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It was truly lamentable to behold the sim- new schools before stated, they had disple, honest countenances of the peasants, tributed 29,075 Spelling-books, and 4184 who had travelled in from different parts of Testaments ; that since the commencement the country, and observe the superstitious of the institution (1785), the Society had and unmeaning ceremonies with which they issued 386,460 Spelling-books, 79,363 were entertained under the name of Reli- Testaments, and 8139 Bibles, to 4247 gion.

schools, containing upwards of 350,000 The lights, the curtains, the music, the children. Thirty years have nearly elapsed priests, and the ceremonies, have more the since the commencement of this benevolent appearance of the transactions and persons institution; and notwithstanding its proof a theatre, than any thing I ever saw. gressive labours during that period, Sun

Popery is a complete farce. The people day schools are still rising up, both in the are amused; the priests are gratified; God metropolis and throughout the kingdom. is dishonoured, and souls are ruined. Like The importance and advantage of common an English Oratorio, the thing is brought education are now generally admitted; and forward under the name and appearance of many who formerly opposed its operation, Religion, but is as far from the reality as are now become its zealous advocates. In light from darkness. All here is darkness addition to the well-directed exertions of itself. Few ever heard of a Bible, and this Society at home, they bave succeeded very few ever saw one. Many have no in establishing Sunday schools at Antigua, word to espress the idea of a Bible. There Nova Scotia, the Cape of Good Hope, and are no obstacles whatever to the circulation in the island of Cape Breton, in North of Bibles, Testaments, and Tracts to any America, where the moral condition of the part of the British ammy in this neigbbour rising generation is represented to be most hood. The Commandant, to whom I pre- deplorable, and calling aloud for help. In sented some Tracts, and a Prayer-book, the last annual Report of this Society, very from the Prayer-book and Homily Society, gratifying information was afforded by the has granted me a billet, and all are very establishment of floating Sunday schools, kind. The Spanish people are very willing on board His Majesty's ships at the Nore, to receive Tracts and Bibles in that lan- and elsewhere; they now report, that they guage. St. Sebastian's is an heap of ruins; have likewise succeeded in promoting two fifteen hundred of the inhabitanés have well-regulated schools, under the superinperished in the Pyreenes, since the siege, tendence of the surgeon on board two conand I feel particularly anxious to disperse vict ships, bound for New South Wales, who Bibles amongst the remainder that is left. has written, that the convicts (three hunI go on from hence to Fontarabia, cross the dred and nineteen in number), with a few Bidassoa, visit St. Jean de Luz, and from exceptions, behaye well; that many of thence proceed to Bourdeaux. Suffer me, them, by means of the instruction giren to my dear Sir, to entreat your prayers for all them, can now read in the Bible; and that possible success to attend an expedition he is inclined to believe they will have reawhich I view increasingly important.

son to bless the day when the Sunday Şchool Society was formed. The Society have farther directed their þumane atten

tion, in the course of the past year, to SOCIETY FOR THE SUPPORT AND ENCOU- both French and American' prisoners of .

KAGEMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS war, many of whom have been brought to

THROUGHOUT THE BRITISH DOMINIONS. a state of considerable improvement and .. Vice-Presidents. -Sir Thomas Baring, good conduct, and to a persuasion, no Bart. M.P.; Joseph Benwell, Esq.; Tho- doubt, that, although they are England's mas Boddington, Esq.; Charles Grant, prisoners, Englishmen are nevertheless Esq. M. P.; John Harman, Esq.; William their friends. In addition to the great inHenry Hoare, Esq.; John Maitland, Esq.; crease of labour which the statement above Sir Thomas Plumer, M. P.; Hon. Philip must necessarily have occasioned, the RePusey; Benjamin Shaw, Esq. M. P.; Sa- port of the Committee states also, that they muel Thornton, Esq. M. P.; William Wil- have directed their attention to the educaberforce, Esq. M.P.

tion of adults, and that schools for this unAt the Annual General Meeting of this lettered class of society are already estaSociety, held at Batson's Coffee-house, blished both in England and Wales, conCornbill, on Wednesday, the 13th of April ducted by persons of mature age, with the last, tbé Committee reported, that, since most encouraging success. Indeed, it is the last Annual Meeting, .264 schools well known, that there is a vast number of had been added to the Society's list, and persons in this country, advanced to years assistance repeated to 61 other schools of maturity and old age, entirely ignorant formerly established; for which, and the of the first rudiments of knowledge. The


Committee farther reported, that both

£. $. d. Wales and Ireland continue their exertions William Cardale, Esq. Second ; in the good work of Sunday-school edu- Donation..... ........... 20:0 0 cation. Wales is described as having un- John Cardale, Esq. Stourbridge 5 0 . dergone a general moral cultiration by W. C.....4..

