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and every moment of this shining period of our existence is most precious, and should be prudently, should be wisely managed to lay up a store for the better enjoyment of the iron reign of decrepid old age.

I shall close this number with a comparison, or sort of allegory, supplied by a friend, calculated to impress on our minds the folly and ingratitude of wantonly mis-spending our time. The resemblance to the beautiful parable of the prodigal son will be easily seen, and it is probable the whole train of ideas was suggested by that elegant and impressive portion of holy writ :

If we were in a foreign country, and had a friend at home, who was constantly sending us supplies of money, without which we should every moment be liable to be cast into prison; if these supplies were not only continual but abundant, and the liberal donor required of us only to enjoy ourselves with prudence; to use, but not waste, the riches of his bounty; to give a fair account of the sums spent, and to produce on our return something in mind and outward estate equivalent to the expense, lavished by his great goodness and generosity upon us what confusion should we feel in meeting this friend and benefactor, if we were to come to him clothed in rags, filthy in our outward appearance, uncouth in our manners, uninformed in our minds, stupid, ignorant, and vulgar; ang unable to give any better account of the treasures he had bestowed on us, than that they had been foolishly squandered on toys and trides, wantonly thrown away in merriment and jest, lost by a languid and listless inattention, wheedled away by flatterers, or carelessly left for every vagrant on the highway to pilfer and destroy?


MANY have been led to entertain such erroneous, or at least imperfect, ideas of what is called "being exiled in Siberia," that it may be necessary to throw some light upon the subject.

The exiles are divided into several classes, very different from each other. The first class is composed of malefactors, legally convicted of the most atrocious crimes, and whose sentences have been confirmed by the senate. These criminals are doomed to work in the mines of Wertschink, whither they are conducted in chains and on foot. Their suffering are worse than death, as they have commonly undergone the chastisement of the knout, and have had their nostrils slit.

The second class comprises that description of criminals, who, though less guilty than the first, have been juridically condemned to banishment. These are enrolled among the peasantry, or bondmen; their names are changed to those of the boors, among whom they are settled; and they are employed as cultivators of the soil. These criminals have it in their power, if they are it all diligent, to gain something for themselves, and thereby render their Condition more tolerable.

The third class of exiles to Siberia consists of such as the law has actually condemned, but sentenced only to banishment, without the addition of any infamous or oppressive punishment. If they are of noble birth, they do not lose their rank. They are allowed to live, without molestation, on the spot assigned to them, and they are permitted to receive their usual incomes; or, in case they have none, the crown furnishes them with twenty or thirty copecks a-day, or more.

The fourth and last class of exiles to Siberia includes those who, without any legal pro

cess, are exiled in an arbitrary manner at the mere pleasure of their sovereign. They are generally confounded with the third class. They may write to their families or to the emperor; but the letters are first perused by the governour, and afterwards forwarded thro' his means. Sometimes exiles of this class are confined in fortresses, and kept in chains. Instances of this sort were, however, very rare; and, under the mild and merciful reign of Alexander I. this class has entirely disappeared.



THE following interesting letter is from a gentleman who resided 13 months in the Island of Elba, the present residence of Bonaparte, which is here so happily described. "DEAR SIR,

"You request me to give you some account Elba This Island is situated on the coast of Italy 60 miles to the Southward of Leghorn, five miles from the main land. It is about twenty miles long and seven broad. There are four considerable towns in it, and it contains about 15,000 inhabitants. It is very mountainous, particularly towards the southwest end, where they rise to a sublime height. The soil is generally poor; there are however some rich vallies. It has two fine harbours, Porto Ferrara, and Porto Longoni, with towns of the same name upon each of them. Porto Ferrara on the North-West side is the Capital, and is as well built as any town of the same size that I have seen in Italy. The inhabitants were kind to me, and are hospitable to strangers. The northern part of the Island formerly belonged to the Grand Dukes of Tuscany; the other side to Naples, and was a place to which her convicts were sent. To this Island also you may recollect it was that the great, but unfortunate Toussaint of St. Domingo, was to have been sent a prisoner, and by the man, who now brings this Island into notice, by choosing it as the haven of repose when he is obliged to retire from the stormy ocean of empire. Sixteen of Toussaint's principal followers were sent here; with two of whom I became acquainted, and was strongly solicited to favour their escape. It is needless to tell you, that the climate is fine. The Island produces a light red wine, some fruit, and salt for exportation: but in no considerable quantities. The iron mines of Eiba are extensive, and have been wrought longer even than the story of them is known. The Island bore rather the marks of poverty; the roads were not in good repair, and in fact the Island is too uneven to make much use of carriages of pleasure. It is the fine harbour of Porto Ferrara, and the natural strong position of the town that make this Island desirable. In the hands of a power at war with the States of Italy it would become a valuable depôt. Many of the conscripts from Italy were brought here to be trained for the field of war.

