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treasure of tranquillity which is always promised, never realized who, instead of healing the wounds which the world has made, only creates new distresses, new perplexities, and new, sins, by his vexatious and unnatural casuistry thoughts of fear, which inflame the yet smarting sore, like those stinging insects that bite and nestle in the wounds the vampire-bat has made in the flesh of the sleeper. In place of the solid, intelligible consolation needed by man, mysticism has too generally offered its intangible refinements its indefinable divine illapses touches tastes, and manifestations which emasculate, instead of bracing the soul-which yanish, like a dream, and leave it powerless and bewildered which would be questionable fare for the taste of angels, and are but the mockery of food to mortals in the body. How happy would many of its votaries have been could they have substituted for its ethereal exaltations a little of that simple diet-the scriptural bread of life-so kindred to that element in which man lives. As it is, however, they resemble the lamb brought into the churches on St. Agnes' day-stretched out on its cushions fringed with gold-its ears and tail decked with gay ribands bleating to church music-petted and adorned in a manner to it most unintelligible and unsatisfying- and seeming, to the ear of the satirist, to cry all the while

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Alack, and alas!

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What's all this white damask to daisies and grass!

It is a poor consolation to offer men liberty in their dreams as a recompense for the wearisome inactivity of their waking hours- -to give them the wings of vision in the night as a compensation for Quietist inertness by day to emancipate the fancy, on condition of being suffered to lull the intellect into torpor. Few would be content, in our own day, thus to live but half their life, and to resemble in this respect that enchanted forest, which by day was a company of trees, but every night un army of warriors.

From the Athenæum.

Paris after Waterloo: Notes taken at the Time and hitherto unpublished; including a revised Edition of "A Visit to Flanders and the Field." By JAMES SIMPSON, Esq., Adrocate. Blackwood.

IN 1815, Mr. Simpson who was one of the first of our countrymen who hurried over to the Continent after the Battle of Waterloo, to visit the scene of war, and to travel through France, then triumphantly thrown open to the English tourist-published a little volume entitled "A Visit to Flanders and the Field of Waterloo," which was much read at the time. Since that time he has been known to the public for his exertions and writings in behalf of popular education. The volume formerly published, it appears, "formed a part only of notes taken during his sojourn in Belgium and France." Now, however, "looking over the hitherto unpublished portion, which for thirty-seven years has reposed in a dusty corner, and finding much which he himself had forgotten, but which narrates events and describes scenes that he thinks might be interesting, as they would probably be new, to his younger countrymen - especially at the present moment, that a recent loss has recalled the public attention to the marvels of days past — he has ventured to bring it out.”

There is no denying that such a publication is curiously out of date. It has singularly the air of an after-thought. Its great merit consists in the enthusiasm with which it is written-recalling vividly to mind the state of feeling which must have been prevalent all over Great Britain at the time when the victory of Waterloo had recently intoxicated the senses and bewildered the imagination of the island. Here is a spirited passage, describing the effect which the news of the victory produced in the author's own town Edinburgh :

Such were the first tidings of the war, received Among ourselves, of late, mysticism has in England in four days, and in Scotland in six, appeared in opposition to scriptural religion. would have brought in as many minutes. The which, had they then been known, electric wires In England, Mr. Newman-in America, author witnessed the effect of the news in EdinTheodore Parker and Emerson, exalt the re-burgh. It met him as he entered the outer hall ligious sentiment above the Bible-question of the courts of law, still called the Parliament the possibility of a written revelation an-House, from having been the hall of the Scottish nounce the doctrine of disinterested love once Parliament, before the Union. The unwonted propose to realize eternity in the words were passing from mouth to mouthpresent, by rising above the meanness of fear, Wellington is defeated! He has retreated to and the selfishness of hope and, in the name a place called Waterloo! The game is up! of the spirit against the letter, defend their The hero of a hundred fights quails before the own opinions as true spirituality, and assail eagles of Napoleon! The Prussian army is those of others as a corrupt literalism. annihilated!" And thus and thus was Pandora's box emptied :


THE life of conversation consists more in finding wit for others, than in showing a great deal yourself.


