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on certain occasions sit at the table of the king. Now it is a singular fact that amongst the Hindus, elevation in rank can have no effect to elevate a man's caste. If a low caste man is exalted to a throne, his own bráhman domestics will still refuse to eat at his table. It cannot be presumed that at that early age the Egyptians had that completely regulated system of caste which now exists in Hindustán, but the fact that they excluded foreigners from their tables, and considered shepherds such an abomination that the Israelites, who were of that occupation, were obliged to dwell in the land of Goshen, indicates that they had amongst them the germ from which caste has sprung.

2nd. The Egyptians believed in three principles that accomplished the work of creation and pervade all nature. These three principles were deified under the names of Osiris, Isis and Typhon. The first was supposed to be that principle of intelligence which gives form to matter, the second matter, and the third the imperfect state of matter. Now this is the very doctrine of the Hindu Vedas, and in several Hindu shástras it is represented by the mystical word. The dot above this word ong is said to have sprung from the Divine Light, and is the symbol of the first male, and the half circle below, the symbol of the first female energies. From these two sprang the letter which has three points, () and is said to be symbolical of all that exists in this world, and hence every thing should be reckoned by threes. Thus spirit, matter and corruptibility; the father, the seed, and the mother; the God, the teacher, and the disciple; the true attribute, the worldly and the wicked. These symbolical representations are also deified into the forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, which images are said so exactly to resemble some of the ancient Egyptian images, that a company of Hindu soldiers who were not long since conducted through that country, recognized in them the images of their own deities, and fell down and worshipped them.

3rd. Another argument may be drawn from the peculiar resemblance that the bráhmans bear to the Egyptian priests. Instead of directly reproving the king, the Egyptian priest was in the habit of proclaiming aloud the excellencies of a virtuous prince, that by these means be might he reminded of his duty and not offended by the sharpness of rebuke. Now nothing is more common when a Hindu Rájá travels through the country than to see several bráhman attendants running by his side proclaiming the glories of a good ruler. But the Indian bráhmans bear a more striking resemblance to the Egyptian priests in the secret doctrines, which were thought by the Egyptians to be more excellent than the common doctrines

which were taught to the ignorant part of the community. The same kinds of doctrines are taught by the brahmans of India, and it is a fundamental principle in their creed that there are two kinds of religion, one for the wise man, and the other for the fool. In the Yujar Veda, Yama says to his disciple, "Knowledge of God which leads to absorption is one thing, and rites which have fruition for their object, another; each of these producing different consequences, holds out to man inducements to follow it. The man who of these two chooses knowledge is blessed, and he who for the sake of rewards, practises rites is excluded from the enjoyment of eternal beatitude," (Rámmohan Ráy's translation of the Vedas.) From Gen. xlvii. 22 and 26, it appears that the priests of Egypt had portions of land assigned to them by the king, and so very sacred were they deemed to be, that Joseph in the time of the famine could not purchase them with the rest of the land of Egypt. How much resembling these lands are those which have been given to the bráhmans by the princes of India for religious purposes, and exempted from all taxation! These lands are well known throughout the country by the name Brahmatwar, &c. The British Government, much to the dissatisfaction of these usurpers, have of late wisely commenced resuming such as have been claimed, but to which no title can be proved, and it is to be hoped they will soon put an end to many of these unjust claims and establish greater equality amongst their Indian subjects. It is only to be lamented that they do not resume the whole, for if the country is their own, why should the land of one man be exempted from taxation any more than that of another?

4th. There is a striking resemblance between the Egyptian objects of worship and those used in this country. Moses alleged it as the reason why the Israelites could not sacrifice to their God in Egypt, that by so doing they must sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians before their eyes. It is well known that those beasts which the Egyptians worshipped, such as oxen, cows and calves, were sacrificed by the children of Israel; therefore, in slaying before their eyes, such animals as were held most sacred by the Egyptians they must have incurred their displeasure. Now it is well known how sacred the cow is held throughout India, and in no way could Europeans and Musalmáns so successfully sacrifice the abominations of the bráhmans as by eating the flesh of that animal.

The crocodile was another object of Egyptian worship. These huge animals were fed and ornamented by the priests

and regarded with profound veneration. This very custom exists in many parts of India, and in fact all Hindus who regard the religion of bráhmanism pay the crocodile divine honours. Besides the worship of those animals, it is stated by travellers that the images of the Hindus bear a striking resemblance to those still extant in Egypt.

5th. The doctrine of transmigration, which formed a part of the Egyptian theology, and which accounts for their embalming the dead, as they held that the spirit did not seek another abode till the former had become corrupted, is also most strenuously maintained by the brahmanical priesthood. "Now birth, and now death" is a most favourite verse we often hear them repeat from their shástras, which signifies that there is a constant change from one body to another. This change they believe will continue till one has through voluntary suffering secured sufficient merit to entitle him to absorption into the Deity. It is a question if ever any other two nations so much resembled each other in the manner of teaching this doctrine as the Egyptians and Hindus.

