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ivory on camels to Kerosko, after conveying them down the Nile to Berber.

A much greater trade might be carried on with English goods than has yet been attempted; but this should be extended as far into the interior as possible, that we might profit by the immense stores of ivory, and other valuable commodities, that are so easily procurable. I have had another conversation with Monsieur R on this subject. He is for colonizing the White River at latitude 4o, stating that the people there have already learnt to distinguish between the European and the Government expeditions. A steamer of ten or fifteen horse-power, flat-bottomed, would do admirably to tow up the diabeheehs. According to his account, monkeys swarm in the trees at ten hours' journey from here; at three days' journey the traveller meets with

flocks of guinea-fowls; and elephants, tigers,

and lions in eight days.

The lower class of people content themselves with one wife, who usually rewards her faithful spouse with many children. The higher class are not so easily satisfied; and the grandees indulge in the permitted number of four.

The most unpleasant part of the year is the rainy season; and so heavy is the fall, that the streets are impassable. This comes on, too, so suddenly, that should any one call upon another a little before the commencement of the showers, he must remain at his friend's house for three or four days, till the waters subside. No one attempts to quit his dwelling during the rains ; and the town, therefore, must possess much the appearance of having only just emerged from the Deluge.



Superstitious practices and prejudices are


All Wednesdays are considered unfortunate, particularly the last Wednesday

in the month but the last Wednesday in


the year is still more unfortunate, as on that day Moses made the waters blood. So the day previously, every one provides water for two days, as no one thinks of going to the river till after Asser-three o'clock in the afternoon. The Pacha is not free from these superstitions; and Riffa Bey, who has enjoyed the advantages of a Persian, as well as a Parisian education, and is thoroughly versed in magical lore, has daily to explain his Excellency's dreams.

The military force here consists of ten thousand infantry, and two thousand cavalry. In the yard of the Governor's house, I noticed several pieces of brass cannon, four to ten pounders; he has also some howitzers

and bombs. There are in the Soudan, twenty thousand infantry and twelve thousand cavalry, with thirty-six pieces of artillery, under the command of Latiffe Pacha, who is a general officer. Indeed, every one in the civil, as well as in the military service, possesses military rank. The doctor is a commander one grade below a lieutenantcolonel. Ali Bey Hassib is a full colonel; and this is so much a matter of course, that we are continually questioned as to our standing in our own army. The answer that had previously settled our superiority to the whole race of Pachas, always sufficed. Our independence of superior authority gave us very high military rank, indeed.


Visit from the Governor Catholic mission and

school-A Colonel of Cavalry-Our grand banquet given to Latiffe Pacha, and Ali Bey Hassib -Turkish custom of dressing the table-The Governor's statements-New dromedary saddles and bridles-An excursion-An interesting group -A visit to Madame Latiffe Pacha-Farewells.


His Excellency paid us an early visit this morning. His costume was not so rich as that which had so well become him on our reception; but, as if to make

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