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"Weel, Euphie," said Mrs. Raeburn, un- | dreamily, where there is not a cloud to map convinced, but with resignation," I didna say its course, or anything but the gentlest sumI would take your faither the first time he mer-breath to send it gliding on. In the west askit me, mysel, and there was a lass in An- the rich clouds, all purple and golden, crowd ster that had had the refusing o' him before together and build themselves up in glowing that; but there's no mony men mair ill-willy masses from the very edge of the water. You or positive about their ain gate than what can fancy them the falling powers and nobiliSamuel Raeburn is this day, though ane ties of some one of the world's great climaxmight hae thought he had the pride gey weel times, and that this little silver boat, slowly taken out of him in respect of women-folk; drawing near to them, contains the child but you see I'm no easy in my mind about born, the bringer-in of the new world. All Nannie. Nae doubt she might be vexed in a unconscious is the infant hero, singing and neighborly way for the loss of the twa Rin- dreaming as he comes; but the cowering, touls and Andrew Dewar, forby what was nat- fallen glories, whose day is past, are aware, ural for the sloop gaun doun, wi' a' our gear; and here and there a calm spectator-star looks but it's a different thing being vexed for ither out and watches, holding aside the veil of this folk and mourning for ane's ain trouble; and great evening which encloses all. I'm sure the way she 's been, night and day, ever since, is liker Kirstin Beatoun's daughter than mine. I'm no just clear in my ain mind but what it 's a' for Patie Rintoul." Euphie had lifted herself out of the chest, and now turned round with some interest to her mother. "I wouldna say, ," said Mrs. Rintoul, after a considerable pause. "I did tell him ance he was courting our Nanny, and his face turned as red as scarlet; and she has been awfu' sma' and white and downeast ever sinsyne;- -I wouldna say-poor Nannie! I would gie her a' her ain gate, and no fash her, mother, if I was you, till she comes to hersel again; for Nannie's awfu' proud-new, yet ever the same. Another murmur, far prouder than me—and would cut off her finger before she would own to caring about onybody that hadna said plain out that he cared for her."

And Mrs. Raeburn received her daughter's counsel with long sighs and shakings of the head, as she had begun the conversation.


They say a bad bairn 's a great handfu'," said the perplexed mother, disconsolately, "but I'm sure it canna be onything to the care and trouble of lassies; and twa mair set on their ain will though I'm no meaning ony blame to you, Euphie-a puir woman never was trysted with. I'm sure, when I was Nannie's' age, I was at my mother's bidding, hand and fit, the haill day through though I was just gaun to be married mysel but nae doubt you take it frae your faither!"


A weel-stockit mailin, himsel for the laird, And marriage off-hand, was his proffer; But Agnes Raeburn stands before him with a painful flush upon her face, and an uneasy movement in her frame: a host of many-colored thoughts are flitting through her bewildered mind, and her silence, though it is the silence of painful confusion and perplexity, encourages him to go on. It is a July night soft twilight following close upon a gorgeous sundown-and, up in the pale, clear, languid sky the crescent moon floats softly,

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But the dreamer of the heavens is silent, and all this mortal air is full of the voices of the sea. It is not laughter now, nor is it music. If you would convey into sound the smile of innocent, surprised delight, which plays upon childish faces often, you could not give it expression better than by this ripple, breaking upon rocks, and beds of sand and pebbles, and dimpling all over with quiet mirth the pools upon the beach. Accustomed as your ear may be, it is impossible to resist an answering smile to the fresh, sweet murmur, so full of wonder and childlike joyousness, which runs along these creeks and inlets, ever

faint and distant, bewrays to you what these low church-steeples and gray mists of smoke would do without it, the vicinity of this little sisterhood of quiet seaports; but the hum of life in the Elie is so calm to-night, that you only feel your solitude upon the braes, when the low wild rose-bushes look up to you from the very borders of the grass, and dew-drops glisten among the leaves the more absolute and unbroken. Sometimes a passing footstep and passing whistle, or voices pertaining to the same, pursue their measured way upon the high-road behind the hawthorn hedge; but no one passes here upon the braes, and these two are entirely alone.