6th. Again, Egypt in the book of Psalms is called the land of Ham who was the son of Noah, and whose son Mizraim is supposed to have been the first who inhabited that country after the flood, and hence in the sacred writings it is generally called Mizraim. Now Mizraim or Misara is the name by which this country is known throughout India, and it is a circumstance that in no small degree favours our argument, that this is one of the most common surnames amongst bráhmans in every part of India. Bhagabán Misara is the name of one of our converts. When asked to give the signification of the name, they usually say they know no more about it than that it is a name applied to the whole family, and which they inherited from their fathers. Is it not indeed an interesting fact that at this day so many of these Indian priests bear the very name of Noah's grandson Mizraim?

7th. There is still a tradition amongst the brahmans that they came from a foreign country and taught the people of India religion, and some say that that foreign country was Egypt. My native brother has told me that he was taught by his father that he originated from Egypt, from which country he received the name of Misara. Now if this idea of the brahmans be correct, it follows that as long as they have no interest in Christ, in whom all the nations of the earth are blessed, they are under that curse pronounced by Noah; "Cursed be Canaan*, a servant of servants shall he be unto

Mr. Noyes, like many others, seems to forget that the curse was pronounced, not upon Ham but on Canaan.-ED.

his brethren." Although the bráhmans, as priests of religion, exercise almost unlimited influence, yet all political power has long since passed from them into the hands of the Rájputs, who, though with the most of all other classes of Hindustán, they are converts to their faith, are evidently of a different origin.

8th. To conclude this argument, it gives me pleasure that I am not alone in the supposition that the brahmans are not the original inhabitants of India. Mr. Maurice, a gentleman who has written much about this country, supposes that "the first migration of mankind took place before the confusion of tongues at Babel, from the region of Ararat where the ark rested. By the time the earth became sufficiently dry, either Noah himself or some of the descendants of Shem, gradually led on the first journey to the western frontiers of India; that this increasing colony flourished for a long succession of ages in primitive happiness and innocence; practised the purest rites of the patriarchal religion without images and temples, till at length the descendants of Ham invaded and conquered India, and corrupted their ancient religion." (From the American Encyclopedia of religious knowledge.)

These descendants of Ham I hold to be the bráhmans, and from the foregoing reasons believe they emigrated from Egypt. According to the history of this country they once held political sway, but were at length overpowered by the Rajputs, and being unable to maintain the character of princes, they became the priests of India.

A very interesting inquiry now suggests itself. If the bráhmans have obtained their power through conversion, are there still remaining any Hindus who have never yet become converted to their creed? To this question it may be answered, there are in almost every part of India, those who though situated at an immense distance from each other and known by different names, such as Coles, Khunds, Santals and Bhumijas, yet have a striking resemblance to each other in features, language, manners, customs and religion.

The particular tribes in the vicinity of which providence has cast my lot, are the Santals and Bhumijas, a brief account of which singular and highly interesting people, I have already communicated to you. The simple character of their religion, destitute of images and all other appendages of bráhmanism, indicates the correctness of their claim to be the original proprietors of the soil.

I am of opinion that these people are the descendants of Shem, and the late noble interference of the British Government to prevent the Cooly trade (which is only another name

for slavery) may be regarded as a fulfilment of prophecy. "And Noah said, blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant." There is not a people to be found who would be more averse to slavery than the Santals and Bhumijas. While the haughty bráhman who would not condescend to eat with the king, will still do some of the most menial services, such as cooking the food and rubbing the limbs of his master, the poor Santal or Bhumija had rather die than submit to such services. Though willing to work as day labourers, they at the same time manifest all the independance of English or American workmen, and though for two years past I have made repeated trials, offering double and treble wages, I have been unsuccessful in getting one to serve as a domestic.

The brahmans have by no means been negligent in attempts to convert these people to their own faith, and though generally unsuccessful, they have often through their influence with the Rájás, compelled them to bear the expenses and do the drudgeries of their pujás.

It also must be confessed that the Santals and Bhumijas have received a little tincture of the bráhmanical creed. They usually admit the doctrine of transmigration, though they almost invariably declare themselves to be very doubtful as to what will become of the soul after death. I wrote you last year that they buried their dead; but I have of late learned that they burn them and throw some of the bones into the Ganges. A few days since I understood that they practise both burying and burning; so it is natural to suppose that the custom of burning and paying a kind of respect to the Ganges, is but an adopted custom and extends only to some tribes.

Of late we have taken eight or ten of their children into our Boarding-school, but they do not like to associate with our Oriya children, on which account we have much to do to keep them from running away. They also appear determined to keep up their native language amongst each other.

On account of the famine this year, these people are greatly distressed; and hundreds are obliged to forsake their villages in search of food. Many have come to us to beg rice. I have made use of these opportunities to secure their confidence, and with some success; but they always express great fears lest I should learn their language, which they say would prove the destruction of their race. They however, become more familiar every day, and there is good reason to believe that should a Missionary settle amongst them he would soon reap a rich harvest of souls.

Now, we are supposed to be the descendants of Japheth,

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