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place, most likely a previously chosen position, infers a stand at that place. A detachment only has been engaged, and necessarily fell back on the concentrated main body. The retreat of the Prussians would have exposed its flank. Wellington had yet to put forth his strength. The

French had never, since they first met him, gained the smallest advantage over him; on the contrary, had been beaten in every action, and that so statedly, that Napoleon was known to have exclaimed pettishly to the unlucky bearer of the news of yet another Peninsular disaster "Bah! Les Anglais toujours battent les Français !" "No! No!" said one more sanguine reasoner of the long robe, "we shall have news of victory yet; and, as it must be near at hand, one way or the other, I should be more delighted than surprised if the castle guns should wake us to-morrow morning." Another barrister, quite as patriotic, but less sanguine, would cheerfully pay a guinea for every gun fired for a victory, to any one who would take very easy odds. The bet was taken, the taker patriotically wishing to win, the offerer still more patriotically wishing to lose. The business of the morning had scarcely proceeded two hours, when a gentleInan rushed into the great hall, and, almost breathless, shouted "Victory !" He was mobbed. "How had the news come?" "By express from the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, then in London. The French completely routed, at the place called Waterloo, by one grand bayonet charge of the whole British army!" Such was the brief flourish, for a lengthened struggle of ten hours, which was first sounded by Fame's trumpet. The bearer of the glad tidings was soon in the court where the judges were sitting; the cheers of the Outer Hall were suspended only to be renewed in the Inner. Further law proceedings were out of the question; adjournment was ruled; and judges, advocates, agents, and officers, were speedily in the streets, already crowded by their excited and exulting townsinen. Nobody could stay at home. The schools were let loose. Business was suspended, and a holiday voted by acclamation. Everybody shook hands with everybody; and as the Lord Provost's brief express, got by heart by the whole population, could not be made longer or more particular than it was, the most restless were perforce obliged to wait, with what patience they might, for the dawn of the next day. The sun of that morning saw no "sluggard slumbering 'neath his beams." The streets were crowded before the post arrived. The mail coach was descried approaching, adorned with laurels and flags, the guard waving his hat; and soon it dashed into the town amid cheers that made the welkin ring. The accounts were now official. All was confirmed; and, as early as seven o'clock, the Castle flag rose, and nineteen twenty-four pounders sounded in the cars and filled the eyes the effect was overpowering of the excited throng. Need we say that the nineteen guineas were joyfully paid by the loser? or need we add, that the winner handed them over to the fund, speedily commenced for the wounded, and the widows and families of the slain?

- for

The newly-published part of the volume detailing what the author saw in his journey to Paris, and in his residence there after his visit to the battle-field- contains much interesting matter, though little that is new. A good many pages are occupied with his visits to the Louvre, and with his remarks on the paintings and sculptures which he there saw; and there is less of substantial information illustrating the immediate consequences of the battle than might have been expected. Some of the flying notes, however, are curious and valuable. In Paris he went about continually, and saw everything with the eyes of a young and enthusiastic stranger.

From the Economist.

The Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin; presenting the Original Facts and Documents upon which the Story is Founded, together with Corroborative Statements verifying the Truth of the Work. By HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin." Clarke, Beeton, and Co., Fleet street.

THE Controversy in which Mrs. Beecher Stowe is involved with her slave-owning countrymen and their partisans has made the publication of the present work necessary. It is a collection of documents of all kinds, of her former book. The novel, however, was filling a large volume, to verify the statements infinitely more pleasing to read than the facts. We did not trouble ourselves as we read that about the evidence for its truth; but the present work is a book of facts and statements, which require to be dealt with as a basis of judgment. It must be closely scrutinized, and collateral facts taken into consideration, because it calls on us not to be amused with a tale, but to pronounce a verdict of guilt against a nation. It would have been better, perhaps, for Mrs. Stowe to have rested her case upon the general bad name of slavery. We are all willing to believe all possible horrors of that, though we may doubt the evidence she offers. A bad name will hang a dog, and it would have been as well for her to rely on the bad name of slavery. It cannot be conceded to the advocates of slavery in the South, even if we admit, as they assert, that the black race is created inferior, that this justifies the white race in reducing the black race to slavery. One consequence of the plan is, by the degradation of the whites, to create a condition of society very inferior to that of a society composed wholly of free whites. Another consequence is, to perpetuate and extend the inferior race. In contact with the superior race the Negro must, like the Indian, disappear; making him a slave preserves him. Were he not enslaved he must, in contact with the white

by sympathies. With the novel of Mrs. Stowe many would agree and would sympathize, who will not agree with many of the deductions of her treatise.