::.:.::.... *1 0 0 these means; and present circumstances The Rev. W.C. Alix......... 5 0.0 encourage them to hope, that, in a few Miss C. Alix............... 1 0 years, Ireland will, through the Divine Several Contributions by the blessing on the attempts to educate, the Rev. E.T.M.Philips, Hathern My poor, widely exhibit traces of contentment, ' Parsonage, Loughboro' ..... 6 0 0 industry, and good order, astonishing those Charles Holehouse, Esq. Union who have judged of it merely by those Street, Borough......... ; 2 2 O, poxious weeds which have sprung up in Collection at the Brethren's Cha consequence of her having been so long pel at Woodford.......... 13 10 0 neglected. After such an exposition of the Mr. Montague. ....... 100 proceedings and effects of this useful So- The following by the Rey. J. HOLME, ciety, little need be said to enforce its claims to patronage and support on the

Dublin. ... minds of enlightened and benevolent Chris

Profits of a Journal, given by ... tians. Providing as it does, at an easy ex

Mr. Gracehill, County of Anpense, and without interruption to their

trim...................*31 6 employment or gains, the means of instruc

Donations given in consequence in tion for the lower classes of society, it opens

of its Perusal.............*32 4 9 à way for the general diffusion of useful

Collection in the Congregation knowledge, and the maintenance of those

of the United Brethren, Dubindustrious habits which contribute so

.. *47 12 greatly to the vigour, the improvement, and Rer. Thomas Scott, Aston Sandthe stability of a country. At present the ford.................... *5 0 demand for its aid exceeds any thing which A Legacy from Miss Marianne has yet been experienced. Its operations Birtill, Bristol. ........ 45 Ö Ö are going forward in the greater part of the Association of Ladies, Bristol.. 35 0 0 British : dominions, both at home and Rey. J. Hall, ditto.......... 5 abroad; and there is reason to believe, that, N. I. H. by C. N. Wawn, Esq. if suitably supported, it will penetrate into Newcastle upon Tyne...... 2 2 O those parts which remain unenlightened, Rev. J. Acaster...

........ 1 1 0 and supply the poor with the means of un- D. Russell, Esq............. 5 0 0 derstandinġ and appreciating those Scrip- Mrs. Barker, Silverton, Devontures which, through the blessing of God, shire ........ ....... 2 2 0 may make them wise unto salvation. Sub- Miss Kemp, Reading........ 500 scriptions and donations will be thankfully Peter French, Esq. ditio ..... .5' 0 0 . received by Messrs. Down, Thornton, and Mrs. E. Vines, ditto ......... .

1 0 . Co. Bartholomew Lane; Messrs. Hoare, Rev. Joseph Watkins, ditto ... 1 1 0 Hill, ind Barnett, Lombard Street; Messrs.' The latter three by the Rev. Mr. JACKSON, Martin and Co. Lombard Street; and at

No. 19, Little Moorfields, by

Right Hon. Earl of Crawford
THOMAS SMITH, Secretary and Lindsay...............*10.10 0

A Friend at Brompton....... 1 0 0

Friends at Windsor, ......... 100, CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE RELIEF OF THE A small Society at Chelsea... 0 5 0 ** MISSIONS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Mrs. Irwin....

..... 0 5 0 Mr. Souter ...

.... 0.5 0 . . By the continued kindness of the Editors of the Christian Guardian, we are permit

The following eighteen by Mr. PLENDERted again to insert the names of those bei

LEATH, Edinburgh. nevolent contributors to the support of the T. M......... ....... 2 2 0 Missions of the United Brethren, who have, Mr. Besbie, Cairndennis...... 1 1 0 within the month past, sent their kind do- Mr. J. Crombie, Haddington... 1 1 0 nations to us, which we acknowledge with Mr. Samuel Brown. ......... 1 1 0 the most heartfelt gratitude.. ,

Mrs. Brown.... ........ 0 10 6 C. I. LATROLE, Secretary.

Mr. James Bruce, Edinburgh. . 1 1 0

A Friend..........
J. L. WOLLIN, Treasurer.

