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make strange wills in our family," said Percy, who, though restless and expectant, could still smile. "Sir Francis left his property under peculiar conditions," he concluded abruptly, looking with astonishment at Mary, whose touch upon his arm had brought his explanation to a close. But Mary was looking at Zaidee, and he, too, turned to look at her. Percy was the unwitting instrument of Mary's plot; he was rather excited, full of a vague and startled expectation; but she had not told him the reason of her contrivance, and his mind was busy with speculations. Still more uneasy grew Percy as his

figure, standing on this elevated ground, was distinctly relieved against the far-off line of sky. She was standing shading her eyes with her hand, as she, too, gazed down the road in expectation of the new master of Castle Vivian, and her eyes were looking far into the air, half wistits wont-her hair was loosened a little by the wind. Percy could not recollect where he had seen this simple attitude, so full of unconscious grace and pre-occupied attention, but it was strangely familiar and well known to him. While he stood in doubt, a very handsome grayhound slowly approached the group, and, with the instinct which directs these animals to lovers of their kind, seated himself, after a few disdainful sniffs at the others of the party, by Zaidee's feet. Percy started with a suppressed exclamation. Long years ago Sermo was deadlong years ago Zaidee was lost. This was a beautiful woman; this was not the brown girl of the Grange; but the group before him was Zaidee and Sermo; the attitude and the conjunction burst upon him with a sudden flash of recognition. His voice did not disturb Zaidee; her mind was absorbed with this gaze of hers looking for the heir of the house of Vivian; but he felt upon his arm the warning touch of Mary's hand. Mary's eyes were meeting his with a glance of warning; and there, ringing along the road, were the cheers of the spectators, and the sound of carriage-wheels.

In the morning Percy left the party early; he had some business, and was to rejoin them byand-by, but they started without him for Castle Vivian. It was a beautiful October day, bright and calm like summer, but with a bracing breeze, and all the face of the country gleaming with a shower which had fallen over-night. The leaves were dropping from the trees upon their path, the clouds hurrying along the horizon before the wind, leaving great plains and valleys of clear sky, as bright as sunshine; unseen streams trickled behind the hedge-rows, the air was full of a twittering cadence of singing-birds and waters. Here and there a bit of rude un-eyes followed Mary's glance. Zaidee's beautiful cultivated land threw up its group of ragged firs, and spread its purple flush of heather, beginning to fade, before the travellers; and the woods were rich in autumn robes, against which now and then the playful gale made a sudden rush, throwing a handful of yellow leaves into the air, which caught them gently, and sent them down-ful, half indifferent; her cheek was paler than ward in silent circles to their parent soil. When they had come to the gate of Castle Vivian, Percy met them. He was very anxious that the young ladies should alight, and walk up the avenue with him, while the elders of the party drove on. "Come, Lizzy, come," Mary cried, as she sprang from the carriage. Zaidee obeyed with some astonishment. Within the gate the road ascended between high sloping banks of turf, here and there broken by an edge of projecting rock or a bush of furze. Percy led his companions up a narrow ascent, half stair, half path, to the top of the bank, from whence they looked down upon the well-kept carriage-road, with its sandy crystals sparkling in the sun. At some little distance before them, where the road, gradually sweeping upward, had reached to the level of the banks, a stately avenue of elms threw their lofty branches against the sky; and at a long distance within these you looked down upon the noble front of a great house, a building of the age of Elizabeth, planting itself firmly with a massive and solid splendor in a bright enclosure of antique gardens. The great deep porch of the central entrance was occupied by servants, one after another looking out as if in expectation; and the balcony of a large window these watchers; Zaidee, unconscious of their close by the door was filled with a company of scrutiny, looked down upon the arriving stranladies down below, too, in the carriage-road, ger. The carriage approached rapidly; the and dotted along the banks, were other specta- spectators on the roadside raised their hats and tors looking out anxiously as if for some ex-waved their hands, and cheered his approach pected arrival. Percy led his companions on till they had almost reached the entrance of that lofty cluster of elm trees, and were but a little above the level of the road. "Let us wait here," said Percy, in whose voice there was a quiver of emotion. "The heir is coming home to-day -we will see him pass if we wait here." Mary did not speak, but Zaidee's surprise was too great for caution. "The heir?" and she turned towards him with an eager glance of Inquiry.

