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Secretary at war, "the troops in many ports being reported sickly." A disease of a most fatal character is raging in several parts of Virginia. In the county of Stafford and King George in particular, its ravages have been dreadful, sweeping off whole families in a few hours. The physicians have given it the name of a putrid sore throat. The United States frigate President, Commodore Decatur, sailed from New York, last Saturday, afternoon, with a strong W. N. W. breeze; none of the enemy's cruisers had been for several days in sight from the Hook.

Melmoth's Pling, IX. 30.

| sponsibility devolving upon him by his relation | ish and embrace all the most indigent of every to society, and is ever ready to adopt any opin- kind, in one comprehensive circle of general If your friend observes this ion or receive any advice that may be offered, benevolence. will expose himself to great inconsistency of rule in its full extent, he is certainly to be conduct, and probably forfeit the confidence commended; if he only partially pursues it, still he deserves, (in a less degree indeed, that may have been placed in him; for his however he deserves) praise : so uncommon want of reliance on himself, in such cases, is sufficient proof that he does not merit the is it to meet with an instance of generosity The lust even of the most imperfect kind! confidence of others; that his abilities have of avarice has so totally seized upon mankind, been overrated, or that he has assumed oblithat their wealth seems rather to possess gations, which he is conscious he is unable to them than they to possess their wealth. discharge. But there are many trying scenes in the life of almost every individual, when Our publick papers contain a long, candid, perplexity is no dishonour, when self distrust able and specifick reply to the letter lately is wisdom, and when he gives the strongest published by the Hon. John Randolph of Vir-proof that he both understands himself and his ginia, from the pen of the Hon. James Lloyd subject, who is disposed to avail himself of all the intellectual aid he can obtain. It does not of this town, to whom the former was addresfollow from the remark of our philosopher, sed. The contents, we trust, will calm some that, even in embarrassing emergencies, a perof the undue alarms, which seem to have exson ought always to adopt implicitly any opinisted among the Virginians, and at the same time instruct them, as to what they may rely ion, that may be suggested, or that he is to on, from the determined aversion of the New-sacrifice his convictions to the judgment of a friend. He is to consult and compare the Englanders to their present humiliating and views of others, the reasons by which they are distressing situation. supported, and govern himself by those, which he thinks are the most powerful.

STATE LEGISLATURE. The General Court of this Commonwealth commenced the winter session last Wednesday. It was ascertained that a quorum of both branches of the Legislature was present, which being announced to his Excellency the Governour, he communicated his Message, with a variety of interesting documents, the same day. Among these papers was the Report of the New England states, which his Excellency says 66 appears to have been the result of moderation and firmness."

Why should any man of sense decline to
pursue such a course? Is he jealous of his
reputation? What higher ground can
wish, than to be the umpire where there is a
variety of sentiment? A capacity to appre-
ciate truth, when it is presented to the under-
standing, is what distinguishes the great from
the little mind.

Nothing is more pitiful, aspiring as it may
seem to be, than a passion for the character of
infallibility. How many generals have lost
the battle, because they spurned to be advised
by a subordinate officer, though convinced he
was correct: The counsel of a HAMILTON

In adverting to the negotiations at Ghent, and the information, which we have received from that quarter, his Excellency makes a remark, which well deserves the attention of every citizen, and is particularly seasonable, when the minds of many are somewhat disposed to expect, that we can make war when we choose, and peace on just such terms as we may consider most agreeable. "Should the conditions of pe ce" observes the Governour, "to which we may find it convenient ultimate-mind as Hamilton's. ly to agree, be not the most favourable, the fault will not consist in making peace, but IN This fault will not be diminished by postponing a reconciliation to a distant period; neither the political character, nor the moral stain of an unnecessary war can be effaced, though the war should be continued many years


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The House ordered that 5000 copies of the Report of the Convention of Delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, &c. should be printed for the future disposal

of the House.

CONGRESS. The two branches of this body have begun another game at shuttlecock and battledore with their new bank project, and it is doubted whether it will not be lost, like the former, by the disagreement of the Senate or House.

[blocks in formation]

was sufficient to drive an opinionated, jealous
Executive to an opposite course, and a nation
was ruined. WASHINGTON, the immortal
helmsman of our political bark, possessed a
soul of a different hue. It was the glory of
his ethereal spirit to estimate duly such a
He feared no weapon of
detraction. He knew that to perceive what
was great was to be great and that when he
acted from conviction, the action was his ow!).
But he had a higher object than that the world
should think so, and therefore the world the
more readily did him justice.

Our views of things, independently of preju-
dice and passion to which all are exposed, are
so various, from other fortuitous circumstan-
ces, it is prudent in critical cases at least, to
ascertain, if possible, how the same things
may appear to others. Light often springs
from a quarter where it is least expected, and
he is wise to whom it is always welcome.