A one-and-twenty years' lease of the Girnel farm, with all its fertile slopes and capabilities - a pretty balance in the Cupar bank to make the same available-a person vigorous and young a face which the Fife belles have not disdained to turn back and throw a

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second glance upon, and a pleasant consciousness of all these desirable endowmentswhat should make Colin Hunter fear? And he does not fear. In this half light, looking lovingly into the full face of Agnes Raeburn, he begins to feel himself justified for making choice of her. Made choice of her he has, beyond all question, to his own considerable astonishment; for Colin knows very well that

there are maidens in Scotland more lovely by far;" but at present, as her eye-lash droops

upon the cheek-as her eye glances up in quick arrested looks under it as the color comes and goes, like flitting sunshine, the lover is satisfied. There is a charm in the sweet air, which lifts the curls upon her cheek a charm in the sweet sound which encircles them on every side, and in the languid dreamy sky, and the slow floating moon. Himself is charmed, his whole soul through, with all the fairy influences of new love. Other flirtations has Colin known, more than were good for the freshness of his heart; but his heart is fresh at its depths, and answers now, with a shy warmth and fascinated thrill, to the voice, unheard before, which calls its full affections forth.

But it is only a shiver, chill and painful, which shakes the slight figure of Agnes; and her hand, if she gave it him now, would fall marble-cold into his. Her eyes-those wandering furtive glances, which he thinks are only shy of meeting his earnest look stray far beyond him into the vacant air, where they have almost conjured up a visible forbidding presence to say nay to his unwelcome suit; and her blushes are fever-gleams of unwilling submission, flushes of fear and restless discomfort, and of the generous tenderness which grieves to give another pain. For Agnes, remembering mournfully that she had vowed to reject her earliest wooer, now shrinks from the position which she once dreamed of exulting in, and cannot make a heartless triumph of the true affection which in her grief has come to afflict her, like an added misfortune. She is grateful for it in her heart-even a little proud of it in her most secret and compunctious consciousness and would rather delay and temporize a little to soften her denial, than inflict the pain which unawares she exaggerates, and flatters herself by making greater than it would be. And her mother, too, plagues her sadly in behalf of this wooer; and she herself is aware that even pretty Euphie had few such proposals in her power as this, which would make herself mistress of the plentiful homestead at the Girnel; and Agnes, who only wants peace, and to be left alone to pursue the current of her own sad musings, will rather suffer anything to be implied by her silence, than rudely break it with the peremptory words which alone would suffice to dismiss a wooer so much conscious of his claims.

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"Have you naething to say to me, Nancy Raeburn? Woman, ye shall keep as mony maids as ye like, and have a silk gown for every month in the year; for what do I care for silk gowns, or satin either, compared to my bonnie Nanny?"

I'm no bonnie; it's Euphie your 're meaning," said Agnes with a sigh; "if you want me because I'm bonnie, you 're mista'en, Mr. Hunter-it's my sister-it's no me.'


"Ye may leave my ain een to judge that!" cried Colin, exultingly; but if ye were as black as Bessie Mouter, instead of just your ain wiselike sel, I'm for you, and nae other, whatever onybody likes to say."

"You 're for me, are you? I dinna ken what the lads are turning to," said Agnes, roused into some of her old pride and pique; as if we had naething to do but be thankful, and take whaever offered; but I would have folk ken different of me."


"And so do I ken different," said the undiscouraged suitor; " but I'm no a fisher lad, or an Elie sailor, with naething but a blue jacket and a captain's favor, and years to wait for a house aboon my head. I've a weal-plenished steading to bring ye hame to, Nancy, my darlin'; and ye 'll no look up into my face, and tell me in earnest that there 's ony other man standing between you and me."

He had scarcely spoken the words, when, with a low, affrighted cry, Agnes turned from him and fled. It was not that her actual eyes beheld the vision which her fancy was laboring to realize. It was not that Patie Rintoul himself, in the flesh or in the spirit, interposed his reproving face between her and her new wooer. She could not tell what it was; but her strong imagination overpowered her, and, in sudden dread and terror not to be expressed, she turned homeward without a pause.

Left to himself, young Colin of the Girnel stood for a few minutes lost in amazement. Then he followed the flying figure, already far advanced, before him on the darkening way; but, suddenly drawing back as he saw some one approach in the opposite direction, the young farmer leaped over a convenient stile, and made his way into the high-road, whistling a loud whistle of defiance

Shall I like a fuil, quo' he,
For a haughty hizzie dee?
She may gang -
to France for me!