"Sir Francis Vivian is dead," said Percy; "his successor is to take possession to-day.” "Had he a son?" asked Zaidee.

"He had no son; this is the heir of the family, scarcely the heir of Sir Francis Vivian. We

There was not a sound or motion more between

with unusual animation. Who was the heir of Sir Francis Vivian? She looked down upon him with her dark wistful eyes, anxious and yet weary, touched with the listlessness of her long endurance. She was not prepared for any trial; she had given herself this day to rest. The carriage was an open carriage, and one man alone sat within it: he was bronzed and darkened, a man beyond his early youth. Zaidee looked at him with eyes which flashed out of their passive observation into the keenest scrutiny. In the greatness of her amazed and troubled joy, she could no longer restrain herself. As the carriage-wheels crashed by, over the sandy soil, Zaidee cried aloud, "It is Philip - Philip. Philip is the heir!"

Her voice rose and broke in this great momentary outcry, and she stood still for a moment, with her hands raised and her face flushing like the sky under the sun; then her beautiful arms fell by her side; suddenly she "came to herself." She turned round upon them, drawing back a step, and looking out from her sudden flush of joy with a chill creeping to her heart. She did not look at Mary, she looked past her, full upon Percy Vivian, and with eyes fuil of supplicating terror. Percy, almost unmanned, did not say a word in that moment. He only put out his arms, held up his hands before her; shut out everything from her eyes with an eager gesture. "Home, Zaidee, home," said Percy; "there is no other place in the world-you can only flee to our own home."

For he did not even think of her in this extremity. Flight was the first idea in the minds of both. "I bar you — I bar you; you are ours now and forever," cried Percy, grasping her hands together, and forgetting even his brother. "Zaidee-Zaidee-Zaidee- there is nowhere to flee to but home!"

And by the time she had reached this climax, Sophy came up to the little group which had delayed so long. Sophy's lilies and roses were as sweet as ever, her blue eyes were bright with tears and laughter, her pretty face was dimpling and sparkling all over with the family joy. But when she reached as far as Zaidee, whose face she had not seen at first, Sophy came to a sudden pause. Zaidee could give but one glance at her first and dearest companion, whose wistful and amazed look was turned upon her. Trembling, overpowered, and helpless, she covered her eyes with her hand, and turned away to hide the burst of weeping which she could no longer control. Percy," said Sophy, in a low and hurried voice, "who is this that is so like our Elizabeth-who is it that weeps at seeing me?" Percy made no answer. The hound still sat at Zaidee's feet, raising his large eyes wistfully to the discussion, sympathetic, and making earnest endeavors to discover what the subject of all this distress and wonder was. Sophy no longer noted Percy and his betrothed; she saw only these two figures-the dog with his head raised, the beautiful stranger turning away from all of them, and struggling with her sobs and tears. She was too hurried, too much excited, to wait for an BUT they were lingering still upon this same answer to her question. She fell upon Zaidee, spot. Zaidee, who made no single effort to deny suddenly clasping her soft arms round her, her identity, with tears in her beautiful eyes, taking possession of the hands which no longer and her face full of supplicating earnestness, made an effort to withdraw themselves. "It is stood withdrawn from them a little, pleading Zaidee! Zaidee! Nobody can deceive me! it is that they would let her go. Her whole heart our own Zay," cried Sophy, with a great outwas in this dreary prayer of hers. Withdrawing burst. "Did you think I would not know her? from Mary her friend, and Percy her cousin, she I!-you know me, Zaidee? say you know meturned her face away from stately Castle Vivian, and you were coming of your own will to weland looked out upon the desolate and blank hor-come Philip. I knew you would come home izon over which the clouds were stealing, and from whence the chill of approaching winter came in the wind. Zaidee had forgotten for the moment that she had just seen Philip pass to a better inheritance than the Grange. She forgot everything except that she was discovered, and that they were about to take her, the supplanter, the wrongful heir, to the home whose natural possessor she had defrauded. She would not permit either of them to hold that trembling and chilled hand of hers, she only besought them -"Let me go away."


when Philip had Castle Vivian. Zay!-only speak to me-say you know me as I know you."

