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Afpafio proves the point, from the liturgy, the
articles, the homilies of the Church of England, and
the writings of the fathers.

Afpafio re-establishes the tenet, from the fcriptures

of the Old Testament.

Theron takes a curfory view of the habitable crea-
tion-Traces the perfections of nature through the
earth, air, and fire-Admirable conftruction, and
advantageous effects, of thefe elements.

Afpafio takes occafion to display the no lefs admi-
rable perfection of Chrift's righteoufnefs-Its princi-
ple, extent, perfeverance.

Theron's account of the western cliffs, the won-
ders of the ocean, and the benefits of navigation.

Afpafio enumerates the much richer benefits re-
fulting from the imputation of Christ's righteousness

Shews their happy influence on holiness of heart,
and obedience of life.


Afpafio exemplifies the laft particular in two very
memorable inftances-Efpecially in the conduct of
Abraham offering up his fon Ifaac.


Afpafio touches upon union with Chrift-How
described in fcripture-Its bleffed and glorious ef-


Afpafio revifits Theron-Theron under anxiety of
fpirit-Afpafio, partly to entertain, partly to comfort
his friend, enlarges upon the bounty of the Creator,
vifible both in the animal and vegetable world-The
new convert is flow of heart to believe-Evangelical
motives to faith.


Harvest. scene-Philenor's gardens-Statues
Grove of ever greens--Nature of true faith-Its fure
foundation, and firm fupports.


A river-voyage-The diverfified profpect-Com-
parative happiness-Advantages of peace-A cele-
bration of the gospel, and its bleffings, in a kind of
rhapfody-Chrift's righteoufnefs applied to every
cafe of distress, and every time of need.








SPASIO was employed in preparing for his jour ney. Theron, free from bufinefs, and difengaged from company, had the greateft part of the day to himself, which he spent in reviewing the fubftance of their late conferences; not without intermingled afpirations to God, for the guidance of his divine Spirit.

At evening, he went, like the patriarch of old, into the field to meditate, Gen. xxiv. 63. amidst the calm of nature, to meditate on the grace of the gofpel. The fky was peculiarly beautiful, and perfectly clear; only where the fine indigo received an agreeable heightening, by a few thin and fcattered clouds; which imbibed the folar rays, and looked like penfile fleeces of pureft wool. VOL. 11.


All things appeared with fo mild, fo majestic, fo charming an afpect, that, intent as he was upon a different fubject, he could not but indulge the following foliloquy.

"How delightful are the fcenes of rural nature! efpecially to the philofophic eye, and contemplative mind. I cannot wonder that perfons in high life are fo fond of retiring from a confpicuous and exalted station, to the covert of a fhady grove, or the margin of a cooling ftream; are fo defirous of quitting the fmoky town, and noisy street, in order to breathe purer air, and furvey the wonders of creation, in the filent, the ferene, the peaceful villa.


""Tis true, in the country, there are none of the modifh, I had almost faid, meretricious ornaments of that falfe politenefs, which refines people out of their veracity but an easy fimplicity of manners, with an unaffected fincerity of mind. Here the folemn farce of ceremony is feldom brought into play, and the pleafing delufions of compliment have no place. But the brow is the real index of the temper, and speech the genuine interpreter of the heart.

"In the country, I acknowledge, we are feldom invited to fee the mimic attempts of human art. But we, every where, behold the grand and masterly exertions of divine power. No theatre érects its narrow ftage, furrounds it with puny rows of afcending feats, or adorns it with a fhifting feries of gorgeous fcenery: But fields extend their ample area; at first, lightly clad with a fcarf of fpringing green; then, deeply planted with an arrangement of fpindling ftalks; as a few more weeks advance, covered with a profufion of bearded or husky grain; at laft, richly laden with a harvest of yellow plenty.

"Meadows difclofe their beautiful bofom; yield a foft and fertile lap for the luxuriant herbage; and fuckle myriads of the fairest, gayest flowers; which, without any vain oftentation, or expenfive finery, outvie each other in all the elegance of drefs. Groves of various leaf; arrayed in freshest verdure, and liberal of their reviving fhade, rife, in amiable, in noble profpects, all a

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