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north. The Accountant, indeed, had given her the picture of her childhood's home; but that was only an evidence of the sentimental turn which forms, more or less, a part of a true Swedish character, and which caused him to be rather pleased than otherwise to see that the girl still preserved some sentiment regarding her childish days —still possessed some love for that wild northern nature which she saw no more, but the whisper of whose silent forests she still heard in her secret heart, where the picture impressed in childhood's early hours was yet distinct, and perpetually appeared, even amid the allurements of artificial life, bringing up thoughts of pain, because bringing thoughts of a home she now wished to abjure.

this was the doubt he felt when he gazed on | never dreamed of reminding the adopted girl pretty Annette, and felt his love for her grow- that any love or duty was owing to the ing stronger and stronger the longer he knew peasant parents who dwelt away in the far her, and the more frequently he was in her society. People chose generally to say, that the adopted daughter of Accountant Miller was the child of noble parents; there was some mystery about her birth, and they solved it thus. Annette, at times, was changeable. On some occasions, warm sensibilities, simplicity, and generous feeling, would raise his love almost to its climax; at others, an air of haughtiness, a contempt for lowly life, an extreme tenacity in the observance of all the usages of what is termed good society, would cause it to sink to a lower point than it had been at before. Then he went to see her, thinking it should be his last visit; that it should determine him in his belief that Mademoiselle Annette was quite unsuitable to his peasant parents, and, consequently, not suited to himself; but he came away rather more in love than ever. He had long wished to speak to her of his own life, his circumstances, his parents, and resolved to do so without declaring his love. He had been thrown off his guard in his first address, when such an unlooked-for opportunity presented itself; but he should soon have recovered his self-possession, and Annette might have been saved from falling into a great error, had not that ill-timed interruption broken up their conference, and prevented the very sensible

discourse he had meditated. Still he went on his way in hope and love, for he felt he was loved; and with such a conviction, was it possible not to hope to hope all things?


How goes everything up there in the old red wooden house, on the edge of the firforest in Norrland? The new-settler had gone on well; the cleared land had become productive; old Jacris possessed three cows and a horse, besides his reindeer; there was no want, no poverty, in the red wooden house; there was a good deal of industry, and industry had its reward. Some Stockholm traveller had at first brought tidings there of the child that had left it; the parents had heard how well, how happy, how charming, their little Anna was; and the mother had weptwhether tears of joy or of sorrow, no one said which and Anders had laughed, and said the wooden spoon would be well silvered; and the father had looked grave, but remained silent.

The girl, however, did not write to them, and it was now long since they had ceased to hear anything of her. Mrs. Accountant Miller was jealous of every shadow of doubt existing as to the reality of her own mothership; she wished to forget that another possessed a truer claim, and therefore she

But the old house-father, the hardy, laborious Jacris, died. Anders was now its head A short time after the funeral, the old mother said to him: "But I know not how it is; I never can cease thinking of my little girl. Certainly she is happy; but surely she also thinks of her home-she must long after her parents."

"God knows, mother," said Anders, "it seems she has forgotten us altogether."


Nay, Anders, that is impossible. God has not bound up family hearts so loosely. Do you know, Anders, I wish to see little

Anna once more before I die? Dear heart! I cannot die before that; so much do I know."

"Well! but it is a long way off, and mother cannot go alone.

"Nay, that is understood; but you may find some goods to carry down there, and then I can accompany you.'

"But, mother, if I were now to find you a good and kind daughter, who would take care of you in old age, and be altogether in Anna's place? You need not, in that case, undertake this journey."

"A daughter, Anders? How can that well be?"

"Yes-I think mother guesses."
"What then?"

"That I will marry."

"Marry! a child like you marry?"

"A child of twenty-one years, mother, can well give you a good daughter."

"Well-yes. Anna I may certainly never have again; still, she is always my child; and how that was-though God bless thy father where he lies! it never was quite the same between us after he left the girl down there."

"But it was for her own good."

"Yes; but I am the girl's mother, and God has not forbidden a mother to miss her child. There is no use in setting a strange

branch in an old tree; that I said many times to Jacris; and though he cast it to the winds, it came at the last to his heart."