The two spectators of this scene bent forward anxiously to listen. "Yes, Sophy," said Zaidee, among her tears. Zaidee offered no resistance to the close embrace, and made no longer any effort to withdraw herself. Sophy, with her arm round her new-found cousin, looked back to them, waving them on, and hurried forward, breathless with her haste, her crying, her laughing, her joy of tears. The hound stalked solemnly forward by Zaidee's side, mending his The new master of Castle Vivian had reached stately pace, as Sophy at every step quickened the house by this time, and entered, and from the hers. Percy Vivian and Mary Cumberland, left door came a hasty message to call these loiterers far behind, looked into each other's faces. "When in. This pretty figure ran towards them, across did you discover this?" said the one; and "How that flickering breadth of light and shadow, the slow you were to find it out!" said the other. path under the elm trees. In her haste her fair Percy had by no means subsided out of his first hair came down upon her neck in a long half-bewildered and joyful amazement. But Mary's curling lock; but Sophy Vivian, though she was now the Rev. Mrs. Burlington, a married lady, did not think her dignity at all compromised, but ran on breathless and laughing, as she caught the rebellious tress in her pretty hand. Before she had reached the end of the avenue she began calling to them. "Percy, Percy, why are you lingering? Philip has come-every one is there but you; mamma is anxious to see Miss Cumberland. I am sure this is Miss Cumberland. Come, come; how can you linger so? Philip is at home."

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satisfaction and delight were altogether unmingled, and had the most agreeable shade of self-gratulation in them. They would never have found her but for me," said Mary Cumierland to herself, and it was not in nature that the planner of this successful plot should not be a little proud of her wisdom and her skill.

The windows were open in the great drawingroom in Castle Vivian, and some of the family had come to the balcony, once more to wonder at Percy's delay, and look out for him. "Can this be Miss Cumberland whom Sophy is bringing

forward so?" asked one. "Who does the dog | Sophy in her ear; "no need to be sad now. belong to?" said another. "Elizabeth, Eliza- Philip has Castle Vivian; Philip is the head of beth-who is this?" cried Margaret. They the house. He ought to have given you the began to wonder, and to grow excited, especially Grange now, if it had not been yours before. as Percy was visible in the distance, approaching He cannot have everything, Zaidee. Philip has quietly with the real Miss Cumberland. At this Castle Vivian, and it is nothing but joy now moment the distant ringing of Sophy's voice that you have the Grange." came to their ears- there was a great start, and rush to the window. "Zaidee, Zaidee!" cried Sophy, at the highest pitch of her sweet youthful voice. "I have found Zay here is Zay, mamma-Philip, here is Zay; she has come home!"

with an extraordinary deference and respect, which Zaidee could not comprehend; and instead of the cager and overwhelming joy of the others, Philip could only stammer and hesitate, and finally express in a little effusion of warmth, which brought a renewed flush to his cheek, his delight in seeing his cousin. He said "My cousin;" he did not say "Zay."

Sophy was the wisest in her practical comfortings. Zaidee lifted up her drooping head. "Is Philip the heir of all?" said Zaidee. She was answered by a cry of assent from the whole of them, and Philip came near. This Philip was scarcely more like the Philip of seven years ago And when Zaidee reached the porch, it was to than Zaidee was like the Zaidee of that time. be plunged into such a vehement embrace, such It was not only that he was now in the flush and a conflict of exclamations, of inquiries, of won- prime of youthful manhood, with powers deders such an eager crowd of faces and out-veloped by trial, and a character proved and stretched arms, such a tumult of sound, that established, but the wonder was that Philip, what little strength remained to her was over-who came forward eagerly, drew back again powered. She saw them all through a mist, face behind face. Even Aunt Vivian herself, though she was still an invalid, was first at the door, wrapped in her shawl, to see if Sophy's wonderful discovery was true, and Zaidee grasped the arm of Elizabeth to save herself from falling. She was half led, half carried into the great, warm, hospitable room they had left, in which Mr. Cumberland, Mrs. Cumberland, and Aunt "Zaidee? Zaidee?" said Mrs. Burtonshaw, Burtonshaw stood together at one of the windows coming forward at last when there was an in a group, looking out upon the approach of opening for her; "what do they mean, ElizaPercy and Mary, and marvelling what was the beth? Tell them your proper name, my love. cause of all this excitement. These good people Mrs. Vivian and her family are mistaken were mightily amazed when they saw this tri-strangely. What is the meaning of it all? umphal entry of their own Elizabeth, whom Mrs. Vivian held very firmly by one hand, whom Mrs. Morton supported on the other side, whom Sophy danced joyously before, her fair hair streaming down upon her neck, and her pretty figure instinct in every line of it with the simplest and fullest joy. Margaret, behind, looked over Zaidee's shoulder, guarding her on that side; and behind all walked the newly-arrived Lord of Castle Vivian, a little withdrawn from Zaidee rose from her knees, but stood before the group, a little disconcerted, his eyes fixed them in a stooping, humble attitude, looking at upon the universal centre, and a flush upon his no one. "I am Zaidee Vivian," she said hurface. The procession marched on, never inter-riedly. "I left the Grange because Philip would mitting in its cries of joy and welcome till it reached Mrs. Vivian's chair, and then the ranks opened, the family dispersed themselves around this domestic throne, and Mrs. Vivian took her place in it, still holding firmly by her captive, whom Elizabeth still supported by her mother's side. "Now, we are all here. Philip has come home," said Mrs. Vivian, with her voice trembling. "Zaidee, child, look in my face, and tell me it is you."

