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entire body, and whatever occurs in one has its echo in the other.

As love is expressed or echoed in the bosom, firmness in the shoulder, and the violent passions in the lower limbs, so have all the subtle spiritual faculties their corporeal homes. The soul occupying the brain as the master occupies the mansion, looks forth upon the body, as the eye of the master rests upon his garden, and as when invited by a congenial season of pleasure, the master leaves the mansion for the garden, he typifies the action of the soul in occupying, for a time, the body, to the apparent neglect of the brain.

Even without this descent into the body, the telegraphic connexion of the brain with all parts, by sensitive nerves establishes so intimate a sympathy, that impressions on the body become almost the same as impressions on the brain. Hence the medical impression from medicines held in the hand is in the very sensitive instantaneously recognized, though in others it requires sometime to reach the brain and become understood. Hence too, the psychometric impression from an autograph held in the hand is in the very sensitive, so promptly recognized, that they prefer to receive their impressions in that manner, and, indeed, psychometric impressions of character, like medical impressions may be received in the sensitive from any part of the surface of the body.

Manifestly, however, the most perfect reception of psychic impressions may be expected at that part of the body which most nearly corresponds with the sensitive and somnolent region of the temples. Sarc

ognomy shows that there is such a locality adjacent to the median line of the body, upon and below the sternum, its chief location occupying a few inches below the ensiform cartilage of the breast-bone. (The accurate location of the psycho-physiological functions in the body which constitutes the science of Sarcognomy is one of the valuable applications of Psychometry.)

At this location, somnolizing effects are produced by the application of the hand or by passes toward this spot, and thus all the phenomena of somnambulism and somniloquence may be developed as effectively as through the organ of somnolence, in the temples, by which my pupils are accustomed to produce the somnolent conditions.

Having thus cerebral and corporeal organs of the highest sensibilities and intuitions in close correspondence with each other, it follows that the most intimate union and co-operation of the soul, the brain and the body, must be possible, if any where through this apparatus of intuition and sympathetic sensibility, the two locations of which are always in close rapport, each capable of responding to the other.

The cerebrum has the controlling centre nearest the soul, but when the cerebrum is in a quiescent state as in sleep, some local excitement may well attract the psychic action to this psychic region of the body, and of this, nature and art have given us ample illustration in spontaneous and induced somnambulism, in which the exercise of perceptive or intuitive power from the sternal and epigastric region

has long been observed without comprehending its philosophy, which has been given by Sarcognomy.

Colquhoun says: "I brought forward abundant evidence with the view of demonstrating the extraordinary fact of the occasional transference of the faculties in certain states of the organism. While engaged in collecting that evidence, I found no want, but rather a redundance of materials; I found myself to be very much in the same situation with the ingenious Frenchman who complained of the embarras de richesses; for this reason I conceived it sufficient to adduce only the most striking and best authenticated instances. * Several years before, I had for a totally different purpose, made a pretty ample collection of the most interesting and best authenticated instances of the natural somnambulism; and it seemed to me that it might be of use to search for, and examine, this collection with a view to discover whether it contained anything that could confer additional strength strength upon the cogent evidence. already adduced. I was a good deal surprised, though pleased, to find that in almost every one of these cases, the facts of the insensibility of the corporeal organs, and of the transference of the faculties, had been more or less distinctly observed. I have since been enabled to add several very interesting recent cases of a perfectly uniform character, almost all of which have been reported with great accuracy by professional men. The discovery of the manifestation of the remarkable phenomena in question appears to have been almost always made by mere accident - they they are seldom brought very

prominently forward, and scarcely any attempt is made to account for them, excepting upon the strange and inadmissible hypothesis that the organ of one sense supplies the place and performs the functions of others."

This mystery to Colquhoun disappears when we recognize the existence of a higher and all comprehensive intuitional power, in which all intelligence is concentrated, and which having a definite location in the cerebrum, has also a corresponding location in the body. In consequence of this structure, psychometric or intuitional powers may be exercised either from the central or the epigastric location, and the epigastric location may become the chief seat of the power or rather the manifestation, when consciousness being suspended by sleep, the entire brain has lost its excitability.

The entire philosophy of this subject can be appreciated only after the study of organology and pathognomy as presented in the volumes of Cerebral Psychology and Pathognomy, which explain the relations of the interior and exterior surfaces of the front lobe, and the action of the lateral occipital region, in suspending consciousness (while reinforcing animal life) and opening the brain to the influx of exterior intelligence which controls all action without employing the consciousness of the subject by which the mental processes could be recognized and remempered.

Hence the performances of somnambulists are like

* These subjects 'will be concisely presented in a new edition of my System of Athropology, which I hope to prepare in 1886.

those of spiritual mediums, unrecorded by memory and unknown to the subject when he returns to his normal state.

That artificial somnambulism is accompanied by the power of seeing with the eyes bandaged and of travelling in any direction, describing the regions visited as if the clairvoyant were actually looking at them has been so often verified in all civilized countries, in private circles, before scientific committees, and before public audiences that it is needless to relate instances.* That natural somnambulism, too, is accompanied by a wonderful exaltation of the perceptive powers and by the perfect exercise of the senses when the eyes are insensible, or when light is absent, has been very often observed, but so limited has been the circulation of the literature in which such facts are embodied and illustrated that it is worth while to refer to a few authentic examples of the exaltation of the senses and their exercise in an unusual manner.

One of the most famous of these is the case in the thirty-eighth volume of the French Encyclopedia, narrated by the Archbishop of Bordeaux, in which a young ecclesiastic was accustomed to get up at night in a state of somnanbulism, compose and write ser

* The absolute stolidity of the colleges and a large portion of the educated classes on this subject shows that the world is not yet half civilized. No matter how often the phenomena are demonstrated, nor how many thousands are convinced, the colleges and their text books remain the same, and the perennial crop of ignorance on this subject flourishes with unabated abundance. If the demonstrations were not continually renewed, the colleges would entirely suppress the knowledge of such facts and suspend the circulation of the literature in which they are made known. Our entire University and Collegiate system needs to be superseded by a rational education.

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