The views from the Island are grand. On the one hand is the coast of Italy as far to the Northward as the mountains of Genoa: on the other, Corsica with its lofty mountains relieves the eye from an uninterrupted expanse of an ocean view. Other small Islands lie in the neighbourhood to diversify the scene. To a mind fond of retirement, or solely bent on the pursuits of literature, Elba may become a pleasant residence: But, to a mind accustomed to the noise of war, or to the sweet blandishments of polished society, Elba, with all its views, and all its charms, must appear but a more extended prison.”

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WHERE turn the tyrant's myrmidons,
Their deadly, dark array ?

Where seek they laurels, dyed in blood,
Ta crown his brows to-day?
What tide of widows' tears shall flow,
For those, who fight no more;
Lying slain, on the plain,
Where the smoky volumes pour,
Where slaughter rides the battle-blast,
And bids her thunders roar?
France! at the throne eternal
Of great Jehovah bow !

For Heav'n's avenging thunderbolt
Has laid thy tyrant low!
The bloody, baleful star shall guide
The monster's way no more,
Where the slain, o'er the plain,
Lie welt'ring in their gore,
And through a thousand, thousand streams,
Life's ebbing torrents pour.

What though, on glory's record,
The wretch his name enrol,
The bitter tears of orphan France
Shall wash it from the scroll.
Her widows, in the despot's ears,
An endless dirge shall pour ;
And throw, round his brow,
Where laurels late he wore,

A wreath, of deadly nightshade wrought,
Steep'd in their husbands' gore.

O'er the tomb of hapless Bourbon,
Be mournful honours paid :
Go, loyal maids of France, and weep,
Where Antoniette is laid;
Where the tyrant's hemlock wither'd,
The fleur de lis shall blow,
And the brave, round the grave,
Bid their manly sorrows flow,
While the spirit of true loyalty
Shall in their bosoms glow,

The hand of Heav'n, whose vengeance
Is 'gainst the despot hurl'd,
To France her rightful king restores,
And Freedom to the world.
Hosannas to the King of kings,
Let Freedom's voice bestow;
Again raise the strain,

Till the patriot's heart shall glow,
And Heav'n on high approve the song
Of grateful man below.




Price three dollars per annum, half in advance.

Subscribers may be supplied with the preceding numbers.



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their fleets and armies, as they approach. We
must rather look to Mr. Madison. It is in the
National Intelligencer we are to learn whether
our seacoast is doomed to devastation or not.
Recent speculations, imputed to the President,
announce a determination to continue the con-
test on its original principles. Will the peo-
ple of the United States suffer their consterna-
tion to make them forget that our rulers are
of our appointment-that they obey, or can be
made to obey our will? Let us remember,
that though it does not depend on us, exciu-
sively, whether we have a bloody, destructive
war, or not, it depends on us whether we have
a JUST ONE and we will therefore add, that
unless we are disappointed in the views of the
British ministry, such a war is not to be ex-