man, perish. Had he been found in America, as were the Indians, he would have been extirpated; and in America he can only live as the slave of the white man, whom his slavery injures. The free white States make MYSTERIOUS MUSIC. One Sunday afternoon, a much more rapid progress in knowledge, skill, and power than the slave States. during a pause in a rain-storm which had lasted But for the continued growth of knowledge in the Genevese and I had been fiddling and talking, for six or seven hours, and during which the free States, the slave States would be no and reading and dining together, he took occabetter than the West India Islands. Hence sion to remark upon my fondness for music, and it may be concluded that those who advocate said he could gratify it in an extraordinary way the superiority of the white race as a decree if he thought fit. I begged him to explain himof Providence, counteract its consequences self. He was in no hurry to do so; but, after when they make slaves of the blacks and some coquetting and delay, rose from his seat, preserve them, instead of allowing the white and taking a large cloak from a peg in the wall, race to plough them or eat them, as they laid it open upon the bed, and then locking the have done the Indians, out of the land. On door and closing the window-shutters, to exclude, the admitted principle that there is a differ- as he said, even the slightest sound, seated me ence and a superiority of races, it cannot be upon the cloak, sat himself down as close to me said, as the partisans of abolition say, that heads. Then placing his lips close to my ear he as possible, and pulled the hood over both our the negroes should be placed on an equality said: "You must not speak - you must hardly with the whites. They are not placed on an breathe. Listen!"' I held my breath, and equality in the Northern States, where slavery listened curiously for the best part of a minute does not exist - they are not equal in Eng- before I was aware of any sound, and was just land and Africa and no laws, no institu- going to break the silence, when a small, but tions, no manners, can make them equal. piercingly shrill strain seemed to traverse the To many people, accordingly, what Mrs. very innermost chambers of my brain. I was Stowe has written on the subject will appear not aware of the precise moment when it coman idle tirade. It excites ridicule in the menced, but I perceived instantly that it was States, and weakens her cause. She enlisted accompanied by another note harmonizing with our sympathies by her novel; she will not be it, produced by different mechanical means, and as successful in captivating our reason by her a twelfth lower. The shrill treble ran dancing treatise, political, theological, and philosoph-prehensive gamut, in a kind of fantastic variawith inconceivable rapidity up and down a comical. It is undoubtedly a great storehouse tions upon some popular air, which I could idenof facts showing the bearings of slavery. It tify; while the accompanying bass, which leaves slavery without the shadow of an excuse or defence-it lays bare its horrible cruelties and its manifold vices; but it does not inform the Americans how they are to get rid of slavery, nor satisfy us that the whites and the negroes can coexist in the same space except in that or a similar relation. In Barbadoes, where the two races do exist without nominal slavery, the bulk of the blacks are The notation of the treble, which at the tenants of the whites, and kept in obedifirst hearing had seemed to glide up and down, ence by white power. The alternatives are became by degrees distinct and articulate as slavery of the inferior race, or extirpation, that of a flageolet, to which, however, it bore no or an intermingling of blood, which, with the sort of resemblance, and the sustained notes of Africans, seems not feasible. As negroes the bass assumed a triumphant, pealing tone, have been carried to America and allowed to which thrilled me with delight. When at length increase under the protection of the white the strain suddenly ceased, and the Genevese, races, to extirpate them seems impossible, throwing off the cloak, sprang up and opened the and therefore slavery is, and, we are afraid, window-shutters, it was some time before I could must be, continued. At the same time there recollect where I was. He laughed at my emis no necessity to enforce that by law which barrassment, and, upon my complimenting him exists as fact; and all laws which encourage upon the beauty and delicacy of the performance or protect individual whites in the commission I had heard, asked me whether I could show As he confessed of cruelty ought to be put down. Inequality that, without the precautions we had taken, the him how to turn it to account. is not incompatible with kindness; it implies music would have been inaudible, and that the it, and kindness seems better than extirpa- hum of the smallest fly would have drowned the tion. The slaveholders must be rather en- whole, I was forced to acknowledge that I could couraged to mitigate slavery than terrified see no mode of making such a species of harmony into enforcing it. The question in the United marketable. The Working-man's Way in States is an all-important one, not to be solved the World.

might be compared for continuity to the drone of a bagpipe, but which, unlike that, was " musical as was Apollo's lute," though limited apparently to five or six notes, gave the successive intonations with all the precision and certainty of an instrument. The longer I listened, the more rapturous was the music, or, which was more probable, the more sensitive my perceptions became, and the better was I qualified to appreciate it.



dusk, inquiring if anybody had seen her Jenny, the said Jenny being at that time probably loitering in some shady lane, having round her waist an arm in a scarlet sleeve.

