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"Fa misericordia ai figliuoli tuoi: * chè in Te, o Vergine Maria, abbiamo riposta tutta la fiducia nostra.

"In te dolcissima Maria, noi tutti speriamo: * difendici in eterno.

"A Te le lodi, a Te l' impero, * a Te virtù e gloria pei secoli dei secoli Cosi sia."

2. Extract from "Il Tesoro dell' Anima."

"O afflittissima anima della Vergine consolatemi.

"O addoloratissimo Corpo della mia cara Madre confortatemi. "O amatissime lagrime della Regina del Paradiso purificatemi.

"O dolorosissimi sospiri, o gemiti della Madre di Dio, conpungetemi con vera contrizione.

"O appassionatissimi sensi della mia gran Signora sanate santificate li miei. O spasimi, e morte dell'Imperatrice de' Cieli, siatemi vera allegrezza, e vita.

"O Maria mare di amarezza per la morte del Figlio defendetemi dal peccato, e dall' inferno.

"Ricevetemi per vostro servo, che ami, e confidi in Voi. Nell'ora della mia morte ajutatemi, acciò con tutti gli eletti vi glorifichi nei secoli de' secoli. Amen."

3. Extracts from "Le Pouvoir de Marie par Saint Liguori." "Nous lisons dans les chroniques des Franciscains, que Frère Léon eut une fois cette vision: il vit deux échelles, une rouge au haut de laquelle était Jésus-Christ, et une blanche, au haut de laquelle se trouvait sa sainte mère. Plusieurs s'efforçaient de monter par la première échelle; ils montaient quelques échelons, puis ils tombaient; ils revenaient à la charge, mais sans être plus heureux; aucun n'arrivait jusqu'au sommet. Alors une voix leur cria de se tourner du côté de l'échelle blanche; et l'ayant fait, ils montèrent heureusement, car la bienheureuse Vierge leur tendait la main pour les aider."

"O Marie, mon refuge, combien de fois ne me suis-je pas vu par ma faute l'esclave de l'enfer ! Vous avez brisé mes liens vous m'avez arraché des mains de mes fiers ennemis; mais je tremble d'y retomber, car je sais que leur rage n'a point de

repos, et qu'ils se flattent que je deviendrai encore leur proie. Vierge sainte, soyez mon bouclier et ma défense! Avec votre secours, je suis sûr de vaincre; mais faites que je n'oublie jamais de vous invoquer dans les combats, et principalement dans ce dernier, le plus terrible de tous, que le démon s'apprête à me livrer à mon heure suprême. Mettez vous-même alors votre nom sur mes lèvres et dans mon cœur, et que j'expire en prononçant ce nom, afin que je me trouve à vos pieds dans le ciel Ainsi soit-il."

II. Other illustrations of Mariolatry, from "The Graces of Mary," published by " D. & J. SADLIER & Co., NEW YORK AND MONTREAL, 1853," bearing the imprimatur of "+ JOHN, ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK."


1. To choose the Blessed Virgin for mother and patroness, to offer oneself to her service, and renew this offering frequently on her festivals.

2. To ask for mediation every morning and night, and run to her in every temptation and trial.

3. To visit her churches and altars, and often protest to her that you love her more than yourself.

4. To recite her Little Office, or at least that of her immaculate conception, frequently.

5. To say the Angelus morning, noon, and night.

6. To prepare for her festivals by a novena and some act of mortification on the virgils, &c.

7. To honour her specially on Saturdays, as being dedicated to her.

8. To pray for those souls in purgatory who have been most devout to her.

9. To say the Magnificat and recite the Rosary daily, if possible.

10. To try to make o'hers devout to this Blessed Mother. 11. To read those books that treat of her glories, &c., and never to omit the usual practices of devotion to her.

12. To enter into her sodalities, confraternities, &c., and to give alms in her honour.

13. To rejoice in her perfections, to thank her daily for the favours received through her intercession, to honour the saints connected with her, as St. Joseph, St. Joachim, Ste. Anne, &c.

14. To pronounce her holy name frequently, and salute her by the Hail Mary, when the clock strikes.

15. To reverence her pictures and images, and to have one in our oratory.

16. To compassionate her dolours, particularly at the Passion of her blessed Son.

17. To love chastity specially, and say three "Hail Marys" daily to obtain it through Mary, recommending to her at the same time our senses, &c.

18. To ornament her oratories with flowers, &c.

19. To offer to her, especially during the octaves of her festivals, a crown of spiritual flowers, that is, of different acts of virtue performed in her honour.

20. To invoke her daily for a happy death, and that she would specially assist us in our last hour.


Inquire what indulgences you have in your power to gain by prayers and other devotions addressed to Mary, and recite the following to obtain a happy death, to which an indulgence of 300 days is attached:

Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, I give you my heart and my life. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, may I die in peace in your blessed company.


O queen of the universe and most bountiful sovereign, thou art the great advocate of sinners, the sure port of those who have suffered shipwreck, the resource of the world, the ransom of captives, the solace of the weak, the consolation of the afflicted, the refuge and salvation of every creature. Oh, full of grace, enlighten my understanding, and loosen my tongue, that I may recount thy praises, and sing to thee the angelical

salutation, which thou so justly deservest. Hail, thou who art the peace, the joy, the consolation of the whole world! Hail paradise of pure delight, the assured asylum of all who are in danger, the source of grace, the mediatrix between God and


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