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than for the throne; although the experience man. If a female sovereign goes right, she of other states, the position of women in exercises over the men that serve her a species France, and every reason of practical sense of influence which lends an air of chivalry to as it would be called, dictates a reversal of their zeal, and calls forth a greater power in the Salic law. the administration of the state-a higher per Could such matters be settled on pure rea-sonal zest in its servants, and a vigor of mind the edict of Napoleon the Third could such as none but a genius with a crown on be framed in five minutes, and the proclama- could hope to realize if he were a man. As tion of it in the Moniteur would confer the to the pageantries that fill up the intervals succession on his child, be it boy or girl. But of state business, is it possible to conduct it is too late for a coup d'état of that kind. them half so well or so gracefully as when It might have been possible, perhaps, when the supreme head is a lady? Nor have female the First Napoleon founded the Empire upon sovereigns failed to call forth in different times the ruins left by the Republic. But, willing the most warlike powers of the state. From to employ the theatrical properties of antiqui- the days of a Semiramis to our own, we have ty, Napoleon the First went back to tradition, examples ready to our hand. The servants restored Charlemagne in all his legendary su- of Elizabeth began those chivalrous enterprises premacy, sewed the drapery of his own state abroad, by sea and land, which commenced with the golden bees, and left the Salic law the naval if not the military history of Engundisturbed. It was Napoleon, therefore, land. The Hungarian was ready to draw his who clinched that half-prohibitory rule, and sword and use it unto the death for his "King confirmed the eternal prejudice of the French Maria Theresa." Russia was not less war people against a female monarch. France like under Catherine than under her Emperors. has oftener than once considered what ruler And the warlike spirit of England has revived she should have; she has substituted one the more readily, no doubt, because a female branch of the Bourbon family for another, one sovereign can again call out the spirit of chivdynasty for another; she has changed King alry. France, however, is not only warlike for Emperor, Emperor for King, and King for as a state-not only possesses within her conPresident; she has been content to do with fines military traditions- but the whole orout a monarch at all; but to set aside the ganization of the country tends to the miliSalic law-the great fundamental rule for tary. Her factions, not content with "the French dynasties before the Revolution battle of the registration court," appeal would be a breach of etiquette which French against each other to arms. The very épiciers manners could not sanction; and we feel that of middle-class society are "National Guards," all the absolute power of Napoleon the Third and claim to determine the balance of power would dash itself to pieces in the attempt to in times of civil conflict. The political state modify that little regulation. of France is one of chronic civil war, kept down by that party which happens to constitute the garrison in power. France not only possesses an army or a military order, but she is an army, or more than one; and instead of requiring a sovereign to give the royal command for her military movements, she needs a captain of the garrison, to defend the citadel against the factions that are continually besieging it. It is this thoroughly military organization, this constant antagonism of one military party against another, which probably renders it necessary for France to have a man on the throne, and that man, if possible, a great captain.

No doubt, there is reason for the prejudice, although probably reason does not consciously assist in establishing or maintaining it. We know well enough in this country, that a female sovereign can do at least as well as a man upon the throne. The kind of business which a monarch has to exercise in modern times does not in general belong exclusively to either sex. There is a certain fidelity to established rules, an appreciation of character in the selection of public servants, a reduction of state questions to the simplest elements functions in which woman, with her simpler and more instinctive mind, is better even than

