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From the reports of various Bible Societies now existing in the United States (to the number of one hundred and eight by the latest accounts) it ap pears that many exertions are making to promote the circulation of the Bible throughout the Union: and from the information contained in the last report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, it is certain that at no time since the Reformation have Christians shewn more zeal for the universal diffusion of the Gospel, Success, too, heretofore unexampled, has crowned their labours.

As a favourable opportunity offered, a states that among all classes of people the box containing 270 copies of the Spanish | Scriptures have been received with uncomNew-Testament, confided to the care of a mon satisfaction, and that much good will gentleman of respectability, has been sent result from the distribution. to the Mexican provinces, for gratuitous distribution. These New-Testaments are to be taken on to the Mexican Congress, and, if it meets with their approbation, will be distributed under their direction. Individuals going to Mexico have been en-trusted with a few more copies for distribution. No account of the reception of these books, has yet been received; but, from the representations of different persons, it is believed the inhabitants will be pleased with them. An American gentleman, who was at Campeache last summer, states that, wishing to learn the Spanish language, he endeavoured to purchase a Spanish New-Testament (of the London edition) which had been presented at Jamaica to ■ Spaniard; and offering him five dollars for it, the Spaniard refused to relinquish his book at any price.

The English Bibles have been distributed among the troops of the United States stationed at New-Orleans; among the sailors on board of the vessels of the United States on this station; and among the Americans in different parts of the state.

When we contemplate what is now do ing, by the general distribution of the Bible, for the moral and religious improve. ment of the world; when we see Christians of all denominations, forgetting the little distinctions which have heretofore divided them, and uniting in one simple and magnificent plan of conveying the knowledge of the Living God, and his son Jesus Christ, to the ends of the earth; surely we have encouragement sufficient to animate our perseverance; and should renew our efforts, to the extent of our means and influence, that we too may share in the honour which those have gained, who first planned and formed Bible Societies.

"There remaineth yet very much land to

A few copies of the English Bible have been given to slaves who were able to read. A negro woman applied for a Bible, stating that her mistress, having got angry with her, had taken her's from her and burnt it; that she was un-be possessed," even in Louisiana: and the able to buy another, and would be very thankful for one. It was given her; and meeting sometime afterwards in the street accidentally the distributor, she said to him, "Master, I thank you much for that Bible-I never go to sleep without remembering you for it."

In order to give more publicity to this. society, extend its influence, and circulate more generally the Scriptures, the managers, in the month of February last, appointed the Rev. Benjamin Davis to make a tour throughout the state. To the zealous exertions of this gentleman, the society is much indebted. He has visited a very large proportion of the state, obtained donations to a considerable amount, engaged many persons to act as agents for the distribution of Bibles; and he has, in various ways, much promoted the interests of the society.

Mr. Davis was furnished with a letter of instructions, relative to the object for which he undertook his tour; and, on exhibiting it, he was well received wherever he went. In his communications to the managers, he

managers hope that the members of this Bible Society will not be backward in their duty, nor neglect to supply that portion of our country with the Sacred Truth, which is allotted to them.

By order of the managers,



No. IV.



Quebec, June, 13.-We noticed in this, Paper of Thursday last, the 6th inst. the extraordinary circumstance of a fall of snow, of upwards of an hour's duration, has presented more permanent and extraon that day. Since that time, the weather ordinary features of severity. On the afternoon of the 6th, when the clouds cleared away, the tops of the mountains to the north of this city were perceived to be covered with snow, the most distant apparently to the depth of a foot. On the 7th there was a slight fall of snow during