He concluded his song aloud as he went loftily
upon his way; and next week Colin was deep
in a flirtation with the daughter of his nearest
neighbor, but it would not do; and he was
learning to be sentimental, for the benefit of
pensive Agnes Raeburn, before another seven
days were out.

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lost her man and her youngest laddie in ae | like of that idle woman to do with a trouble night enough to take life or reason, or like ours?" maybe baith; but just see to her how she aye bears up. It's a miracle to me every day." ""


Ay," said Kirstin, quietly, "so it is, Marget; but the Lord gies a burden to be borne, no to be cast off and rejected; and I'm waiting on His will, whate'er it may be. I'm no to gang out of this at my ain hand, though mony a time I may be wearied enough, or have a sair enough heart, to lay down my head with good will; but I'm waiting the Lord's pleasure. He'll bid me away at His ain time."

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Eh Kirstin, woman, it's as guid as a sermon to hear ye," said the reverential Marget; "but our Jenny says it's a' the difference of folk's feelings, and that ane takes a trouble light by what anither does. But I say to Jenny, Ye 'll no tell me that it's because Kirstin Beatoun has lost feeling -it's because she's supported, woman;' and I'm just the mair convinced after speaking to yoursel. It's tellt in the toun for a truth that the auld man said something awfu' comforting, just as if he kent what was gaun to happen, the night he was lost. Many a ane has askit me, thinking ye might have telled me, being such close neighbors; but ye 're aye sae muckle your lane, and the door shut; and I hadna the face to chap at a shut door and ask the question plain. Is 't true, Kirstin ?"

"Kirstin, can ye no come in and shut the door? I hate to hear folk clavering,” said a harsh voice from within.

"It's my guidsister, Ailie Rintoul," said Kirstin, relieved by the interruption.


Eh, it's that awfu' Mrs. Plenderleath," said the inquisitive neighbor; "but that's my little Tammie greeting. I left him in the cradle just to ask how ye were this lang time, seeing ye at the door; but I maun away

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"She meant nae ill-it's just a way they have. I mind of doing the same mysel, before I kent the ills of this life for my ain hand," said Kirstin, who had already begun with her usual monotonous steadiness to turn the wheel.

Captain Plenderleath was away on a long voyage, and had not been home since his brother-in-law's loss. Ailie was quite alone: and moved, as she had been, by the death of her nearest and most congenial relative, this silent daily visit to the silent Kirstin seemed almost the only interest of her life. They had nothing to speak of, these two forlorn women; but Kirstin span unceasingly, sending a drowsy, not uncheerful hum through the still apartment; and Ailie, fronting her brother's vacant chair, played with the folded handkerchief which she held in her slightly trembling hands. Many years' use and wont had made Ailie content with the almost necessary idlethe want of all family industries to which her abundant means and her childlessness compelled her; and thus the richer woman wanted the homely solace which steadied Kirstin Beatoun's heart into daily endurance of her greater sorrow.

ness --

"I have been thinking owre a' he said," said Ailie at last. "Mony's the day I have gane owre every word, ane by ane, and how he lookit, and the tear I saw in his ee. Kirstin, do ye mind what he said ?"

"Do I mind?" But Kirstin did not raise her head to enforce the distinct emphasis of her question. "To wait to see what the Lord would bring out of a dark providence before I let my heart repine. Guid kens I little thought that night what providence it was that hung owre me and mine; and I am waiting, Ailie, woman; I'm no complaining! I'm striving to do my day's duty, and keep my heart content before the Lord, and wait for His good time. There can come naething but good out of His will, for a' it's whiles hard to haud up your head under the blow; but I'm no repining, Ailie; the Lord forbid I should repine. I'm waiting His pleasure night and day.'

And Kirstin hastily put up her hand to intercept a few hot burning tears; and then, through the silence that followed, the drowsy hum of the wheel resumed its voice hurriedly, and went on without a pause.