I WOULD have him, who desires to show
himself influenced by a spirit of true generosi-
ty to be liberal to his country, his kindred, his
relations and his friends; his friends, I mean,
in distress not like those who chiefly bestow
their presents, where there is the greatest
ability to make returns. I do not look upon
such men as parting with any thing of their
own; on the contrary, I consider their boun-
ties only as
so many disguised baits, thrown
out with a design of catching the property of

others. Much of the same character are
those, who take from one man in order to be-

[blocks in formation]

PITT'S PARLIAMENTARY ELOQUENCE. As a parliamentary orator, Mr. Pitt's powers were various. In statement he was perhad to explain a financial account, he spicuous, in declamation, animated. If he


clear and accurate. If he wanted to rouse a

just indignation for the wrongs of the country, he was rapid, vehement, glowing and impassioned. And whether his discourse was argumentative or declamatory, it always displayed a happy choice of expression and fluency of diction, which could not fail to delight his hearers. So singularly select, felicitous, and appropriate was his language, that it has often. been remarked, a word of his speech could scarcely be changed without prejudice to its harmony, vigour or effect. He seldom was satisfied with standing on the defensive in debate, but was proud to contrast his own actions with the avowed intentions of his opponents. These intentions, too he often exposed with the most pointed sarcasm ; a weapon which, perhaps, no speaker ever wielded with more dexterity and force than himself. He admired much, in Mr. Fox, the happy effect with which he illustrated his arguments, by the application of well known anecdotes, or by passages from modern authors; but he did not imitate him in this respect on the other hand he used to condemn his habit of repetition.

Mr. Pitt's love of amplification has sometimes been mentioned as detracting from his excellence as an orator; but it was his own remark, that every person who addressed a publick assembly, and was anxious to be distinctly understood, and to make an impression upon particular points, must either be copious upon those points or repeat them, and that as a speaker, he preferred copiousness to repetition. Of his oratory it may be observed gencally, that it combined the eloquence of Tully with the energy of Demosthenes. It was spontaneous; always great, it shone with peculiar, with unparalleled splendour, in a reply,

study; while it fascinated the imagination by

the brilliancy of language, it convinced the judgment by the force of argument ;-like an impetuous torrent it bore down all resistance : extorting the admiration even of those who most severely felt its strength, and who most carnestly deprecated its effect. It is unnecessary and might be presumptuous to enter more minutely into the character of Mr. Pitt's eloquence ;-there are many living witnesses of its powers--it will be admired as long as it shall be remembered, GIFFORD.


THERE are a thousand little offices of civil

Ity, kindness, and respect, to be performed every day in our intercourse with each other, which, if we were to attend to them, would shew our true state of mind, temper and disposition, much more satisfactorily than those more glaring performances, of which we are apt to form too favourable a judgment,

A LAW to promote and enforce industry, es-
pecially SPINNING, passed the legislature of
Massachusetts, in the year 1565.

"Be it enacted by the authority of this court, that all hands, not necessarily employed in other occasions, as women, girls and boys, shall be, and hereby arc, enjoined to spin, according to their skill and ability, and that the selectmen in every town do consider the condition and capacity of every family, and accordingly do assess at one or more spinners; and because several families are necessarily employed the greatest part of their time in other business, yet, if opportunities were attended, some time might be spared at least by some of them for this work, the said selectmen shall therefore assess such at half and quarter spinners according to their capacities. And every one thus assessed for a whole spinner, shall for time to come, spin every year for thirty weeks, three pounds a week of linen, cotton, or woollen, and so proportionably for half and quarter spinners, under the penalty of 9 pence a pound short; and the selectmen shall take special care for the execution of the order, which may easily be effected, by dividing their several towns into ten, six, five,&c. parts; to appoint one of the ten,six, five,

&c. to take an account of their divisions, and

to certify the selectmen if any be defective in what they are assessed, who shall improve the penalties imposed on such as are negligent, for the encouragement of those who are diligent in this work."


The following lines were addressed by the Rev. WIL-
published his "Reflections on the French Revolu-
tion;" but though occasional in design, they contain
poetry and sentiment of standing merit.

Wax mourns the ingenuous moralist, whose mind
Science has stor'd, and Piety refin'd,
That fading Chivalry displays no more

Her pomp, and stately tournaments of yore?
Lo, when Philosophy and Truth advance,
Scar'd at their frown, she drops her glittering lance;
Round her reft castles the pale ivy crawls,
And sunk and silent are her banner'd balls.

As when far off the golden Evening fails,
And slowly sink the fancy painted vales,
With rich pavilions spread in long array;
So rolls the enchanter's radiant realm away;
So on the sight the parting glories fade,
The gorgeous vision sets in endless shade.
But shall the musing sage for this lament,
Or mourn the wizard's Gothick fabrick rent?
Shall he, with fancy's poor and pensive child,
Gaze on his shadowy vales and prospects wild,
With lingering love, and sighing, bid farewell
To the dim picture of his parting spell ?
No, Burke! thy heart, by juster feelings led,
Mourns for the spirit of high Honour fled :
Mourns that Philosophy, abstract and cold,
Withering, should smite Life's fancy flower'd mould,
And many a smiling sympathy depart,

That grac'd the sternness of the manly heart.