the whole of the day, the thermometer constantly standing at the freezing point. At half past 10 o'clock at night, the roofs of the houses, the streets and squares of the town, were covered with snow; and the next morning, the 8th, it was observed | that the whole of the surrounding country was in the same state, having, within twelve days of the summer solstice, the appearance of the middle of December!! A gentleman who was on Friday on the south shore, about 15 miles back of the St. Lawrence, found banks of snow up to the axletrees of his carriage, and a drift as in the midst of winter. On the 8th, snow conti ued to fall at intervals, in different parts of the country. It again snowed on the 9th.-From the 6th to the 10th it froze every night. On the 7th, the ground, in exposed situations, became hard with frost in the day time. The wind was constantly strong from the N. W. driving before it an immense mass of lowering clouds, which continually concealed the sun; it was not till Sunday afternoon that they finally began to clear away. It was then discovered that though the snow which fell on the night of the 7th, had disappeared in the vicinity of this city earJy on the following day, the tops of the mountains to the north and to the south still remained covered with snow. On the west side of the Chaudiere, large tracts of clear land were still covered, and continued so on Monday. We are informed that, in that quarter, the snow lay for some time about a foot in depth.

June 20.-The season during the last week has been remarkably favourable. The grain and the meadows in this vicinity never looked better than at present; though vegetation generally is still about three weeks more backward than usual.


The woods are every where on fire, and the smoke is so thick that whilst I now write at 5 in the afternoon, though there are no clouds, the sun is not to be seen. I am told the woods are on fire from this place to Ticonderoga, and that, in many places, great damage will be sustained by it. Besides the injury caused by the destruction of these fires, I fear that the smoke which they produce, accumulating in the atmosphere, must intercept the rays of the sun, and deprive us of some of that genial beat, of which the earth seems every where so much in want. I should be glad to see the remarks of the philosophers on these things."

Johntown, U. C. passed through the state Ogdensburg, Oct. 22-A gentleman of of Vermont, the last days in Sept. and first of Oct. and remarks, “that it is very difficult to travel through that country, for the smoke: that the fire climbs the high and rugged mountains, and thence de scending sweeps along the vallies, leaving black destruction behind; the smoke is so dense upon the bosom of Lake Champlain, that the steam-boat moves very slow and cautious, continually sounding, not being able to discover either shore when near the middle of the lake." Although the fire had taken so extensive a spread, the gentleman was informed, it had done no essential injury excepting in the woods.

Fire in the Woods.

It has been observed here for several days past that the atmosphere has been filled with smoke. It proceeds from a very extensive and destructive fire in the District of Maine. We have not been able to ascertain its extent, with much precision, but we are informed by a gentleman from the neighbourhood of the conflagration, that it extends over a very large tract of country in the county of Oxford, including the towns of Paris, Albany, Hebron, Bethel, &c. and the northern part of the county of Cumberland, including Minot and other towns. One dwelling house and two barns have been burnt at Paris. The extreme dryness of the fields and forests, renders all attempts to stop its ravages, so long as the drowth continues, almost hope. less. We are told that in some parts of the District of Maine, though at a great distauce from the fire, the smoke is exceedingly thick, and the air very much darkeued.

From Plattsburgh, Sept. 28.-" The Autumnal equinox is past, but we have had neither wind nor rain. The oldest inhabitants say, that such a drought has never been experienced here since their remembrance. The ground has not been wet two inches deep since the month of June. The creeks are quite dry, and no grass for the cattle. The wells have gene. rally failed. The Lake (Champlain) is also lower than ever known to be before. The Saranack is so low, that the water does not cover half the falls above the bridge. The whole Summer has also There are likewise extensive fires in the been so cold that there will be no Indian woods in New-Hampshire, viz. in the towns corn in all this country. On the 26th, of Rochester, Gilmanton, Guilford, Newafter suurise, there was ice formed on the Durham, Farmington, Plymouth, Wentsteps at the door of the house where I re-worth, Warren, &c. lu Gilmanton a remarkable explosion is said to have taken


place, which threw up trees and timber to a height of 60 feet, and a column of fire to a much greater height, for an extent of five rods square, attended with a noise like an earthquake.-Boston Daily Advertiser.


