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petuate and increase its efficiency. They have, however, now transferred the whole of the premises belonging to it, in trust, to the Rev. Messrs. Yates, Pearce, and Bayne, as Trustees to conduct it on the same comprehensive principles on which it has been always conducted. Thus, though there is now a change of the Managers, there is no change in the principles or the plan.

"In order to make the Institution as useful as possible, the Trustees have written to the British and Foreign School Society in London, to supply them with a teacher fully qualified and regularly trained for the work; and they doubt not but that their application will be readily complied with. In the mean time, the boys will be carried forward in their studies by Mr. Roberts and the girls by Mrs. Baldwin, who are both active, intelligent and pious teachers. They are also happy to state, that the Rev. Messrs. Boaz and Wenger, and J. W. Alexander, Esq, have kindly allowed themselves to be appointed Visitors of the schools. These gentlemen will carefully look into the mode of conducting them, and suggest improvements wherever they appear necessary. They will also narrowly watch the progress of the scholars, and by their frequent presence and advice endeavour to stir up all to attention and diligence. Thus the public will have the best guarantee that can be given, that the Institution will be conducted on the same principles as before: we trust it may be with equal success.

"Notwithstanding the great loss which it has sustained, the Trustees feel a pleasure in stating, that the decrease of the scholars has not been so great as might have been expected. As it regards the Male Department, the number of boys on the register is 161, and the daily attendence averages 140. These embrace the following classes, viz. Roman Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Mahomedans, Jews, Chinese and Armenians, though by far the greater number belong to the first three.

“There has been latterly a considerable diminution of Roman Catholic children in attendance, in consequence of another school being opened in the neighbourhood by their own denomination, who are making vigorous efforts to draw away the children from this Institution to their own. It is rather surprising, however, considering all the changes that have taken place, that so many yet remain."

The school is divided into eleven classes. [Here follows a programme of the studies.] Religious instruction is also communicated. Both the schools are daily opened with singing, reading the scriptures, and prayer; and closed with prayer. The great principles of the oracles of God are unfolded to the rising race, and piety towards God and justice and benevolence to men constantly enjoined. Thus are they taught to connect a sanctified heart with an enlightened mind, to seek for moral excellence as well as mental greatness; and while the utmost attention is paid to their education with the view of elevating their character, and raising them in society, and enabling them properly to discharge the duties of friends and subjects, great care is taken to make them well acquainted with the way of salvation, and the necessity of true holiness, and thus to train them up, as far as possible, in preparation for a happy eternity. But it must be evident to every one, that such an Institution cannot be carried on without considerable expence. Although it is conducted with the utmost economy consistent with efficiency, yet the subscriptions and donations have not been equal to the current expenditure. In addition to this, the debt mentioned in last Report has been discharged, other arrears have been partly paid up, and the premises have undergone very extensive repairs. Another debt has consequently been incurred of nearly 2000 Rs.

In addition to discharging this, it will be necessary to defray the ex

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pence of the new teacher's outfit and passage from England, which will considerably embarrass the trustees, unless they receive even more than usual aid. But conscious that they themselves have no other object in view than the general good, they can appeal with confidence to the generosity of a liberal and enlightened public. They would take this opportunity also of expressing their regret that, in consequence of the unsettledness occasioned by various causes connected with the Institution, the regular subscriptions have not been called for during the past year, and they would earnestly request that they may now be paid.

If the friends of education will only bear in mind that this was the first Institution which was devoted to the improvement of the East India population, a large, important yet neglected class; and that it has been the means of rescuing more than a thousand of young men and women from idleness, vice and misery, and making them happy and useful members of society, and many of them true Christians; and that thousands more may still realize the same blessing, the Trustees doubt not but that it will continue to receive that support which it has for thirty years so liberally enjoyed.

ROBERT BAYNE, Secretary.

Berhampore Native Orphan Asylum.

The Origin, Objects and Routine of the Berhampore Native Orphan Asylum, having been fully explained in the "Statement" published by the Rev. M. Hill at the close of last year, on these points we have nothing new to lay before the friends of the Institution.

The inmates of the Asylum, however, have received a considerable addition to their number, since the publication of Mr. Hill's statement. The Cawnpore Famine Relief Society, sent us last cold season 24 orphan children, of whom two died, and one ran off before reaching this station. The emaciated forms and haggard looks of these poor sufferers, showed how deeply they had drunk of the cup of misery, before the hand of Christian charity could avail to rescue them from the horrors of a famine which, like an overflowing scourge, had swept away parents, brothers, friends, and all who would "naturally care for their state." Though the regular supply of food and clothing which they enjoyed on their pas sage down the river, at the most bracing season of the year, had greatly contributed to their restoration to health; many of them on their arrival were still laboring under various diseases, which ultimately carried off four more of their number. The remaining 17, through the Divine blessing on the kind exertions of the surgeon and assistant surgeon of the station, have returned from the Native Hospital in good health, and are now perfectly naturalized, many of them already speaking the Bengalee language as fluently as if it were their mother-tongue.

