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Albania a prey to anarchy, and on his harshly censured, has no other mobeing beheaded, Ali was named to tive; and it may be considered as the vacant pachalick, and took pos- his means of self-preservation. He session of Janina, the present seat of delights in saying that he is a modern his power.

Pyrrhus (or Bourrhous, as he proPrudent in prosperity, Ali lost no nounces it) but a Pyrrhus, however, time in taking the necessary steps to who shows a due regard for his sovestrengthen his precarious and blood- reign. Unlike most other pachas, stained authority. He accordingly by his general knowledge, his eyes increased his dominions, by reducing are always fixed on what is passing the rebels in arms against the Porte; in Europe. He gets newspapers transthese he afterwards took under his lated; eagerly seeks for information; protection as subjects; and above all and is no stranger to the various oshe sheltered and favoured the Greek cillations of the political system. religion. He also contracted alliances Equally attentive to the frequent with the Agas of Thessalia ; and as-, commotions which take place in the sociated his two sons into his power, Turkish empire, he uniformly avails by obtaining for them the titles of himself of the weakness of that gopachas. Lastly, after a series of vernment, to extend his dominions, successes, which surpassed even his and to seize advantageous posts. He most sanguine expectations, Ali re- trusts for his justification in his nuceived the three tails, on his return merous creatures, in the powerful from the Widin expedition against friends whom he pays, even in the Passwan Oglu, in 1798.

divan; and the Porte, knowing his He is now (1809] 52 years of age; resources, feels deeply interested in and no signs of premature old age are keeping on fair terms with him. discernible in him ; his noble and Not satisfied, however, with an open countenance, marked by strong ephemeral power, Ali has looked features, pourtrays all the violent e- forward to futurity, with a determi. motions of his soul. He knows, how. nation not to leave his pachalick to a ever, how to command it, when ne- stranger. We have already said, cessary; and his looks become en- that he has obtained for his two sons, gaging. Yet even at such times, his the titles of pachas; and the Porte, but half-constrained laughter, denotes which generally waits for the death that his tongue is at variance with his of its officers, to reassume its rights, heart. On the other hand, when he seems to have lost Albania for ever. punishes, he is unable to conceal his Mouctar, the eldest son of Ali, folwrath ; and the convulsive distortion lowing his father's example, has of his features manifests without re- given proofs of the greatest energy ; serve his violence of temper. In he may even be accused of ferocity. figure he is tall and athletick : brave Veli, of a more gentle disposition, to the extreme : and his arms and seems engrossed by the cares of adbosom are graced by numerous ministration. United, however, by honourable scars.

the firmest friendship, no motives of Steady in his plans, he has adopted interest have hitherto divided these a line of conduct, from which he has brothers. Ali has governed Orta, sometimes de viated through circum- and Negropont, with the title of stances, but which he has kept con- pacha. Veli fills the place of Der. startly in view. Convinced that by vendgi Pacha, or “ inspector of the money he can always preserve favour highways.” By this union of offices, with the Porte, he regularly pays his the sensible Ali has secured supports tributes to the Sultan, though he has in his two sons, whose strict union made hinıself independent in fact. strengthens his authority more and His avarice, for which he has been more. Ali, always a true Albanese

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at heart, speaks only that language, in their thick surtouts, seem to disor modern Greek. He places his hap- regard the difference of seasons. piness in commanding those to whom While encamped they spend the he is indebted for his elevation. whole day in wrestling, singing, and Mouctar has learnt Turkish, and dancing, and from their habitual from his youth has been familiar sobriety, a slight distribution of with the din of arms, as led by his wheaten, or maize bread, with black warlike disposition. Veli, better in- olives, or a few pickled sardines, is formed, acquires every day more in- reckoned a treat. Very different struction, and is acquainted with the from the Turks, whom they call Osoriental languages.

manlis, and whose sole happiness is Ali has chosen his residence in a in indolence, the Albanese are al. peninsula, formed by the lake Ache. ways in motion. They hail the aprusia ; and connected with Janina by proach of danger with joyful accla-. a narrow isthmus, which is defended mations; but, whatever be the event, by a strong castle. Here, inaccessi- they never fail of claiming the whole ble to attack, Ali lives secluded from merit of the success; and above all the town, and from his subjects. In they never acknowledge a defeat. this strong hold, capable of resistance When repulsed, they only say, that for a long while, even after the taking they have not been victorious; but of Janina, he is surrounded by a if they can carry off a head, they chosen band of Albanese, secured by loudly exult in the trifling advantage. conscious bravery rather than by the At night, those thick surtouts we display of terrour. He does not have mentioned serve them as beds. however, neglect that mean of en- Their head is barely covered by their forcing his authority in his capital; fechs (a kind of bonnet, somewhat but it is tempered with occasional like that of the Highlanders) their marks of condescending confidence. legs are, however, well guarded by Not long ago [in 1805] all the shops cothurns ; they are, literally, loaded were shut on his appearance in the with arms; and satisfied with their streets; and he felt some complacen- lot, they place their happiness in a cy, in seeing himself thus feared. camp life. Diseases are so few among He begins to perceive, that the love them, that out of six thousand men enof his subjects is preferable to their camped on active service, for a length fear; and he has laid aside part of of time, no more than twenty could the terrifick pomp that surrounded be found on the sick list. It must be him. Free from that barbarous fe- said, on the other hand, that as an rocity which sheds blood without mo. Albanese never complains, except tive, he never imbrues his hands in when actually ill, so no power can it, but through interest, or to secure keep him in the ranks when he is his tranquillity, which, from his mis- sick. He then retires to his family, trustful temper, he perhaps considers in his native mountains; but hastens as exposed to more dangers than ac- to join his colours wlien recoveredo tually exist.