From Chambers' Journal. wall become, so to speak, part of its subA NEW FACE FOR AN OLD HOUSE. stance, and are almost imperishable. PreAn impression prevails that one conse-pare your wall; paint it either plain, or any quence of Her Majesty's visit to Paris will be design according to taste; then sprinkle the the gradual adoption of a system for promot-whole surface with the solution of potash ing the beauty and salubrity of the Great above mentioned, or of soda, and you cover it Metropolis. The New Metropolitan Buildings with a permanent glaze. Advantage has Act will effect something, and might very been taken of this discovery in the decoration properly be made the basis of a general scheme of public buildings at Munich, and other places of improvement. London will perhaps never in Germany, and with the happiest effects. look so bright and cheerful as Paris; but with And in another way: when the Munich a purified river and a smokeless atmosphere, theatre was rebuilt, the inflammable materials its appearance would be surprisingly different were saturated in the solution, to render them from what it is at present. What we want fire-proof. It is known that fire takes but in sunlight might be made up in color that little hold on even stuffs and cottons that have is, color on the walls. There is no reason been treated with the solution. why dead and dingy surfaces of brick should remain dead and dingy; for there is an available means by which they may be covered with a weather-proof glaze of almost any color, on which impurities would hardly lodge, or would be washed off with every shower of rain. We mentioned the subject some months ago in the Journal, and think it worth repeating at the present juncture.


Should the cost of the silicated colors be objected to, the wall may be painted with ordinary water-colors, and then coated with the solution. This is applied by means of a small hand-pump, or a syringe fitted with a rose, so that the steam shall fall as a light shower. The liquid soon dries and forms a glaze, wind and weather-proof. What scope is thus afforded for ornamental frescoes, or many species of decoration, which might beautify our streets for years, unsullied by dust or smoke!

A paper on Hydraulic Lime, Artificial Stone, and Different Novel Applications of Soluble Silicates," addressed by M. F. Kuhl- Wood, affected as it is by moisture, is not mann to the Académie des Sciences at Paris, so well adapted for the silicated colors as takes up the subject in theory and practice. brick or stone. The most suitable kinds, acThe author tells us that when once the marked cording to M. Kuhlmann, are ash and hornaffinity of lime for silicic acid was discovered, beam. But glass, porcelain, and metal, if the silicifying of stone became an easy me- quite dry, take the colors readily. In glass chanical process; and further, that the action particularly, a semi-transparence is obtained, of lime on metallic oxides has led, and will which renders it applicable, at low cost, to lead, to important results in art. He lays the windows of private houses or of churches; down the law, that "whenever a salt reputed and we all know what admirable effects can insoluble in water is brought in contact with be produced by colored panes artistically inthe solution of a salt the acid of which forms, troduced. At this point, the author makes with the base of the insoluble salt, a salt still the following practical remarks :· :- "Artificial more insoluble, there is an exchange; but in sulphate of baryta, applied by means of the most cases the exchange is but partial, admit- silicate of potash to glass, gives to the latter ting the formation of double salts.' By direct a milk-white color of great beauty. The application of this law, he has succeeded in sulphate becomes intimately incorporated with giving a certain degree of silicification to the silex; and after a few days, cannot be chromate of lead and of lime, to numerous washed off even with hot water. On submetallic carbonates, and to some oxides, par-jecting the glass thus painted to the action ticularly oxide of lead.

Another step was the application of alkaline silicates to painting; and instead of oils and the ordinary vehicles, M. Kuhlmann uses a concentrated solution of silicate of potash, finding it work well with, vermilion, green, ultramarine-blue, the ochres, oxide of chrome, and some others. These colors applied to a

of an elevated temperature, a beautiful white enamel is produced on the surface, which would economically replace the enamels that have oxide of tin for their base. Ultrama rine-blue, oxide of chrome, and colored or por phyrized enamels, are a great resource in this new method of painting; for if there be no chemical combination in all these applications


of color, there is at least a very powerful ad- silicates. Ultramarine is fixed in cloths with herence determined by the silicious cement, more solidity and economy by the silicate of of which the hardening is doubtless facilitated potash, than by the methods now in use." by the excessive division wherewith it is pre- Here we have a wide range of applications sented to the action of the air." arising out of M. Kuhlmann's discovery; and M. Kuhlmann has further succeeded in that the range will be extended, is not doubtusing his silicated colors for designs on paper-ful. We may add, that by grinding the charhangings, on cotton and woollen cloth, and coal used in the preparation of Indian-ink with in letter-press printing. The processes,' he silicate of potash in solution, a writing-ink is says, 'differ very little from those in use in obtained almost indestructible by chemical the various modes of printing. One impor- agents; and the same solution, mixed with a tant condition is to maintain the silicious decoction of cochineal, gives a red ink, the colors in a uniform state of humidity during color of which resists for a long time the action their application; whether the application of chlorine and the acids. take place with blocks of wood or metal, or by having recourse to type. All the colors that I have applied," he adds," on stone, wood, metal, or glass, serve for printing on paper or woven cloths. Typography, color-printing, the application of gold or silver in powder or in leaf, can all be executed with the same facility, taking care, with certain colors, to keep out sulphur in the preparation of the