"That I never could remark," said Anders. "But see now, Anders; I know that better. Yes, see now; the night before he died, when I thought he slept, he called me to him, and said: I can get no peace if you think I did wrong in leaving the girl down there. Perhaps now, in pride and over abundance, she may lose her eternal salvation. But, mother, tell me now, you believe also that I did that for the best?' What could I do but say the comfort-word? If he did wrong, he shall have no hard doom for that; for he meant well, and God looks at the intention, and not at the result."

"We shall think of this, mother -we shall think of it," said Anders, and clapped bis mother on the shoulder; "for thou shalt not lie there and say so, when thou shalt come one time to die."

"God bless thee for that word, Anders; and so can I say to sainted Jacris when we meet there up; thou wert always a good boy. And so it is Hilda, Henrik's daughter, thou

wilt have?"

"Yes, mother."

"And she has two cows, and a good fifty rix-dollars beside?"

"Yes; but the best of it is, that she is a good and industrious girl."

"Yes, yes, my son. to see Anna, good Anders?"


Yes, mother, if you wish that." Thanks, Anders, thanks. Thou wilt not marry for a year to come, I think?"

"Not unless you want a daughter sooner, good mother."


"Mother will not

the good woman's hand.
think so; that were sinful, miserable in me.
Despise my mother! No, no!"

The mother held the small fine hand in her dry fingers, and smiled and nodded her head. " Yes, I knew that. Anders said otherwise, but I did not believe him. Anders saidknow you what he said, Anna? — he said you were the wooden spoon that wished to be a silver spoon, and so must have got a lump of lead in the heart. Do you feel any lead in the heart, child?" Annette trembled. " Nay, nay; there is no lead there. Anders was altogether wrong."


"Anders was right," thought Annette: the lead is here. She would not say so, but she felt that, like the silvered spoon, she had only an imaginary value. She trembled lest the reality should appear; and, as she trembled, the lead was felt within. The girl cast herself on her mother's breast, and wept. Ah, if she had lain there longer! lain there till the good and wholesome feelings then awakened had ripened into steady and fixed principle-or, rather, until they had turned back into the principle implanted in her heart by God himself, when she lay first upon that mother's breast.

"Grieve not, my child-grieve not, my little Anna," said the mother soothingly.

Those words," Little Anna," it was so long since she had heard them! In a moment the And we shall travel whole circumstances returned the house of the Norrland new-settler, the rude employments, the coarse dresses; she looked at her mother's-the decent silk handkerchief plainly tied over her head; the homespun woollen gown; the thick wooden-soled shoes. She thought of Hjalmar — the handsome, elegant young officerif he were to see that good woman, and know she was Annette's mother -if he should return before her departure! Annette raised herself from her mother's neck; she resolved to be reasonable, to act sensibly. The sudden change chilled the old woman's "You have not, then, forgotten me? You kindly affections; her "Little Anna" was have not quite forgotten the old mother in now "Mademoiselle Annette" again - the Norrland?" said a little, elderly peasant wo-reasonable, advising, sensible Annette. She man, gazing with tearful eyes into the pretty face before her.

"Wait, wait a bit, good Anders," Gumman Jacris.




Nay, mother, nay; certainly not, mother dear, was Annette's reply. Certainly not; but yes, mother knows, mother can well understand, that the Accountant does not like"

spoke reasonably, sensibly, very sensibly indeed, to her poor mother; every word fell cold and chill, and convincing upon the good woman's heart. She was persuaded, or said she was persuaded, that all Annette said was right: it was much better she should not come to visit her daughter - much better that she Nay, Heaven keep us, child! No need should leave her quite to herself. They might to say that; he need not fear; I came not write to each other, they might think of each here to prevent your happiness, or to take you other. Annette might-yes, it was just posfrom your fine friends. No, even if you de-sible that she might soon marry, and then spised me, Anna—so that you were happy; but that you could not do-no, no; you could not despise your poor mother."


Annette was moved. "Despise you! No, dear mother, that can never be." She pressed VOL. I. 20


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but they must wait; and, meantime, the sooner mother travelled home the better- the better for both. And so Annette loaded the old woman with a quantity of fine little things, which certainly had no value in the estima

tion of the receiver, except that they were given to her by her only daughter.

And the peasant mother from Norrland went obediently away, leaving a thousand blessings on the head of her pretty daughter, and on those of the second parents who had brought her up so well so grandly, at least, she added; and taught her a whole heap of beautiful things. The Accountant and his wife took a hearty leave of the good old creature, and were delighted to see how content and thankful she was, and how clearly she understood their conduct.

