature. We have importations wholesale from America.... but this is not British Literature. When those who have the care of the current literature of America, Germany, and France, have taken

away their volumes from the mass before us, how little remains to the merely English critic!"

THE analysis of language given by K. F. Becker in his German Grammar has been incorporated into almost every elementary book, whether relating to German, Latin, or Greek, since written in Germany. It has spread slowly in England and America through the translations of Kuhner and Becker, which have found more or less currency in both countries. A partial exposition of the theory is given in Arnold's "English Grammar for Classical Schools;" but no full outline even exists in English, except that afforded in "The Analysis of Sentences explained and systematized, after the plan of Becker's German Grammar, by J. D. MORELL, A. M." (London, 1852, 8vo., pp. 75.) Deviating but slightly from Becker, Mr. Morell presents the system with admirable brevity and perspicuity in this little volume, which we hope will be reprinted and widely circulated in this country.

"Ueber die Bauliche Einrichtung des Römischen Wohnhauses, von C. G. ZUMPT," (Berlin, 1852, 8vo., pp. 29,) is an account of the dwelling-houses of the Romans, their plans and arrangements, drawn partly from Vitruvius, and partly from the remains at Pompeii.

A third edition of "Niebuhr's Life and Letters" has appeared in London, with an additional volume consisting entirely of new matter, and comprising a Letter on Niebuhr's political conduct by Chevalier Bunsen, and selections from Niebuhr's Letters from Holland and minor writings.

The first volume of Sir Archibald Alison's new "History of Europe, from the fall of Napoleon to the accession of Louis Napoleon," has been recently announced in Edinburgh. "It is the object of the author in the present work, which will not, it is expected, exceed five volumes, or, at the utmost, six, to trace the great Social changes which have occurred since the termination of the wars of the French Revolution. The era which it will embrace, though less dramatic and moving than the animated one which terminated with the fall of Napoleon, is, perhaps, still more important: though it presents less of individual agency, it includes more of general progress." It is to be hoped that increase of years and experience has abated something of Mr. Alison's fierce Anti-Gallican and AntiAmerican prejudices.

"Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache" is the title of a paper read by JACOB GRIMM before the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin. It opposes the theory of a revealed language, and asserts that man invents language in consequence of his organization and its wants. Grimm passes a high (perhaps too high) encomium upon the English language, as follows:

"Indeed, the English language, which produced and sustained the greatest and most powerful poet of modern times in contrast to classic antiquity-that lansustained guage which produced and Shakspeare-may justly be called a world's language, and, like unto the English nation, it appears to be its destiny at some future period to exercise a still more powerful sway over all the countries of the earth, for in wealth, reason, and conciseness, there is none of the living tongues which can be compared to this English language; not even our own German, torn and divided as it is, like ourselves, and which must rid itself of many failings ere it can compete with this English language."

"Die Methode der Wissenschaft, von C. W. OPZOOMER, Professor der Philosophie an d. Universität zu Utrecht," (Utrecht, 1852, Svo., pp. 167,) is a summary of the doctrine of Logical Method, professing to follow Herschel, Whewell, Mill, and Comte, with deviations enough to give originality and self-sufficiency to the work.

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THE fourth volume of Scholica Hype mnemata, scripsit JOH. BAKIUS," (Lugd. Bat., 1852, pp. 336,) contains the following essays: I. De Instituto legum emendandarum apud Athenienses, (pp. 1-68); II. Emendatur Cicero in Tusculanis Disputationibus, (pp. 68-115); III. De Atheniensium eicpopa, (pp. 115-177); IV. Emendantur Cic. Oratt. Varr. Act. secundæ, (pp. 184–245); V. Attica, (pp. 215-285); VI. Emendantur Ciceronis Miloniana et Pisoniana, (pp. 285-351); VII. Corriguntur nonnulla in Eschinis Ctesiphontea, (pp. 315–336).

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WE have received the first part of the great Deutsches Wörterbuch von JACOB GRIMM und WILHELM GRIMM." (Leipzig, 1852, A-Allverein, pp. 240.) It is beantifully printed, and can be furnished here (Westermann, Brothers, 290 Broadway) at about 62 cents a number.

THE numbers of students in the principal German Universities for the last Semester were as follows:-Erlangen 400, of whom 151 studied theology; Freiburg 338, of whom 152 were theological students: Heidelberg 703 students, 62 theological;

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