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them, if they could not raise the sum, to their exertions should not be diminished offer their passports (without which a Rus- until every individual in Russia possessed a sian peasant cannot enjoy his daily liberty) Bible. This was the determination of the as the pledge of payment. "In Denmark great and good Alexander. 'Even the peafive thousand Bibles, and five thousand ex- sants in Russia have caught the sacred tra New Testaments, had been printed in flame, and the inhabitants of Siberia take the Icelandic language, and circulated in the lead. They are greatly indebted to different parts of Iceland. In these north- the British and Foreign Bible Society-and ern regions, eight years ago, there had their zeal, he hoped, would stimulate the been but one Bible to a thousand persons, inhabitants of this country. They were and now there will be one in ten; and one desiring to unite with you in carrying the Testament to every fire persons. In Swe- Bible through every part of the world. He den the President of the Bible Society de- could assure them that such a disposition şired that he might express the obligations existed at Petersburgh. He could not but they felt to the parent institution. In the again express his great satisfaction at being second visit of Dr. Brunmark last summer to present at this anniversary of the instituSweden, in every place they received the tion. His expectations had been enlarged, Scriptures from this Society with every feel. but now they were more than realized. ing of lively joy and gratitude. In Peters- Gladly would he stay all his days in this þurgh the Bible Society goes on prosper- happy country; but already he heard a qusly; in proof of which he had only to voice from the north of Europe, saying, ştate, that the Bible was now on sale in “ Return and help us ;" ( and," added he, that city in fourteen different languages, “I cheerfully obey the call." and that sixty thousand copies in ten dif- The Rt. Hon. Chancellor of the Excheferent tongues were preparing for publica- quer moved thanks to the President, which ţiod; and these were eagerly sought for was seconded by the Bishop of Salisbury, and purchased with avidity. No circum- and put by His Royal Highness the Duke stance could be more beneficial to the Rus. of Kent. It was received with the usual sian empire. They are now taking every acclamation, and with gratitude by his proper method to supply the increasing de- Lordship. mand. For this purpose they have ordered The Chanceller of the Exchequer obfive thousand Bibles and Testaments to be served, that it would be a superfluous printed in the native Russian, without any waste of time to congratulate the President note or appendages, merely preserving the on the glorious results of the last year. It pure text of Scripture. The demand for was now, indeed, two years since he had the modern Greek New Testament is so asserted in that place, “ that a Christian great in South Russia, that letters have had no enemies.” This sentiment is now been received declaring that they are en- realized to us, as Britons and citizens, by tirely exhausted. The necessity for print- the recent occurrences of Providence. if ing the Armenian Scriptures will appear ever the hand of Providence had been viwhen it is told, that it was with the great- sible in the affairs of mankind, it was so in est difficulty that a copy could be procured the transactions of the last twelve months, to print from, and which cost sl, and at and these astonishing events had a most fathat price esteemed a favour. In Polish vourable aspect toward this country. If we Russia the demands for the Scriptures were look round for our enemies, how they are frequent and urgent--the Roman Catholic dispersed! A peace has been brought bishops and clergy united to promote the about, not of an ordinary kind, not merely objects of this Society. Little Bible asso a respite, of a transient nature; not a susçiations were formed, and all unite to pro- pension of arms, in order to renew hostilimote and forward the circulation and print. ties with fresh vigour;' not the trick of ing of the Holy Scriptures. It appears diplomatic chicanery, to obtain advantage that one million of copies have already been under the semblance of negotiation, but circulated in the Russian dominions; but the universal assent of contending powers how many millions more are necessary yet to lay aside long-rooted prejudices and hos to supply the whole population of the north tility, by the manifestation of brotherly of Europe! In Finland there was the love. The union was cordial, like brothers greatest desire for copies of the Holy and friends, and they embraced each other Scriptures, and the New Testament would as Christians. He would also assure the soon be ready. It would require many Very Rev. gentleman who spoke before, years before this country would be fully that the seed had already been sown in supplied, as there were three hundred thou: France, and suitable means for this purşand persons destitute of a Bible. It was pose had not been neglected by the Society. the happy determination of the Russian Bible Society, in their first resolution, that (To be concluded in our next.)

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EXTRACT FROM DR. BATES'S SER. in his soul in warm affections, and

MON ON THE DEATH OF DR. breathed a holy fire into the breasts JACOMB, PREACHED APRIL 3, of his hearers. At the first ap1687.

