The Works of Shakespeare, Том 1at the University Press, 1957 - Всего страниц: 56 |
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Стр. xxiv
... Juliet's passion : ' I do like Shakespeare , don't you ? He has such a way ... Romeo and Juliet straight through without break of Act or Scene . If we turn to any modern ... Romeo , and with Romeo's remark χχίν GENERAL INTRODUCTION.
... Juliet's passion : ' I do like Shakespeare , don't you ? He has such a way ... Romeo and Juliet straight through without break of Act or Scene . If we turn to any modern ... Romeo , and with Romeo's remark χχίν GENERAL INTRODUCTION.
Стр. xxx
... Romeo and Juliet 1599 Merchant of Venice 1600 Much Ado about Nothing I 1600 Henry IV ii 1600 Midsummer - Night's Dream 1600 Hamlet Lear 1604-5 1608 Troilus and Cressida 1609 Othello 1622 XXX TEXTUAL INTRODUCTION.
... Romeo and Juliet 1599 Merchant of Venice 1600 Much Ado about Nothing I 1600 Henry IV ii 1600 Midsummer - Night's Dream 1600 Hamlet Lear 1604-5 1608 Troilus and Cressida 1609 Othello 1622 XXX TEXTUAL INTRODUCTION.
Стр. xxxi
... Romeo and Juliet ) are more apparent than real ; since here the absence of entry may be explained by the fact that a ' bad ' text had already been issued , though only one of the ' bad ' texts has survived as evidence . The mention of ...
... Romeo and Juliet ) are more apparent than real ; since here the absence of entry may be explained by the fact that a ' bad ' text had already been issued , though only one of the ' bad ' texts has survived as evidence . The mention of ...
TEXTUAL | xxix |
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Adrian Alonso Antonio Ariel awake Bad Quarto Ben Jonson bibliographical Boatswain bottle brave broken lines Caliban cave Ceres charms comma compositor copy daughter devil doth dramatic drowned Dryden Duke of Milan dukedom edition editor Elizabeth of Bohemia emendation Enter eyes father Ferdinand Folio foul garments give Gonzalo hand Hark hath hither honour i'th island Jonson Juno king king's kiss lord Love's Labour's Lost manuscript master Miranda misprint monster Naples never o'er o'th old texts original passage pause play prince Princess printed prithee prompt-copy prose Prospero punctuation Quartos revision Romeo and Juliet scene Sebastian Shake Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote Shakespearian shalt ship sleep speak speare's speech spelling spirit stage-directions Stephano strange suggest sword Sycorax tell Tempest thee There's thine thing thou art thou beest thou hast Trinculo verse Winter's Tale word wrack