It is a singular evil that produces no good in any form: the stoppage of the Country Banks in England, has certainly diminished the number of forgeries: the resolution not to pay in specie, universally adopted by the Banks in America, laid them open to forgeries; and we learn from the following list, that the forgeries were not only numerous, but well executed. This is the most alarming fact of the whole;

for, if artists able to excel in this kind of work make a practice of it, there is nothing to prevent their ruining a whole country.


good. New-Haven Bank, payable at NewYork, 5 dollar bills...well done. Norwich Bank, 5 dollar bills few in circulation. Newburyport Bank, 3 dollar bills...scarce. New-London Bank, 1 and 5 dollar bills... well imitated. New Hampshire Bank, at Portsmouth, 1 and 10 dollar bills, few in circulation. Narraganset Bank, at Wickford, R. I. 1 and 2 doilar bills...well imitated. Nantucket Bank, 3 dollar bills, well imitated. Pacific Bank, at Nantucket, 5 dollar bills...well done. Providence Bank, 5 dollar bills, few in circulation. Phenix Bank, Nantucket, and Phenix Bank, Hartford, have bills altered from a smaller to a larger denomination. Rhode Island Union Bank, at Newport, 5 and 19 dollar bills Union Bank, Boston, 1, 2, 5 and 10 dollar ...many in circulation, and well done. bills, old plates, well imitated...few in circulation. Worcester Bank, 5 dollar bills, old plates, well imitated few in circulation. Warren Bank, 1 and S dollar bills.

The subject is of vital importance to all commercial countries; but, as things stand, to America, in the first place. We therefore subjoin an account of an attempt to There are several other denomina-' prevent this evil. If we rightly under- tions of counterfeits in circulation, of the stand the description, it refers to a thought Banks south of Connecticut, and several that was submitted some years ago to the bills altered from one denomination to anoBank Directors, in London. Those gen-ther, and well done-but by holding the tlemen, if we are not misinformed, desired bill up to the light, are easily discovered. to know whether the Public could more This is done at the request of several readily under that process, distinguish a gentlemen, by GILBERT & DEAN. forged note from a true one? Whether it Old State House, No. 16, did not require, some skill to discern the South Side, Oct. 12, 1816. genuine imprint? If it did, it was not additional security, as no skill ought to be presumed on the part of the Public We shall be glad to see a specimen of these American miracles.


Boston Bank, 1, 3, 5 and 10 dollar bills...
many in circulation, and well imitated.
Beverly Bank, 3 and 10 dollar bills...few
in circulation. Bank of Bristol, 5 dollar
bills...many in circulation. Commercial
Bank, at Bristol, R. I. 5. and 10 dollar
bills, well imitated..not many in circula-
tion. Concord Bank, W. A. Kent, Cashier,
...2 dollar bills. Cheshire Bank, at Keene,
3 and 10 dollar bills, old Corporation, to-
lerable imitation...but few in circulation.
Exchange Bank, at Providence, 1, 2 and 3
dollar bills, many of one in circulation,
and hard to distinguish from the genuine.
Eagle Bank, at New-Haven, payable at
New-York, 5 and 10 dollar bills, well im-
tated. Exeter Rank. 2, S, 5 and 10 dollar
bills, well done. Hartford Bank, 2 and S
dollar bills, well imitated. Manufacturers' |
and Mechanics Bank, Boston, 2 and 3
dollar bills, poorly done...signatures pretty

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Richmond, (Va.) May, 15.-In the art of engraving bank-notes, and, of course, in the mean time of preventing counterfeits, we have for a long time got the start of England. The steel die of Murray and Co. impressed on the margin of the plate, and the engraving which fills up the body of the note, has been looked upon as a chef d'ouvre in the art. But an impression has lately come under our view, which excels every previous attempt. The steel die is not confined to the margin alone, but extends over the surface. The figures are stamped upon the copper, with so much regularity, that the engraver, who comes after the die-stamper, can trace with the utmost ease the form of the note, among the strokes of the die. The latter will appear in a lighter kind of ink. The whole execution of the note requires such an extraordinary combination of skill, that it seems beyond the means of any association of counterfeiters to possess it. The impression is from the North; but whether from Mr. Perkins of Bosten, or Marray and Co. of Philadelphia, we are unable to say.