The officers had established their mess in a large room of The Bush, the principal hotel of Doddington. Here, at seven o'clock in the evening, the various individual streams of ennui, imprecation, and desire for excitement, that had meandered wearily through the congenial region during the day, were received into one pond, thus fulfilling the great object of that important military institution, the mess, where warriors, who have been all day trying unsuccessfully to kill time in single combat attempting to ride him downpoking at him with billiard cues, and the like feeble efforts at discomfiting himabled to join forces, and fall upon their enemy in a body.

in Doddington. It was not merely that the soldiers consumed a good deal themselves,. No dragoons had been seen in Doddington but the inns where they were billeted were within the memory of the oldest inhabitant, filled every night with those convivial operaunless the reminiscences of that ancient and tives who came to enjoy military company shadowy personage could extend back to Mon- and conversation; while their wives either mouth's rebellion, when Feversham's horse stood resignedly, like mournful caryatides, had marched through. And when it is re- outside the doors, waiting for their lords and membered what a conspicuous feature her maj- masters, or else disturbed the harmony of the esty's troops, especially the mounted and meetings, by entering and forcibly carrying mustachioed portion, form in societies long off their truant spouses from the society that habituated to their presence, it may be sup- so enthralled them. Dissenting ministers posed that the sensation they created in this grew more energetic in their denunciations of secluded spot was immense, and only to be all pomps and vanities, especially such as paralleled by the commotion which those an- appertain to men of the sword, as their flock cient cavalry the Centaurs caused at Pirithous' diminished in number-for many of their wedding. young female disciples had of late ceased They had been detached to Doddington altogether to wrestle with the spirit; and from the nearest garrison town, in consequence many an anxious old lady might be seen, after of disturbances in the surrounding district. All the place was agog to see them march in. It happened to be a very rainy day, and instead of a splendid, dazzling spectacle, they presented to the sight a long row of bedraggled figures in red cloaks, which half-covered their splashed horses, and which quite concealed the glories of their uniform, trotting in none of the best order along the slippery and puddled street. But two days afterwards, the weather being propitious, they shone forth unclouded on the gaze of the inhabitants, and produced a great revolution in Doddington. The town was never very important in a commercial point of view, but now you would absolutely have supposed that the only remunerative pursuit that people of any trade or profession whatsoever could engage in was looking after the dragoons. Servant-maids were discharged at a moment's warning only to be replaced by others just as love-stricken First at the dinner-hour came Tindal, the and inattentive. The millinery business, so major, who lived in the inn. Smart, tightfar as making anything except love went, was built, and standing on the hearth-rug with at a stand-still; and the members of it went his legs apart, as if there were a horse bedown in public estimation towards zero, ex- tween them, one could almost swear, even actly in the same proportion as they rose in when seeing him on foot, that he was a good favor with the officers. Slander was busy rider an accomplishment by no means so with the names of the prettiest, and even an common as might be presumed in the British ordinary countenance was no protection. Miss cavalry. Tindal was a man who liked to live Bonady, who had superintended the education in a large garrison town, with crack regiments of young ladies in the art of bonnet-making in it, among whom might be got up steeplefor full twenty years, found her time-honored chases, wherein he might distinguish himgood name in a fair way to be blasted; for a self, with a pack or two of fox-hounds within jury of matrons had been impanelled and was reach, a well-appointed mess, and a rubber now sitting on her character. Country lov- of whist afterwards, with dollar points, and a ers, who, up to the advent of the soldiery, fellow sitting by to bet about the odd tricks. had been progressing charmingly with their These tastes, it was pretty clear, would not Dulcineas, suddenly turned green or yellow be gratified in Doddington, and the major in color, and savage in disposition, and took accordingly cursed, in a calm, deliberate to poaching, or enlisted for soldiers; and, sort of way, the hour in which he was sent between agitation and tight-lacing, a vast there. number of children came prematurely into the world, many of whom, of both sexes, were reported to have been born with mustachios. The beer trade began to thrive wonderfully CCCCLXXIV. LIVING AGE. VOL. I.


