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Of what nature is the accommodation which the Forts afford to trade?-Very great; they keep open the communication with the interior, they are the depots for goods, they protect the British subjects residing near them; by these means, the trade is collected day by day, and a collection of three months is shipped in 24 hours, without which no ship could profitably trade to the Gold Coast, as she would otherwise be obliged to stay three months at each point, to collect the same quantity of goods. I would wish to add also, that these Forts give an exclusive trade, to a considerable extent, to the British subject.

patent, dated the 27th of September 1672, | for re-establishment of the Factory at which time they were in possession of but, a had character is a very bad thing! one small Fort at Cabo Corso (now Cape Coast) that being the only Fort on all this Coast of which the Dutch had not dispossessed the Company during the (then) late war. The first thing which this Company found most necessary to be done, was to endeavour by all lawful ways and means to strengthen themselves as much as possible on the Coast, as other nations, and especially the Dutch, had done before them; and for this purpose they enlarged Cape Coast Castle, and made it six times larger, stronger, and more commodious than before. They built one fort at Accra, another at Dixcove, a third at Winnebah, a fourth at Succondee, a fifth at Commen da, and rebuilt a sixth at Aunamaboe.They likewise purchased Fort Rixburgh, now Fort Royal, of the Danes, without which Cape Coast Castle could not be safe; and they also built auother Fort from the ground at Whydah, for the security of the negro trade at that place. When the Forts of Appollonia, Tantum Querry, and Pram Pram were acquired, I am not at this moment prepared to say. Having spoken of the Royal African Company, it is proper I should explain that this was a Company which succeeded another Company, established by Queen Elizabeth in the Soth year of her reign, and that the present African Company was established by the Act 23 Geo. II, c. 31. when the Forts and Settlements were trausferred to them. Do you know whether the Governors who have been appointed to the command of these Forts by the African Company, have been all along traders for themselves? I believe they have!

During the continuance of the Slave Trade, did not their occupation in that trade, according to the best of your know ledge and belief, furnish the greatest source of their emolument?-I think it did; 1 mean every emolument that was derived from trade.

Do the present Governors continue to trade on their own account?-They do.

It appears then, that these Forts were built, as much for security against European enemies, as against native aggressors; and further, in the instance of Winnebah, the governor of which was surprized by the natives, and murdered, that the place was blown up, and abandoned, as punishment for the crime. The natives have since repeatedly applied

is the power of opinion. The people The British power on the Gold Coast, have been in the habit of respecting the nation, the authorities, and the establishin stead of reason. They have also, on ments; and this habit now stands them certain occasions, found safety within the British premises; and these occasions they still remember: for, although these forts are sufficiently unmilitary in the eyes of a European Officer of Engineers, yet they are competent to resist whatever force the native Africans can bring against them.

King of Ashantee, at the head of an army Annamaboe Fort was attacked by the consisting of 20,000 men.-This was in the year 1808 or 1809, on which occasion they were repulsed with the loss of 3,000 killed by the garrison of the Fort. It is a singular thing, that these people, the Ashantees, sea, who had never seen a white man, nor the people that I have seen in Africa. It is were the most civil and well-bred astonishing to see men, with such few op portunities, so well behaved,

siding near the Fort; and in this particu We always protect the towns-people re lar case, about 5,000 of the women and children got into the Fort for refuge, and were there maintained for several days; all of whom would have been massacred, or taken as slaves into the country, but for the protection afforded them by the Fort,

The Forts, then, are a benefit, of no despicable nature, to these people; and our readers have seen in some of our late numbers, the mediation of between these our natural allies and peace their invaders, though incomparably more numerous and more powerful,