During the year 1815 there were coined at the Mint in Philadelphia

In gold coins, 635 pieces, amounting to 3,175 dollars.

In silver coins, 69,232 pieces, amounting to 17,808 dollars; making in the whole, 69,867 pieces, amounting to 20,882 dollars. During the last year no cents were coined; but the director contemplates coining in the present year fifty tons weight of copper, yielding 47,000 dollars.

American Tonnage and Duties, ten years back. The Tonnage of the United States was in Year For. Trade. Coasting. Fishing. Total. 1805 922,298 284,863 59,445 1,266,606 1806 1,044,005 286,999 66,357 1,397,271 1807 1,116,241 295,000 75,744 1,486,985 The duties on goods imported from the Cape of Good Hope and places beyond the

same were

In 1805
In 1806

In 1807

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8,370,055 dollars. S,80S,915 3,960,686

Singular Accident -A stage (says the Philadelphia Gazette) between this and Trenton, took fire and was entirely consumed. It was occasioned by a passenger putting a bot brick on the floor on the stage to keep his feet warm; and what is most extraordinary, it burnt with such rapidity, that the passengers, six in number, with difficulty made their escape..


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Milledgeville, (Geo,) June 12.—“ Two persons armed, by the names of Strobo and John Costello, were on their way, passing through the county of Jasper, on the 28th ultimo, inquiring for the road leading into the Cherokee nation, having in their custody five Spaniards in sailors' dress, whom they say it is their intention to sell to the Cherokees. On inquiry, they say they purchased them in Telfair county, and that one of the two paid part down and gave his note for the balance of the consideration money, to which the other is a witness.-But the unfortunate persons in custody, intimate, in terms

The duties on importatious from the hardly intelligible, not being able to speak

West India Islands were


From In 1805 1806
Brit. W. I. 1,864,119 2,560,665 1,948,672
Other W. I. 7,257,525 7,751,855 8,665,526
College annulled.

English, that they are from Europe, and being strangers in Pensacola where they landed, were decoyed by these two Americans out of town by fair promises; and having got them into their power, confined

them in such a manuer as to render resist

"In this manner, it appears they have been driving these men on foot, (they on horse back and well armed) through the country-a country too, boasting of its liberties, and of the sacred rights of hospitality! There is nothing in the appear

At the late commencement of Queen'sauce useless. College, N.J. only five students graduated. The College exists no longer, but in the room of it is opened a Grammar School, under the direction of the Board, by a very respectable Teacher, wherein is taught all the branches necessary to qualify students | for admission into the Junior and Seniorance of these Spanish prisoners that indiclasses of other Colleges.

Census of New York, for 1816. The census of the inhabitants of the city of New York, taken in April, 1816, returns | 44,424 white male inhabitants, 43,819, white females, 3.891 male aliens, 3,094 fe

male aliens, 3,19s coloured males, 4,576 coloured females, 228 male slaves, 389 fe male slaves-making altogether, a population of 100,619. The number of tenements are above 17,000.

Total number of females


51,878 48.741 100,619

[blocks in formation]

cates any mixture of African blood in their veins."

We copy from a Philadelphia paper, the The following singular advertisement. Amphitrite, a Swedish ship, lately arrived at Philadelphia, after a passage of 70 days, from Amsterdam, with 315 passengers.

German Redemptioners.

Arrived from Holland in ship Amphitrite, Farmers, Gardeners, Potters, Taylors, Shoemakers, Bakers, Butchers, Carpenters, Cabinet-makers, Musical Instrument Makers, Weavers, Brewers, Gilders, Diamond Cutters, Vineyard Men, Millers, Stocking Weavers, Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, Sempstresses, Sugar Refiners, Distillers, Shepherds, Confectioners, Coopers, Gleziers, Masons, &c.-Servants, Boys and Girls, who wish to bind themselves for their passage money. Apply on board the ship, lying in the stream, opposite Callowhill street.

