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and the system of the Universe. The laws of moral life, and the institutions of civil society, with their several excellence and defects, he learned from the various establishments of Greece. Thus accomplished when he came to dispute in the Olympic contests, he was considered a prodigy of wisdom, and learning; but when the choice of his title was left to him, he modestly declined the appellation of a wise man, and was contented only to be called a lover of wisdom. Second, selection, describing modern conditions. "Vice will never cease says Prof.

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—; every level of culture breeds its own peculiar vice, as one soil breeds sugar and another cranberries. If we are asked the disagreeable question: What are the bosom vices of the level of culture which our land and day have reached? We would be forced I think to give the disagreeable answer that they are swindling and adroitness * * * * * * We have the college men, the student in politics also when he uses his acquirements to further schemes by which to "get there." We have them as lobbyists negotiating with uneducated legislators for their votes, and as legislators selling their own."

"We have them as Prof.-; has said, college men in journalism who boasted of their ability to furnish copy on any side of the question-making jettison that they may keep their party footing. There is not a public abuse for which some college advocate may not be found," said the professor. Turning from the selections and trying to think over some of the books, studies, and acquaintances of the past, and from the


retrospect of other years perhaps think this at last, important matters then and the studies mostly forgotton now.

Between the human and all other animate creations there is this difference in the Creator's endowments, that the human possesses a sense of fairness and honesty, these endowments are entirely lacking elsewhere in all animate life; this difference, the great difference between human and animal life, whatever opinions may be held of human soul existence, or non-existence. If "a sense of the ridiculous" is thought to be lacking among animals. It is necessary in order to come to a correct conclusion to consider; what is "the sense of the ridiculous"? sometimes it is invoked by simply a play upon words, it may result from exaggerated comparisons, from pictures, the grotesque, mental derangement, and PLAYFULNESS. Intelligence is common to both human and animal life. The idea in this book is that the human is slowly developing spirituality, and is a builder in spirituality by individual experiences alone, spurred on to effort by experiences and desires.

Should some think this book too limited for so important a subject as Fidelity, they can perhaps easily secure the books for a course of reading as follows:-Motley's History of the Netherlands, Gibbons Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, etc. This prologue is not intended to make truth, the truth being a reality that existed, and shall continue to exist, however much it may be ignored.

There are several essay writers, besides much Bacon

a little Lamb, and Burns, some Crabb, and Hogg. These writers are excellent not only for carniverous readers, but equally as good for vegetarians. There are dull essays and duller essays; a good arithmetic book may well have much Add-i-son and no Locke or


Now here in the following essays having been contributed so far as may be along with the works that have gone before them, with this belief that as the World rolls on it may by human endeavor, become a more comfortable place to reside. It is hoped these writings will contribute to lighten the burdens from mental anxiety, and physical suffering caused by the unequal distribution of wealth; and may the road for honesty to travel to material prosperity have from time to time some of the unjust difficulties, or obstructions. removed, and may the accomplishment of important results in this described direction be not retarded by any fault that may be, or may be alleged to exist on the part of the writer of these lines, either now or hereafter.

The five words as arranged describing the Ethics of these writings are believed to be original with this essay on Ethics. These Ethics are applied in the other essays contained herewith, and are intended to be in the interest of securing national prosperous financial conditions for all the people so far as may be.



THICS, or duty; if well done, a more comfortable material world results as the accomplish_ ment of this named condition; anything more may come only from Deity, and perhaps cannot be otherwise attained.

Even though everything does, or does not come direct from the Creator; everything requires a field for the development of its own peculiar existence, activity, or lines of development.

Ethics the "science of duty" includes the socialistic possibility of bettering individual and aggregate conditions of life in this world, and in creating better society conditions in the spiritual existence, if there is such an existence.

Here this writing seems to be dropping into the old rut so well worn that a new style of turnpike on which to travel thought seems as necessary as it is difficult. It may be well to stop and look about a moment and see if there are any no-ethical intentions sleeping, sleeping where they could be easily awakened, it will be just as well to go around then as until some future time, the longer they are left undisturbed the less danger of their growing worse intentions.

Proceeding on the idea that the Creator knows His business about us, and that we must help ourselves to some extent; of this there can be no doubt, if our surroundings are correctly understood.

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