The Committee have, with great pro- | bricklayers, blacksmiths, sawyers, coopers, priety, been attentive to whatever so stone-hewers, &c. with their several apmuch as sounded like Slavery, under prentices; who are employed in keeping British protection and influence. The in repair the several Forts, under the didescription of a class of natives as "Cas-rection of a surveyor and his deputy.The females are for the most part larying stone, lime, mortar, &c.; some are bouresses, attending the artificers, in car

mestic servants, in keeping the several apartments clean and wholesome; some few in the Hospital and Surgery, and some of the younger ones as garden girls. The whole number appears large, but rarely two-thirds of them are capable of attending duty at one time; the others may be classed under the respective heads of those laid up with Guinea-worms (frequently confining them from three to nine months) or with other disorders; pregnant women, or such as are suckling; the old and infirm; the superannuated; and, lastly, such children as are too young for

tle Slaves," gives them occasion to enquire who, and what they are, and why so called? The result is a curious in-usefully employed as prapra women, or dostance of the force of words, or the continuation of appellations, which are so, because they are so and which continue so, because they were so. The question is, "What is the situation of the persons denominated Castle Slaves, in the Company's service?"-The answer is, "They are FREE SERVANTS; called "Castle Slaves," because they are so denominated in the Act of Parliament, [passed as far back as 23 Geo. IL] They are artificers ;-have their particular hours of work ;-their particular hours to themselves; are exceedingly well paid; and were we to offer them their freedom, as they call it, they tally impossible to keep the Forts in any would not accept it. I take upon myself tolerable repair, unless, indeed, artificers to say (says Mr. Swanzey) that they pre-which would not only be attended with an were to be sent annually from England, for their situation to that of being free. In short, they are free. They are never sold; not do the Company buy slaves. We call them Castle Slaves, because we are accustomed to call them by that name." See now, how an old designation might mislead a half-informed politician!" Aye, aye, the English rail against slavery, at home; abroad


On another occasion we have the following account of these people, their duties and occupations, their importance their effective strength, and their relative influence among their own people.

The above Charge arises principally from the Maintenance of Black Tradesmen, Labourers, Labouresses, and others, stationed at Cape Coast Castle, and the other Forts on the Gold Coast, under the direction of the African Committee; they are nearly 300 in number. They are called Castle Slaves, because they are so denominated by the Act of Parliament of 23d George II. These people, or rather their ancestors, were handed over by the Royal African Company to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, as public property. The males are chiefly tradesmen, such as carpenters,


Without these artificers it would be to

enormous expense, but, from the nature of
the climate, with great mortality. These
artificers, being natives, feel no inconve-
nieuce from the climate. They are iu ge-
neral very excellent workmen, having
served a regular apprenticeship; and they
are also very useful in cases of emergency,
when employed as soldiers, most of them
being trained to the use of great guns and
small arms.
It may finally be observed,
that the whole expense under the above
head is incurred in supporting a class of
people, not only very useful, but whose
fidelity and attachment to their employers
have been proved on various occasions,
and whose services cannot be dispensed
with, so long as it may be thought for the
honour or interest of the British Nation to
have establishments on the Gold Coast. It
may be added, that though these people
are deemed Castle Slaves, they consider
themselves so far superior to the Free Na-
tives, that, were they offered their liberty,
they would not accept it.

The native population around these forts is estimated as follows; but we

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What is his age?-I believe he is upwards of 80; he is a native of the country, and his name is Quaque.

He is of African origin?—Yes; he was educated at Oxford. He is a native of the country, and was educated at the Univer sity of Oxford.

By the Report made by the Commissioners who were sent down to survey that part of Africa, the Governor in Chief stated it to be about 11,000; from the How long has he officiated in that capasame authority at Dixcove, the population is about 3,000. In my time, I should take city?-Between fifty and sixty years, prothe population of Annamaboe and its de-bably; and performed his service incompapendencies, at 20,000, although the Gover-rably well. When in his vigour, he used to do his duties exceedingly well. He is totally unfit for it now; he is perfectly childish. We have a clergyman, who will go out on the first opportunity.

nor made no Report to the Commissioners respecting the population of that place. The Governor of Succoudee also did not report the population of that place, but I should take it to be about 2,000; at Commenda, the Report to the Commissioners made the population S,000; the population of Winnebah is estimated at 2,000; the population of British Accra, there being three towns of that name, situated together, one Dutch, one British, and one Danish, the population of British Accra is estimated at 2,000, by the then Governor to the Commissioners; the population of Apollonia is estimated from the same authority, from twenty to twenty-five thousand; the population of Tantum Querry, I should take to be 2,000.