......... 1 1 0

A Society of Ladies, by Mrs. The sums marked with an asterisk are des-, Bag.......... ..... 2 12 0

tined for the relief of the sufferers at George Syme, Esq............ 2 2 0 Moscow, mentioned in the Appeal. Mrs. Haldane.............. 1 1 0

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£. s. d. praying for during so many ages, has Aberdeen P. Society for pro

adopted the very measures which some of moting religious Knowledge,

the wisest and best of men have suggested by the Rev. Alexander Kirk

and urged not less than å century ago.' land; transmitted by A. Du

So slow and taxdy have we been in a work, guid, Esq................. 20. 0 without the accomplishment of which the Additional to the Rer. -Mr.

prospects of Revelation can never be reBurn's Sermon........... . 6 alized, nor its truth fully substantiated.. . The Rev. Mr. Slark, Delyton... 1 0 The Rev. Alex. Fletcher took occasion, The Rer: Mr. Sheriff, Tranent 0 10 6 to contrast a striking prediction of the Mrs. Emlington, by ditto, ditto 0 10 6 final restoration of the Jews, with the proCollected by Mrs. Robins..... @ 10 10 · phecies of their degradation, inferring the Collected after a Sermon at Ur.

certainty of the one from the completion of qubart, Rosshire, by the Rev.

the other, Mr. M‘Donald............ 20 0 0 The Rer. Darid Ruell spoke of the Jews Nr. Maliphant.......... .. 5 ó as an interesting people, in every point of Mrs. Viney ...........

'view having claims upon our compassion, Friends ........

justice, and gratitude, and refuted some Mys. Kynell, 5s. ; a Friend, 2s 6d 0 7 6

objections, especially as to the time. Mr. Bunce....


The Rev. Mr. Frey introduced the Jew

0 5 0 · Mr. Edwell.....

ish children, whose cause he pleaded, and Mr. Garford .........

that of his brethren, with much feeling. A Friend ....

0 4 6

He was supported by the Rev. Mr. GrimMr. Simpson..............

012 0
shaw, wbo claimed from Christian mother's

. A very poor aged Woman .... 0 2

maternal tenderness for Jewish children. 0

Mr, Stevens stated the absurdity of some Ms. J. Hind..... Friend, by ditto.......... 0 6 0

objections which had been made to the

Society, and was followed by Mr. Graves, D. M urray................. 1 0 0 Four Children............... 0

who connected the objects of the Society

5 0 William Henry Strudwerks ... 0 5 0

in the nost impressive manner with the Franeis Barry, 5s.; Mr. Egg

recent deliverance of the Continent. brecht, 3s. 6d. ........... 08

W. Cuninghame, Esy, showed the bear6

ing of the conversion of the Jews upon the Mr. Baseler................ 0 100 A Friend to the Brethren..... 100

fulness of the Gentiles; in which he was

followed by the 1. Thompson, Esq. .........105 0 0

Kev. Dr. Collyer, who with much ability endeavoured to prove, by a reference to

prophecy, that the general conversion of LONDUN SOCIETY."

the Jews must precede that of the Gentiles : On Monday, May 9, a most respectable that on those who admitted this interpretmeeting was held at the Grove House, Cam- ation, the obligation was peculiarly bindherwell, for the purpose of forming & ing to promote the objects of the instituLadies' Auxiliary Society in aid of the tiou ; and even where it was agree that London Society for promoting Christianity the conversion of both would be corral, he among the Jews; Lewis Way, Esq. in the would press the duty of coeral exertions chair, in the absenec of the Right Hon. likewise on their own ground and prineiLord Dundas.

ples, that what they were willing to do The Rev. Dr. Colyer stated the general for the Gentiles, they should equally labour objects of the Parent Institution, the prin- to do for the house of Israel; and one ciples upon wbicb it is conducted, and the common sentiment of Cbristian charity and specific object of the meeting, which was exertion extend to both Jew and Gentile. the edncation and support of Jewesses.

The Chairman, in concluding, pleaded The Rev. Mr. Grimshaw pointed out the powerfully the cause of the Society, and mecessity of the measure by an affecting ape glosed a public meeting of as great interest peal to the feelings of Christians, founded as perhaps was ever excited; which was on the destitute and negleeted condition of followed by subscriptions and a collection Jewesses.

exceeding -931. Mr. Brown, of Huntingdon (a respecto able member of the Society of Friends), EPISCOPAL JEWS CHAPBL AT SETHNAD addressed the Meeting with considerable perspicuity and effect.