Just that sort of commendation they bestowed on her mother, hurt Annette the most; she felt what they did not perceive-namely, that the mother, full of self-sacrificing love, had appeared satisfied with all that was satisfactory to her child.

"She has gone away quite content," said the Accountant, rubbing his hands.


"Now you are mine, wholly mine!" said Mrs. Accountant, embracing her foster-daughter. The old woman from Norrland has quite given you up." Now the lead made itself felt in the heart of the silvered spoon. Good Mrs. Accountant saw the shade on the young brow. "But, dear heart! I forgot. There is an invitation to President K's for Friherrinan's name's-day. It will be quite a festival, and a ball in the evening."

Annette looked up. "A fête at the president's! that will then be a most brilliant society?"

"Yes, child," whispered the foster-mamma; "and between ourselves-let it be between ourselves-Papa Miller and I said, when the invitation came, little Annette shall go there. Poor little Annette! she requires some restorative after these trying days. So papa went himself to get something quite new. Well, child, be not curious; you shall soon see."

In the evening came Accountant Miller, and brought a beautiful dress and some new ornaments. Annette forgot her troubles, her home, her mother; she forgot all but one thing her love. In the fulness of her heart, she whispered it to her foster-parents; she told them of Hjalmar's; she obtained their consent. The lieutenant was not rich, but his partly self-elected bride would not be poor; and good-heartedness, and a little sentiment, influenced both the manner and conduct of our worthy Accountant, when called upon so unexpectedly to act the father's part on so important and interesting an occasion.


It was the morning of the president's fête -a fine, bright winter morning. The roads were in good sledging order; the snow lay deep and hard. There was to be a sledgingparty out to the royal domain of Drottningholm, a dinner there, and a dance at home in

the evening. The dance was a matter of course; but it was to be a day of pleasure, to Annette at least, for Lieutenant Hjalmar was to come to Stockholm purposely for the occasion, and was to drive her in an open sledge to Drottningholman island in the Mälar, where the king of Sweden has a palace, and the people of Sweden have a good many restaurants. The plan was arranged by the gentleman who acted as master of ceremonies on the occasion, and who happened to be a friend of both parties. Annette was ready dressed, in a very pretty and becoming winter costume. It wanted still an hour to the time fixed for setting out; but Iljalmar had written to the Accountant, to say he would call some time previously, in order to "solicit leave to conduct Mamzell Miller in his sledge." Now, this" solicitation" was looked on by all the party as a mere harmless artifice; they every one thought the solicitation would have another object. "To conduct Mamzell Miller through the journey of life," said the Accountant, and laughed at his own wit. Annette opened the square of glass which is sometimes made to open in the winter double windows of Sweden. The Accountants were terrified at the rash experiment. She quickly pulled in her head again. Though the day was fine, the sensation is not agreeable when a head is projected from the amazingly warm rooms into the clear cold air. A sudden memory crossed the girl's mind; there was another, a very different sledging-party moving onward that day; a drive on such a day would be pleasant, a journey very trying; and her mother, her aged mother, was travelling homeward, her long and dreary way, through snowy forests and frozen lakes, back to the house which she had not left from the time of her marriage until she left it to travel down to Stockholm to see her child. That child thought of the wearisomé days, the long cheerless nights, her mother must pass on her road, and she shuddered; a pain shot to her heart she tried to think of something else.

The Accountant thought she was impatient, and remarked that she was ready too soon; that people were never so precise - an observation which Mrs. Accountant corrected, by reminding him that he used always to be before the appointed hour when he came to see her before their marriage. The Accountant admitted the charge; and while some tender memories of five-and-twenty years ago were thus awakened, and brought tears into the good man's eyes, and plump Mrs. Accountant clapped him, after the Swedish fashion, and said; "Dear thou! dear thou!" the foster-daughter sat plunged in thought, in which anticipated pleasure tried hard to overcome a repressed but ever-awakening sense of pain and remorse.

