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With Introduction



001 1877.





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THE following narrations of "personal experiences" first appeared in a publication called "THE GUIDE TO HOLINESS," a work with which Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, of New York, were most intimately associated for many years. We call the form of experience in these narrations "Pentecostal Life," because of its similarity to that of the disciples, after they were "filled with the Holy Ghost," on the day of Pentecost. After that memorable visitation their experience took on other forms-they lived in a higher order of Christian life; putting away childish things, they became men-pettishness, worldliness, selfishness, unbelief, and cowardice died; and they found themselves the living sympathetic subjects of a spiritual kingdom, where they had strength for service they had never known before. Under the power which came upon them one who previously had blenched before the sneer of a servant girl, and fell, and swore he never knew the Lord-now healed, filled, and fired, was bold as a lion, and so spake that thousands confessing that Jesus was the Christ cried out in penitential grief, “What must we do?" These thousands were added to the number of the saved the same day-thousands of others soon followed, a great number of the priests becoming obedient unto the faith, and flushed with victory, being led on by the Captain of their salvation, they went from conquest to conquest, till at their approach it was said, "the men who have turned the world upside down have come hither also." The Christians of that day were "strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might ""filled with the Holy Ghost," they had the "Spirit of

adoption; ". they knew that they were "children' " and "heirs of God;" many who had not seen Christ knew that they loved Him, and "rejoiced with joy unspeakable, and full of glory." Pentecost and its associations have come to be regarded in some circles as a mighty manifestation of God's power, which, once seen, never was to be repeated; and incalculable mischief has thereby come to the Church and to the world. It was not as the glow and glare of some meteor, that should for a while dazzle beholders, and then be remembered only in astronomical history; but was designed of heaven, to be as the sun in its strength, steadily pouring forth his life giving influence for purity and power in the Church, that life of the same high type might characterise it in all generations. It should be known that generally, for the first three centuries following the day of Pentecost, this faith obtained in the churches, and disciples having no idea that the Lord had decreed to do less for them than for their brethren in the generation preceding, believed the same precious promises, were filled with the same power, and walked in the light of the same glorious shining. Alas! that for so many ages so many Christians should, through the mist, and fog, and clouds of worldliness, scepticism, and unbelief, be so hidden from the life-giving soul-cheering rays. To many of them neither sun nor moon has appeared for many days, and to others it has only come as it glimmers through the clouds in the days of the storm and tempest. Is it any wonder that their experience has not been as the "shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day ?"

Some things there were at the introduction of this dispensation we have no right to expect would be continued: -the sound, as of a mighty rushing wind-the cloven tongues, as of fire-the gift of tongues, to address the multitude in their mother tongue-these were the seals of heaven that the thing was of God; they are as real to me

as though they occurred but yesterday morning, and we have no right to expect a repetition of such miracles. These were not the best things that came to the Church at Pentecost the best thing was this, "they were all filled with the Holy Ghost;" and to be so filled, and pray in faith, and preach with power, and see multitudes moved for Christ, is the privilege of the Church till the end of time.

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Is there any intimation in the whole book of God to the contrary? Did not the Pentecostal preacher tell his hearers that the power manifested had been the subject of prophecy, as producing a life which should characterize these last days? No doubt but Old Testament saints enjoyed the presence of their Lord, and some of them realized the " perfect peace" which comes of established internal righteousness; but in prophetic vision they saw a better dispensation under a new covenant, and while they had "HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD on the High Priest's mitre, they saw the day coming when it would be upon "the bells of the horses." Is it any wonder that they longed, God willing, to live in such days, although doomed to die without the sight? But once introduced, it would contradict all scripture, all analogy, and all God's conduct towards man, would the idea that with the progress of years there should be any diminishing of the grace and power communicated to those souls who wait in earnest prayer for the fulfilment of their Father's promise.

Suppose it to be admitted that the majority of Christians have not lived in this life; that by no means proves that the thing is impossible, it only proves that they have lived below their privilege. There may be a great chasm between privilege and possession, and we should only render ourselves ridiculous by attempting to prove that the majority of professing Christians possessed all there is for them in the provisions of grace. Many of them appear to

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