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were repulsed at first, and thrown into disorder; but they finally carried the fortification with the point of the bayonet. The Americans suffered a sinalt loss compared with the British; but the death of the brave General Warren, who fell in the action, a martyr to the cause of his country, was severely felt and universally lamented.

11. About this time, the continental congress appointed George Washington, Esq. to the chief command of the continental army. This gentleman had been a distinguished and successful officer in the preceding war, and he seemed destined by Heaven to be the savior of his country. He accepted the appointment with a diffidence which was proof of his prudence and his greatness. He refused any pay for eight years laborious and arduous service; and by his matchless skill, fortitude, and perseverance, conducted America, through indescribable difficulties, to independence and peace. While true merit is esteemed, or virtue honored, mankind will never cease to revere the memory of this hero; and while gratitude remains in the human breast, the praises of WASHINGTON shall dwell on every American tongue.

12. General Washington, with other officers appointed by Congress, arrived at Cambridge, and took command of the American ariny in July. From this time, the affairs of America began to assume the appearance of a regular and general opposition the forces of Great Britain.

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13. In autumn, a body of troops, under the command of General Montgomery, besieged and took the garrison at St. John's, which commands the entrance into Canada. The prisoners amounted to about seven hundred. General Montgomery pursued his success, and took Montreal, and designed to push his victories to Quebec. A body of troops, commanded by Arnold, was ordered to march to Canada by the river Konnebec, and through the wilderness. After suffering every hardship, and the most distressing hunger, they arrived in Canada, and were joined by General Montgomery: before Quebec.

14. This city, which was commanded by governor Carleton, was immediately besieged. But there being little hope of taking the town by a siege, it was determined to storm it. The attack was made on the last day of December, but proved unsuccessful, and fatal to the brave general, who with his aid was killed in attempting to scale the walls. Of the three divisions which attacked the town, one only entered, and that was compelled to surrender to superior force. After this defeat, Arnold who now commanded the troops, continued some months before Quebec, although his troops suffer


ed incredibly by cold and sickness. But the next spring the Americans were obliged to retreat from Canada.

15. About this time the large and flourishing town of Norfolk, in Virginia, was wantonly burnt by order of lord Dunmore, the royal governor. General Gage went to England in September, and was succeeded in command by general Howe. Falmouth, a considerable town in the province of Maine, in Massachusetts, shared the fate of Norfolk ; being laid in ashes by order of the British admiral.

16. The British king entered into treaties with some of the German princes for about seventeen thousand men, who were to be sent to America the next year, to assist in subduing the colonies. The British Parliament also passed an act, forbidding all intercourse with America; and while they repealed the Boston port and fishery bills, they declared all American property on the high seas forfeited to the captors. 17. This act induced congress to change the mode of carrying on the war; and measures were taken to annoy the enemy in Boston. For this purpose, batteries were opened on several hills, from whence shot and bombs were thrown into the town. But the batteries which were opened on Dorchester point had the best effect, and soon obliged general Howe to abandon the town. In March, 1776, the British troops embarked for Halifax, and general Washington entered the town in triumph.

18. In the ensuing summer, a small squadron of ships, under the command of sir Peter Parker, and a body of troops under the generals Clinton and Cornwallis, attempted to take Charleston, the capital of South Carolina. The ships made a violent attack upon the fort on Sullivan's island, but were repulsed with great loss, and the expedition was abandoned.


What took place at the Congress of 1774 held in Philadelphia?

Where, and under what circumstances, was spilt the first blood of the revo Jutionary war?

What led to the burning of Charlestown?

Who headed an expedition into Canada ?

With what success was it made?

By whom was Gen. Gage.superseded?

When did the British evacuate Boston ?


The same subject continued.

11x July, 1776, congress published their Declaration of Independence, which forever separated America from Great Britain. This great event took place two hundred and

eighty-four years after the first discovery of America by Columbus-one hundred and seventy from the first effect ual settlements in Virginia-and one hundred and fifty-six from the first settlement of Plymouth in Massachusetts, which were the earliest English settlements in America. Just after this declaration, General Howe, with a powerful force, arrived near New-York, and landed the troops upon Staten Island. General Washington was in New-York, with about thirteen thousand men, encamped either in the city, or in the neighboring fortifications.

2. The operations of the British began by the action on Long Island, in the month of August. The Americans were defeated, and general Sullivan and Lord Sterling, with a large body of men, were made prisoners. The night after tlie engagement, a retreat was ordered, and executed with such silence, that the Americans left the Island without alarming their enemies, and without loss. In September, the city of New-York was abandoned by the American army, and taken by the British.

3. In November, fort Washington, on York Island, was taken, and more than two thousand men made prisoners. Fort Lee, opposite to fort Washington, on the Jersey shore, was soon after taken, but the garrison escaped. About the same time, General Clinton was sent, with a body of troops, to take possession of Rhode Island, and succeeded. In addition to all these losses and defeats, the American army suffered by desertion, and more by sickness, which was epidemic, and very mortal.

