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chino, P. from 7 fr.; Alb. Centrale), on the W. bank, with beautiful gardens on the Intra road. The steamer steers obliquely across the lake, a magnificent view soon opening out in clear weather. On the N.W., to the right of the blunted cone of the Mte. Rosso (p. 235), is the glacier-clad Simplon group (Portjengrat, Weissmies, Fletschhorn, etc.); to the S.W., the Isola Bella, with the woody slope of Mte. Mottarone (p. 238) as background; to the S., beyond the Pizzoni di Laveno, the Sasso di Ferro (see below). As soon as the boat enters the Bay of Laveno, between the Punta San Michele (1.; see below) and the Punta di Cerro, the imposing Mte. Rosa group becomes suddenly visible to the W., towering over the white quarries of Feriolo (p. 236).

Laveno (R). RAILWAY STATIONS. 1. Stazione Ferrovie Nord Milano, near the pier (view), for lines to Varese and Como (p. 202) and to Varese, Saronno, and Milan (R. 35). — 2. Stazione Ferrovie dello Stato, 1/2 M. to the S.E., beyond the Boesio, for the lines to Gallarate and Milan (p. 220 & R. 2) and to Bellinzona, Luino, and Genoa (R. 36). Omnibus from the pier 30 c. (included in through-fare).

HOTELS. *Hôt.-Pens. Bellevue, 60 beds at 21/2-3, P. 6-8 fr.; Alb. della Posta, at the E. end of the town, no view, 35 beds at 2-212, P. 7 fr., a fair Italian house; Alb. Laveno, near the harbour.

Laveno, a quiet place with 1800 inhab., lies at the foot of the Pizzoni di Laveno (3325 ft.) and of the Sasso di Ferro, on a small bay at the mouth of the Boesio. In 1849-59 it was a fortified harbour for the Austrian gun-boats. A monument near the quay commemorates the Garibaldians who fell in 1859. The Via del Canone leads in 1/4 hr. to the Punta San Michele and the Villa Pullè, with a fine park. The site of Fort San Michele is marked by a Torre Commemorativa (1889).

Behind Laveno rises the green Sasso di Ferro (3485 ft.), the most beautiful mountain on the lake, easily ascended in 21/2-3 hrs. (red waymarks) and commanding a magnificent view of the lake, the plain as far as Milan, and the Monte Rosa chain. About 6 M. to the N.E. of Laveno, behind the Sasso di Ferro, lies the hamlet of Vararo (2380 ft.), whence we may ascend the *Monte Nudo (4052 ft.; 111⁄2 hr.), perhaps the finest view-point in the district, commanding the Lago Maggiore, the Lago di Lugano, the Lago di Varese, and the Valaisian Alps. Interesting excursion to the convent of Santa Caterina del Sasso, 11/4 hr. from Laveno, high above the lake. We may go either by land (carr. 5 fr.) viâ Cerro, for which a road diverges to the right beyond the bridge over the Boesio, and thence by a picturesque footpath; or direct by boat from Laveno. Charming view of the Borromean Islands and the snow-mountains to the W.

From Laveno to the Borromean Islands and Pallanza (pp. 236, 234), boat with three rowers, 10-12 fr.: to Isola Bella 11/2 hr.; thence to Isola Madre 20 min., to Pallanza 20 min. more.

The steamboat now approaches the W. bank again, disclosing another fine Alpine view.

Intra (685 ft.; *Hôtel de la Ville et Lion d'Or, R. 2-5, B. 11/4 fr.; Hôtel Intra; Caffè Verbano), a flourishing town (6900 inhab.) with numerous monuments, is situated on alluvial soil, between the Torrente San Giovanni and the Torrente San

Bernardino. These two streams afford the water power for numerous cotton - mills, silk-mills, hat-factories, foundries, etc., chiefly belonging to Swiss proprietors. In the vicinity are several fine villas. The *Villa Franzosini (Count Barbỏ), 1/2 M. to the N.E. (adm. on week-days; fee), and the Villa Ada of M. Ceriani, 3/4 M. farther on, both have luxuriant gardens.

