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ambrace such an opportunity of conferring Wm. Rowley, Bart. Member for the counlasting benefit on the perishing Heathen." ty; Peter Godfrey, Esq.; Rev. Wm. Fon.

· The Rev. C. F. Steinkopik followed, and nereau, LL. B.; and Rev. Philip Gurdon, bore his testimony, from personal knoir M. A.-Edward Bacon, Esq. is Treasurer; ledge, to the character of the Missionaries --and Rev. Joseph Julian, B. A.; Rev. Wm. omployed by the Society. The Rev. John Edge, B. A.; Joseph Wooler, Esq.; and Mr. Hallward, Vicar of Malden, the Rev. Daniel E. Lawrance, are Secrétaries. Wilson, of London, the Rev. Melville Horne, and other gentlemen, contributed, Separate Fund for Schools among the by very impressive speeches, to awaken the

Heathen, &c. zeal of all present in the greatest and best In furtherance of the views stated by the of causes. Mr. Wilson's speech entered, Secretary, in the extract above givem from with much discrimination and force, into his remarks at Ipswich, the Committee have the subject of interesting the labouring resolved to open a SEPARATE FUND FOR classes and the young *.

THE ESTABLIŞHMENT AND SUPPORT OF The Rev. C. W. Fonnereau, Minister of SCHOOLS AMONG THE HEATHEN, AND IN St. Margaret's, rising to move the thanks THE FOREIGN POSSESSIONS OF THE BRIE of the Meeting to the Bishop of Norwich, TISH CROWN, addressed the Chair as follows:

“ Mr. Chairman,-Qur friend Mr. Pratt having, in the course of his very satisfac- EXTRACTS FROM PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS tory exposition of the views and proceed- RELATIVE TO TŅE BAPTISTS' MISSION- . ings of this Society, announced to you the ARY SOCIETY. flattering countenance which our worthy Extracts from Mr. 'J. T. Thomson's Bishop has given to this institution, by be

Journal of his Labours in Calcutta." On çoming our President, it remains only for

February 22, 1812, at a prayer-meeting at me to read an extract from a letter I have

my own house, having endeavoured to illushad the honour to receive from him. It is

trate and apply to the circumstances of those as follows:

present the conduct of the woman who "6To be President of an institution, the had spent all she had on physicians, and object of which is in every point of view sa

was nothing bettered, but rather grew highly laudable, cannot be otherwise than

worse' (Mark, v.), one of my hearers with agreeable to me; but the various duties of

great sorrow and shame related to me the this very laborious Diocese will not allovy

following particulars :-She some time ago me to take an active part in the conduct of

resided in a family at one of the military it: and it appears to me right, that this

stations near Calcutta. To the horror she circumstance should be clearly understood.

felt at her situation and circumstances, was And now, Mr. President, I will not tres added the melancholy consideration, that pass upon your time, and that of the com

all efforts to extricate herself from the bopany, by attempting to throw any additional

som of hell (as she termed it), had failed; light on a subject which has been so fully

and, therefore, after wasting much of her and so ably discussed. The feeling which

substance in the fulfilment of vows made to has been excited by it appears to me to be

as many peers * as she could possibly hear this; a sincere compunction at having so

of, she gave herself up to despair.' After a long withheld the succours necessary for while she thought there might be yet some promoting the spiritual emancipation of peer of whom she had not heard, and ac-, these benighted Indians! We may, howa cordingly had recourse to a woman of low ever, take for our consolation the parable

cast, who inspired her with the hopes of of the labourers in the vineyard : however speedy deliverance. A new vow was now late we may commence our labours, if but made, and the poor woman. bound down diligent and sincere, we have a Master who to a variety of the most rigid observances, will libcrally reward us.

anxiously waited for the time in whieh the The Vice-presidents of the Association

peer had promised his power would set her are, the Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe; Sir at liberty. Days and weeks and even

months passed, but she remained fettered

in her conscience, and vo peer arrived. - At : * We regret that our limits prevent us length she resolved to try no more experis from detailing more at large the various ments of this nature, but to wait the tercloquent and energetic appeals which are mination of her troubles, being certain that made at public meetings in favour of the all these peers were nothing. She had oe Society: and we beg particularly to apolo casion about this time to come to Calcutta, gize, on this ground, to several friends who and here it was that, “ wearied and heavy took a very important part in the Church laden,' she heard of Jesus; and though she Missionary proceedings at Bristol, and other Pinces, .