These people are in different stages of civilization : some are altogether rude, and little short of savage; others are further advanced, in the arts and rationalities of life, by the power rather of imitation than of instruction. It should appear, however, that attempts have been made years ago to communicate instruction to the natives. We cannot doubt, but what it was with benevolent intentions a native of this part of Africa was taught the principles of Christianity, for the purpose of enabling him to instruct others. It is admitted, on all bands, that the natives of Africa "are exceedingly desirous to receive instruction, provided it is not at their expense." This is true of schools, or other institutions for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. To press the enquiry further, ends in small advantage; for, we have reason to conclude, that those who studied the welfare of Africa in sending them a qualified ecclesiastic, did not follow up the good work; and the benefit, whatever it might be, has evaporated.

The present clergyman is superannuated.

Did Mr. Quaque, in days of yore, make any progress in the education of the natives?-Very little. There was a school at Cape Coast Castle at that time, which he attended, for the education only of white

men's children.

For want, then, of providing for the continuation of this good work, its fruits are lost. Will some of our readers excuse us, if we refer this lesson to them?

It is to be observed, that the principal people of the Coast, take occasion to send their sons to England for Education. This might be much improved, and great advantages could not but ensue from it, could it be established into a custom. For, in England these youths could be taught a thousand things not to be acquired in Africa. Neither can colonization by Europeans furnish the same things: it cannot be attempted: the natives must act: the natives must call their own powers and those of their country into exercise: they must sow, plant, reap, and be taught to depend on a demand for the commodities they raise. This is the best way, perhaps the only way to obliterate the very remembrance as well as to suppress entirely the practice, of the Slave Trade. To what odious lengths that was carried formerly, and to what misery even since its suppression, it has given rise, may be inferred from an incident mentioned by Capt. Irby. It happened while he was on the Coast, prevealing to his utmost, the ships, and vessels of certain Christian! nations, from collecting cargoes of slaves.

It happened at Commenda; a Portuguese brig arrived there in 1812; the master

of her had been boatswain of a Portuguese | able; but, much less promising probavessel that had traded there formerly; a bilities have produced events of no slave dealer owed him one slave, and this mean rank in the Commercial and Poliman seized two men out of a canoe that tical Worlds. was alongside of him, aud insisted upon having this slave which he owed him; the man told him the Slave Trade was entire ly abolished on that part of the Coast, that he had no means of getting one; and as he was obliged to get those two men back again, he sent his own wife in lieu of those two men; she was the only person he could get.

Was the woman carried away as a slave? Yes, to the Brazils; Governor

White mentioned this particularly to me, and wished me to recover the woman.

This fact needs no comment! it mits of no illustration!

On the Gold Coast, the great trade is furnished from Ashautee, a populous and rich country, from 100 to 300 miles northward of Cape Coast Castle. These people are repeatedly interrupted by those residing on the water-side, and their trade is either wholly prevented, or they are obliged to find a very circuitous route, the effect of which is, that exertion is not carried to that extent it otherwise would be, if a opened for them. straight forward and regular market was

Great numbers of the natives of that ád-country, some of them very principal people, were constantly coming down to the water-side, and on one occasion, an army of not less than 20,000 came to the neighbourhood of Annamaboe, conducted by their King in person, having under him several tributary sovereigns. He was visited in his tent by the Governor in Chief, and a large retinue of officers and soldiers belonging to the African Company, all of whom spoke in high terms of the good order, discipline, subordination, and good manners of the King, his principal men, and their soldiers.

About six years ago the Sheriff of Mecca sent a letter to the King of the Foulahs, to be circulated through all the Mandingo tribes, strictly forbidding their selling of Slaves. He declares it to be contrary to the laws of Mahomet, and repeats the most fearful denunciation of God's wrath in the next world, against those who persist in carrying on this traffic with the Alihoodi People, i. e. the Europeans.