Your name was Elizabeth Francis before you were adopted by Maria Anna, and I do not know what this means indeed I do not know."


"Yes, indeed, she is my adopted daughter, Elizabeth Cumberland," said Mrs. Cumberland, adding her word. 'My dear Mr. Vivian, I am convinced there is some delightful tale to be told here. Elizabeth, explain it to us. Who are you, child?"

not take his natural right, but left it to me. I have deceived you, Aunt Burtonshaw — I have deceived every one— though every one has been so kind to me. But it was all that I might not defraud Philip— that I might fulfil Grandfather Vivian's latest will."

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Some spell is upon Philip, that he cannot say a single word of acknowledgment. His mother answers for him. Philip has Castle Vivian now, Zaidee-take your own place, dear child. But Zaidee could not look in Aunt Vivian's Sit down by me once more. It is my business face; she sank upon her knees, half with inten- now to satisfy your kind friends that you have tion, half from faintness. This attitude was not deceived them. Tell Mrs. Cumberland, quite involuntary, but it filled Mrs. Vivian's Percy, Zaidee's story, and thank her for us all eyes with tears, and she extended her arms, and that she has kept our child so tenderly. Bring drew the beautiful sinking head to her breast. Miss Cumberland to me-bring me my new "Do you remember?" said Mrs. Vivian, look-daughter, Percy - and thank her mother for her ing round upon them; and so well they all re-goodness to our other child." membered little orphan Zaidee kneeling by the “And Zaidee is a great beauty!” cried hearth of the Grange-that dear warm family Sophy. “Zaidee is more beautiful than Elizahearth by the house-mother's knee. beth. Mother, look at her! Why, Philip is "You need not be sad now, Zaidee,” said | afraid of Zaidee; and instead of little Zay, the

greatest beauty of all the house has come home and was accepted as spokeswoman by universal to Castle Vivian to-day!"


"Now that we are all here together," says Sophy, "I think, instead of every one telling her own story, I had better tell Zaidee all about it-what has happened to us all.”

This day had worn on from morning to evening in spite of its great excitement, and they were now assembled round the fireplace-a wide circle. Mrs. Vivian, seated on one side of the hearth, occupied just such a seat of honor and supremacy as she had in the Grange; and half hidden within her shadow was Zaidee, with Aunt Vivian's hand resting upon her low chair. Aunt Vivian was supported on the other side by Philip, who had been greatly thrown into the shade by Zaidee's return. He was no longer the hero of the day; the family fête celebrated the recovery of the lost child much more than the return of the head of the house; and Philip was still singularly silent and discomposed, and gave abundant reason for Sophy's saying that he was afraid of the beauty. He looked at her very often, this chief of the house of Vivian; he referred to her after a stately sort as "my cousin." But Philip did not seem able to join in the family overflow of rejoicing over “our Zay." He was a great deal more respectful of the stranger than any other individual present. He showed the most courtly and observant regard of her; and Zaidee never looked up but she found Philip's eyes retiring from her own beautiful face. But in spite of this, she was wonderfully disappointed in Philip. He was so cold, he must surely be angry. Her heart was sore within her by reason of this one remaining pain.