# Mahometan saints,

confesses herself unworthy, now views him a spectacle was exhibited which we seldom as an all-sufficient Saviour, and prays to be witness. The river, which at this place is more established in the truth. She has about three quarters of a mile wide, was given to me her ivory crucifix, the object of covered with men, women, and children, her former worship."

nearly to the middle of the stream. In one ." In the afternoon I renewed my visit to place was a Brahmun and his train of folthe once hardened prisoners in the house lowers, dipping themselves with the greatest of correction. The women here are but devotion in the sacred stream; in another, little interested; but the men, both old and a mother was seen dragging her shivering young, Hindoos and Mussulmans, when I child into the river; in another, a Gooroo compared their conduct towards God to instructing his disciples in the rites and cethat of the prodigal, and set forth his long- remonies practised on these occasions; in suffering and mercy through the Son of his short, every one, from the gray head to the love, were so' affected, that both they and youth scarcely versed in idolatrous ceremomyself found it a painful task to part. They nies, rich and poor, Brahmuns and Shoofollowed me as far as they could, and when drus, all seemed intent on the same object. we parted it was with tears. One of the The immense crowds which thronged the seapoys on the guard, à Hindoost'hanee man, shore seemed like a forest of heads. Soine told me with tears also, that though I had had travelled journeys of several days; some spoken in Bengalee, the words had pierced had come from Chittagong, others from his heart. During my address an inquisi, Orissa, and from other parts of the country tive Hindoo interrupted me by asking where not less than a hundred miles distant. our Lord Jesus Christ, the new Saviour About seven in the morning we went out, that I declared to them, had been for so and Deep-chund began to speak to the peolong time, that he had only now heard of ple; but so great was the press that we him? I told him that the Saviour I preached were obliged to climb a boat which lay on was no new Saviour, but the only one ap the shore with the bottom upwards; from pointed of God, even that God against which place we declared to them the ineffiwhom we had sinned; and that to him alone cacy of the act they were then performing all the ends of the earth are exhorted to to remove their sins, and pointed them to look and be sayed, "If he thon,' said he, be the Lamb of God. The people listened a Saviour for all the world, how is it that with the greatest attention. After preachthe Europeans, who appear to have had ing for more than an hour, we brought him revealed to them, did not all this time from our own boat a number of Scripturemake him known to us?' I told him, this tracts, but we were again obliged to ascend did not lessen the truth of my assertion; the boat, where the people followed us,

for that all the Europeans whom he saw in clambering up the sides till the boat itself - India were not Christians. He then in- was covered with the crowd, all eager to

quired, where the, Christians were whose obtain books. Thinking our situation unprinciples and conduct I would hold up for safe, on account of the pressure of the his imitation?”

crowd, we retired to our own boat; but i Mr. Jonathan Carey's Journey to Chag- there also the people followed us for books; da." On the 11th of March was the Hin some up to the neck in water; some even doo festival called Varonee; at which time swam to the boat, and having obtained vast numbers resort to all the places on the pamphlets swam again to the shore. After Ganges accounted sacred, in order to bathe. resting a few minutes, we landed a little · The brethren at Serampore having heard way higher up, and ascending a small hilthat at Chagda, about twenty-four miles lock, where a large number soon surroundfrom Serampore, a large concourse of peo- ed us, we again declared the truths of the ple would be assembled, and thinking it a' Gospel. A young Brahmun who said he favourable opportunity for disseminating was acquainted with Mr. Carey, raised a the word of life to the heathen, sent thither shout among the people, crying out HuriJonathan Carey, with the brethren Deep- bul*, which was soon vociferated by the chund and Vikoontha." The following is whole crowd, so that all our efforts to be the account of their journey:

heard were ineffectual. The noise having “ March 11, Left Serampore about in some measure subsided, we resumed our eleven in the forenoon, and arrived at Tri- discourse. At length Vikoont' ha discovered venee, a few miles beyond Chinsurah, about some people from his native village, whom seven in the evening; where we found that he addressed for more than an hour; after the people had bathed the morning before which a Brahmun, whose house lay at the we arrived, and had returned home. A entrance into the town of Chagda, entreated number of Ooriyas, however, had remained us to come and explain this new doctrine. to refresh themselves. We lay there all We went, and hither a crowd followed us, night, and set off next morning with the tide, wbich carried us to Chagda, where we * A sort of huzza! ør-Great is Diana arrived about seven in the morning. Here of the Ephesians.