Although copies of this letter have been retained in most of the principal Mandingo What reports did those Ashantee traders towns, yet as it tended to counteract what make of their own country?-As an exthey considered their interest, it has been ceeding fine country, containing large prudently kept secret as much as possible, quantities of gold and elephants; they and this intelligence was only obtained ac-spoke of the capital of Ashantee as a place cidentally within these few weeks by the of great extent: but in general, the reports Governor of Sierra Leone, from a friendly of Africans is so indefinite, it is hardly pos and most intelligent Mandingo Chief, who sible to draw any thing like a tolerable also on the Governor's requesting it, went conclusion from them, immediately home, took a copy of this let Containing large quantities of timber, ter, and brought it to him. ile also trans-and immense plains, in which there were lated a great part of it into English, and as large quantities of elephants, horned cattle, it is proposed to refer it to some oriental deer, and all sorts of animals which are scholar in England, the fraud, if any, will found in other tropical climates; they had be detected. But it is not suspected, either remarkable fine sheep in that country, from the character of this Chief, or from the some of which they brought down, and we circumstances attending the disclosure of had them. this letter, that any deceit has been committed, and if so, it will furnish a most singular coincidence of opinion with the exertions which about that time procured

the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

When your officers visited the camp of the King of Ashantee, did they observe any signs of reading and writing among that people?-None among the Ashantees; but there was one chief who, with his fol

their necks several sentences from the Al

The interior of this country is but lit-lowers, understood Arabic, and had round tle known. It was natural, therefore, when the Ashantee Army came to the coast, that much inquiry should be piade among that people. Whether it may lead to intercourse, is question

bows and arrows only; they were supposed coran, and these men were armed with to have come from the mountains, from which Mr. Park alleged the Niger had itą source.

Did the King of Ashantee express a wish for further communication with Europeans? The King of Ashantee was exceedingly desirous to have and to keep open a further communication with the British; as a proof of it, he solicited an officer of the African Company's, to be sent up to his country and reside there, in the character of ambassador, guaranteeing his safety.

Abstract of the present Esta-

8 Governors.

1 Chaplain.
1 Secretary.
1 Accountant.
1 Surveyor.
1 Register.


Did he state any particular benefits, which he expected to receive from a Connexion with the British?-His reasons were, that he could then directly communicate with the Governor in Chief, without 2 the intervention of his own, or the subjects of other countries, and that it would be a guarantee that no interruption should take place to his people, going down to the Coast, for the purposes of trade.

I think, of all the native Sovereigns of Africa that I have either read or heard of, he is the man most likely to act with good faith.

Such is the good opinion of Mr. Swanzey. We learn also from his evidence, that travellers for mercantile purposes, came very frequently from the Ashantee country, and far inland, to the Forts. Travellers from beyond that country, never came though slaves, before the abolition of the Slave Trade, came, probably, from a thousand miles distance from the coast. The Timbuctoo and Houssa traders, never came to Cape Coast; but used to frequent Lagos.

The present cost to the nation, annually allowed by Parliament to support these Forts, and maintain the British Interests on the Gold Coast, is about £23,000: the sum is barely sufficient, under the enlarged expenses, to which the Company is exposed. What effect Peace may produce, remains to be experienced. The Company solicits 40,000/. to establish that respectability which ought to belong to it; and to render its influence among the natives more extennive, more prevailing, and to both parties-more beneficial..

His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to examine these Ports, annexed also, a series of Questions refer

Order in which the Forts stand.

1 Dep. Ware 1. Cape Coast

house-keeper Castle.
1 Chief Sur- 2. Annama-

5 Assistauts. 3. Accra.

7 Factors.

1 Deputy Se-10 Writers.
cretary. 1 Teacher.
1 D. Account- 3 Clerks.


Dep. Sur

veyor. Officers of the Guard.

4. Tantum.

5. Appollonia 6. Dixcove. 7. Succondee, 8. Commenda *.* Succondee was destroyed by the French in 1779: not since rebuilt,

An Account of the real Value of all Im-
ports and Exports from Great Britain,
from and to Africa, from the year 180
to the year 1810 inclusive.
Imports, Exclu-
sive of Gold Dust.


Exports. £.

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£. 1 8. d. 1805193,034 0 0.1,156,555 0 1806226,396 0 0.1,655,042 0 1807....242,747 0 0-1,022,745 0 Slave Trade abolished, May 1st. 0... 820,194 0 1808374,306 0 0... 976,872 0 1809383,926 0 1810535,577 0 0... 693,911 0



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ring to various objects, African and 1809.......... 2,573 European; the answers contain much

curious and instructive matter ;-but

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into these with various other interesting 1810 6,742 particulars, we cannot now enter.

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L. s. d.

-15,408 O

10,494 0


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