"I'm looking to earth, and you 're looking to heaven," said Ailie, some time after. "You're waiting on to be released and loot away out of this world, Kirstin Beatoun; I'm marvelling what the Lord meant by the dark word of prophecy He put into his servant's mouth at such an awfu' time. He didna ken, puir man, that he was as near heaven then as Moses when he gaed up the hill to die before

the Lord; but I ken of nae prophet that served | romances of her youth with compunction, and

God mair constant than your man did, Kirstin, and I'll no believe the Lord loot him waste his breath and him so little to spend! upon words that had nae meaning. You're no to heed me, if I'm like to disturb you with what I say; but I 've mair faith than to think that I canna think that. There was mair in't than just to submit, and take humbly what God sends. Ye 'll no think I would gang against that, but it has anither meaning, Kirstin Beatoun; and though he didna ken himsel what that was, and you dinna ken, and what's mair, I canna see, I'll no believe, for a' that, but that something will come of what he said; for it wouldna be like the Lord to let his servant's words fall to the ground after putting them in his mouth, as if they were but a fuil's idle breath, and no the last testimony of a righteous man.”

"I never was guid at doctrine, Ailie," said Kirstin; I never was guid at keeping up a question the way I've seen him and you. I have had owre muckle to do with bairns and cares and the troubles of this life, to be clever at arguing or inquiring, or ony such things. And now, if I have even owre muckle time to turn my thought to the like, I'm feared for beginning, Ailie; for ever since I've striven sair to tether my mind down to the day's spinning or the hour's wark, and never lookit behind or before mair than I could help. I ken my man's gane, that was my comfort a' my best days; and I ken my darlin' laddie 's gane, that was the desire of my heart; and I ken, forby, that for a' sae dreadfu' a calamity it is, it's the Lord's sending, and I maun aye bless His name; and so I'm no for bringing in ony perplexin' thoughts, Ailie, for it would be an awfu' thing for a woman of my years, that's gane through sae muckle, to lose reason and judgment at the last."

And as Kirstin continued her spinning, the wheel trembling with spasmodic motion, as again and again she put up her hand to check the falling tears.

knew no literature but the Bible. The noble narratives of the Old Testament were her daily fare, read with interest always thrilling and vivid; and, living among Hebrew kings and prophets, whose every action was miraculously directed, miraculously rewarded, or punished, it was not strange that Ailie forgot often how God mantles under even a sublimer veil and silence the providence, as certain and unfailing, which deals with us to-day. But her brother, always venerated, had taken his place now, in her imagination, among the highest seers and sages; and Ailie waited for the elucidation of his prophecy with trembling enthusiast faith.


"I gang and come to the sea and to the shore; and Euphie grows less a lassie, and mair a sober wife, fit for the like of me; and little Johnnie wins to his feet, and cries Daddy when he sees me at the door; and my mother is used to her burden; and poor little Nancy gets a spark in her ce again; but there never comes change to you.'

And John Rintoul leant his back against the wall of his little room in the roof, and contemplated with grave composure the rude piece of wood in his hand.

No; there came no change upon it: there they remained, these fatal characters, branding the name of John Rintoul on the broken surface, as they had branded it on the carver's heart a year ago, when he found it on the beach. The rusted nails and jagged edge had not crumbled or broken; and still, through all these peaceful months, a terrible tale spoke in their voiceless silence; still they were the sole token of the shipwreck the sole memento upon his mother earth of the fate of old John Rintoul.

The John Rintoul who now looked so sadly on his name was prospering again as his sober carefulness deserved. A good sailor and a trustworthy man, people did not fail to discover him to be, and trusted he was accordBut Ailie, feverish and excited, dried hers ingly. No longer mate, but captain, his off hastily with her folded handkerchief, and, schooner was to sail again in a day or two; turning it over and over in her trembling and Euphie, rich with the savings of two prefingers, brooded on her mystery. Ailie Rin-vious voyages, had exhausted her time and toul had lived much and long alone many industry to make the captain's appearance slow solitary hours, when the little world, which recognized her as by no means either inactive or uninfluential in its concerns, was busied with dearer and more private household duties, had passed in unbroken quietness over the childless wife, whose husband was far upon the sea, whose little maid was more than able for all her domestic work, and to whom the cherished china, and far-travelled shells of her best room, gave only a very brief occupation. Of considerable intellect, too, and a higher strain of mind than the common, Ailie remembered the Gentle Shepherd and country

worthy of his exalted rank; for though the property was lost, it was still impossible to deny that the captain of a schooner "out of Leith" was a greater man than the skipper of a little Elie sloop, even though the sloop was half his own.