to whom we explained our message. During and arrived at Serampore on Friday night, the discourse, a lewd Brahmun came up, where we learned that the printing-office and insulting us, said, that if we would had been consumed two days before." bestow upon him the means of gratifying * Account of the Death of Nunda-kishorá, his lewd desires, he would become our dis in a Letter from Mr. Ferrandez to Mr. ciple. Upon this, the Brahmün who had Ward.-" Ņunda-kishora died on Lord's invited us took up the matter, upbraided day, the 12th of January 1812, of a fever, * him for úttering such vile sentiments, and and a violent cold in his breast, with which continued disputing with him for a consi- he was seized about a fortnight before. The derable time. I was glad to observe that first week of his illness he took medicine; the people seemed to exult at his being put but when he found he was getting no better to shame. Having unanimously driven him by it, but rather 'worse and worse every day, away, they entreated us to proceed. After he desisted from taking any more, and told preaching for a long time, we distributed a his wife, who used to administer it to him, number of tracts, which the people received that she need not prepare any more, for with the greatest eagerness. From hence (said he) I shall not live much longer. It is we went to the market, and from thence to the will of my heavenly Father that ! a place where two robbers were hung in should be removed to himself. I am not chains: here the people's attention was afraid of death: I am prepared for it. I am drawr, off from our discourse by a number a great siņner; but I am happy in my mind of lewd fellows; and, night coming on, we that my sins are forgiven, through the sufreturned to the boat. In our way we be- ferings and death of my Redeemer, Jesus held a most gratifying spectacle: a number Christ. On hearing this, his wife and of people were sitting under a tree, growing children wept. He comforted them, and close to an old temple in ruins, dedicated to begged of them not to weep, as he was only Shira, and in the midst of them, a Brah- to be separated from theni for a little timei mun who had obtained a pamphlet, was er- he then exhorted them to give themselves plaining its contents to the attentive crowd. wholly to Christ. One day, observing his I could not help stopping to contemplate wife weeping by his bed-side, he said to her, this scene for å moment,-one of these "Do not weep, Sunjce; I am happy that I • images of the divinity,' with a poita hung shall soon see my Saviour if you wish me round his neck, and who had just been to be happy, cease to be so much grieved."" bathing with the rest of the people in the The New Testament was his constant com sacred stream, and from whose lips nothing panion when he was well : it became more had ever proceeded but the praises of the 50 during his illness ; and as long as he was gods, at the very door of the temple too, able he never ceased to read it. Whenever within whose walls he perhaps had been the factory servants, or his acquaintances accustomed to pay his idolatrous adorations, from the neighbouring villages, came to sec and from which very likely he had all his him, he used to speak to them on religious life received his maintenance-this inan be subjects, telling them 'how merciful God came an unwitting teacher of the Gospel! had been to him, in bringing him from This sight was so new and so cheering, that darkness to the knowledge of the Saviour, it compensated for all our trouble. Return- Throughout his illness, his wife and his ing through the bazar, we saw a man, who brother Durpa-narayuna say, his mind was had heen disappointed in obtaining a par- perfectly serene and tranquil. Three days phlet, buying a book of a boy who had res previous to his death he nearly lost his veived it from us gratis. On the whole, speech, answering questions put to him by considering the vast concourse of people, only a word or two, but he retained his we have reason to bless God for what was senses to the last. He expired without the done; some thousands of Scripture-tracts least struggle. All the factory servants and were distributed, many of them to people. 'many people of the village attended his who had come more than ten days journey, funeral, which was performed in a decent and who will carry them back into their own manner by the brethren. He left a son and country; so that though they went to a daughter, the former about fourteen, and Chagda to worship a river, they may have the latter about six years of age. He has found Him who is the pearl of great price; also left a nephew, whom he brought up and perhaps others also may become in- like his own child since his father's death. clined to read these pamphlets, and may be The above account I received from Sunjee converted. Night coming on, and all our and Durpa-narayuna." stores being exhausted, we took our Icave,


Church of England Magazine. .


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MÉMOIR OF THE LATE EARLE other time." The divine work be.