Nor shall the wise and virtuous scan severe
These fair illusions, even to Nature dear.
Though now no more proud Chivalry recalls
Her tourneys bright, and pealing festivals;
Though now on high her idle spear is hung,
Though time her mouldering harp has half unstrung;
Her milder influence shall she stil! impart
To decorate, but not disguise the heart;
To nurse the tender sympathies that play
In the short sunshine of life's early way;

Whether her temple, wet with human gore,
She thus may raise on Gallia's ravag'd shore,

For female worth and meekness to inspire
Homage and love, and temper rude desire;
Nor seldom with sweet dreams sad thoughts to cheer, Belongs to him alone, and his high will,
And half beguile affliction of her tear.

Lo! this her boast, and still, O Burke, be thine
Her glowing hues, that warm, but tempered shine;
While whispers bland, and fairest dreams attend
Thy evening path, till the last shade descend,
So may she soothe, with loftier wisdom's aid,
Thy musing leisure in the silent shade;
and bid poor Fancy, her cold pinions wet,
Life's cloudy skies and beating showers forget.
But can her fairest form, her sweetest song,
Soothe thee, assail'd by calumny and wrong?
Even now thy foes with louder accents cry,
Champion of unrelenting tyranny,

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At Freedom hast thou aim'd a deadly blow,
And strove, with impious arm, to lay her altars low.'

No, Burke indignant at the voice we start;
We trust thy liberal views, thy generous heart;
We think of those who, naked, pale, and poor,
Reliev'd and bless'd, have wandered from thy door:
We see thee, with unwearied step, explore
Each track of bloodshed on the farthest shore

of injured Asia, and thy swelling breast

Who bids the tempests of the world be still.*

With joy we turn to Albion's happier plain,
Where ancient Freedom holds her temperate reign ;
Where justice sits majestick on her throne;
Where Mercy turns her ear to every groan !
O, Albion! fairest isle, whose verdant plain,
Springs beauteous from the blue and billowy main.
In peaceful pomp, whose glittering cities rise,
And lift their crowded temples to the skies;
Whose navy on the broad brine awful rolls,
Whose commerce glows beneath the distant poles;
Whose streams reflect full many an Attick pile;
Whose velvet lawns in long luxuriance smile;
Amid whose winding coombs Contentment dwells,
Whose vales rejoice to hear the sabbath bells;
Whose humblest shed that steady laws protect,
The villager with wood-bine bowers hath deck'd.
Sweet native land! whose every haunt is dear,
Whose every gale is musick to mine ear;
Amid whose hills one poor retreat I sought,
Where I might sometimes hide a saddening thought
And having wandered, far, and mark'd mankind,
In their vain mask, might rest and safety find.

Harrowing the oppressor, mourning for the oppress'd. Oh! still may Freedom, with majestick mien,

No, Burke where'er Injustice rears her head,
Where'er with blood her idol grim is fed;
Where'er fell Cruelty at her command,
With crimson banner marches through the land,
And striding, like a giant, onward hies,
While man, a trodden worm, looks up and dies;
Where'er pale Murder in her train appears,
With reeking axe, and garments wet with tears;
Or low'ring Jealousy, unmov'd as Fate
Bars fast the prison cage's iron gate
Upon the bury'd sorrows, and the cries
Of him, who there, lost and forgotten lies:
When ministers, like these, in fearful state,
Upon a bloody tyrant's bidding wait,
Thou too shalt own, and Justice lift her rod,
The cause of freedom is the cause of God.

Fair spirit! who dost rise in beauteous pride,
Where proud oppression hath thine arm defy'd;
When, led by virtue, thou dost firm advance,
And bathe in Guilt's warm blood, thy burning lance;
When all thy form its awful port assumes,
And in the tempest shake thy crimson plumes,

I mark thy lofty mein, thy steady eye,

So fall thy foes,' with tears of joy I cry.


But ne'er may Anarchy, with eyes on flame,
And mein distract, assume thy awful name;
Her pale torch sheds afar its hideous glare,
And shews the blood-drops in her dabbled hair
The fiends of discord hear her hollow voice,
The spirits of the deathful storm rejoice :
As when the rising blast, with muttering sweep,
Sounds mid the branches of the forest deep;
The sad horizon lowers, the parting sun

Is hid, strange murmurs through the high wood run,
The falcon wheels away his mournful flight,
And leaves the glens to solitude and night;
Till soon the Hurricane, in dismal shroud,
Comes fearful forth, and sounds her conch aloud;
The oak majestick bows his hoary head,
And ruin round his ancient reign is spread;
So the dark fiend rejoicing in her might,
Pours desolation and the storm of night;
Before her dread career the good and just
Fly far, or sink expiring in the dust;

Wide wastes and mighty wrecks around her lie,
And the earth trembles at her impious cry.

Pacing thy rocks, and the green vales be seen!-
Around thy cliffs, that glitter o'er the main,
May smiling Order wind her silken chain;
While from thy calm abodes, and azure skies,
Far-off the fiend of Discord murmuring flies.