GREEN. The Rev. Mr. Vowles combated serera! The above chapel being nearly finished, mhjections ; observed, that the London So- will be opened carly in July, when a sertot in directing its efforts to an object man will be preached before His Royal wisiek the whole Christian charel has been Highness' tbe Duke of Kent, by the Rev.

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Francis Randolph, D. D. Prebendary of Gating, in a great degree, the tremendous Bristol, and Chaplain to His Royal Higb- evils under which hex population laboured. uess the Duke of York,

To you, we in the metropolis are indebted The day and other particulars will be for the gift of that man who is an ordaduly advertised.

ment to society, and has exalted the chai

racter of the British nation. His labours CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY AT HULL. in behalf of suffering humanity, I am con- On Wednesday, June 1, pursuant to

fident, will never cease, until his feeble advertisement, a meeting was held in the

body sinks into the grave, and his spirit School Room, Salthouse Lane, and most

ascends tó that God who gave it. What numerously attended, for the purpose of person who hears me w

of person who hears me will not join in the establishing a Missionary Society in Hull exclamation of the poet, and neighbourhood, auxiliary to the Church

-.Q blessed land, Missionary Society for Africa and the East. Where Clarks

nd the East Where Clarkson and where Wilberforce At half-past eleven o'clock the Right Wor

were born!'" &c. &c. .' shipful the Mayor took the chair.

Rev. T. Dikes, LL. B. Minister of the The Rev. Josiah Pratt concluded a most New Church." After the eloquent specch impressive speech in the following manner: of my relative Mr. Pratt, it may dappear

It was highly gratifying to look back almost unnecessary to take up any more of upon the progress which the Parent Society your time in enforcing and elucidating the had made. It was only established 14 subject to which your attention has been years ago. In the first 13 years the l'e- so ably directed. But, as I have long beet ceipts had averaged 2000l. per annum.' à resident minister of the town, it seeins The last of these 13 years they amounted incumbent upon we not to remain silent; to 30001.; but in the fourteenth year just and I am happy to say, that not only my ended they had amounted to 14,0001. duty, but every feeling of my heart, urgas. Their expenses had increased acoordingly, me to support this institution. Indeed, it and in the last year bad reached about may be supposed that the ministers of this 12,000l. The tbrowing open the vast con- town have been deficient in' zeal in not . tinent of India to missionary labours, af- having come forward at an earlier period, forded large scope : for future exertions. to plead the cause of the Society : there As one of the many places which had pe- were however reasons sufficiently urgent, titioned for the attainment of this object, to induce them to wait for the favourable the inhabitants of Hull were called upon, opportunity which now happily presents in common consistency, to support those itself. wbo were desirous of taking advantage of “But I am induced to rise, on the prethe benefits procured in consequence of sent occasion, not only to declare my these petitions. Noble examples had al bearty approbation of the general quesready been set in various places. An tion; but likewise to do away any unpleaAuxiliary Society bad recently been form)- sant feelingo which might exist in the ud at Norwich, under the patronage of minds of our dissenting brethren, in that the venerable Bishop of that diocese. lg we declined acting in concert with them, Yorkshire many similar institutions are al- and making one common cause for the proready formed. It was incumbent upon motion of the good work of God among the inhabitants of Hull not to disappoint the heathen nations. This did not arise these expectations to which their former from any mean jealousy, from any paltry liberality had given riše. “I foel (conti- considerations of party, from any essential nued the Bev. Gentleman) that in this place differenco respecting the great doctrines of I stand almost apon sacred ground. I re- religion; but it did appear to us, that the collect, as I doubt not you all do, the greatest good would be effected by acting memory of departed worth, to which separately. In the Bible Society, we are Christians of all denominations are so happy to join them ; yça, we are happy, on inuch indebted., and I pray to God that all occasions, to give them the right hand the truths delivered from the pulpit by of fellowship, when we can do it without your late excellent minister (Mr, Milner) sacrificing principle; and wiren the object and embodied in his Church History, may in view can be steadily pursued without never be forgotten. I know that you are any collision of sentiment. But the meme under the greatest obligations for living bers of the Establishment differing as they worth as well as for worth departed. In do from them on shurch government, and soliciting your attention to the wants of various modes of worship, would naturally Africa, it would indeed be unpardonable adopt planş rolative to those points which to forget what Africa already owes to your would not approve themselves to their disfiberality. To you she is indebted for that senting brethren. Hence it is that eren exalted man, who has been the principal some bodies of dissenters judge it expec means of breaking her fetters, and eradi- dient to act' separately. And I verily be