Specimens of M. Kuhlmann's art are to be seen in the French Exposition. Perhaps some practical member of the Society of Arts, during his visit to Paris, will inform himself of the means by which the discovery may be made available in this country. Mr. Barlow's lecture on the subject at the Royal Institution has already done something towards making it known.

DANCING AND DANCING TUNES.-A century | she's Naked (fie), Miss Forestor's, The Old and two or three years ago, the dancing master Assembly's, Fools, Hasees (? Asses), Captain of a southern Scottish town wrote out manuscript Ross, Lady Grizel Montgomerie's, Mager Askin, instructions for his pupils, of whom my father Mrs. Lorcereter (?), Miss Surchill's (? Churwas one; and a copy is now before me which chill's), and General Blane's. The reels are: may suggest some musical and other minor mat-Toluch Gorum, Cameronion's March, Doun youn ters relating to the amusements of our progenitors, curious enough for a notice in "N. & Q." It is entitled:

"The Dancing Steps of a Hornpipe and Gigg. As also, Twelve of the Newest Country Dances, as they are performed at the Assemblys and Balls. All Sett by Mr. John M'gill for the Use of his School, 1752."

I do not know that the dancing instructions for sixteen steps in the hornpipe, and fourteen in the gigg, would be very intelligible now-a-days; see ing that in the former, the second, third, and fourth steps are "slips and shuffle forwards," "spleet and floorish (? florish) backwards," "Hyland step forwards;" and there are elsewhere directions to "heel and toe forwards,' "single and double round step," " slaps across forward," " twist round backward," "cross strocks aside and sink forward," "short shifts," "back hops," and finally, "happ forward and backward," to conclude the gigg with éclat.

The lists of the minuets and reels preserve some ancient names, but I cannot answer for Master M'gill's orthography. The first are: The Prince of Iless'es, Lady Fanny Askin's (? Erskine), Lady Rothe's or My Lord Cathcart, The Duke of York's, Miss Hay's Sweetest when

Banks, Miss Frazer's, Miss Macdonald's, Queensberry House, Your welcome to the Twon again (can hardly and yet must be the Jacobite air Ride, The Corporal, Lochel's, Jock Hume's, "Yire welcome to your ain again "), A Mile to Miss Murray's, Short Apron, Lady Rothesse's new, Miss Clark, and Mrs. Murray's.

The twelve country dances are mostly figured to well-known tunes, which have descended to the present, such as: Up and war them a' Willy; Because he was a Bonny Lad; Old Age and Young; My Wife's a Wanton wee Thing; Rattling Roaring Willy, &c. ; but there are others which might provoke some inquiry, as, for instance, The Cadgers of the Cannogate; Ephey M'Nab; The Cornal or Backel; The Lads of Dunse; Jock of the Green, &c.

Several of the tunes mentioned have become immortal in the songs of Burns. Others sleep in personals and localities; but yet there may be some to interest your Scottish readers, and perhaps bring correspondence on the subject of old Scotch music, which may be both instructive and amusing. Though the fiddle no longer prevails in that country, it is to be hoped there is still a national feeling for its bygone strains! - Notes and Queries.

W. J.

From the Athenæum.

History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. By William H. Prescott. 2 vols. Bentley.