pearance of an ulcer in his mouth,

which he was told was cancerous, He was fellow of Trinity College, he was not much concerned abbut Cambridge, and worthily esteemed it, than as it might affect his preachin that flourishing society. He af- ing, which was his delightful work. terwards removed to London, &c. When his pain was tolerable, He did not entertain his hearers preaching was his best anodyne with curiosities, but with spiritual when others failed: and after his food : he dispensed the bread of preaching, the reflection upon the life, whose vital sweetness and divine goodness which enabled him nourishing virtue is both produc- for the discharge of his service, tive and preservative of the life of was a great relief of his pains. His souls. He preached Christ cru- life was suitable to his holy profescified, our only “wisdom, righ- sion. His sermons were printed in teousness, sanctification, and re- a fair and lively character in his demption." His great design was conversation. He was an example to convince sinners of their abso- to believers in word, in converlute want of Christ, that with sation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, flaming affections they might come in purity. He was of a stayed to him, and from his fulness receive mind, temperate passions, and modivine grace. This is to water the derate in counsels. In the managetree at the root, whereby it be- ment of affairs of concernment he comes flourishing and fruitful; was not vehement and confident, whereas, the laying down of moral not imposing and overbearing, but rules for the exercising of virtue 'receptive of advice and yielding to and subduing the vicious affece reason. His compassionate chations, without directing men to de- rity was very conspicuous among rive spiritual strength by prayer, his other graces. His heart was and the use of the divine ordi- given to God, and his relieving nances from the Mediator, the beneficent hand was open to the Fountain of all grace, and without living images of God, whose pressrepresenting his love as the most ing wants he felt with tender affecpowerful motive and obligation to tion, and as his life, so his death obedience, is but pure philosophy: adorned the Gospel. His deportand the highest effect of it is but ment and expressions in his long unregenerate morality. In short, languishing state were so holy and his sermons were clear, solid, and heavenly, that though his life has affectionate. He dipped his words been very useful, yet he more gloCJIRIŞT. GUARD. Vol. VI.


rified God dying than living, When ceeding from a cancerous humour, he was summoned by illness, his that spread itself in his joints, and first work was to yield himself with preyed upon the tenderest mementire submission to the will of branes; yet his patience was invinGod. When a dear friend of his cible. He patiently suffered very first visited Him, he said, “ I am in grievous things through Christ that the use of means, but I think my strengthened him, and in his most appointed time is come that I must afflicted condition was thankful. die: if my life might be serviceable But what disease or death could to build up or convert one soul, I disťurb the composure of his soul, should be content to live; but if which was kept by the peace of God hath no more work for me to God, which passeth all understanddo, here I am, let him do with me ing? Such was the Divine mercy, as he pleaseth; but to be with he had no anxieties about his fu. Christ is best of all.” Another ture state, but a comfortable astime he told the same person, surance of the favour of God, and “ that now it was visible that it was his title to the eternal inheritance. a hopeless case; God would not He longed to be above. He said, hear the prayer to bless the means with some regret, “Death flies for his recovery;" he therefore de- from me, and I make no haste to sired his friend to be willing to re- my Father's house." But the wise sign him to God, saying, " It will and gracious God, having tried his not be long before we meet in hea- faithful servant, gave him the -yen, never to part more, and there crown of life, which he hath prow we shall be perfectly happy; and mised to those that love him. there neither your doubts and fears, O! that our serious, preparanor my pains and sorrows, will fol. tions, our lively hopes, and the prelow us, nor our sins, which is best sence of the great Comforter in our of all." His patience under sharp souls, may encourage us most will. and continued pains was admirable. ingly to leave this lower world, som The most difficult part of a Chris- full of temptations and troubles, to tian's duty is to bear pains with a ascend into the world above, where ineek and quiet spirit, then faith is perfect peace, full joy, and the made perfect in works; and this was most excellent glory, are in coneminently verified in his long trial. jun&tion for ever! His pains were very severe, pro

W. W.


LSSAYS ON THE NAMES AND his meditation to the person and | TITLES GIVEN TO OUR DIVINE glories of the Lord Jesus Christ. REDEEMER.

Not only the fruitful valley, the ..

spreading branch, the lofty tree, No. VI.

and the luxuriant vine, would afA Rock -- the Rock of Salvation

ford him this instruction, but the the Rock of Ages, &c.

". hard, the lofty,and the barren rock,

This was a name frequently used, If the heart of man were more and of great consolation to the spiritual, he would see nothing all church of old. The God of Isaround him but what would lead rael was their rock, and therefoce

they had an assured confidence of Hosts, " yet the Apostle Peter has protection. Could we, then, prové determined its application, refers that the God of Israel was none ring it to Him who is the chief other but the Lord Jesus Christ, corner-stone elect, precious” in we might justly apply to him all the the sight of God, and precious to glorious things which are spoken of them that believe, though thus disthe God of Israel in the Old Testa- allowed by the Jewish builders. (1 ment. This might easily be done, Pet. ii. 3.) The Rock smitten in and will be attempted as we pass the wilderness is expressly declared on, and more especially under the to be an eminent type of his medi. consideration of that name: at atorial person ; 5 THIS ROCK WAS present we shall only refer to a few CHRIST.” Referring, therefore, to passages, in which the title is imme- himself, as the foundation of his diately applied to him.' This will people's hope, and the cornera prove his right tobear the name and stone of their salvation; or to the character, and at the same time confession which the Apostle had will stand as an incontrovertible ar- just before been making concerngument of his divine power and ing his divine person, as the foundglory. For, if none but the “God ation of all Gospel truth, he de. of Israel” can be the “ Rock of clares, “ upon this Rock I will Israel," " and there is no Rock, build my church, and the gates of save our God,Jesus, bearing that hell shall not prevail against it." title by Divine appointment, must, This leads us to the general de as the “ Rock of Israel," be the sign of his being so called, as he is God of Israet" also. This wiļl the all-sufficient dependence and appear further in the consideration support of all his people, upon of the name; and, while casting an whom they rest their souls and all additional glory around his person, their concerns with safety, for time will add confirmation to our faith, or for eternity ; as he is in his alwhen we behold the Rock of ages mightý power the Rock of strength, as the Rock of our salvation. in his eternal Godhead THE ROCK

