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"Ten thousand pounds! By jingo, that is a slice out of the cake."

"A mere crumb, my dear sir!-a trifle! Why, we are going to give you that sum at least every year-and indeed it was suggested to our firm, that unless you gave us at least a sum of twenty-five thousand pounds-in fact, we were recommended to look out for some other heir."

"It's not to be thought of, sir."

"So I said; and as for throwing it up-to be sure we shall have ourselves to borrow large sums to carry on the war-and unless we have your bond for at least ten thousand pounds, we cannot raise a farthing."

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Hang'd if you sha'n't do what you like!-Give me your hand, and do what you like, Gammon!"

"Thank you, Titmouse! How I like a glass of wine with a friend in this quiet way!-you'll always find me rejoiced to show".

"Your hand! By George-Didn't I take a liking to you from the first! But to speak my mind a bit-as for Mr Quirk-excuse me but he's a cur -cur-cur-curmudgeon-hem!"

"Hope you've not been so imprudent, my dear Titmouse," threw in Gammon, rather anxiously, "as to borrow money-eh?"

"Devil knows, and devil cares! No stamp, Iknow-bang up to the mark" -here he winked an eye, and put his finger to his nose- " wide awakeHuck-uck_uck-uck! how his name sti-sticks. Your hand, Gammonhere this, this way-tol de rol, tol de rol-ha! ha! ha! - what are you bobbing your head about for? The floor-how funny-at sea-here we go up, up, up-here we go down, downoh dear!"-he clapped his hand to his head.

[Pythagoras has finely observed, that a man is not to be considered dead drunk till he lies on the floor, and stretches out his arms and legs to prevent his going lower.]

See saw, see saw, up and down, up and down, went every thing about him. Now he felt sinking through the

floor, then gently rising to the cieling. Gammon seemed getting into a mist, and waving about the candles in it. Mr Titmouse's head swam; his chair seemed to be resting on the waves of the sea.

"I'm afraid the room's rather close, Mr Titmouse," hastily observed Gammon, perceiving, from Titmouse's sudden paleness and silence, but too evident symptoms that his powerful intellect was for a while paralysed. Gammon started to the window and opened it. Paler, however, and paler became Titmouse. Gammon's game was up much sooner than he had calculated on.

" Mrs Mumps! Mrs Mumps! order a coach instantly, and tell Tomkins" -that was the inn porter-" to get his son ready to go home with this gentleman-he's not very well." He was obeyed. It was, in truth, all up with Titmouse-at least for a while.

As soon as Gammon had thus got rid of his distinguished guest, he ordered the table to be cleared of the glasses, and tea to be ready within half an hour. He then walked out to enjoy the cool evening; on returning, sat pleasantly sipping his tea, now and then dipping into the edifying columns of the Sunday Flash, but oftener ruminating upon his recent conversation with Titmouse, and speculating upon its possible results; and a little after eleven o'clock, that good man, at peace with all the world-calm and sereneretired to repose. He had that night rather a singular dream; it was of a snake encircling a monkey, as if in gentle and playful embrace. Suddenly tightening its folds, a crackling sound was heard;-the writhing coils were then slowly unwound-and, with a shudder, he beheld the monster licking over the motionless figure, till it was covered with a viscid slime. Then the serpent began to devour its prey; and, when gorged and helpless, behold, it was immediately fallen upon by two other snakes. To his disturbed fancy, there was a dim resemblance between their heads and those of Quirk and Snap-he woke-thank God! it was only a dream.


Aberystwith, an excursion over the moun-
tains to, 66.

Affairs of the East, Egypt, Turkey, 100.
Agriculture, on, in a letter from Eusebius
to his friend on taking to farming, 733
-his friend's reply, 740.

Alison's History of the French Revolution,
Vol. VII. reviewed, 272.
Antediluvians; or the world destroyed, a
poem, by James M'Henry, M.D., re-
viewed, 119.

Aytoun, William E., his tale of Hermoti-
mus, in verse, 592.

Bellmanship, the, a true story, Chap. I.,
381-Chap. II., 383-Chap. III., 386
-Chap. IV., 389.
Bower of peace, the, by Delta, 116.
British Institution, 472.
Burns, 256.

Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro, his
character as a dramatic writer, consi-
dered, 715.

Casuistry, 455-exemplified, I. in the case
of the Jaffa massacre, 457-II. Piracy,
461-III. Usury, 462-IV. Bishop
Gibson's Chronicon Preciosum, 463.