And Mrs. Cumberland, Zaidee's kind and faneiful patroness, sat at Philip's right hand, the object of his most particular attention. Mrs. Cumberland indeed had given up her son-in-law elect, who was only the genius of the family, in preference for the head of the house, and the head of the house lavished upon her his greatest cares. Then came Elizabeth, in her matronly and noble beauty, with Zaidee's little gold chain round her beautiful threat; and there was Mary Cumberland, rather shy and discomposed, between Mrs. Morton and her sister Margaret. Margaret was indisputably the most splendid person present. In dress and manner alike, this once pensive Margaret was much more of the great lady than either her mother or sister; and a pretty boy, rather fantastically but very richly dressed, was seated on her footstool, and leaning his head upon her knee. Then came Captain Bernard Morton, then a fair, highfeatured man, bland and lofty, in whom the grand manner was still more apparent. And then came Aunt Burtonshaw, extremely bewildered, and Percy, and the young clergyman who had once been Mr. Wyburgh's curate, and whose intimacy at the Grange had filled good Mr. Green with terror for the young ladies. Last of all pretty Sophy Vivian, leaning forward from her corner, volunteered the family history,


The great room was lighted in every part, but entirely deserted for this closer circle round the fire. While just outside the circle, with a small reading-table before him, piled with old volumes from the library, Mr. Cumberland sat ready to hear anything that struck his wandering fancy, but pursuing his favorite whim of the moment, through various Psalters and antique Bibles, with great devotion. The conversation within the circle was occasionally broken by an exclamation of rapture from Mr. Cumberland over some emblazoned initial, but these did not come sufficiently often to break upon any more important speech.

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Well, Zaidee," said Sophy, "when we could hear nothing of you, Philip had to go away. And here is Captain Bernard Morton! But you remember Captain Bernard, Zay, who married Elizabeth?-and this gentleman is Sir David Powis, who married Margaret. Margaret is Lady Powis. Did no one ever tell you? And they live at Powisland, just over the Dee; and this is Reginald Burlington. He is Rector of Woodchurch now, Zaidee, since Mr. Powis went away. And-and-we live there, you know, when we are not at the Grange; and we are all very happy; and Elizabeth has four children; and Margaret has two; and Percy is a great author, and writes books; and Philip has come home to be a great man, and the head of the family; and mamma has got well again; and we wanted nothing to make this the happiest day in this world," said Sophy, her eyes running over with tears and gladness, "but to have Zaidee back again; and Zaidec has come back again—the same as ever, but a great beauty as well; and Philip is at home; and if any fairy should ask me to wish now, I am sure I could not tell what to think of, everything has come so full of joy!"

This brief epitome of the family history was received with great applause by the sons and sons-in-law, to whom it alluded. Zaidee sat quite silent, listening very eagerly, yet in reality making very little of it. She sat close by Aunt Vivian, with a strange perception of her changed position-a strange dreamy realization of the time which was past. Nothing of all these seven years was so strangely bewildering to her as the events of to-day. She could recall everything except these crowded and hurrying hours which had swept away, before their flood of surprise and sudden enlightenment, all the barriers which she had built about her life. She was seated by Aunt Vivian's side-she was surrounded by all the endearing bonds of the family-she was grasped on every side by new relationships; and, most wonderful change of all, she was now no longer Philip's supplanter, but only the heir of the secondary estate-the jointure-house, the younger son's portion; and Philip was of Castle Vivian, the head of the house. She heard the voices rising in general conversation; she heard Mary Cumberland detailing, with a happy readiness, the gradual light thrown to herself upon Zaidee, and how at last

do you

she was convinced of her identity when news | with a tender brightness. "You are glad that of Mrs. Vivian's illness came; she heard the I have Castle Vivian," said Philip; wondering exclamations of Aunt Burtonshaw, know how I have it, Zaidee?" He had never and the joyous voice of Sophy ringing a uni- called her Zaidee before, and she looked up versal chorus to every other felicitation; she gratefully, thinking the cloud had passed away. heard it all, but only as some one far off might But it did not seem that Philip could bear this hear. She was in a maze of strange bewilder- upward look, for he turned his head from her a ment was it possible that she was at home? little, and led her down again rather abruptly, that her name was Zaidee Vivian, and not as he began to speak in the plainest and most Elizabeth Cumberland? - that she was restored matter-of-fact style. "Sir Francis Vivian had to her identity, to herself, and to her friends? Zaidee sat bending her beautiful head upon her hands- uncertain, wondering; then falling back at last on one thing certain, pausing to ask her self why Philip had not a word to say when Zaidee was found again.