In the book of Psalms we re- OF ETERNAL AGES. If we have peatedly find this title used; and grace to try him, in the believing There can scarcely be a doubt but confidence of our hearts, no storm that such passages are amongst shall shake our security nor dethose things which are spoken stroy our souls. The hard ROCK there concerning Him: Psalm xcv. will mark out his own essential 1; lxi. 2; lxii. 2, 6; xix. 14. properties as Jehovah, or as God. In allusion to his protect- man, Immanuel, and the uses to ing power and refreshing grace, which he is to be applied by the he is represented by the Prophet faith of his people." We might (Isa. xxxii. 2) « as the shadow multiply the allusions, but every of a great Rock in a weary land. useful purpose will be answered by The same prophet, foretelling the taking the leading views implied in meanness and lowliness of his ap- it, which exalt the dignity of his pearance and the offence which character and confirm our faith. ; would thereby be given to the Jew. A rock 'generally gives us the ish people (Isa. viii. 13, 15), de- idea of elevation or height, as rocks scribes him under the same allusion, are usually high places, rising as “ a stone of stumbling, and Rock above all around. In this view it of offence;' ' (i. e.) like a barren is properly applied to the Lord rock from which no fruit of salva- Jesus Christ, for who is so high as tion could be expected. And, he in his essential dignity, or so though this is a prophecy concern- exalted as he in his mediatorial ing him who is Jehovah, God of person? In his essential dignity he possesses all the perfections and (John, iii. 31). Hence, when the honours of the divine nature; and necessary work of his humiliation the Scriptures of truth refer to him was completed, for the sufferings all the attributes, the names, the of death he was crowned with works, and the worship which are glory and honour; that glory which given to Jehovah, the God of Is. he had with the Father in his dis , rael. Thus only he is suited to be vine nature before the world was, the object of our faith and adora- received again in union with his tion. “ He is the Rock whose human nature, as the Mediator of work must be perfect." The Psalm- the covenant. Called to the highist beautifully unites this name est offices, and with all power in with Jehovah, the God of our sal- heaven and earth, sustaining themevation, as the ground of his con- diatorial government, when raised fidence and hope of victory over from the dead, “ He set him at his every enemy. “ Jehovah liveth, own right hand, in heavenly places, and blessed be my Rock, and let far above all principalities, and the God of my salvation be ex- powers, and might, and dominion, alted ;" Ps. xviii. 46. And, v. 2, and every name that is named, not “ I will love thee, O Jehovah, my only in this world, but also in that strength, for Jehovah is my Rock, which is to come (Eph. i. 20, 22); and my fortress, and my deliverer, and having put all things in submy God, my strength, in whom I jection under his feet, he gave him • will trust, my buckler, the horn to be the head over all things to

also of my salvation, and my high the church.” And again, says the tower.” In this view, and in this Apostle, “ He hath given him a alone, we can discern a propriety name above every name, that at in his bearing a name which we the name of Jesus every knee must connect with the most ex. should bow of things in heaven and alted dignity. A created rock, things in earth, and things under the a created object of worship, adora-, earth; and that every tongue should tion and confidence, is what right confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, reason itself can never admit. If to the glory of God the Father" angels adore him, angels must be, (Phil. ii. 9, 10). Here is an asand are, infinitely beneath him; and semblage of all those excellencies though he took our nature, it had and perfections which can display been an act of infinite condescen- the divine, or dignify the human sion to have taken theirs (Heb. ii. nature. This is our high Rock, (16) ; since, between finite and higher than all the worlds of men, infinite, between self-existence and of angels, or of devils; the highthe highest created excellency, est in beauty, glory, and honour, there must ever be an infinite dis- in blessedness, and in fulness of tance. Again, then, we assert, communicative grace. “When if Jehovah alone be the Rock of my heart is overwhelmed, lead me Israel; if it be his peculiar and to this Rock, which is higher than appropriate name; if none else can I” (Ps. Ixi. 2); and “ let the words answer the purposes implied in it; of my lips and the meditation of then Jesus, who is that Rock, is my heart be always acceptable in Jehovah.

thy sight, Jehovah my Rock (798) But, in his mediatorial person he and my Redeemer." bears the same elevated honours. But a rock is the strongest thing From the union of his divine nature in nature; hence it is used to therein, he is styled not only the express solidity, firmness, and Son of the Highest, but the High strength, and sometimes united with est (Luke, i. 76); “ And He that the term, as, “ Be thou my strong cometh from heaven is above all” Rock whereunto I may continually

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