Chartists and universal suffrage, 289-
the discontents of the working classes
have at length attracted the attention of
government, ib - it is a retribution to
the Whigs for their former agitations,
ib.-their mode of checking the violence
of these men is fraught with injustice,
290-their policy was the same in Ca-
nada, ib. this is condemned with strong
reasoning, 219-what is now the cry of
the Chartists, but that they have not ob-
tained the fruits of reform? 294-they
are unfit for the functions of government
by their dispositions and habits, 295-as
strikingly exemplified in the case of
Glasgow, 298-there is no desire to cast

a shade upon the working classes, 300
-the good results arising from these
Chartists' movements stated, 301-to
the Conservative party they afford les-
sons of no ordinary importance, 302.

Church of Scotland, in its present posi-
tion, Part I., 573-Part II., 799. In
this article the Veto act of 1834 of the
General Assembly is proved not to have
had a precedent. The people never pos-

sessed the power of electing their mi-
nisters. Though patronage was at one
time abolished, the people never obtain-
ed the right, which was vested in the

Colonial neglect and foreign propitiation,

Colonial Government and the Jamaica
Question, 75 - the unhappy contest
between the Mother Country and the Co-
lonial Legislature, has attracted a large
portion of public attention, ib.-colonial
jealousy and discon ent is the rock on
which all great maritime powers have
split, ib.-history abounds with proofs of
this leading truth, ib. numerous as are
the evils, social, physical, and political, in
this country, they may all be converted
into a source of strength by a due attention
to our colonial dependencies, 76-Do we
fear the rapid progress of European ma-
nufactures? 77-Is Ireland a source of
incessant disquietude? ib. Is money
awanting to carry generous designs into
effect? 78-instead of giving relief to
the old empire, the British Government
has committed sins both of omission
and commission, 79-Three principles,
in which the rule of a parent state can
continue for ages to be exercised over
distant colonies, elucidated by exam-
ples, 79-83-the West Indies, with
respect to a vital point of colonial pro-
sperity, a constant supply of agricul-
tural labourers, stand in a very peculiar
situation, 83-to have rendered eman-
cipation unhurtful to the colonies, the
duty on sugar should have been lowered,
85-instead of this. heavy imposts have
been placed on rude produce, ib.-the
effect has been the decrease of our
colonial produce, 87-and to double
the extent and quadruple the horrors of
the foreign slaye trade, 88-Mr Bux-
ton's statements on this subject ad-
duced, 89.
Cossacks, the, 345.
Court-Cabinet-the Country, 417-the
reckless career of the Court and the Ca-
binet are well depicted in this article,
and many instances adduced in support
of the allegation.
Crowning of Charlemagne, in verse, 691.
Cursory cogitations concerning cats, 653.

Death Chant for the Sultan, By B. Sim-
mons, 319,

Delta's poem of the Bower of Peace, 116.
Dietetics, legal, 30.

Dinners real and reputed, 815.

Egypt, Affairs of the East, Turkey, 100,
Europe, its history from the commence-

ment of the French Revolution in 1789,
to the restoration of the Bourbons in
1815, by Archibald Alison, F.R.S.E.,
-volume seventh reviewed, 272.

Excursion over the mountains to Aberyst-
with, narrated, 66.

Fables, literary, from the Spanish of
Yriarte, 202.

Family Continental tour and its results,
in six glimpses. Glimpse the first -
Home, 56. Glimpse the second-Ge-
neva, 57. Glimpse the third-Rome,
58. Glimpse the fourth Naples, 60.
Glimpse the fifth-Baden-Baden, 62.
Glimpse the sixth- Home, 64.

Fine arts, murder considered as one of
them, 661.

French literature of the 18th century. By
Villemain, reviewed, Part I. 1.-Part
II. 321.

Goethe's life and works, No. I. from my
life, poetry, and truth, Part I. 476-
Book I. 477-Part II. Book II. 597.
Grattan, Henry, memoirs of his life and
times, by his Son, reviewed, Part I.
392-Part II. 520.

Hamlet, on his feigned madness, 449.
Hasty hints upon horses, 170.
Have you read Ossian? 693.

Hemans, Mrs, B. Simmons's inscription in

the new edition of her work, 320.
Hermotimus, a tale in verse, by William
E. Aytoun, 592.

Holywell lodge, the tenants of it, a tale,

Hope, the subject of our pocket compa-
nions, 145.

Hume's argument against miracles, 91-
Section II. ib - Section III. 92- Sec-
tion IV. 94-Section V. 97- Section
VI. 98-General recapitulation of the
argument, 99.

[blocks in formation]
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Miracles, Hume's argument against them,
considered, 91.

Moile, Nicholas Thirning, Esq., his speci-
men of a new edition of State Trials,
reviewed, 548.

Moore, 368.
Murder considered as one of the fine arts,

Napoleon's Telegraph on Montmartre, a
sketch in verse, 689.
National Gallery, 467.