Moreover he protects The Albanese soldier glories in his commerce and industry. These he profession. He shows, with pride, his delights in fixing in his dominions : numerous scars, as titles to honouraand his views on this subject are ble distinction. The tattered state really astonishing, considering the of his linen and garments, is also an

, barbarous state in which he has been occasion of exultation; and to express till now supposed to live.

the utmost bravery of an Albanese, The army of Ali pacha is almost they say, that he never quits his shirt exclusively composed of Albanese, till it falls in rags. In short, in the who being accustomed to the keen men of Epirus an observer might find air of their mountains, and wrapt up the soldiers of Alexander, of Pyrr

hus, and of Scanderberg. With such men properly disciplined, a general might do wonders, and could, perhaps, change the face of the oriental world. In the decline of the empire, the Albanese alone have maintained their true characteristicks; proud, and panting for battle, they are delighted, they are transported, at the clashing of arms. The Albanese officers are generally accompanied by a kind of squire, who, on a march, carry their cuirass, and their arms. Their dress and mode of living, give some faint idea of our ancient knights.

It would be useless here to detail the petty intrigues, the desultory warfare and the crimes of all kinds by which Ali gradually extended his dominions. They now comprise Epirus, Arcadia, the mountains of Pindus, Phocida, a part of Etolia, Thessalia, and some districts of Macedonia; together with Crevesa, and other seaports formerly belonging to the Venetians, and which he has wrested from the French.

The pachas of Arta, Argyro-castron, Ochrida, and Delvino, are, in fact, dependent on him, though he suffers them to enjoy the show and trappings of authority; and even the fierce tribes which dwell in the craggy mountains of Epirus, have either felt the power of his arms, or have been subdued by his intrigues.

The revenue drawn by Ali from these countries, may be valued at 400,000. including the taxes, which are collected with less severity than in the rest of the empire; the produce of his numerous flocks, and his pro fits on the sale of wool and timber, and indeed on trade in general, for he is the greatest trader and first monopolist in his dominions. This sum is sufficient to pay his tributes to the Porte; to defray the expenses of his household; and to maintain his army.

His forces may amount in peacea ble times to six or eight thousand Albanese; though in cases of great

emergency, as in the expedition against Passwan Oglu, he has brought five and twenty thousand men into the field; but then the additional expense is amply repaid by the Porte. He has, besides, in his dominions, the elements of a most excellent militia ; for the profession of arms is that of every Albanese. They are found throughout the empire, in the service of every pacha, whose guard they generally compose, and they take an active and leading part in all the commotions which desolate the empire. When by these means they have acquired what they consider a competency, they invariably return to their native mountains; and are always ready to obey the call of their pacha. Others prefer the profession of haïdouts, i. e. highway robbers, and after having acquired a property by that course of life, they likewise return, and are never thought the worse of, on that account. As they are acquainted with the darkest passes of the country, they are most formi, dable in partial encounters, in which the Mussulmen are known to be generally superiour to the disciplined troops of Europe.

To these natural means of defence and attack, Ali unites all the craft of a politician; as well in attaching men to his interests, as in effecting the ruin of those whose designs he suspects. He never vexes his agas by preventing their extortions. On the contrary, he lets them act at their own discretion; well convinced, that rogues will never seek for change, when they are assured of impunity; and from this conduct some of them are fanatically devoted to him.