SPECULATION seems to be again all alive. What will the British do ?What are we to do?is in every body's mouth. We are not disposed to trifle with serious alarms; but it appears to us, that the situation of the United States is by no means so perilous now, as it was three years ago. The folly of wicked rulers had then chained us to the triumphal car of a despot. Heaven has loosed us, and the folly of those rulers is now likely to be cured. As to the measures the British government will take, we are not deep enough in prophesy, to foretel with precision but this is cer-pected. tain, that government has yet uttered no menace against our rights, or any of the privileges we enjoyed, before we made war upon them. There can be no question but Mr. Madison will be obliged to relinquish every inch of new ground he has taken; and on no other but new ground did he erect the standard of war. If his evil genius prompt him to adhere to his assumed principles, and we the people adhere to him, with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour, we may now have blood enough and perhaps, ere long, see our seaport towns in ashes. We may certainly expect, the British will exert their whole power to silence his claims; and they have no mode of reaching this wanton offender, but by the usual course of war. Will the British continue a war of vengeance, if our government concede to them those rights it has disputed? We doubt it; for we have seen no reason to expect it. Will they now set up new principles? They are not in the habit of varying materially in their political doctrines. What then are we to fear, if our government do not choose still to continue her enemy? One thing I know has been suggested-that to secure a permanent good understanding, and prevent a repetition of aggression, should she be again brought into serious conflicts with the continental powers, she may wish to prove to the United States, that there is a much greater difference between the physical force of the two countries, than has been admitted by the language of our ministerial party in Congress. This is the only evil to be feared, which may not be considered as depending on our choice. In such a case, should it ever happen, the war will become defensive, on the part of the American people; and we presume, that though left by a wretched administration almost in a state of nature, having no publick arm to defend us, like men in a state of nature, every one will endeavour to defend his own and himself. No publick pledge is necessary to this: the constitution of man is pledge enough. We are led to this remark, however, rather with a reference to discussions which have appeared, than as pointing to measures, which any probable event will render necessary.

Mr. Madison and his advocates, as all the world know, are the authors of our present deplorable situation. Would we conjecture then what the British will do, we must not stand gazing off at sea, to watch the movements of


forget that our Atlantick coast was not molested, until many months after Canada was invaded; and that in prosecuting this invasion, both our national troops and sailors are sent to the frontiers, leaving us, private citizens, to repel the blows, on the seaboard, which are provoked by the aggressions of our government in the north.

"DO any doubt the propriety of our ex-
pressions of joy on the deliverance of Europe,


because the influence of this event on ourselves is not precisely ascertained? To such doubts I might reply, that the cause of this country is necessarily united with the cause of the world. I might say, that every free and "THE enemy"—" the enemy”—Yes, the en- enlightened people has an interest in the freeemy are bringing danger and destruction to dom and improvement of other nations; that our doors but who is the enemy to whom there is a sympathy, a contagion of spirit and we owe the calamities, which are now so rap- feeling, among communities as well as indiidly accumulating? If the language in which viduals; and that the slavery of Europe would our publick prints find it most convenient to have fastened chains on us. I might say, that detail the distressing news of every day, turn the fallen despot of Europe had not forgotten the attention of the publick from the real au- this country in his scheme of universal conthors of our sufferings, the grand object of a quest, that his disastrous influence has already most wicked policy will be accomplished. blighted our prosperity, and that if peace and They are our enemies, who, when we were honour are to revisit shores, we shall owe prosperous, tranquil, and happy, first assailed these blessings to the tall of the oppressor: us with grievous domestick restrictions on But obvious reasons forbid me to enlarge on commerce, and then compelled Great-Britain topicks like these. Let it be granted, that to draw the sword upon us, IN HER OWN DEother nations are to participate more largely FENCE. The English are not our enemy. than we in the blessings of this happy revolu They are but instruments in the hands of Mr. tion. And shall we therefore be dumb, amidst Madison, and those who aided him to plunge the shouts and thanksgivings of the world? us into this war, with a hope of rousing pas- Is it nothing to us, that other nations are sions, which might be enlisted in their favour. blest? Does the ocean which rolls between They could do no less than resist when our us, sever all the charities, extinguish all the government attacked-it could not but be ex-sympathies, which should bind us to our kind? pected-it was expected, that they would at- Can we hear with indifference, that the rod of tempt to disable the arm raised to strike them. the oppressor is broken, because other nations I never can, and never will, consider English- were crushed with its weight? Away with men my enemy, until I find the government this cold and barbarous selfishness! Nature of my country at war with them, in the defence and religion abhor it. Nature and religion of our national rights. teach us that we and all men are brethren, The very pretence, on which this war is con- made of one blood, related to one father. tinued, is a scandal to our nation-to shield They call us to feel for misery, wherever it alien renegadoes, who violate their allegiance meets our view; to lift up our voices against to their native country and lawful sovereign! injustice and tyranny, wherever they are exerBut the pretence itself is false. No man can cised; and to exult in the liberation of the be so grossly duped, as to suppose the advo- oppressed, and the triumphs of freedom and cates of war would have doomed their country virtue through every region under heaven. to such calamities, from a sympathy for a few We are not indeed to forget our homes in our fugitive strangers-and not to save even their sympathy with distant joy and sorrow; and lives; but to better their condition, by giv-neither are we to suffer the ties of family and ing them the employment of native Americans. No, the secret of all this execrable