And Captain Rintoul of the Janet and Mary, with his easy voyages, his increasing means, and his pleasant home, was a man to be envied; and his grief had faded out of present intensity into a little additional gravity, and a general softening of character. Perhaps he was cast at first in a mould less

stern, but certainly he was now settling into | could see a sail coming steadily, as out of ana gentler, milder, and less forcible person other world; and the water came rippling than Elder John. up, with gentle breaks and hesitations, now Kirstin Beatoun, carefully abstaining from and then crowding back, wave upon wave, mention of this day, as the first melancholy like timid children, before they started for a anniversary of her loss, and sedulously count-long race, flashing up among the rocks to ing, with white and trembling lips, the hanks Agnes Raeburn's feet. of yarn revolving on her wheel, bravely strove against the long-restrained and gnawing grief which almost overpowered her now. Finding it impossible to work, she rose at last hastily, and began with considerable bustle to "redd up the house," already only too well arranged and orderly. Then she went out to the little yard behind, and did some necessary work in it, shutting her eyes with a strong pang and spasm at crossing her threshold; her very sight at first was blinded with the broad, dazzling sunshine rejoicing over the sea. By and by her son came to her, to take her away a long, fatiguing inland walk to see some country friends; and it came to an end at last- the longest of all long days and the first year of her widowhood was gone.

And it is true that the light has come to Nancy's eyes, the color to her cheek. Youth and health and daily work have been too many for her visionary sorrow. She is pensive to-night, as, full of softening memories, she thinks of the storm which she came here to see; pensive, but not afflicted, for autumn and winter are over and gone the spring comes again with all its happier influences, and her heart is tender, but her heart is healed.

Young Colin Hunter has been tracing her steps; his patience is nearly worn out now with its long stretch of endurance, and the caprice and waywardness of his lady-love; and in the darkening gloaming he steals after her to the point, a little jealous of her motive for wandering there, but quite unconscious that this is the day on which the sloop was lost.

Ailie Rintoul in her own house, and in her own chamber-secretly, with some fear of wrong-doing to interrupt its fervent devo- "Are you gaun to gie me my answer, tions-fasted all day long, and humbled her- Nancy?" says Colin, with a little impatience. self, weeping and crying for some interpreta- "Here have I been cast about, like a bairn's tion of her brother's prophecy. Ailie was ba', from one hand to anither fleeching at not quite convinced that her fasting was law-you-leeing to your mother-courting a ful; but it was a fast kept in secret, unknown 'body belonging to you, for little less than a even to little Mary, her small serving-maiden, year. Am I gaun to get my answer, Nancy? who was no sufferer thereby; and when the Will ye take me, or will ye no?" night fell, Mrs. Plenderleath slept with a text of promise in her heart. Her heart was very true, very earnest and sincere, if not always perfectly sober in its vehement wishes; and when these words of holy writ came in suddenly upon her mind, as the moon came on the sea, who shall say she did wrong to accept them with a great throb of thankfulness and wonder, as a very message from the heavens?

And Agnes Raeburn stood upon the point, watching the waters under the moonlight as they rolled in, in soft ripples, over the sands of Elie bay. Very different from last year's ghastly gleam and deathlike shadow were the moonbeams of to-night. Soft hazy clouds, tinted in sober gray and brown, and edged with soft white downy borders, flitted now and then across the mild young moon, breaking into polished scales of silver sometimes, like armor for the hunter goddess of heathen sometimes caught up, as if by fairy fingers, into wreaths and floating draperies, glistening white like bridal silk; underneath, the sky was blue, pale, and clear and peaceful; and the Firth lay under that, looking up with loving eyes to reflect a kindred color. No such thing as storm, or prophecy of storm, troubled the lightened horizon, out of which, now and then the air was so clear-you


But Agnes has no inclination to answer so blank-point a question.. She herself was sufficiently explicit at one time, and Colin bore all her impatient refusals bravely, and held to his suit notwithstanding. Now, his attentions have become a habit to Agnes, and she does not quite like the idea of losing them at once and suddenly, though still she is very far from having made up her mind to the terrible Yes which he demands.

"I wish ye wouldna fash me night and day," said Agnes. "I gied ye your answer lang ago, if you would only take it and leave me at peace.'

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And as she spoke her heart smote her; for anything insincere or untrue, in whatever degree, was sadly unsuitable to the solemn sentiment connected with this place and time.

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