But besides these orphans from the North Western Provinces, we have also received a few from our own district, from Patna, Hazaribaugh and the zillah of Kishnagur. The number of our orphan children at this date (not including the girls referred to in Mr. Hill's statement as having been sent to the Bhowanipore Christian Institution, in Calcutta), is 35, of whom seven are girls.

As it was found inexpedient to educate the children of both sexes on the same premises, the girls, with those of the boys whose tender age required such an arrangement, were formed into a separate department. A Native Christian matron resides constantly with them, teaching the elder girls the various branches of Bengalee housewifery, and acting as a mother to the younger children, by which name indeed she is known among them all and loved. This department of the institution is at Babulbona, in the compound of Mr. Lessel.

The elder boys remain in the original Asylum on the Mission Premises as before, under the immediate management of Mr. L'Herondelle, who lives in the Asylum, directs their work, assists in their education, and exercises a general superintendence over all their conduct. Both departments of the Institution are under the daily control of the missionaries and their wives, who assist by their personal efforts wherever the teachers appear to require counsel, encouragement or aid.

We are happy in being able to add, that the orphans generally have given us satisfaction, by their good behaviour and attention to their lessons and their work: but we mourn that so few of them seem to regard what is our main object, our hearts' desire and prayer for them, the salvation of their souls. Over at least two of them, however, we are rejoicing yet with fear and trembling. They are amongst the senior boys, though not the oldest. For some months past they have of their own accord accompanied us and the catechists to the bazars, with the view of qualifying themselves for the work of preaching the gospel to their countrymen.

In addition to the orphans there are four boys and two girls, children of the farm laborers, being educated in the Asylum: so that the inmates of both departments united amount to 41, viz. 24 boys on the mission premises, and nine girls and eight young boys at Babulbona. Seven men of the agricultural class from the neighbouring district, professing to be in search of employment and at the same time desirous of embracing the Christian faith, last hot season were engaged as stated laborers on the farm, as they seemed to us to come under the description of persons for whose benefit the farm was originally designed, (vide Statement, p. 6.) In a short time they solicited and obtained permission to bring their families, amounting in all to 28 souls. They were so very poor, that we willingly, at their request, admitted such of their children as were of a suitable age, into the orphan school. The parents, with their infant children, are located on the farm, and with them we have placed a Christian sirkar, to conduct their morning and evening worship, and instruct them in the true faith. They also attend the regular Bengalee services at the mission house on the Sabbath day, along with the Native Christians and orphans; and though deplorably ignorant, they appear willing -some of them anxious-to learn, and attentive to the means of grace. One of the old farm servants, also, has thrown off his caste, and attends worship, &c. with the others, with the avowed design of becoming a Christian. We should not, however, think ourselves justified in baptizing any of them yet.

Two of the orphan girls have just been married-one to a young man (one of the above laborers), and the other to the eldest of the orphan lads. We should have gladly kept them at school two years longer, as they had been only a few months in the Asylum; but considering their mature age, we did not think it prudent to oppose their wishes. Both couples are now located on the farm.

In concluding this Report, we would desire to express our humble gratitude to God, for the measure of support which he has graciously vouchsafed to us, in our endeavours to benefit the temporal and spiritual condition of those destitute children, who by his all-wise providence have been placed under our care. We also return our sincere thanks to those very kind friends of the Institution, by whose liberality we have hitherto been enabled to carry on our efforts, without embarrassment. We shall doubtless be excused from naming individual benefactors, but we feel their favors not the less on this account. May He who is the Father of the fatherless bless them, and return their kindness into their own bosoms a thousand-fold!

We subjoin the balance sheet of accounts for the last year and a half.

Berhampore, Dec. 31, 1839.


P. S. The adults, who have renounced the errors of their fathers, and placed themselves with their families under our protection and religious training, and the children who are being initiated in the rudiments of learning and the first principles of the oracles of God, form an aggregate of upwards of eighty souls, known among the heathen by the name of Christians.


We regret having to record the loss of one of the most indefatigable and successful of modern Missionaries, the Rev. J. Williams of the South Sea Mission,-well known to the world as the author of a most interesting work on Missions in that region of the world. Mr. W. it is well known, went out in command of the Camden, a missionary ship, for the purpose of exploring the islands of the southern Pacific as yet unvisited by mission influence. In the course of the voyage the vessel touched at the island of Aramanga, when the inhabitants rushed upon the party and massacred Mr. W. and a young man named Harris, who was proceeding to England with a view to study for mission labor at the Marquesas. The companions of Mr. W. (two) escaped unhurt, but without even rescuing the bodies of the murdered saints from the grasp of these lawless islanders. The sensation which this tragical event will produce in Britain is beyond calculation, since our deceased brother was personally known as a useful and holy Missionary from the Sovereign down through all grades to the lowliest peasant. May that God whose servants we are, impress upon our hearts the utter impotence of all human effort, and that all success depends upon the strong and ever-living arm of Jehovah.