country to contract our hearts, to separate us from our race, to repress that diffusive philanplot, lies in the spell of the word "the ene-thropy, which is the brightest image man can my." Lead the country to consider the British such, against whom war was declared; and then the country will cling to and support those, who have ever professed a hatred of Great-Britain.

I am far from imputing to every journalist, who speaks of the British as "the enemy," an intention to pervert publiek opinion. It is the common term in war; and a war so singular, so unprecented as ours, has not yet an appropriate language. But let us not forget the goal, from which we started. Let us not

bear of the universal Father. God intends that our sympathies should be wide and generous. We read with emotion the records of nations buried in the sepulchre of distant ages -the records of ancient virtue wresting from the tyrant his abused power; and shall the deliverance of cotemporary nations, from which we sprung, and with which all our interests are blended, awaken no ardour, no gratitude, no joy?

It is an animating thought, that we, my friends, have a peculiar right to rejoice in. the

prosperiy of Europe, because we mourned.
with her in the day of her adversity. Our
hearts bled with her, when she lay a.mangled
victim at the foot of her oppressor and who
will forbid us to hail her with delight, now
that she rises from the dust in renovated life
and glory. As a nåtton jadeed, we have no
right to participate in the general joy. As a
nation, we cannot gather round the ruins of
the fallen despotism, and say, We shared in
the perit and glory of its destruction. But it
is the honour of this part of the country, that
in heart if not in act, with our prayers if not
our arms, we have partaken the struggles of
Europe. In this day of our country's dis-
grace, we can say, and the world should know
it, that we never sung the praises of the ty-
rant, never joined the throng which offered
him incense and bent before him the servile
knee. We have had no communion of inte-
rest or feeling with the enemy of mankind.
We abhorred the prosperous, as much as we
contemn the falien tyrant. Let history, when
she records the connexion of this republick
with the usurper, bear witness, that we
not all involved in this disgrace, that there
were some among us true to the cause of hu-
man nature, whose hearts sunk under the de-
pression of Europe, and whose hearts leaped
for joy, when Europe was free.

Europe then is free! Most transporting, most astonishing deliverance! How lately did we see her sitting in sackcloth and ashes; and now she is arrayed in the garments of praise and salvation. Instead of the deep and stifled groans of oppression, one general acclamation now bursts on us from all her tribes and tongues. It ascends from the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the Appenines. It issues from the forests of the north. It is wafted to us on the milder winds of the south. In every language, the joy inspiring acclamation reaches our ears, THE OPPRESSOR IS FALLEN, AND THE WORLD IS FREE."



EUROPEAN. On the 14th of January a treaty of peace was concluded between GreatBritain and Denmark. England restores all her territorial conquests, except Heligoland.

Early in March, the Regent of Norway issued a declaration, stating that Norway was Independent, and at peace with all powers that did not attempt to violate its independence.

March 1. A treaty of alliance was entered into, by England, Austria, Russia and Prussia, to remain in force 20 years. They engage, in case either is invaded by France, each to contribute their aid, to repel the invader.

About the middle of April, Russia, Austria, Great-Britain and Prussia guaranteed Norway to Sweden. The Swedish government has declared war against Norway, and given notice that all its ports are blockaded.

April 17. Lord William Bentinck, with a British and Italian force, attacked Genoa, which surrendered on the 18th.

April 27. Bonaparte arrived at Frejus, and on the next day, embarked on board the English frigate, Undaunted, for Elba. In his passage through France, the guard had to exercise the utmost vigilance, to prevent the violence of the populace from sacrificing the hated Despot. His late Queen and son are at Vienna.

Last of April, Bernadotte, Swedish Crown prince waited on Louis XVIII. at Compeigne, and set out for Paris.