Notes of a traveller, No. II., The Vaude-
ville, 19-Champs Elysée on a fête,
21-a day at St Denys, 22-the bar-
rière and the fauxbourg, 23-the road,
24-the abbé, ib. -the abbey, 25-
parties, 27.

Ossian, have you read him? 693.
Otho III., 812.

Our Pocket Companions, 145.

Pietro D'Abano, a tale of enchantment, from
the German of Tieck, Chap. I., The fu-
neral, 228-Chap. II., The monk, 229-
Chap. III., The robber's den, 231-
Chap. IV., The incantation, 236-
Chap. V., The search, 238-Chap.
VI., Berecynth, 239-Chap. VII., The
purple chamber, 240-Chap. VIII.,
The disenchantment, 244-Chap. IX.,
The hermit's cell, 245-Chap. X.,
The meeting in Rome, 247-Chap.
XI., A new friend. 248-Chap. XII.,
A chapter on beauty and other matters,
250-Chap. XIII., The end of Pietro,
253-Chap. XIV., The conclusion, 254.
Picture exhibitions-National Gallery-
British Institution, 467.

Picture Gallery, the, No. VIII., 46.-
pedestrian in spite of himself, or the mis-
haps of a night, a tale, 47.
Poetry, a prosing upon that subject, 195.
Protestants of Scotland, letter to them,


Queen Argenis, a poem, 767.

Queer stick, the, a rustic legend in verse,

Literary fables, from the Spanish of Yri- Roman Western empire, on the true rela-
arte, 202.


tions to civilisation and barbarism of the,


Rot your Italianos, by a man behind his
age, 410.

Royal Academy and its exhibitions, 304.

Sayings and essayings, by Archæus, 669.
Scotland, letters addressed to the Protes-
tants of, 177-on the present position
of the Church of, 573-799.

Simmons, B.'s Death chaut for the Sul-
tan, 319-his inscription in the new
edition of Mrs Hemans' works, 320.
Song-writing, Burns, 256-Moore, 368.
State Trials, specimen of a new edition.
By Nicholas l'hirning Neville, Esq. of
the Inner Temple, special pleader, re-
viewed, 548.

Stick, the queer, a rustic legend, in verse,

Telegraph on Montmartre, Napoleon's,

Ten thousand a-year, a tale, Part I. 505-
Part II 620 - Part 111. 832.
Tenants of Holywell Lodge, a tale, Chap.
I. 677-Chap. II. 680-Chap. III.
683-Chap. 1V. 688.

Tieck's tale of Pietro D'Abano, 228.
Torquato Tasso, or the prison and the
crown, a drama, by the Baron von
Zediitz, 431.

Tory and Whig finance, 494..
Tour, a family continental one, and its
results, 56.
Traveller, notes of a, No. II. 19.
Turkey, Egypt, and the Affairs of the East,
100-there is an enchantment in all that
relates to the East, ib. -the Christian,
when he thinks of the East, remembers
the "Man of Sorrows," ib. -the philo-
sopher thinks of the East as a storehouse
of materials for the mind, 101-a short
historical sketch of Egypt, as a depend-
ent of Turkey, 102 - the treaty of
Kutahia has constituted Egypt an in-

dependent state, 103-the boasting of
France that this treaty is favourable to
her views, considered, ib. her en-
couragement of rebellion in Egypt as-
serted, 106-from the pretensions and
policy of France turn to those of Rus-
sia in regard to the Porte, 108-114.
Universal suffrage and the chartists, 289.

Villemain, his history of the French lite-
rature of the 18th century, reviewed,
Part I. 1-Part II. 321.

Whig and Tory finance, 494-state of
the public debt in 1816, 495-two most
important circumstances crippled the
Tory administrations from being able to
reduce the public debt rapidly; the first
the general distress after the war,
from 1816 to 1830, 496-the second
the resumption of cash payments in
1819, 497-in both respects, the Whig
government have been widely different,
ib. the financial measures of the Whig
government during nine years of prospe-
rity, contrasted with those of the Tory,
499, 501-the fatal delusion of self-go-
vernment in the matter, is the true cause
of the present disastrous state of our
finances, 502-Tory administrations in-
jured the sinking fund, and repealed
too many indirect taxes, 503-these
arose from attending to Whig clamour,
ib. and so was the increase of debt oc-
casioned by the emancipation of the
negroes, ib-the reckless spirit of Whig
financial legislation evinced in their,
step regarding the post-office revenue,

Yriarte, literary fables of, 202.

Zedlitz, Baron Von, his drama of Tor-
quato Tasso, analysed, 431.

Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.

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