no son," said Philip; "his only heir was a favor-
ite adopted child, and he would not confer the
lands of the Vivians upon one who bore another
name. So he bequeathed to me the house itself,
on condition that I was able to purchase the
lands attached to it for a sum he named -
-a suf-
ficient sum to endow richly his adopted son. I
was able to do this by good fortune- and now
the chief branch of our family is once more
seated in its original place."

He ended abruptly as he had began; and but that he kept her hand very closely upon his arm, Zaidee would have thought she was a great incumbrance to him, and that he wished her away.

When the barrier of a night was placed between her and this wonderful day, it became less unreal to the returned exile. While every one else was still asleep, Zaidee, waking in the early dawn, went out to wander about this lordly dwelling of her race, and with family pride and interest admire its massive front and noble proportions. She stood within the wide, deep alcove of the porch, looking down upon that line of noble trees fluttering their yellow "When I left the Grange first, I was continufoliage in the morning sun, and throwing down ally dreaming of happy chances to bring me a shower of leaves with every breath of wind. home again," said Zaidee, "but I wonder that I Their shadows lay across the path, dividing it never thought of this, the best way of all. I into long lines; and beyond lay the rich fore-imagined you a very great man often, and gave ground of turf, the grassy banks between which the road disappeared, passing out from this retired and lofty privacy into the busy world. The broad stone balcony from which Elizabeth and Margaret had caught their first glimpse of her, yesterday, descended by a flight of stairs into the old rich flower-garden, still gay with patches of old-fashioned flowers; and the great house, so large, so lofty, with its air of wealth, and place, and old magnificence, filled Zaidee with a great thrill of pleasure and of pride. As she made her way by the garden path to the other side of the house, looking up at it with simple delight and admiration, and pausing to see far off the hills of Wales, and a beautiful glimpse of green fields and woodlands without this domain, Zaidee could not repress her exultation. "And this is Philip's

you every kind of rank and honor; but I never thought of Castle Vivian; I never thought of the other family house, which we must always have even a greater pride in than even in our own Grange."

"You gave me rank and honor, did you?" said Philip, melting a little. "Well, I thought of you often enough, Zaidee; many a day."


When he said this they were at the door, and Philip escaped hastily with the look of a culprit. "There was surely nothing wrong in thinking of me," Zaidee said to herself as she threaded those lofty passages to her own room. she arrived there, and by chance saw herself in the mirror, with the faint color of her cheek freshened by the morning, and her eyes full of light and pleasure, Zaidee was struck with a and Philip momentary consciousness. She went away from the glass in great haste with a blush of shame; at that moment, of all moments, Sophy's burst of triumph a great beauty!" flashed into Zaidee's mind. If she was a great beauty, poor Zaidee could not help it; but she arranged her morning-dress very rapidly, and kept far away from the mirror. Zaidee was sadly ashamed of herself when this annoying consciousness came to her mind.


is the true head of the house-and Castle Vivian has come back to him," said Zaidee. She spoke under her breath, but still she started to see Philip himself approaching her. A glow of pleasure was on Philip's face, but still he drew back, and bowed, and was ceremonious. He offered her his arm with the respect of a courtier. He called her cousin; and Zaidee looked up at him timidly, afraid to say, as she had intended to say, "Philip, are you angry?" May I come in?" said Mary Cumberland, The two continued their walk together in silence. as she opened the door. "I wonder what I am She suffered him to lead her quietly, and did not to call you now; it must be Lizzy still. And ask where he was going; but where he was how could you keep such a secret from me? You going was simply out of the flower-garden into a might have told me; indeed you might, you noble park, dotted with grand trees, and un-secret heiress-you lady of mystery. I rememdulating into knolls and hollows, covered with ber such quantities of things now, about how the richest greensward. He led her to one of you used to talk at Ulm, and words I thought so these little eminences, and they looked back strange. Of course, if mamma had known, or together upon the beautiful pile of building Aunt Burtonshaw, your secret would have been before them, on which the morning sun shone no secret; but you might have trusted me.”

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