The works of art, belonging to Prussia, plundered by Bonaparte, have been restored, and sent to Berlin.

May 4. Louis XVIII. arrived in Paris, amidst the acclamations of his people. All the surviving Bourbons are now in this city. May 5. Lord Wellington arrived at Paris, where, among other worthies of this age of military glory, he was made personally acquainted at Sir Charles Stewart's ball, with Blucher and Platoff. The Emperour of Russia, fourteen German, Russian, and other Princes-Marshals, Dukes and Generals, amounting nearly to four hundred, were assembled on this festive occasion.

This day the forts of the Helder and the fleet were surrendered to the Dutch.

May 12. The British Parliament voted Lord Wellington £400,000 sterling for the purchase of an estate. Likewise 2000 per annum to Generals Hope, Graham, Cotton, Hill and Beresford.

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The white flag has been hoisted at Ham-in this stupid age of ours.
burgh, and Davoust has surrendered to the
general of the allies.

The Pope has arrived at Rome, and has
again received possession of the dominions of
the Church.

There are in Paris and its neighbourhood 20,000 French officers, out of employment.

AFFAIRS RELATING TO AMERICA. London papers assert that 20,000 of Lord Wellington's army were ordered to embark for America. It is likewise stated that a Spanish army of 12,000, was about sailing from Cadiz for the Floridas. British ships of war and transports were collecting for the purpose of bringing their troops across the Atlantick.

Letters from Gottenburgh of April 23, state, that Messrs. Clay and Russell were there, and Messrs. Bayard and Gallatin momently expected. They were about leaving London on the 14th of May.

Letters from London mention that Admiral Gambier, Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Adams, had been appointed Envoys, to meet our ministers at Gottenburgh,

DOMESTICK. The First American Seventy Four, the INDEPENDENCE, was launched from the Navy-Yard, in Charlestown, last W Wednesday. It was a beautiful, or rather a sublime spectacle, and took place amidst the hurras of many thousand spectators, and was followed by a salute from the Constitution.

It is reported, that the British have landed 2000 men on the south of East-Florida.

The British squadron in the Chesapeake have been reinforced by a 74, a frigate, and 3 small vessels.

Mr. SAMUEL PARKMAN, jun. from England, passenger in the cartel schooner Thistle, has brought despatches to our government.

Our force at Sacket's-harbour, on lake Ontario, is considerably increased. The ship Superior is finished and ready for sea. A frigate of 54 guns, whose rigging and guns were all ready, was to be launched on the 11th of June

Our squadron on lake Erie are soon to be united, under the command of commodore St. Clair.

The United States' fleet in lake Champlain consists of the Saratoga 28 guns---Ticonderoga 20---two sloops of 10 each, and one of 8---six gallies of 2 guns, and four of 1.

The British and American armies were very near each other at the lines, last Tuesday, and an important battle was momently expected.

Smoking on a large scale !! The British have burnt Benedict, a small town on the river Patuxent, and of course the tobacco warehouse in it, which contained about 2,000 hogsheads of tobacco.- -Salem Gaz.

We were discoursing the other evening, in a small party, upon the subject of love, when a lively and sensible lady, in a strain of ironical humour, complained bitterly of the very low and degraded state, into which this once heroick passion has fallen in these later times, and "You talk of your civilization," said she," and the advantages derived to the sex from the refinement in sentiment and melioration of manners; but where do we now see such noble sacrifices made to love, as in former days. Go back to the Patriarch. Jacob, and see him, voluntarily offering himself to a seven years' servitude for his Rachel; and when his father-in-law, to get rid of a less attracting daughter, cheated this deserving lover with Leah, see with what a romantick spirit of constancy and love, he suffers another equal period of bondage, to gain the woman of his affections. Here was generous, ardent, persevering love. Here was that strong and pervading sentiment of the heart, which alone is entitled to the dignity of passion, discouraged by no labours, disheartened by no denial; which surmounts all obstacles, and overcomes all difficulties. Show me such a gallant now a days. Where is the lover of these times, that will sue and persist as many weeks, as this enamoured Hebrew did, years?