To him, who firm thy injured cause has fought,
This humble offering, lo! the Muse has brought ;
Nor heed thou, Burke! if with averted eye,
Scowling, cold Envy may thy worth decry.

It is the lot of man :-the best oft mourn,
As sad they journey through this cloudy bourne;
If conscious Genius stamp their chosen breast,
And on the forehead shew her seal imprest,
Perhaps they mourn, in bleak Misfortune's shade,
Their age and cares with penury repaid;
Their errors deeply scann'd, their worth forgot,
Or mark'd by hard Injustice with a blot.
If high they soar, and mark their distant way,
And spread their ample pinions to the day,
Malignant Faction hears with hate their name,
And all her tongues are busy at their fame.

But 'tis enough to hold, as best we may,
Our destin'd track, till sets the closing day
Whether with living lustre we adorn
Our high sphere, like the radiance of the morn;
Or, whether silent in the shade we move,
Cheer'd by the lonely star of pensive love;
Or whether dark opposing storms we stem,
Panting for Virtue's distant diadem;

'Tis the unshaken mind, the conscience pure,
That bids us firmly act, or meek endure ;
"Tis this might shield us when the storm beats hard,
Content, though poor, had we no other guard !†

These lines were written before the murder of the
late King of France, and many of the events of horror,
which have since taken place in that miserable coun-
† Milton.





Price three dollars per annum, half in advance.

.. New subscribers may be supplied with preceding numbers.





THOUGH the last accounts were generally considered favourable, no further news from Ghent, and the events of the war becoming more and more against us! The publiek still feeding on idle expectation, while the fol ly of our rulers obstinately persists in completing the ruin of our devoted country! Such is the prospect, and in solemn truth we declare, we can perceive no end to the course, of cur sufferings and distresses. If there are those who see grounds for any definite hope, we cannot discover from what quarter it is derived. Did this downward fate of our nation depend entirely on the perverseness of our government, we should not feel that there was any use in writing or speaking on the subject. They have long proved themselves deaf to ev ery remonstrance, and blind to every conse quence of their abandoned conduct. But we have seen with the most anxious concern that their mismanagement has, from step to step met with but too much encouragement in the tone of publick opinion; while that is the case, we are certain our rulers will proceed, though national ruin stare them in the face, and the execrations of posterity threaten to blast their memories. Publick opinion improves, but it comes with a limping step, forever behind the exigency of circumstances, and therefore forever ineficient.


Publick opinion was now loud against the
war, but was not awake to the advantage and
propriety of treating on such conditions. That
sentiment will prevail when the season of its
efficacy shall have long passed away.
While the first overtures of Great Britain
were rejected, her arms, though conducted
with no remarkable energy, were advancing
upon our territory, and the war was spreading
distress and poverty through our country. We
were now every month becoming more weak,
and she more strong. But a small portion of
our soil, however, had as yet fallen into her
possession, when she proposed to treat on the
principle of uti possidetis-a condition some-
what more unfavourable than the former, as
our ministers had been fairly warned to expect.
Sinking as was our country under the bur-
thens of a contest, yet scarcely begun, our
ministers peremptorily refused this second
proposition. The American people now be-
gan to perceive, that an engagement to re-
frain from encroaching on Indian territory
would have been no sacrifice-but the uti pos-
sidetis was pronounced, under existing cir-
cumstances, inadmissible.


new fangled doctrines. They would not; and Great Britain repelled the invaders of her territory, blockaded our rivers and ports, and began to annoy our coasts. She proposed an Indian boundary between us; we would hear nothing of it. She took part of the District of Maine, and proposed the uti possidetis. We pronounced all terms embracing any cession of territory whatever, inadmissible. She has now captured another of our few frigates, and probably taken possession of New Orleans, the key to all the country beyond the mountains, and will have the disposal at pleasure of seven or eight millions of property !! What she will next propose we know not; but this is certain, if our ministers do not agree to some preliminaries, it will be in her power, on the opening of the next campaign-not to conquer our country, and this she will not attemptbut to spread ruin and devastation along our sea coast from Maine to Georgia. Is it not time then, high time, that the publick mind should be directed to the simple object, Peace, on the best terms that can be obtained? Is it not nonsense to talk or think of honour, when all this misery and disgrace are but the Great Britain multiplies her expeditions; work of a wretched faction at Washington, her preparations wear a new and solemn as- who have sucked the life blood of the people, pect. The course of the war, since her first and are now spending their worthless breath conditions of negotiation, has been such as to only in devising new schemes of domestick assure Aus, if we are not infatuated, that she oppression. Let us have Peace, such a peacewill not recede from any pictension that she as can be secured, before we lose more, and considers just, for she sees and we may see, involve ourselves in further calamities, from that her means aic ample, and that the com- which try have not, and never can have, the parative strength of the two powers is inces- means of extricating us. Then let us reduce santly changing in her favour and against us. these upstart plunderers, these petty tyYet at every successful step, she makes over- rants, to their primitive nothingness, and set tures which we refuse-we talk of an honour- out anew for character and consequence. As able peace, and prolong the war, while it is yet the enemy, though justly exasperated, obvious, the longer we fight, the weaker we have but taken a portion of the fruit; the trée become, and as every armament G.eat Britain is sound. Under the mild influence of Peace, fits out is entered in an account current it will yet prosper; and even should some of against us, the heavier will be the account we the ingrafted branches be topped off, the orig-must finally settle, the higher will be her ulti-inal trunk might possibly flourish better.. mate requisitions.