He never lulls himself in dangerous security; and, always on the watch for European news, as we have observed already, he never lets a foreigner pass through his dominions, without summoning him into his presence; not so much with a view to extort a present from him, though he is as greedy as any other

Turk, as to get information. He af- Italy. Their women, whose greatest terwards compares the various intelli- finery is a gold-embroidered hand. gence that he has received; he cal. kerchief, receive gold and silver culates events ; and every thing in- thread from Vienna, Germany also, duces a belief that Ali will be one of supplies them with woollen cloth and the strongest supports of his master, hardware. though his services will be those of From the ports of Orta, Crevesa, a great feudatory, rather than of a Vallona, Durazzo, and from the devoted slave.

mouths of the Boïnna, they export The pachalick of Ali, like the rest annually in Sclavonian, or Ragusan of the Ottoman empire, having a po- vessels, five or six cargoes of oil, for pulation infinitely disproportionate to Trieste and Venice; three or four of its extent of territory, the land though wool, of all kinds, mostly unwashed, not remarkably fruitful or well cul. destined for Ancona and Genoa ; tivated, produces more than is ade- three or four of corn for Genoa; and quate to the wants of the inhabitants. one or two of tobacco, for Naples and With the surplus they procure the Messina. money for paying their taxes; and to Before the revolution, France, purchase European manufactures, so which had a constant intercourse necessary in a country where even with Albania, monopolized most of the most common arts of civilisation that trade, with the addition of several are utterly unknown. Arms of every valuable cargoes of timber, much kind form an object essentially neces- superiour in quality to that of the sary to such a warlike people. They Baltick. It was employed in the even are an object of luxury among dock yards of Toulon ; and it has them. They generally prefer the been remarked that the finest frigates guns and pistols from the manuface in the French navy were built of that tures of Brescia. They likewise imkind of oak, which had been furnishport their glass and their paper from ed by the forests of Albania.

PREMATURE ERUDITION. AN article in the foreign jour youths around him. In the course nals, under the head of Mersburgh, of his translating, he was also exa. June 10, says: “ A distinguished mined on the parts of speech, conprofessor in one of our colleges being cord, syntax, &c. which he analyzed desirous to excite emulation among and explained with a facility and achis pupils, brought before them a curacy which excited the astonishchild of only seven years and ten ment of all who were present. He months. He listened with attention construed, likewise, an Italian book, to the Greek lesson which the pro- which one of the company had fessor was expounding, and which brought with him, and conversed fahe desired the child to go on with. miliarly in that language. The seAll his astonished pupils heard the quel of the conversation proved his child construe, to the satisfaction of extensive knowledge in history, geoevery one, a passage in Plutarch with graphy, &c. Fortunately for this pro. which he was previously unacquaint- digy of learning, he is well formed, ed, and give every explanation that and enjoys perfect health. He poscould be required. Cesar's Commen- sesses all the playfulness, all the taries were next handed him, and modesty and simplicity of a child of he translated, readily and distinctly, his tender years, and is not even sentences which had puzzled the conscious that he is the object of

universal admiration. His father is excelled in knowledge at the tender the celebrated doctor Charles Wette, age of two years, and that he died beminister of Lochan, near Halle, who fore he had completed his fourth. unfortunately refuses to communicate Baratier, after having astonished Euthe method (peculiar to himself) rope by the variety and extent of his which he adopted to instruct a child acquirements at a very early period, who resembles Heincken, and Bara- died, apparently of old age, before tier, the prodigies of their times. It he attained his nineteenth year. is a well attested fact, that the former



ON the 11th of last March, died fire of youthful genius, and the geat Tiverton, Devonshire, the place nuine effusions of filial gratitude. of her nativity, in the 66th year of Mrs. Cowley's first dramatick Coup her age, Mrs. Hannah Cowley, an d'Essai, was the comedy of the Run. authoress, who may be justly said to away. This play, produced in March, have been celebrated in every walk 1776, was the last new piece brought of the drama, and in every measure out by Mr. Garrick, previous to his of poetry.

resigning the management of DruryThis lady was the daughter of the lane theatre. late Mr. Parkhurst, also of Tiverton; The first act of this play, verba. a gentleman as universally respected tim, as it now stands, is said to have and esteemed for his learning and been produced one morning before probity, as for a peculiar flow of dinner. It met the encouragement of humour which enlivened his conver- her husband, who wished to see it sation. Mrs. Cowley's genius may, finished. It was accordingly complein some respects, be considered as ted in a fortnight, and transmitted to hereditary. Her grandmother by the - Mr. Garrick, at his then residence, father's side having been first cousin at Hampton court. to the celebrated poet Gay, by whom This comedy which was so favourshe was held in such high estima. ably received, that it first introduced tion, that he passed a considerable the practice of what, in dramatick portion of his time at her house in phraseology, is termed " Running Barnstaple.

Plays," was performed a successive In addition to his other qualifica- number of nights, with distinguished tions, Mr. Parkhurst had attained a applause. And we may judge what proficiency in classical literature, must have been the receipts of the which gained him the reputation treasury of the theatre, when it proof having been an excellent scholar. duced to the fair authoress eight hun

Under such a tutor, was the ge- dred guineas. nius of our authoress inspired and Her next effort in the drama, in cultivated ; and she presented him point of composition, though not of in return with the first fruits of her representation, was the tragedy of muse, by prefixing his name to the Albina, which was brought out by poem of the Maid of Aragon, in a Mr. Colman, at his summer theatre dedication, which evinced at once the in the Haymarket, on the 30th of

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