Your modern swains are discouraged by the first inadvertent frown; and unless every silly proposition, or remark, is received by us with smiles and simpers, we are thought highminded or scornful; and these timid or careless gentlemen are forever deterred from making any further advances. And if after a proper preparation, and mature deliberation on their part, and a decent encouragement on ours, the great and decisive question should be put, it must be answered unequivocally; for if, through a little modesty and female reserve, we startle and cannot pronounce the plain though important yes, but should substitute something that had the appearance of hesitation or excuse, we may expect never to be asked the same question again; at least by the same gentleman.

From the humble constancy of the Patri arch, let us turn to the mighty wrath of Achilles.' The subject, which produced the finest poem in the world, was the effects of love. Here the mighty hero, and the indig nant and inflexible lover are blended together. Here is a noble example of furious love; rather than surrender the beautiful Briseis, Achilles rebelled against the king of men, and urged the Grecian hosts to arms. We see no wars waged for love, no armies arrayed in the cause of beauty, in our days. The belligerent contentions among men, in these civilized times, are for the conquest of country, not to win the favour of the fair.

Who now swims the Hellespont, or buffets in any way the waves of opposition to meet the object he pretends to adore ? Where are those high-spirited knights of Love and Hon

was an exception, and the following is the
true history of its origin.

our, who once crowded the lists to fight for
Lady fair;' who were ready to face death to
redeem her glove, or shed their blood to pre- "In the year 1711, James Hirst lived ser-
serve it from spot or tarnish? Our gallants vant with the honourable Edward Wortley. It
of the present age are a more quiet and peace- happened one day, that in re-delivering a par-
able race of men; if they fight at all, it is usu- cel of letters to his master, he, by mistake,
ally for some dispute at the card or billiard-ta- gave him one, which he had written to his
ble, for it is long since I have heard of a duel sweetheart, and kept back Mr. Wortley's. He
being fought for love. Even that ardour and im- soon discovered his errour, and immediately
patience, which, a few years ago, used some- hurried to his master, to retrieve it; but un-
times to break out and discover itself in a trip fortunately, or rather we may say, fortunately,
'to Providence or Hampton, has now subsided. for poor James, it happened to be the first that
There is no danger of a lady being run away presented itself; and before his return, Mr.
with, by our modern beaux. The animated Wortley had perused his enamoured foot-
and interesting passion of our souls is reason- man's love story. James entreated to have it
ed down to very commendable restraints and returned. "No, said Mr. Wortley, you shall
convenient relaxations. Even when the nup-be a great man; this letter shall appear in the
tial day was appointed, I have known one of
our Platonick gentlemen, because he was ab-
sent, and a little business interfered with the
'completion of all his wishes,' very coolly
postpone the rapturous moment to a more
convenient opportunity. Nay, I have known a
husband (of the same philosophical stamp, you
may be sure) the next day after he became
one, with all that indifference we should look
for if he had suffered curtain lectures for a
year, leave his bride to attend to business, and
let the whole honey-moon wax and wane in
his absence.

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Mine never shall be parted, bliss or woe," and only glanced at a few cases in history, which do honour to the cause of love.


gentlemen of learning," said she, addressing herself to me, "may recollect many more. There are also many instances of the contempt of riches, in comparison with the affections of the heart, to be found in ancient sto

ry; of great munificence towards the object of their desires, and great expense of wealth by lovers of former times, to please, obtain, or compliment a mistress. The young Roman who dissolved the costly pearl, and drank it in a goblet of wine, to toast his favourite lass, is an illustrious example. We see but little of such sacrifices among us: Yet it must be acknowledged that money is sometimes made use of, even now, to overcome obstacles in the march to Hymen's court; and a handsome widow may possibly obtain twenty or thirty thousand, if she holds out with proper dignity, and increases her value by a little well-timed indifference, occasionally relieved by a certain roguish display of smiles and condescensions, so well understood by these experienced ladies."