Pleasant walk from Intra to the N. by a good road (diligence twice daily in 2 hrs.; carr. 16 fr., with 2 or 3 horses 25 fr.; shady short-cuts for walkers), viâ Arizzano (1540 ft.), to (33/4 M.) Bèe (1950 ft.; *Hôt.Pens. Bee, P. incl. wine 6-7 fr.; Anglo-Bar Restaurant, good), with a fine view of the Lago Maggiore, and to (3 M.) Premeno (2650 ft.; *Hôt.Pens. Premeno, P. from 8 fr.; Alb. Vittoria, P. from 71/2 fr.; Ristorante Tornico, with rooms), a summer-resort of the Milanese. Above it (10 min.) is the Tornico, a platform laid out in honour of Garibaldi, with a good spring. About 1/2 hr. higher is the Pian Quagè (3115 ft.; Alb. Monte Zeda, P. from 61/2 fr.), commanding an admirable view of the lake. Ascent of Monte Zeda from Premeno, see p. 235.

To the S. of Intra the Punta Castagnola, with its wealth of luxuriant vegetation, stretches far into the lake. As soon as we double the cape and enter the wide W. bay of the lake we obtain a *View of the Borromean Islands (p. 236): near the S. bank is the Isola Bella, to the W. of it the Isola dei Pescatori, in front, the Isola Madre. The little Isola San Giovanni (no adm.), close to the N. bank, also belongs to the group.

Pallanza. - Hotels (lifts and central heating in the larger houses). *GRAND-HÔTEL PALLANZA, at Castagnola, on the road to Intra, 1/2 M. from the landing-place, with three dépendances, large grounds, and railway booking-office, 200 beds at 4-8, B. 11/2, L. 31/2-4, D. 5-6, lake-bath 1, P.81/2121/2, omn. 1-1/4 fr.; *GRAND EDEN HOTEL, 3 min. farther on, on the Punta Castagnola, with garden and fine view, 125 beds at 31/2-7, B. 11/2, L. 31/2, D. 5, P. 10-15, omn. 11/4 fr. *HÔTEL SIMPLON, 80 beds at 2-5, L. 31/2, D. 5, P. 8-14 fr.; *Hôт. METROPOLE, 70 beds at 3-5, B. 11/2, L. 3, D. 4-5, P. 8-10, omn. 1/2 fr.; *Hôr. BELLEVUE, 75 beds at 2-4, B. 11/2, L. 3, D. 4, P. 7-12 fr. (these three near the quay; the first two with small gardens). HOT. SUISSE, with restaurant, 40 beds at 11/2-21/2, P. from 7 fr., good, ITALIA, R. 11/2-21/2, P. 5-7 fr., both at the quay; Hôr. ST. GOTTHARD, well spoken of. -At Castagnola: HÔTEL & KURHAUS CASTAGNOLA, 45 beds, P. 612-9 fr.; HÔT.-PENS. STRAUSS, R. from 2, P. from 6 fr., with garden. Cafés. Caffè Bolongaro, Central Bar, both at the quay. Post & Telegraph Office, Via Cavour 12.

Boat with one rower to the Isola Madre 21/2, with two 4, to Isola Bella 312 or 6; to both islands or to Stresa 4 or 7; to Laveno or to Santa Caterina del Sasso 5 or 9 fr. (return in each case included). Comp. also p. 203.

Cabs. Per hour, with one horse 3 fr., with two horses 6 fr.; each addit. 1/4 hr. 1 or 21/2 fr. To the Eden Hôtel or Suna 1 fr.; to the station of Pallanza-Fondo-Toce with one horse 3, with two horses 6 fr.; to Lago di Mergozzo and round the Mont' Orfano 7 or 12 fr.; to Omegna 7 or 14 fr.; to Monte Rosso 8 or 16 fr.; to Premeno 15 or 25 fr. The cabmen standing at the pier generally accept less.

Electric Tramway to the station of Pallanza-Fondo-Toce in 1/2 hr., sec p. 5 (continuation to Gravellona and Omegna projected).