GILBEE, D.D. RECTOR OF gan and was carried on very graBARBY, IN NORTHAMPTON- dually in his own soul. He exaSHIRE,

mined carefully every doctrine

before he took it up as an article EARLE Gilbee descended from a of his creed. Hence he was thohighly respectable family in Kent *. roughly grounded in every prinHe was educated at the Charter- ciple which he embraced. house, where for a considerable In the year 1795 he was insti. time he was the head scholar. tuted to the living of Barby in From thence he was entered at Northamptonshire, on which he University College, Oxford, where constantly resided till he died, and. he successively took the degrees never employed à curate. Here of A. B. A. M. B. D. and D.D. he became a diligent, faithful, and While he was at college, his con- successful minister of Christ. He duct and attainments procured preached twice every Sunday, behim the marked esteem of his tu- sides an occasional catechetical tors, one of whom is now head of lecture in the evening. He estathe Charterhouse. .

blished a week-day lecture also in · His first exercise of the minis- the church, and used moreover to try was in London, where he serve assemble many of his parishioners ed a church for some years. Du- weekly or occasionally for pastoral ring this period he was deeply im- instruction at his own house. pressed with the importance of In these exercises he shone as preaching the truths of the word the able, laborious, yet humble of God in their primitive purity; servant of Christ and his church. in fact, he delivered the sound His sermons were highly finished, doctrines of the reformers from yet delivered in a style so clear the pulpit, even before he inwardly and plain, that they no less exexperienced much of their power cited the admiration of the best on his own heart. Hence, when scholars than the delight of the some of his hearers at that period pious cottager. Their charactercame to him for counsel under istic quality was elegant simplicity their anxiety of mind, he, not united to sound argument and im.. knowing well what clear direction pressive language. They possess. to give, would say, “ You must ed a peculiar force, which rivetted go away now, and come some the attention and won the heart of

the hearer. Truth was directed · * It is understood that the reverend divine of the same name who was appoiuted

to the conscience as with a quick by King James I. as one of the translators and powerful sword. The“ suavi. o the Bible, was bis ancestor.

ter iñ modo" and the “ fortiter in CHRIST, GUARD. Vol. VI. . M

re,' were each singularly exem- among the Jews.' The other was plified in his discourses. Great 'one of the annual sermons preachHuency and command of language ed at London (in 1812) in aid of distinguished his manner of preach the funds of the General Missioning.

ary Society. The interest. which His theological sentiments were he took in the great and important - strictly in unison with those of the causes wherein these two societies

church of which he was a minis, are respectively engaged, is proved ter and a bright ornament: not, by the ability and eloquence which. indeed, in that distorted sense in he exhibited on both these occa.. which some of those who call sions. themselves her sons profess her He has left a work behind him,, creed; but in the plain, obvious, " part prepared for the press, and and grammatical sense in which part not finished. It is a schemie every .unbiassed mind' must under- of sermons, designed by him for stand her. He resorted to no the younger clergy. If this work fine-spun theories of accommoda- should be published, it will be a tion to reconcile the doctrines of valuable present to those for whom the church to his own sense of the it was composed. . holy Scriptures. He saw a per- With the finest sense and a pro'fect agreement between the prin- found knowledge in' all subjects ciples of the Book of Common connected with his profession, Dr. Prayer, the Thirty-nine Articles, Gilbee manifested a ductile and and the Bible. He was honest in condescending disposition, which his attachment to our establish- . could not fail to excite love and ment, and would have professed respect. He entered into whather creed, whether she was exter- ever concerned his friends with a nally adorned with wealth, or de- deep interest, which often matepressed by poverty.

rially conduced even to reconcile His talents were of the first or them to their' affliction, since it der. His mind comprehensively called forth his truly Christian embraced every subject to which friendship to sympathize with, and its attention was directed. His afford them valuable counsel. voice was harmonious, and his. He was a firm friend to the Bripronunciation sweet and musical. tish and Foreign Bible Society, All he was, and all he possessed, and much rejoiced in witnessing was consecrated to the glory of the establishment of an auxiliary God.

'society in the county of NorthHis disposition was most kind ampton, in 1812. He justly conand amiable; it, attached to him sidered that institution as the all who knew him. His manner greatest ornament and support to had a benevolence and suavity. the cause of religion and benevorarely met with even among great lence. He believed it to be a pil. and good men. In his parish, in lar to the established church of his family, in his connexions with England, a blessing to all foreign friends and relatives, he ever ap- nations, and the glory of our own. peared the man of God, endeared As such, he joined with all his to all by his virtues.

heart and influence that host of Dr. Gilbee published two ser- wise and good men of all ranks mons, by request of the commit. who have so happily succeeded in · tees of the institutions in whose promoting the formation of Bible

behalf they were preached. The institutions throughout every part

first was delivered at Kettering, in of the British dominions. " · 1811, in support of the London A highly-valued friend of Dr. G.

Sosiety for promoting Christianity observes concerning him : " What

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