In our last issue we gave an account of the anniversaries of several of our public institutions; we now complete the series by the insertion of an account of the anniversaries of the Tract and Book Society, and the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. We are indebted to the Courier for the substance of the reports.


A Meeting of the friends of the Christian Tract and Book Society was held on Tuesday evening, January 21, at the Town Hall, but rather thinly attended. The Chair was taken by J. A. Hawkins, Esq. A short prayer was offered up by the Rev. Mr. Ewart, and then after a few remarks from the Chairman the Secretary was called upon to read the Report.

The following is an abstract of the Report as read by the Secretary:

First, as to the funds of the Society during the past twelve months; the report states that they have experienced a slight decrease in the receipts of subscriptions and donations compared to former years:



Balance of last year,
Subscriptions and Donations,
Sale of Books,..................

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The greater part of this balance is nominal-as there are bills on hand to discharge which will reduce the balance to less than Rs. 2000.

There has been a great increase in the circulation of books through the Depository during the past year, especially among the European portion of the residents, which is very encouraging:

RECEIPTS.-1, Bengali Tracts printed 146,000, of which 50,000 are a gift from Mr. Hawkins and 20,000 from the Baptist Mission Press, the whole being only a portion of 220,000 ordered by the Committee. 2, Hindosthanee reprinted 4,000, being the commencement of an order to the amount of upwards of 200,000 now on hand. 3, Promiscuous grant in English and other European languages from the London Tract Society, 32,000. 4, from Messrs. J. W. Alexander, Hawkins, Sutton, &c. nearly 15,000 in English, Persian and Ooriya; making in all about 200,000 received into the Depository.

ISSUES.-The issues for the year have been 273,000. Thus the receipts have been about 18,000, and the issues 100,000 greater than during the former year.

In the work of book-translation little has been done. The first part of Barth's Church History has been translated into Bengali by the Rev. Mr. Piffard; also Doddridge's Rise and Progress, abridged and altered in some measure, translated into Bengali and printed; and the life of Daniel into Bengali by the Rev. Mr. Morton. Several little works have been prepared in Persian by the Rev. Mr. Pffander for the benefit of Mahommedans understanding or speaking that language. Mr. Pffander was for some time engaged in the Georgian Mission, but through the bigotted jealousy of the Government of that country was expelled from thence, but not until he had become well versed in the delusions and language of the people. After having acquired this important object his steps were directed to this city, where his acquisitions have been turned to a valuable result. During the past year the various works bave made their appearance: they comprehend the chief points at issue in the controversy between Christians and Musulmans, and those who are able to judge their merits, speak very highly of their value.

The Report goes on to notice that" silent knowledge is rapidly though secretly spreading-inquiries, in many cases, are incited into action-conviction, produced under a sermon or address, is urging on towards conversion, by the hidden supplies of a tract or a book read privately and by hidden snatches."

In consequence of the large demands for the Society's books, especially from Agra, an Auxiliary Depository has been formed there under Capt. Wheler, to whom an extensive supply of books has been sent up.

This Society have corresponded with the Madras and Bombay Tract Societies for translations of their chief native tracts, promising in return translations of their principal tracts-the request has been readily acceded to.

During the past year a cognate society has been established in Calcutta, called the Christian School Book Society, whose object is to promote the sanctification of the educational literature of India.

The Report concludes with some very excellent remarks on what should constitute the duty of every one in stirring up his energies for the service of Christ. "Time is speeding on-year after year passes away-the close of each man's stewardship to God is hastening towards him-soon will it be here. What shall our account then be?" "Let us then awake more than ever;-let us open our eyes on the fearful rapidity of time's revolution. Let him that can teach, teach now-let him that can give, give now-let him that can write, write now-let him that can translate, translate now-let him that can distribute, distribute now-let him that can pray, pray now-let him that can do any of these, do it now-let him that can do all of these, do all now; for the time is short, and the end of all is at hand !" The Reverend Mr. Boswell proposed the first resolution, which wasFirst." That the Report now read be adopted and circulated as a pledge of our continuance in brotherly love, and as a medium of exciting increased interest in this Society's special department of evangelical operation."

In putting it he dwelt some time on the importance of unity and brotherly love in all Christian undertakings. But there could be no brotherly love without divine truth as its foundation. The most delightful feature of such an association as this is, that it includes amongst its friends and supporters Christians of all denominations in a holy union The Rev. speaker illustrated this, by supposing the pillars which support the roof of the Hall to be all of marble, which though of different and various colours, will still, if contrived on the same principles of architecture, yield equal support to the building. So may every class of pious Christians mutually render assistance in the great edifice of Christianity, and be its support. In conclusion he commended union in prayer to Almighty God, that he would unite with his servants in the extension of His Kingdom.

Mr. J. W. Alexander seconded the above motion.

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