THE letters in Addison's Spectator, purporting to be from servants and others in the humble walks of life, are generally supposed to be fictitious, and probably were so, produced by some of the first writers of the age in which that work appeared. But number LXXI

Spectator." It was accordingly communicated
to Mr. Steele, and published in James's own
words, "Dear Betty, &c."

roars thro' the heavens, and its lumbering peals striking the summits of the lofty clouds, are reverberated through the vault of heaven. The bursting clouds, discharge the vapours which suspended high in air they bore,and down the pearly drops now gravitate (the bounteous gift of an all-gracious God :) giving joy to the husbandman. Not so with those who plough the trackless seas. Tempestuous gales first seen to rise, the ship is well prepared, her sails close reef'd or else securely handed, and every thing which may conduce to safety, is well observed. Huge roll the waves propelled each by other: they lash the sides of this firm "wooden world," but all in vain. In vain, the foaming sea in mountainous billow attacks the ship. She gently mounts its crest, and with top-gallant-mast seems to touch the skies! the anger'd wave, frothing with rage, hurls from this pinnacle the quiv'ring ship, and plunges her into a gulph below, deep as Tartarus. She again ascends the approaching billow, and again is precipitately hurried away.

Rough Boreas next, exerting all his force, attacks the nebulous host. Those which he cannot by his power reduce to pristine æther, he drives before his furious blast. The clouds disperse, and to our view disclose the glorious, awful scenery of heaven."


MATHEMATICKS. Of all elementary books, a good, but mere belles lettres scholar, can look with the least patience on those which relate to Mathematicks, and for a very good reason-he cannot get an idea from them, unless he become systematically master of the science. It is certainly not a little provoking to take up a treatise, published in the vernacular tongue, and find it as unintelligible, though from the hand of some celebrated writer, as though it were in Sanscrit. What can the elegant scholar make of such a passage as I FIND that though XENOPHON ranks among this?" Newton and Leibnitz attained the the first generals the world ever produced, it same object by the force of their genius; but was a custom with him, as with our famous by pursuing different methods; Newton, by General HOPKINS, to put his measures to vote, regarding fluxions as the simple proportions of among his soldiers, and govern himself acnascent and evanescent quantities; and Leib-cordingly. In his own account, he states that nitz, by considering that in a series of quanti-being in extreme want of many necessaries, ties, increasing or decreasing, the difference hé recommended to his soldiers to enter a between the two consecutive terms, may become infinitely small, that is, less than any finite assignable magnitude" !! Hence nascent quarrel, which did not become evanescent until one of the sturdy combatants, Leibnitz, paid the debt of nature, and consecutively, to Newton was assigned the victory.

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EARLY in this publication, I offered some strictures on that miserable affectation of sublimity, which has heretofore characterized many American productions, particularly those harangues addressed to the sovereign mobility, the season is approaching, when we may exunder the title of Fourth-of-July Orations. As pect another deluge of this kind of gallimatia, riodical literary publication, as a specimen of I have chosen an extract from a Baltimore pethat style, which every writer of sense will shun, and every shallow blockhead imitate.



neighbouring village, and supply themselves; and adds (as Romulus Amasæus renders it, for I cannot sport greek types) Cui tamen idem videtur, is manum tollat-" You who approve of this, hold up your hands." See Xenophon's account of the Expedition of Cyrus the youngBook VII.


WHO would have imagined that the Amiable, pacifick, religious Abbe Delille could have been the author of the revolutionary Hymne des Marseillois, which prompted to many a scene of butchery-Yet he was. A short time after, the horrors which he had, perhaps land, an exile, where he exclaims, in his inadvertently, promoted, drove him to EngFrench Georgicks

O France-O mon pays! O séjour des douleurs! O France! O my country! O abode of sorrows! ITALY. Voltaire said-Italy was an old wardrobe, in which there were many old clothes of exquisite taste.

Is it not given by some of Dr. Johnson's biographers as a proof of his acquaintance with the most refined rules of politeness, that when the king paid him a handsome compliment he acquiesced without the least attempt at evasion; and observed afterwards to a friend "Sir-when the king had said it, it was to be