Throughout this period, Philip the Second presents a singularly dramatic figure. Though the champion of the Church, he makes war upon the Pope. Though the enemy of France, he marries a French princess. The husband of one English Queen, he offers to marry her successor, and afterwards attempts the invasion of her kingdom. His first wife is a princess of Portugal; his second, a Queen of England; his third, a princess of France; his fourth a princess of Austria. His glory is that he raised Spain to her highest position among the modern empires,-yet to him belongs the reproach of having sown the seeds of her decay.

flexible, and full of variety,—Mr. Prescott narrates the incidents of Philip's reign. His story moves swiftly, but is nowhere incomplete. The personages are well grouped, the order of circumstances and the order of time are well reconciled, the events are neither confused nor isolated. The book is as once pictorial and sober, critical and dramatic.

THE history of the reign of Philip the Second is not the history of Spain alone. It spreads, in greater or less proportion, over Portugal, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany, England, the Islands of the Med- When Philip the Second ascended the abiterranean, the coasts of Northern Africa, dicated throne of Charles the Fifth, there and the continent of the New World. It was no monarch in Europe to whom such a includes political and religious revolutions, sway had fallen. He was King of Spain, a Mohammedan and a Catholic crusade, with Castile, Aragon, and Granada no longer the story of St. Elmo and the great Armada, independent States, but provinces. He was - Protestant and a Morisco revolt, the King of Naples and Sicily, and Duke of desolation of Holland and of Granada: epi- Milan. He was Lord of Franche-Compté sodes of national and of personal romance, and the Low Countries. He was titular - of memorable wickedness and memorable King of England by virtue of his alliance sufferings, of heroism and misery, the with Mary. He possessed the Cape de Verd story of Alva and of Don Carlos, of Egmont, Islands, the Canaries, Tunis and Oran in Hoorne, and Montigny. Africa, the Philippine and Spice Islands in Asia, Mexico, Peru, and part of the West Indies in America. In his army were the veterans who had fought at Pavia and Muhlberg, who had been led by Almagro and Pizzaro. His navy was supreme, except in the narrow seas contested by England. The mines of Zacatecas and Potosi replenished an exchequer wasted by the ambitious prodigality of Charles the Fifth. To these advantages he added some of the benefits of experience. He had already been exercised in the arts of government, and stood at the head of the Roman Catholic princes. Such were the circumstances of Philip's position when he assumed the crown. Mr. Prescott, in an admirable chapter, lays out the political scheme of Europe, as its states were then distributed; but it is not from this point that his narrative commences. The more familiar story of Charles the Fifth's abdication forms an appropriate prologue, with the history of the youth of Philip, and of his visit to England. His first wife, of the royal house of Portugal, had died when the ill-starred Don Carlos was born; and through the politic intervention of his father he had formed his alliance with our own Mary. The historian has not neglected this opportunity to enliven his narrative with a pleasant account of the ceremonies and rejoicings which attended this event. Philip's progress to London and Winchester was a continuous scene of heraldic and festal pomp, and Mr. Prescott's description of it is as full of life and spirit as the processional cavalcade.

Mr. Prescott's narrative of the remarkable and diversified events distinguishing this period is constructed, in great part, of new materials. As the history extends over many countries and touches the fortunes of many States, so the historian's researches have run through nearly all the libraries of Europe. With the assistance of some zealous friends -Don Pascual de Gayangos deserving particular mention- he has drawn from the archives and private collections of Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy, materials which give to this book an original as well as an authentic character. With this mass of new evidence he has compared the published records of the time, and the result is a narrative which — as far as it has gone deserves to rank with the best historical works by contemporary writers. For, in addition to its substantial value as a contribution to the political, religious, and social annals of Europe, it derives some of its most admirable qualities from the peculiar genius of its author. In a warmly-colored style-clear,