We began in the wrong--the English were determined to keep us so, and we have shown no disposition to defeat their plan. We complained on grounds principally fictitious-but they sent ministers to adjust all differences; their overtures were evaded, or they themselves were rejected, loaded with gross personal insult. The American publick regretted the event, but pronounced the British government and its ministers too punctilious on their points of honour, with an administration which had grown out of democracy. Finding the outrage thus palliated, our ralers declared war. Had publick opinion been as correct on the subject of its merits as it is now, and as freely expressed, hostilities would probably have ceascd, when an armistice was offered. But the proposed armistice, a prelude to defensive warfare, was rejected. The British probably intended our government should inake a bad cause worse, and they succeeded. The circumstances of Europe took a new and unexpected turn, highly favourable to Great Britain, and leaving her at liberty to prosecute the contest into which we had forced her, with irresistible vigour. But she had offered to negotiate, and the respective ministers met at Ghent. After all our efforts to annoy and distress her, and to seize a portion of her empire, what were the terms on whichvoke, but cannot conquer. she offered us peace? The only sine qua non was security to the independent aboriginals, that their country, which we do not pretend | to own, should not be taken from them by war or purchase. Our government, which had declared an unjust war, and refused a proffered armistice, by its ministers rejected these singularly favourable terms, with real or affected indignation.

These we know are " hard sayings" to a people who have been for years inflating their own vanity and deceiving themselves with ridiculous notions of our relative power and importance in the scale of national consequence. The illusion tempted us to exchange peace for war. While our mistake was speculative, it was not surprising that we should go on to deceive ourselves, and rush into danger: but now when we have made and are still making an experiment, which proves all our conceptions vain, why adhere to our refuted opinions, until we sacrifice every valuable enjoyment, beggar ourselves and our children, and exhibit in a most striking manner to the world, the very thing we are so anxious to conceal, that we overrate our strength; that we could pro

It is of so much importance that the publick should be induced to contemplate attentively the course of the war, we beg leave to recapitulate a few of the leading facts. After the war was declared and begun on our part, and before the British had struck a single serious blow, there can be no doubt, but we might have returned to peace and all its prosperity, if our government had merely abandoned is



We have scen it intimated in the papers. and heard it observed in conversation, that if New Orleans is taken by the British, it will have a tendency to prolong the war.

For the sake of many worthy individuals, who might suffer severely by such an event,it is one we should sincerely regret; but we do not readily comprehend, how this is to be a new obstacle to peace. Were we so much stronger than the English before, that this circunstance is to equalize our capacities for a long and doubtful struggle? Or if we were already exhausted,and our national government so wek, as to throw the local defence of states. upon the states themselves, will the loss of a country which cost us fifteen millions of dollars, and with it, the loss of several millions more of property, will this so recruit our strength that we Can now go on with some hope of success? We should not so reasons in common cases. Were we to see two combattants engaged, and one were to break the arm of his almost breathless antagonist, we should probably imagine the controversy was approaching to a close.

But we presume neither of these absurd:

time, the General was considered to have an army nearly 8000 strong, and above two thousand more expected in a day or two from Kentucky.

On the 23rd, a party of the British, variously estimated, from one to three thousand crossed from lake Ponchartrain, and struck the Mississippi, about 8 miles below the city. A severe engagement took place, in which it is stated that the British were repulsed, but it does not appear that they retreated. A few prisoners were taken, including two majors. They rate the force of the enemy at upwards of ten thousand. A desperate battle was expected the next day, but here our information stops. A rumour prevailed at Washington, on the 20th inst. that the city had fallen, but it could be traced to no authentick source.

uries, to be credited, and the disbursements so made as aforesaid to be charged to the United States. The above Resolutions have passed both branches.

The Hon. Mr. Crowninshield reached Washington, and, it is said, entered immediately upon the duties of his office. [Doubted.]

contributions, and hope he will now attend us through We are gratified that The Writer has renewed his the short remainder of our journey.