MEMORANDUM OF ANTIQUITIES. [From the New Jersey Journal.]

In autumn, 1810, was discovered in a cave, in Warren county, on the waters of the Caney Fork of Cumberland River, by a man who was collecting copperas and alum, a nicely wrought box of cane, which was under a small declivity in the cave, and completely covered with an incrustation of petrifaction supposed to be from the dropping and oozing of the water from the surrounding rocks.-The cane box was entire, and appeared to have underwent but little decay from antiquity.


have not; but one thing is remarked by the ancient Cherokees, that a tradition bas been handed down to them by their forefathers, that part of the country near where battle ground, where the ancient Cherothose carcases were found, was noted as a battles, or usually met and had their fights, kees and Shawnee ludians had many hard


The state of improvement in the country, having made it necessary to increase the means of instruction in the Medical Profession, the State Legislature some time since authorized the Government of the

Upon examining the coutents, there were in it complete carcases of two human per- University, and granted them funds, to sons, one a male and the other a female-erect a building, in Boston, for the purpose

the male much the largest, but they were both thought to be fully grown.

They were in the first instance, wrapped with a coarse hempen twilled wrapping, which had been nicely woven in a twilled texture, and though having laid almost time immemorial, contained considerable strength.

of giving Medical lectures. This edifice has been constructed from the plans of Mr. Jacob Guild, who has ingeniously accom modated every part of the internal ar, rangement to the purposes for which they were destined; and executed the whole in a masterly style.

The Massachusetts Medical College, is situated in Mason street, near the Boston Common and Mall. The building is of brick, 88 feet in length, and 43 in its greatest breadth. Its figure is oblong with a pediment in front, and an octagonal centre rising above the roof, and also forming a three-sided projection in the rear of the building. This is surmounted by a dome, with a skylight and ballustrade, giving an appearance of elegance to the neatness and fit proportions of the building.

In the second place, they were wrapped In a nicely wrought texture of plumage of a light brown color, tipped or tinged with a beautiful red and yellow, of a very fine, soft, texture.Those plumages were tied nicely together with small hempen cords, in such a manner as to make one close strong covering.-Enveloped in those coverings or wrappings were the carcases; they were laid in a contracted position on their backs, their legs drawn up and their knees elevated. The whole of these carcases appeared dry, somewhat resembling tanned leather, and nearly of the same colour. All moisture had entirely escaped from them-their bones had a yellowish complexion, but remained entire their hair of a dark brown colour, fine and strait, but entire, Neither any part of the coverings or wrappings shewed any signs of petrifaction, though the cane box in which they were contained was completely incrus-is ted with a thin shell of petrifaction.

Of what race these persons could have been, no person has heretofore pretended to form a conjecture, but one thing is certain, that they were of some race who had the knowledge of spinning and weaving; therefore we may conjecture, they were in some degree in a state of civilization.

a spacious Medical Lecture room of a The apartments on the first floor are seats; a large Chemical Lecture room in square form, with ascending semi-circular the centre, of an octagonal form, with ascending seats; a Chemical Laboratory, fitted up with furnaces and accommodations for the costly apparatus used in the lectures; and a room to be occupied by the Massachusetts Medical Society, which

filled by a Medical Library, already second story is the Anatomical theatre, the consisting of 3 or 4000 volumes. In the most extensive room, occupying the whole the dome and skylight; with semicircular central part of the building, covered with seats which are entered from above, and descend regularly toward the centre. In this theatre are placed a beautiful statue of Inquiries have been made of the neigh- the Venus of Medici, and a noble cast of bouring ab-origines of the woods, whether the Apollo of Belvidere, designed to illusthey have any knowledge of any people of trate the external forms of the buman this description, or whether they have any body. A large and a small room for pracknowledge of this manner of burial, or re-tical anatomy, together with another for pository of the dead, practised by any of the the museum, occupy the extremities of the Judian nations, to which they answer, they same story.

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