4. The northern army, at Ticonderoga, was in a disagreeable situation, particularly after the battle on Lake Champlain, in which the American force consisting of a few light vessels under the command of Arnold and General Waterbury, was totally dispersed. But general Carleton, instead of pursu ing his victory, landed at Crown Point, reconnoitered our posts at Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, and returned › to winter quarters in Canada.

5. At the close of this year, the American army was dwindled to a handful of men; and general Lee was taken prisoner in New-Jersey. Far from being discouraged at these losses, congress took measures to raise and establish an army. In this critical situation, General Washington sur prised and took a large body of Hessians, who were cantoned at Trenton; and soon after, another body of the British troops, at Princeton. The address in planning and executing these enterprises, reflected the highest honor on the comwander, and the success revived the desponding hopes of

America. The loss of General Mercer, à gallant officer, at Princeton, was the principal circumstance that allayed the joy of victory.

6. The following year, (1777,) was distinguished by very memorable events in favor of America. On the opening of the campaign, governor Tryon was sent, with a body of troops, to destroy the stores at Danbury, in Connecticut. This plan was executed, and the town mostly burnt. The enemy suffered in their retreat, and the Americans lest general Wooster, a brave and experienced officer. General Prescott was taken from his quarters on Rhode Island, by the address and enterprise of Col. Barton, and conveyed prisoner to the continent.

7. General Burgoyne, who commanded the northern British army, took possession of Ticonderoga, which had been abandoned by the Americans. He pushed his successes, crossed luke George, and encamped upon the banks of the Hudson, near Saratoga. His progress was however checked by the defeat of colonel Baum, near Bennington, in which he undisciplined militia of Vermont, under general Stark, displayed unexampled bravery and captured almost the whole detachment.

8. The militia assembled from all parts of New England, to stop the progress of General Burgoyne. These, with the regular troops, formed a respectable army, commanded by General Gates.. After two severe actions, in which the generals Lincoln and Arnold behaved with uncommon gallantry, and were wounded, general Burgoyne found himself. enclosed with brave troops, and was forced to surrender his whole army, amounting to seven thousand men, into the hands of the Americans. This happened in October. This event diffused a universal joy over America, and laid a foundation for the treaty with France.

9. But before these transactions, the main body of the British forces had embarked at New-York, sailed up the Chesapeake, and landed at the head of Elk River. The army scon began their march for Philadelphia. General Washington had determined to oppose them, and for this purpose made a stand upon the heights near Brandywine Creek. Here the armies engaged, and the Americans were overpowered, and suffered great loss.

10. The enemy soon pursued their march, and took possession of Philadelphia toward the close of September. Not long after, the two armies were again engaged at Germantown, and in the beginning of the action the Americans had the advantage; but by some unlucky accident, the fortune of

the day was turned in favor of the British. Both sides suffered considerable loss; on the side of the Americans was General Nash.

11. In an attack upon the forts at Mud Island and Red Bank, the Hessians were unsuccessful, and their commander, Colonel Donop, killed. The British also lost the Augusta, a ship of the line. But the forts were afterwards taken, and the navigation of the Delaware opened. General Washington was reinforced with part of the troops which had composed the northern army, under General Gates; and both armies retired to winter quarters.

12. In October, the same month in which General Burgoyne was taken at Saratoga, General Vaughan, with a small fleet, sailed up Hudson's River, and wantonly burnt Kingston, a beautiful Dutch settlement, on the west side of the river.

13. The beginning of the next year (1778) was distinguished by a treaty of alliance between France and America; by which we obtained a powerful ally. When the English ministry were informed that this treaty was on foot, they dispatched commissioners to America to attempt a reconciliation. But America would not now accept their offers. Early in the spring, Count de Estaing, with a fleet of fifteen sail of the line, was sent by the court of France, to assist America.

14. General Howe left the Army, and returned to England; the command then devolved upon Sir Henry Clinton. In June, the British army left Philadelphia, and marched for New-York. On their march they were much annoyed by the Americans; and at Monmouth a very regular action took place between part of the armies; the enemy were repulsed with great loss; and had General Lee obeyed his orders, a signal victory must have been obtained. General Lee, for his ill conduct that day, was suspended, and was never afterwards permitted to join the army.

15. In August, General Sullivan, with a large body of troops, attempted to take possession of Rhode Island, but did not succeed. Soon after the stores and shipping at Bedford," in Massachusetts, were burnt by a party of British troops.The same year, Savannah, the capital of Georgia, was taken by the British, under the command of Colonel Campbell. In the following year, (1779,) General Lincoln was appointed to the command of the southern army. Governor Tyron and Sir George Collier made an incursion into Connecticut, and burnt, with wanton barbarity, the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk.

16. But the American arms were crowned with success in a bold attack upon Stony point, which was surprised and

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