THE WRITER. NO. XXXV. AFTER having formally resigned my office as a Writer," some apology may be thought necessary why I should so soon resume it. But if my courteous readers will remember my unconquerable propensity to the quill, they will easily imagine that I could not so sudden

A verbal report was likewise received Thursday night, from N. York, stating that the expected battle had taken place, and that the British were defeated; but this we presume, is a mistake, grounded on the first rencontre. If they abandon it altogether. They may also confact, that the enemy had almost surprized the city, may be considered as a specimen of Gen eral Jackson's vigilance and ability, we have little room to expect any other thin an unfavourable result.

views are entertained. It is supposed that with the conquest of New Orleans, and the command of the Mississippi, Great Britain will not consent to such terms as we can admit, until until when ?-until we lose other large tracts of territory, other armies, other millions of property; then she will be under the necessity of lowering her tone, will she? No-but this fresh loss and disgrace are to rouse a war spirit in the country, and bring forth resources which have not yet appeared! If, unfortunately, occasion should be given to such a rash calculation, we entreat our fellow citizens to consult their good sense and suppress their feelings. We admit that there is physical strength in our country, which has not yet been brought into operation; we admit that there is a spirit in the people, which would do wonders, were it tried. But what will this strength or this spirit avail us in a war, where our enemy need never encounter them, and yet find full scope for his own energies? We repeat the warning, we submitted on a former occasion. The British will not attack us, where our strength is collected, but where it is not. If we advance in force to any spot they may possess, they can quit it, and take another that is unguarded. They can thus lay the whole country successively under In addition to these uncertainties, we have contribution, and waste our warriors in detail, another unpleasant incident to relate, which is in spite of all that our strength, circumspecdecisive. The United States' frigate Presia tion, or zeal could do. They will not penedent, Commodore Decatur, sailed from New trate to Saratoga, to risk an army in the heart York, on the 14th inst. The next morning of a wilderness. They will not attempt to she discovered the Majestick, razee,—the Enmarch through the states. Their business is dymion, Tenedos and Pomone frigates. After not now to quell an insurrection, but to make a chase until four in the afternoon, the Enus feel, that we have made a nation our foe, dymion came up, and a running engagement who can not only defend herself, but annoy us took place until half past 10, when the to our ruin. Let it be observed and remarked, mainder of the squadron joining them, the that the present war no more resembles that. President struck. Commodore Decatur was of the revolution in its nature, than it does in wounded, and Lieutenants Babbit, Hamilton. its merits; and before we talk of a LONG and Howell, are mentioned as killed; and STRUGGLE, let us reflect on the situation of about 50 men killed and wounded. The surour country, on the obvious policy of the enc-viving Americans were sent to Bermuda, and my, and then decide, whether we may confide private letters from Commodore Decatur and in our ability to sustain a long atruggle, and other officers, were sent to the blockading whether it is not madness to continue it anoth-squadron, off New London, and sent up to er day. that city, with a flag.



CONGRESS. The Senate voted, on the 20th inst. to recede from their amendments to the bank bill, so that, at last, it wants but the signature of the President to become a law BOSTON,SATURDAY.JANUARY 28, 1815. STATE LEGISLATURE. The commitee on the Governour's Message have made a FOREIGN. We have accounts from Hal-report, in part, expressing the highest satisfacifax to the 31st ult. where a vessel had arrived, with London dates to Jan. 9th. We understand the probability of peace was much talked off at Halifax, and said to be countenanced by mercantile letters from England; but we cannot learn on what grounds.

DOMESTICK The accounts which have been received from New Orleans, since our last, are of a very vague and suspicious character. We can only give the few facts as they are hastily sketched in private letters. The capture of our Lake Ponchartrain flotilla, we have already mentioned; this happened on the 13th of December.

On the 16th, martial law was proclaimed in New Orleans by General Jackson, and the militia called out, en masse; the Legislature appropriated 50,000 dollars for the erection of batteries, &c.; an embargo was imposed for three days, and individuals were impressed to work on the fortifications. The militia of

tion in the proceedings of the New England

Convention, and their readiness to adopt the measures recommended by them. The report concludes with the following resolves.

Resolved, That the Legislature of Massachusetts do highly approve the proceedings of the Convention of Delegates from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island, and the Counties of Cheshire and Grafton, in the State of New Hampshire, and the County of Windham, in the State of Vermont, convened at Hartford, on the 15th day of December, in the year 1814; and that the advice and recommendation therein given are entitled to, and shall receive the most respectful consideration of this Legislature.

Resolved, That His Excellency the Governour be, and he hereby is authorized and empowered to appoint Commissioners to proceed immediately to the seat of the National Government, and in pursuance of such instructions as His Excellency may think proper Government of the United States, requesting their to give them, to make an earnest application to the consent to some arrangement, whereby the State of Massachusetts, separately, or in concert with neighbouring States, may be enabled to assume the defence of their territories against the enemy; and that to this

sider that I left them in a sort of pet at not

having been more read and admired, and will therefore be the less surprised to find me return to them again upon the return of my good humour. But as it is always mortifying


attempt a reconciliation unsolicited, I shall endeavour to save my pride by introducing the following letters as mediators. They were about to lay down my office, and as they seem to have been intended for the publick eye, I shall take the opportunity of coming out again myself to present them.

written before the authors knew that I was

To the Writer."