are en

Enter to him Cornet Suckling, who has not been long in the service, and whose upper lip looks like a fragment of the body of a young gosling. The cornet, having heard much of

the major's steeple-chasing exploits, and be- | up to-day as I was poking about an old tower ing (though a weak-minded youth) addicted in the neighborhood of the town. He had to hero-worship, has in secret a great venera- found a large fragment of stone, with an iltion for him, and, while speaking of him in legible inscription on it, and, being a great his absence as 66 Tindal," or "old Tindal," or antiquary, was staggering home under his "that fellow Tindal," shows considerable prize, when I offered to carry it for him. In uneasiness as he approaches the hearth-rug, return, he afforded me such a quantity of whereon the formidable major is planted, and curious information about the antiquities of throws himself into wonderful and unnatural the place, that we became quite friendly on attitudes, in his attempts to appear at ease. the spot. First, he seats himself on the top rail of the back of the chair, and, tilting it over on two legs, rocks himself to and fro, in a manner nervous to behold; then he pauses, and punches the pattern of the carpet with his spur; then stooping his long, awkward form, till his elbow rests on the mantelpiece, he puts his splay foot on the fender, thereby upsetting it, and bringing all the fire-irons clattering down upon Tindal's heels, who, as he shifts his position, damns him internally for a stupid young muff. Tindal does n't like him, and seldom says much to him, except on parade, where he "pitches into" the unfortunate cornet (who has a fretting charger, and doesn't know how to manage him) in a way that would render him desperate, if he had spirit enough to become so.

As he spoke, Mr. Titcherly was announced, and a little old gentleman entered, in an antique suit of black, with shoe-buckles and a brown wig. Mr. Titcherly was the literary lion of Doddington; he was, as Bruce said, of the Dryasdust fraternity, and had devoted his long life to collecting information regarding the antiquities of the town, diving into ancient chronicles, deciphering the inscriptions on old tombstones, and occasionally filling up gaps very ingeniously with theories of his own. In this way he had compiled a complete chronicle of Doddington, from the earliest times down to his own, statistical, descriptive, biographical, and historical, with plates, notes, and a voluminous appendix, for which he had begun to collect materials in his early youth, and had got it finished by his sixty-fifth birth-day, and of which five copies had been sold in thirteen years.

Seager. The latter leers at each officer to whom he is introduced as if he had some secret understanding with him, and stares at little Mr. Titcherly, as if he were some curious fossil; but Tindal being a sporting man, and as there exists a free-masonry among sporting men, he and Seager understand one another at the first glance.

Presently hilarious voices are heard laugh- | ing their way up-stairs, and after a short delay, occasioned by their meeting with a Then came Bagot, bringing with him, acchambermaid on the landing-place, Lieuten-cording to previous notice to Tindal, his friend ants Wylde Oates and Harry Bruce make their appearance. Without much in common, except an immense flow of spirits, these two are generally together. Both of them are sharp lads, and though their method of enjoying life is somewhat riotous, yet they do enjoy it, and will be capital fellows by and by, when the effervescence has subsided, and the liquor has got mellow. In the mean time, they are worth a gross, either of languid, irreproachable endurers of existence, or of fast men with low tastes, for they are a pair of gentlemanly scamps. Oates has a florid face, half-hidden in shirt-collar, in which he affects to imitate his deceased parent, who was a noted sporting character, and broke his neck in riding over a dining-table after dinner for a wager, leaving to Oates, junior, a sorely diminished patrimony and a sporting reputation-two things scarcely susceptible of si- "We won't wait for the other fellows," multaneous improvement. Bruce is handsome said Tindal, as they sat down to table. "Fane and dark, with brown curly hair and brown seldom favors us with his company, and Sloeyes, and a face expressive of good-humor and perton 's always late. I believe he takes a intelligence. They immediately communicate couple of hours to dress. Gad, sir, life 's too the adventures of the day to Tindal, who lis-short for that sort of humbug, in my opintens with grim approval; while Suckling, brightening up, hovers round the outskirts of the conversation, and occasionally fills up an interval with an interjection or an admiring laugh.

"There's a queer old boy coming to dine with me, major," said Bruce. "I picked him

The soup was brought in by the head-waiter of the Bush, a man of dignified deportment and mature years-a man who had waited on peers of the realm, county members, judges, of assize, sheriffs, and the like, with perfect composure and considerable credit, but who had, within the last week, been frequently informed that he was a muff, an impostor, a precious slow old coach, with other vituperative epithets, tending greatly to stagger his self-confidence.


"By the Lord," said Bagot, "if I was sure of living to the age of what-'s-his-name (that old beggar, you know), I would n't spend a minute more in that way than I do at present, and that's not much. And yet I know some old swells (fellows a precious deal older

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