"Behold yon cloud just rising in the west whose pinions darkened by its aqueous bulk, portends the coming of a dreadful storm. in what little space of time it spreads its midnight shades quite o'er the firmament, eclipsing the beauteous lustre of the planets, converting starlight into total darkness. It near It was not for me to bandy compliments approaches. The winged lightnings flash with with my sovereign?" That this showed his fury irresistible, athwart the sky! its glaring politeness, is true; but the thought was not light strikes full upon the eyes of the spectator, original; for Sir J. Dalrymple had recorded for a while illuminates his optick chambers, and the following anecdote of Lord Stair. "Louis though the cause is gone, he fancies still he XIV. was told that Lord Stair was one of the sees it bright as day: a momentary dimpess best bred men in Europe. I shall soon put then assails his tender visual organs. Then that to the test, said the king; and asking again, another moment past, he looks about Lord Stair to take an airing with him, as soon him, with recovered vision. Flash succeeding as the door was opened, he bade him pass and flash, the same efects from the same cause go in. The other bowed and obeyed. The ensue. Meanwhile the aw-sounding thunderking suid-The world is right in the character

it gives. Another person would have troubled me with ceremony.”

AURICULAR CONFESSION. "Santeuil, a celebrated writer of latin hymns, in France, during the last century, having once a confessional dress on, a lady, who took him for a confessor, fell upon her knees and recounted all her sins. When she had finished, and found the confessor quite silent, she asked him for absolution. What do you take me for a priest?' said Santeuil. 'Why then,' said the lady, quite alarmed, did you listen to me?' And why,

replied Santeuil, did you speak to me?'-' I'll this instant go and complain to your Prior,' said the enraged female. And I, said the poet, will go to your husband and give him a full account of your conduct."

DR. YOUNG'S predominant hue of mind was evident, even in his wit. If he punned, it must allude to the grave yard. On a visit to Archbishop Potter's son, who lived where the roads were deep and miry, he inquired, when he arrived-"Whose field is that which I have crossed?"—" It is mine," answered his friend. "True, said the Doctor, "Potter's field, to bury strangers in."

HENRY IV., whose character Frenchmen, much to their credit, are again calling to mind with grateful veneration, was no less distinguished for domestick tenderness, than for his heroick virtues. It was his custom to join frequently in the amusements of his children, "and one day, when this Restorer of France, and Peacemaker of all Europe, was going, on all fours, with the dauphin, his son, on his back, an ambassadour suddenly entered the apartment, and surprised him in this attitude. The monarch, without moving from it, said to him "Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, have you any children? Yes, Sire,-replied he,-Very well, then; I shall finish my race round my chamber.".



We have been favoured with the following Extract from a manuscript Poem, entitled "GASPARD AND GERALDINI." This passage is intended briefly and generally to describe a part of the battle between CHARLES V. and JOHN, Elector of Saxony, after the former, with his army, had swum the Elbe, in the face of the Saxons, posted on the opposite shore, at Muhlberg. Of this battle, particular details may be found in Robertson and Brantom. The poem is from the pen of LUCIUS M. SARGENT, Esq. and is yet in an unfinished state. Whether the author intends ever presenting it to the publick, entire, we have not been informed. We shall be glad to be favoured with other extracts.


SPAIN'S gallant monarch rides along,

In haste, from side to side;

He marshals deep the gath'ring throng, Who now have pass'd the tide ;

Few are his words, but bold and strong,
That spur the soldier's pride.

Aside his flowing robes are laid;
His polish'd mail is all display'd;
His jav❜lin chang'd for battle-blade.
In last review, along the train,
With beaver up, and short'ning rein,
He moves his charger by.

More firm the spearman holds his spear;
More proudly stands the arquebusier;

The horseman sits with loftier grace,
And grasps his steel with steadier brace ;.
And while he makes his charger feel
His flanking spur with vexing heel,
His turning hand, and tight'ning rein,
And curving arm the steed restrain ;
As if his prancing horse had shewn
No fire and courage but his own :
Well paid are they, who chance to gain
The monarch's glancing eye.

Short now his steed the monarch stays,
Upon his haunches low;
Aloof he gives the sign,

On high his gleaming faulchion plays,
Then points towards the foe >
At once, along the line,

The mingling clarions blow;
And forward move the bright array,
With trailing spear, and halberd high,
And banner floating gaudily.

Led by their chieftain brave,
Now march to join the deadly fray,
The gallant Saxon throng,
Firm is their step and strong ;
Their floating banners proudly fly,
Their tall plumes fairly wave.

First, to the solemn drum and trumpet low,
Their march is measur'd, and their step is slow :
And now, the hostile bands advancing near,
The drum is louder, and the trump more clear.

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