SIR-I have a complaint to make, which. being of such a grievous nature, I hope you will think it unnecessary to trouble you with any apology for laying it immediately, and without further introduction, before you. I presume, sir, that you are sufficiently acquainted with good breeding and genteel company to know, that it is extremely vulgar to be punctual with respect to time, to any engagements or invitations, or appointments whatever, and very inconsistent with one's dignity, not to show your consequence by making other people wait for you. To be the first at church, at the theatre, or at a tea party, is perfectly ridiculous. Even upon so solemn an occasion as a funeral, this sort of fashionable etiquette must be complied with; and no lady would think of risking her character, by going to than the time appointed; and if she gets the house of mourning short of an hour later

there after the solemnities are begun, so much the better; for although it may disturb the company, yet she will be more noticed than if she had been cooped up ever so long in a melancholy group, where it would not be thought proper to display herself. But what I have principally to complain of is, that upon every occasion of publick exhibition, the places are so early taken by that class of people who have no character to lose, that a lady who comes in decently belated, sometimes loses her seat; and though ever so well dressed, or well attended, has the mortification to be obliged to stand in the crowd, whilst those who are so unfashionable as to be punctual, hurry themselves into convenient places. I must confess, that I have been particularly careful, upon all such occasions, to crowd myself into the assembly among the very last, and conformably to the strictest rules of gen

New Oricans and the neighbouring country, end a reasonable portion of the taxes collected within tility, always waited till I knew the house was

and General Jackson's regular troops, appear to have been estimated at between three and four thousand men. On the 20th, about 4000 men arrived from Tennessee, so that, at that

said States may be paid into the respective treasuries thereof, and appropriated to the payment of the balance due to the said States, and to the future defence of the same: The amount, so paid into the said treas

seat, and

full, before I attempted to enter it; but then I ever calculated upon obtaining a also of displaying my importance, by being somebody turned out of their's. But rexati us

to relate, I have once been disappointed. At a late dedication, I had none of this attention paid to me; and although the genteel hour at which I arrived at the new house, entitled me to more respect, yet I was absolutely obliged to remain in the aisle during the whole performances, and with the mortification of seeing the pews and seats taken up by people to whom I should not condescend to speak in the street. To prevent therefore such unmannerly treatment in future, the publick should be admonished that we always expect to be provided for, (I speak in behalf of all ladies who have a proper sense of their own dignity), and that all those who presume to take their seats in less than an hour after the time appointed, must be held liable to give them up to us who show our respect for propriety by being unseasonable.


I should be sorry to forfeit the good opinion which Miss Letitia seems to have of my good breeding, but I must confess, that I cannot see why fashion should voluntarily pay such a tax to caprice. Why is it not as easy for those who lead the style, to make it fashionable to be in good season at whatever they wish to enjoy?

To the Writer.

be the best appeal to their favour), that they
may judge of my deserts; and if they think
proper to encourage me by not listening to
the officious reports of these my rivals, I think
I shall soon become the oracle of the Ex-
change, and the idol of all those places in its
vicinity, where the only worship seems to be
paid to the god of news.


Equum est homini, de potestate Deorum tim-
ide et pauca dicere. CIC. PRO LEGE MANLIA.
Men should speak little and cautiously of the power
of Deity.

Ir is only from observation on that, probably,
very small part of the works of creation, which
comes within the contemplation of our senses,
and the dictates of consciousness, that we
form any notion of the attributes of the Crea-
tor and Governour of the universe; yet these
teach us rather to worship and adore, than to
attempt to scan. We see sufficient reason to
conclude that every moral trait, which we con-
sider great or excellent in our nature, exists
in a degree of perfection, of which we
have no adequate conception, in the "great
first cause." It cannot be improper that we
should speak of the existence of these attri-
butes; they constitute a theme of the most
sublime meditation in which we ought fre-


and a duty. It is only with regard to their
operation, or the mode in which they are de-
veloped in the divine administration, that we
ought to be circumspect in our speculations.
This, it is to be presumed, was the idea in-
tended to be conveyed by the Roman moralist,
and no more; for he omits no opportunity, in
his own writings, to allude in terms of vener-
ation to the ineffable characteristicks of the
eternal mind.

But do we not often find the caution, which
Cicero recommends, disregarded by those, who
are permitted to drink from a purer fountain
of knowledge than ever he was suffered to
approach? Of all the divine attributes, pow-
er scems to be that, to which some theologians
give the most presumptuous construction.
Under pretence of ascribing to it its full lati-
tude, they so represent the character of the
Deity, as to shock the moral sense, and di-
vest Him, who is not, only Almighty but in-
finitely good, of every amiable perfection.


ject. When we inquire how such a doctrine
can be admitted? every thing is boldly resolv-
ed into the power of Deity! They maintain
that every human being is, by the constitution
of his mind, at ermity with the divine perfec-
tions-yet that the sovereign POWER of the
Creator is exercised in selecting some for
happiness and consigning others to perpetual
wretchedness!* Thus we are first taught
certain definite notions of the virtues.
are taught that they exist in the highest pos-
sible degree of perfection, in the supreme Bc-
ing and such excellence we are instructed
to adore. But in the mean time we must re-
concile ourselves as we can to such decisions
of the divine will, and such exertions of di-
which we believed to unite in the Deity, con-
vine power as outrage the very principles
stituting his just claim to our adoration. It is
not surprising that such dogmas shock the
rational mind, drive the weak to distraction,
and the superficial inquirer to practical Athe-

Whatever may be within the scope of infinite power, abstracted from every other conresenting it as despotick in its nature? Let sideration, ought we not to be cautious of repus speak of it with awe, and beware lest, indulging a propensity to magnify this divine atjustice and benevolence, which are equally tribute, we irreverently derogate from that important in our humble conceptions of the most High.