Nearly at the appointed time, not too latą,

a wonderful thing for a Swede—and cer- Annette took on herself the office of hinting, tainly not too early, Hjalmar arrived. He that Mrs. Accountant wished to know why looked perhaps a shade graver - more ear-she had the honor of a visit from Kaptenska nest than usual; there was nothing of elation, Weinberg. eagerness, scarcely any perceptible tenderness Yes, that was soon told; Kaptenska had in his manner. Mr. and Mrs. Accountant called with compliments from mamzell's were surprised, and not altogether pleased; mother. Annette turned pale as death. Yes. Annette, however, was satisfied, and deeply Kaptenska was now sorry that she had not happy. When the lieutenant took her hand, made the dear mamzell's acquaintance sooner; and looked into her eyes, she felt that she held but the dear mamzell would certainly know, his happiness in her keeping-that his gravi- that she never could have guessed that Karin ty, his earnestness, arose from the fact that Jacris was the dear mamzell's mother. Yet he had come there more than ever determined so it was that Jacris, Mamzell Annette's to seek it only from her. She was not wrong; sainted father, had lived as farm-servant with consideration had deepened both Hjalmar's her sainted* husband, when the sainted love and fears. That he loved Annette, with Weinberg was Kapten of a land-regiment in all her defects of character, more than he Norrland; and Karin- a good, kind, sweet should probably ever love another woman, he little human being- had nursed her daughwas more thoroughly convinced; that he ter, who thus proved to be Mamzell Annette's would not marry her, even if she would marry own foster-sister ;— and — she would not just him, unless he found in her a mind accordant say it of her own girl - but the sainted Weinwith his own views of life, and his own posi- berg used to say, that Karin Jacris tion in society, he was still more resolved. With such a state of mind his manner accorded; but that manner was rather perplexing to the worthy Accountant and his wifehis better-half in most senses. His most hearty, father-like reception had been ready; her part, as the gracious, yet dignified mamma, had been prepared; but somehow there was something so unlike the son-in-law expectant in the manner and address of young Lieutenant Hjalmar, that the parts of the kind consenting parents were involuntarily suspended, and the actors only felt confused and awkward, not knowing exactly how to fall in with the unexpected changes that had been made in the piece. They were each silently ruminating on the propriety of retiring for a few minutes from the scene, until the hero and heroine had decided on the plot, when, somewhat to their relief, and to Hjalmar's annoyance, an almost unknown visitor entered the room. It was a little, fat elderly lady, made almost as broad as she was long with wadded petticoats; who, having deposited a variety of outer clothing in the Tambour, or entrance- of mamzell's parents; her sainted Weinberg hall, came courtesying, apologizing, speaking very humbly, and looking very important, into the salong, where the party sat. It is rather disagreeable to enter a room where people are comfortably seated on sofas and chairs, and casting a surprised and inquiring glance at the intruder. Lieutenant Hjalmar was the only one of the party who spoke to the visitor, for he was slightly acquainted with her, and greeted her by name.

"I have not the honor”—said Mr. Ac


"We have not the honor"-repeated Mrs. Accountant.

"I have not the honor of being acquainted here," said the little woman, taking up the speech herself.

The Kaptenska's disclosures were interrupted by a deep sigh or sob. The dear mamzell fainted! Poor Kaptenska! She had long desired to get acquainted with her neighbors, the rich Accountants, who had such pleasant parties, to which her daughter might be invited; and when "the old Karin from Norrland," never imagining that Annette kept her birth and origin a profound secret, had called to see her old mistress on her way home, and had drunk coffee with her, and related to her the cause of her long journey, and told her the wonderful history of her beautiful child, the admired Mamzell Miller, her astonishment was only equalled by her delight; she beheld the door of Accountant Miller's house at once opened to her and to the foster-sister of their adopted daughter. It is customary among the Swedes, when they have met with a friend of the person they visit, to present that friend's compliments, although they have not been sent; so Kaptenska Weinberg felt no embarrassment in making her first speech. She was the friend

had been a good master-she and her daughter must naturally be mamzell's good friends: and all that Kaptenska Weinberg had to do, was to lament that she had not known long before that the sweet mamzell's mamma was not Fru Kamrerska Miller, but good Gummant Jacris.

Alas, the vanity of human expectations! Annette was laid on a sofa, and Kaptenska was almost turned out of doors by the enraged Accountant. Mrs. Accountant was nearly distracted; Lieutenant Hjalmar - calm, but very pale with apprehension, emotion, and am

*Swedes usually use the term sainted when speaking of a dead husband or wife.