lieve, that it this way harmony is better with that of her departed lord into Parapreserved; and far more good done by the dise : I may only request you to cast your Baptists, the United Brethren, the London eyes over the vast empire of China, over Missionary Society, the Methodist Mis the immense tracts of country in which sionary Society, the Society for Missions to the faith of Mahomet, professedly propaAfrica and the East, than if they had gated by the sword, prevails, and what joined their forces and acted as one compact will you find there but murders under the and undivided body. The members of the sanction of religion, robberies and opEstablishment, Sir, rejoice to see the zeal pression under the sanction of government; and ardour with which their dissentiog bre- and that sort of bigotted superstition which thren have entered upon the great work: forbids all inquiry, effectually checks every we greatly rejoice in their success; and soit of knowledge, and prevents every sort shall be happy at all times to lend them a of improvemeut? Much has been said in helping hand in promoting the good cause favour of Mahometanism. I have often in which they have so earnestly and so ho- looked into the Koran, and I may well nourably engaged.

ask what can be expected from a religion " It has been the happiness of my life to which teaches, that the chief happiness of live, as I trust I have done, for these last Heaven consists in sensual enjoyments ? twenty years, on terms of mutual and cor- --See Mahomet riding through fields of dial esteem with the various depominations slaughter. See him in his harem, immersed of Ministers in this town. - My venerable in sensuality with his wives and concubines; friend, the late Mr. Milner, whose inemory and then turn to the spotless life and boly will ever be bold sacred in the breast of example of Jesus Christ, and the contrast piety, and to whose character I am ever will strikingly exhibit the difference behappy to give a sincere testimony of re- tween the two religions. Under the baleful spect, always laboured to promote this light of the Crescent, nothing that is good, desirable union. Tloose who have suc- nothing that is holy, has ever flourished.. ceeded him are willing in this, as well, I “Upon the whole, it is apparent that a trust, as in other respects, to tread in his vast difference exists between Christian and steps. And it would be injustice not to other countries, in point of mornls, knowallow that the dissenting Ministers here ledge, and happiness: that difference 'remerit our approbation, and are too deeply mains to be accounted for. The benign - sensible of the importance of the essential influence of the Gospel accounts for it, and doctrines of religion to quarrel about modes nothing else in the judgment of candour and of worship, and points of doubtful disputa- fairness can do so. I survey the doctrines tion. Let there be no rivalry between us, of the Gospel : I examine thoroughly the except that of excelling each other in every Christian religion which I profess to be good word and work.

lieve: here, I see no pilgrimages, no peI will venture to lay down a position nances, no bloody altars, no human sacriwhich, I conceive, eannot be called in fices, no self-inflicted tortures, no impious question; that, wherever Christianity has ceremonies: but I find a religion as pure been fully established," she has always pro- and as holy as the breast from which it duced the most happy effects on the man- emanated. The Cross is indeed the symbol ners, happiness, civilization, and moral of our salvation, but not of our sufferings: state of mankind; and that wherever He suffered on it, wbo died to redeem a Christianity is unknown, there, generally fallen race. We look unto him, our sins speaking, God is unknown, there vice and are pardoned, our iniquities subdued, our misery, and every abomination prevails. resentment overcomie, our passions softLet any man, with a moderate knowledge ened, and love, and peace, and joy tale of history, cast his eyės upon the map of possession of our breasts. the world, and compare the state of the “We feel the influence of this holy reinhabitants of such places as are favoured ligion in our hearts. We expect salvation with the light of the Gospel, with that of for ourselves through Jesus Christ; we ex. other countries unacquainted with Chris- pect salvation for our children, our friends, tianity, and what will the result be? I and neighbours. Shall we confine the blessneed not' dive into the deep recesses of ings of the Gospel to ourselves, to our own Africa, and call to light the incantations, of families, to our own countries? Did Christ witchcraft, cr, expose ihe bloody rites and die for us only ? Hath he not other sheep, human sacrifices, which besinear the gloomay who are wandering in the barten mounałtars of Paganism: I need not open the tains, without a shepherd, without food, temple of Juggernaut, and bring forth the without protection ? grini.idol, under whose ponderous car the.“ Perhaps some persons here may say, and devotee dooms himself to perish : I need say perhaps profanely enough- Is God's not lead you to view the sad funeral pile, mercy to be confined to us? May not the on which the unhappy widow must be burnt heathen be saved without the knowledge of alive, in order that her soul, may 'ascend Christ ?' I am afraid that people who

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