If there's a Power above,
And that there is all nature cries aloud
Through all her works, He must delight in virtue.

I am aware that an allusion by St. Paul to an expression in Jeremiah, is confidently urged in support of this doctrine; but among others, Doctor McKnight, in his notes on Rom. IX. 21 has given an explanation, which perfectly reconciles this passage to the general tenour of scripture language with respect to the divine character.

Messieurs WELLS AND LILLY have published their second volume of the Works of Cicero, beautiful as the first, and executed with the utmost care. We again recommend this undertaking to the patronage of every scholar, who wishes an elegant and cheap copy of this valuable classick.



- Sir, I am what the malice of the world calls an idle man; but one, who, as having no regular profession or employ, I should choose to denominate a man of elegant leisure.quently to indulge, as a privilege, a pleasure, In either of these characters, however, I am peculiarly qualified to fetch and carry news; accordingly, for several years, I have been wholly engaged in this important and agreeable service. I think I can say, beasting apart, that I have told more news upon 'Change since the first embargo, than all the rest of the idlers put together. I was the first who announced the great revolution in Spain; and soon afterwards brought into Statestrect the account of the first importation of Merino sheep; and as there was at that time a great dearth of matter to excite or occupy the curiosity of an anxious publick," my country was as much obliged to me for this seasonable piece of intelligence, as it has since been benefitted by the produce and increase of these important and useful animals. I next distinguished myself in the battle of Tippacanoe, and by a sort of coup de main, by which I surprised the multitude with an account of this victory, acquired as much glory in State-street, as the heroes who fought The power of God, we may say, with reverour red brothers gained upon the field of bat- ence, is not without its limits, though it knows tle. Nor am I solely devoted to politicks, but no limits but those which exist in his own also obtain the earliest account of all civil and nature. He cannot be unmerciful, for he is tragical events which have a tendency to de-infinitely benevolent; He cannot favour wicklight the publick. I am the first to know and edness and punish virtue, for he is infinitely communicate the price at which any real es- just. To insist on absolute power, to the extate has been sold, who has stopt payment,clusion of any other property essential to the and what mischief has been done by mad dogs. I was the author of the first notification in the newspapers of the weight of extraordihary squashes, and sub rosa whispered the first report of the coup d'amour by which a certain general carried off a lady, as gallantly as he had previously carried off a mace; and other noble trophies, by a brilliant coup d' armes. But, sir, great talents, and especially those which by their usefulness begin to acquire a little fame always excite envy; and I his father, may, in a great measure, be ascrib find I have several rivals, who are not only ed, those talents of the son, which have so striving to get before me in this race of glory, long delighted mankind. Though his income, but who endeavour to depreciate my former But there are those who would destroy the arising from a very small farm, and the emservices and raise themselves upon my ruins. sufferer's hope, who would deprive us of the ployment of tax-gatherer, might have justified Now, sir, what I desire of you, is, that my strongest motive to virtue, by assigning future the confined education of an inferior school; claims to patronage may be fairly brought herewards and punishments, without any regard yet, perhaps observing in the youth, a capaçifore the publick, (and perhaps this letter will to the actual conduct or disposition of the sub-ty for the highest attainments, he carried him

character of a perfect being, is to destroy that
harmony which is its excellence.

The work, from which the following article of classical biography is taken, is scarcely known in this country. The poems of Horace are usually introduced, in our common editions, with a few general outlines of the author's history, and Lempriere's account less satisfactory. We presume therefore many of our literary readers may be gratified with the result of Mr. Boscawen's researches.


QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS was born on the eighth day of December, in the year of Rome 688, or, according to the chronology of Varro, The general tendency of virtue is undoubt- 689, at Venusium, a town on the confines of edly to happiness, and of vice to misery, in Apulia, and Lucania. His family as he tells their direct and immediate consequences ; us himself, with the just pride of a man, selfbut we constantly see exceptions to this rule, ennobled, was of the lowest rank: the father if we confine our views to this life. This led of our poet, being the son of a freedman, and philosophers, even before the full lustre of consequently the grandfather having been a christian truth burst upon mankind, to hope slave. Yet, to the liberal sentiments, the penand believe that there was another and a bet-etrating judgment, the tender affection of ter world, where our destinies would correspond with the moral distinctions of our characters.

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