† Old woman-a term used to peasants

uncertain sort of joy at finding his beloved was | rather below than above the station of his own respected parents-hung over the arm of the sofa, wondering at the agitation that laid her there, at a loss to account for it, and unwilling, if he were able, to release the hand which Annette had almost convulsively clasped when he had caught her in his arms and carried her there. A burst of tears relieved her; the Accountant then drew the young man away, and the girl was left to weep her tears upon the bosom of the sympathizing and indignant Mamma Miller. Hjalmar gently pressed the hand that held his, as he drew it away. Annette felt and understood that pressure; it went to her heart; it redoubled her tears, but it did her good. She recovered; she sat up; she said to herself "Hjalmar will not change; his love will overcome all. Though I am in other eyes only a peasant's daughter, in his I shall be all I ever was— - Annette Miller."

Ah, poor Annette Miller! while consoling herself thus, her lover, thrown into a great chair, was listening with an aching heart to the angry words and painful disclosures of the Accountant, who walked up and down the room, uttering words which were like deathstrokes to the good lieutenant. It was not until the first ebullition of wrath and denunciation was over, that Hjalmar could clearly understand the language that pained him so deeply.

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Yes, that is all true; she is the daughter of these poor people up there in Norrland; she is ashamed of them - naturally. We have brought her up as our own; who has a right to come and say she is not so? She wishes to have no other parents; she denies them, looks down upon them — naturally. She is above them in all respects; poor little dear." "She is ashamed of them!" said Hjalmar in a very deep-toned voice.


Naturally. See now, my best lieutenant, I will conceal nothing from you-naturally, after what little Annette has let us understand. But see now, the girl has always passed for our own; we have educated her how? that is not for me to say; you see what she is certainly, she is not suited to these honest folk. What could she do up there in such a home as that? She could not put her foot within it. But what do you think? After more than eight years' separation, comes the old mother from Norrland the father is dead, thank Heaven! - but the mother, it seems, cannot forget the girl, and away she must come down here to see her. You may think, my good lieutenant; poor little Annette! a mere good-natured, coarselydressed peasant woman, coming and calling her daughter, and wanting to embrace her, and weep over her, and make quite a scene; a girl who does not wish to have any parent

but ourselves - - no peasant parents at least! And here she sat, and held a long discourse to the girl about having God before her eyes, and not forgetting her eternal salvation, because the world was good and pleasant to her; just as if we had not brought up the child as well and religiously as we could. And she clung to us, and loved us so inwardly; she never could hear of that poor old home without shame. But now, the mother must come and disturb us all, saying she only wanted to see her child before she died-coming five hundred miles in mid-winter to see a girl who does not wish to have any parent but ourselves! Annette was anxious to get her off as quickly as possible-naturally; what could she do with her here? She could not present her even to the servants, and say; This is my mother-this worthy Gumman from Norrland.' So she gave her a little money, and sent her back again directly, she did not wish to have her here. That was most natural."

"Pardon me, best Accountant," said Hjalmar, when he came to a stop; "I cannot think it was most natural."

"The lieutenant, then, does not admire Annette's conduct?"

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Hjalmar's face blushed deeply. "I have never spoken of my love," he replied, "to her, to her foster-parents, to any one. I believed it was known to myself alone its existence, its degree, its nature. I wish to speak to her: but it was of another, at least of a preliminary subject. With the Accountant's leave, I will now write to Annette; I will not now detain the Accountant longer from her."

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Annette was better her color had even returned. She came into the room, prepared still to go on the sledging-party, and expecting then to have a full explanation with Hjalmar, for which a drive in a sledge might afford a sufficiently convenient opportunity. After that pressure of the hand, she felt she could meet him as usual. So she came into the room; but Hjalmar had gone away. She was displeased at his precipitation; her sledging must be given up; but she would go to the president's ball in the evening; she would meet him there, and be very distant and cold towards him, and much more agreeable to her other admirers. She had no opportunity of thus revenging herself for the loss of her sledging-party: Hjalmar was not at the ball. Friherrinam K. had received his excuses; he was obliged to return to the place he had left.

To smile, to look pleased, to dance, with a load of lead in the heart-this cannot be very easy. In the heart of the silvered wooden spoon the lead had grown very heavy.

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