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"On reaching the Vatican, the Spanish commander fell on his knees before the Pope, and asked his pardon for the offence of bearing arms against the Church. Paul, soothed by this show of concession, readily granted absolution. He paid the Duke the distinguished honor of giving him a seat at his own table; while he complimented the Duchess by sending her the consecrated golden rose, reserved only for royal persons and illustrious champions of the

away in the name of the whole realm; at which conquests, and even deputed the Duke of the multitude raised a shout that made the old Alva to make his submission to the Papal walls of the cathedral ring again. The marriage service was then concluded by the Bishop of Winchester. Philip and Mary resumed their seats, and mass was performed, when the bridegroom, rising, gave his consort the kiss of peace, according to the custom of the time. The whole ceremony occupied nearly four hours. At the close of it, Philip, taking Mary by the hand, led her from the church. The royal couple were followed by the long train of prelates and nobles, and were preceded by the Earls of Pembroke and Derby, each bearing aloft a naked sword, the symbol of sovereignty. The effect of the spectacle was heightened by the various But to Paul fell the losses of the war. costumes of the two nations, the richly-tinted The desolated Campagna, the dispersed army, and picturesque dresses of the Spaniards, and the mutinous populace of Rome, his injured the solid magnificence of the English and Flem- reputation, his diminished influence, were ings, mingling together in gay confusion. The proofs that there was a ruler in Europe with glittering procession moved slowly on, to the the courage and the power to defy and assail blithe sounds of festal music, while the air was the head of the Church. rent with the loyal acclamations of the populace, delighted, as usual, with the splendor of the pageant."


The French war- the victory of St. Quentin, celebrated by the building of the Escurial, the surprise of Calais-the inPhilip appears never to have received much vasion of Flanders and the battle of Grave gratification from his English alliance. He lines, supply Mr. Prescott with a succession would, perhaps, have been better pleased had of picturesque episodes, which he works into the Queen been less demonstrative in her his narrative with equal care and skill. Upon love; but his father's abdication, recalling the conclusion of peace the king of Spain him from the English Court, was speedily was again a widower, for Elizabeth had followed by the Papal war, which engaged succeeded Mary on the English throne. him in military and diplomatic enterprises. His Italian campaign, led by the Duke of Alva, was so cautiously conducted, that when Pontecorvo had opened its gates, when Anagni had been sacked, and when his victorious army was spread over the suburbs of Tivoli, he refrained from pushing his success, and awaited offers of peace. Paul the Fourth, however, had a different spirit.

Philip seems to have regarded widowerhood as wasted time, for a month had not elapsed after Mary's remains had been deposited in Westminster Abbey, when he made direct offers to the inheritor of her crown. Her Protestant policy turning him from this idea, he took a bride, as the first-fruit of peace, from France. Elizabeth, Mr. Prescott thinks, was considerably piqued-not, perhaps, because she had refused Philip, but because Philip had been so easily consoled.

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"Your master,' said she, in a petulant tone, to Feria, must have been much in love with me not to be able to wait four months!' The ambassador answered somewhat bluntly, by throwing the blame of the affair on the Queen herself. Not so,' she retorted, 'I never gave your King a decided answer.'-True,' said Feria, the refusal was only implied, for I would not urge your highness to a downright "No," lest it might prove a cause of offence between so great Princes.'"'

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"In an interview with two French gentlemen, who, as he had reason to suppose, were interesting themselves in the affair of a peace, he exclaimed: Whoever would bring me into a peace with heretics is a servant of the Devil. Heaven will take vengeance on him. I will pray that God's curse may fall on him. If I find that you intermeddle in any such matter, I will cut your heads off your shoulders. Do not think this an empty threat. I have an eye in my back on you,'-quoting an Italian proverb, and if I find you playing me false, or attempting to entangle me a second time in an accursed truce, I swear to you by the eternal God, I will make The historian has surmounted with singular your heads fly from your shoulders, come what art the obvious difficulties of his subject. The may come of it! In this way,' concludes the extension of Philip's influence into the policy narrator, one of the parties, his Holiness con- of so many states, his various wars,-his tinued for nearly an hour, walking up and down the apartment, and talking all the while of his multitude of political transactions, simultaown grievances and of cutting off our heads, un-neous or successive, rendered it no easy til he had talked himself quite out of breath."" task to preserve the clearness and unity of the narrative. Thus, the defection of the

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The issue of the war was favorable to Netherlands, though an episode in Philip's Philip, though he retained none of his Italian career, was a distinct event, with features

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