How to Get a Job and Keep It by Letting the Holy Spirit Work for YouXulon Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 148 HOW TO GET A JOB AND KEEP IT is an instruction manual given by the Holy Spirit. In it, Gilbert Miller, a successful business man, shares his successes with God's people. |
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25 cents asked Assembly of God believe Belleville Better Builders Bible bless bought Brea brother Glen building built cabinet California car dealer carpenter cattle Christ which strength Christian church cut rafters Dale Carnegie Decatur draw plans eneth faith father father-in-law foreman Foursquare church gave Gene Gilbert glory God's Holy Spirit God's promises God's Word grade education hang doors hath heart Hebrews hired hogs Holy Ghost Holy Spirit wants Illinois Insurance Company knew Knott's Berry Farm laid laying look Lord Luella never pastor Philippians 4:13 prayed prayer Proverbs railroad switching remember roof send the Holy shake shingles sister Verna skill-saw sold Spirit to help Springfield started subcontractors superintendent sure tell Thank You Holy Thank You Jesus thee things through Christ thought thy mouth tithes told took union hall union scale union steward walk wife