Anglican Church Service in the Grand-Hôtel Pallanza (Oct.-Dec.). Pallanza (660 ft.), a thriving little town with 4600 inhab., delightfully situated opposite the Borromean Islands, commands a view of them and of the lake as far as the snow-covered Swiss

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Alps (Portjengrat, Weissmies). On account of its sheltered and sunny situation it enjoys a repute as an intermediate stage between the Riviera and more northerly climes and as a winter-resort.

Opposite the quay is the market-place (Piazza Garibaldi), with the Municipio and the church of San Leonardo (16th cent.). The highroad to the right (dusty; numerous motor-cars) leads past the villas Melzi d'Eril and Biffi (right) and the nursery-gardens of Rovelli (left) to the Punta Castagnola, and thence, passing the villas of Messtorf, L'Eremitaggio, and San Remigio, to (18 M.) Intra (p. 233). The old church of San Remigio (rebuilt in 1500; key at San Leonardo's) stands by the lake, near the villa of the same name. From the market - place the Via Cavour and then the broad Viale Principe Umberto lead to the N. to the (4 hr.) domed church of the Madonna di Campagna, containing frescoes by Gaud. Ferrari (dome) and the Procaccini (choir and chapels). . The church lies at the foot of the *Monte Rosso (2275 ft.), which is ascended from the Trobaso road (see below) in 11/2 hr., by a carriage-route to the left, or from Suna (see below) in 21 hrs. by a road viâ Cavandone. Small restaurant at the top (beautiful view).

CIRCUIT OF THE, MONTE ROSSO (31/2-4 hrs.). We proceed straight on from the Madonna di Campagna to the (4 hr.) Osteria del Plusc, where we cross the San Bernardino (pp. 233, 234); 20 min. Intra road; 6 min. Trobaso; we turn to the left in the village; in 12 min. the road forks, the right branch leading to Unchio (see below), the left (yellow way-marks) recrossing the San Bernardino by a fine bridge; in 6 min., beyond Santino, we strike a steep and stony road leading to (11⁄2 hr.) Bieno; thence to the S.E., passing the (1/4 hr.) pilgrimage-church below Cavandone (1360 ft.), we reach the above-mentioned road; the lake soon comes into view once more; 11/2 hr. Suna (see below). By following the right arm of the road (black way-marks) beyond Trobaso to (1/4 hr.) Unchio and (40 min.) Cossogno (Alb. Cossogno) and then taking the Via Solferino' (to the left), we soon reach (stony path) the (1/4 hr.) Roman Bridge over the romantic gorge of the San Bernardino. Paths with steps lead hence to (14 hr.) the church of Rovegro; hence to the left to the village, where we turn to the right. In the village we turn to the left and then follow a stony path along the ridge in the direction of Santino (see above) and finally to the right to Bieno (see above).

The ascent of *Monte Zeda (7075 ft.; 61/2-7 hrs.; green way-marks) is interesting. The road leads viâ Trobaso (see above; turn to the right in the village), Cambiasca (990 ft.), and Comero to the (2 hrs.) mountainvillage of Miazzina (2365 ft.; Ristorante Principessa Elena), whence a sunny footpath ascends to the (21/2 hrs.) Pian Cavallone (5140 ft.; Alb. Nava, plain) and viâ the Pizzo Marona (6725 ft.) to the (2 hrs.) summit, which commands a wide view. From Premeno (p. 234; 4 hrs.) and from Cannero (p. 232; 6 hrs.) marked paths ascend to the Rifugio al Pian Vadaa (5610 ft.; inn in summer, key at other times at the Caffè Verbano at Intra), 11 hr. below the summit, on the E.

From Pallanza the tramway mentioned at p. 5 leads to the W. along the lake viâ (1/2 M.) Suna (Hôt.-Pens. Suna; Alb. Pesce d'Oro, plain but good), and (334 M.) Fondo Toce, situated at the mouth of the impetuous Toce (Tosa), where the road to the Lago di Mergozzo (p. 5) diverges to the right, to (5 M.) Pallanza-FondoToce (p. 5), a station on the Simplon railway.

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