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therefore to bear with the failings of others. If all the addresses of God's preachers in India and elsewhere were delivered in the power of strong faith, and ardent self-denying love, we should not long have to mourn over the slow progress of the gospel. We shall not speak as we ought," unless we combine with our preaching earnest prayer for that blessing which alone can make it efficacious. We shall not speak "as we ought," unless the flame of true piety in our own souls burn brightly, unless we "abide in Christ." Let Christians, then, who cannot themselves engage in missionary work, be earnest in their prayers for those who are thus engaged, that, their own souls being filled with the love of God in Christ, they may "speak" the word "as they ought."

4. We have further to pray that God's blessing may make the preaching of His word successful. Or, as the Apostle Paul puts it, we should pray not only that the word of God may "run," but also that it" may be glorified," and it is "glorified" when men feel its power. Even if they do not submit to it, yet, if in their consciences they feel that it is true, and that their own religion is false, the word of God is thus glorified. Let prayer be made, then, that the word may be "in power," "whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear." But, let us specially pray that it may be glorified in the conversion of souls, that it may be to men a savour unto life, and not unto death. Without God's blessing we know all preaching will be in vain.

5. Earnest prayer should also be offered up on behalf of the churches gathered from among the heathen. We pray that the word of the Lord "may be glorified," and it is glorified not only when sinners feel its power and come to Christ, but also when believers walk in the fear of the Lord. How earnest was the Apostle Paul in his prayers for the churches of Christ scattered through the earth! Many of them were personally unknown to him, yet "what great conflict " he had for "them that had not seen his face in the flesh," praying that their hearts might be knit together in love and in the knowledge of God. And for the Christians at Philippi, at Ephesus, at Corinth, at Colosse, what earnest and unceasing prayer did he offer up! Let us follow him in this, and seek to show our oneness with the people of God by our earnest prayers for them. We need not lack for special subjects for prayer-the Epistles are full of them. Let prayer be offered, that the members of Christian churches gathered from among the heathen may be kept pure in life; that they may be upright, honest, truthful, manly, chaste, sober, loving, meek, "adorning the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things." To this end we should pray that not only their outward life, but also their hearts,

should be kept pure, and their souls abiding in Christ. Let us seek, further, that they may have a growing knowledge of God's truth," the eyes of their understanding being enlightened;" that God would " open unto them the Scriptures," and enable them better to understand its teaching, and more fully to carry it out in their daily lives. The Christian literature in all heathen languages is so very defective, that there is special danger of a lack of intelligent apprehension of divine truth.

We need to pray that the Native Church may feel more the power of true, spiritual religion; that there may be in them a vigorous divine life, as distinguished from a mere attendance on outward ordinances. We need to pray that they may manifest a more independent and mauly spirit; that they may learn to support their own religious ordinances, and to fight their own battles; in one word, to "quit themselves like men." In praying thus for the native churches of India, let us remember also that there are many European churches scattered throughout the land, and that they need the very same blessings which their native brethren need; let prayer be made that they too may be more independent, active, zealous, ardent for the conversion of souls, and walking worthy of God.

6. There are, moreover, certain special subjects for prayer. Special countries should be interceded for; India, as the country which is the chief field of our missionary operations as a denomination, and whose population is so vast; China, with a population vaster still; Africa, which has been recently brought so prominently into notice through the travels and the death of Dr. Livingstone; Madagascar, with its marvellous missionary history, and the religious crisis through which it is now passing; Japan, where such great changes are going forward; America, in whose marvellous developments so great issues are involved; Italy, Spain, Austria, so lately barred against the truth; and not least of all, our native land. Special persons also call for our prayers; those who have been sent out from the Church with which we are connected, relatives who have given their lives to the work of God, friends of our childhood or manhood who are now far removed from us, and in distant lands are preaching the everlasting gospel. Let us, like Paul, "make mention of them" personally before the Lord.


The Gospel in Sonthalistan.

Y the time these pages are in the hands of our readers, the Rev. L. O. Skrefsrud will be on his way to India, accompanied by two additional labourers, Norwegians like himself, also by Mrs. Boerresen and Miss Skrefsrud. The interest which has been excited in this country by his bold and ardent appeals will not soon su bside, and many prayers will attend his steps, and those of the devoted friends who are associated with him in their deeply interesting work. Meanwhile the information contained in the following paragraphs will gratify our readers. The first portion is taken from Mr. Boerresen's report of last year.

"In June, 1873, we had a very interesting journey. As it was very hot at the time, we determined to travel by night. On this occasion we left Ebenezer one evening with a good number of Christians, and walked all night long, and until ten o'clock next morning, when we reached a village called Lakrapahari, where a number of people had been instructed and were prepared to be baptized. We put up a small tent there under some trees, and were glad to rest after our long march. The heat, however, proved so overpowering, that we were obliged to abandon the tent and take refuge in a cow-house, which is the only kind of hotel among the Sonthals, though by no means very pleasant. This did not, however, deprive us of the great blessing we received there. The same day, in the evening, towards sunset, we had the joy of seeing a large number of people coming to us from the surrounding neighbourhood, who sat down with us and received the Gospel with great joy. All the candidates for baptism came together in our cow-house, where we examined and prepared them for the following day. In the afternoon of the next day, after once more having a prayer meeting with the candidates, we proceeded to the place of baptism. Here we found a large crowd collected,

numbering upwards of a thousand. After preaching the Gospel to them we examined the nineteen candidates again in their presence. The heathen were therefore witnesses to what these persons were doing, forsaking the devil and all his works and giving themselves to the triune God. One old woman when about to be baptized cried out with a loud voice, 'I have truly been a great sinner, and served the devil my whole lifetime, but now Jesus has found me and saved me.' This made such a deep impression on the heathen, that they exclaimed, 'This must be the true God!'


"Churches are built at a cost of 3 rupees by the converts. Pastors and catechists are paid 6 rupees each when they cannot work in the fields also. When the famine began to threaten last November, some fifty Christians migrated for work to the Darjeeling tea gardens, with this result: They worked on steadily there until the middle of April, when they returned with a month and half's pay saved, which set them up for the rainy season. They appear to have performed their duties to the satisfaction of their employer, as they say that he frequently had occasion to find fault with and punish

the Hindoo labourers there, but never with them. A pastor went with them, who conducted their correspondence, and held daily service morning and evening, and twice on Sundays. His wife worked along with the other women, while he acted as chuprassy over his countrymen and supported

himself. The liquor-shops licensed by Government, against the disproportionate number of which the missionaries have protested in vain thus far, are the enemies of all moral progress. This mission consists of 383 communicants in 10 churches. Of these, 108 were received by baptism last year."

The following extracts are from a letter addressed to a friend in Edinburgh by Mr. Boerresen, dated July 6th of last year.


"I frequently wish that you could come here, were it even for so short a time as a week or two; it would make you twenty years younger to see what our dear Lord is doing amongst us. I can only compare it to the events in the early Christian Church in the days of the Apostles. During the last three weeks I have baptized 200 persons, and find it quite impossible to say how many more are now under instruction. As every Sonthal Christian is a catechist, and makes it his pleasure as well as duty to make known the riches of the Gospel he has himself received, frequently the first I hear of anything is, that a man will come with a number of others, and say they want to be baptized and become Christians, and that he has been instructing them for some time back.

"The Manjee of a village called Matiajuri, some six miles to the west of this, among some hills, found himself very lonely and uncomfortable as being the only heathen there, and all the other inhabitants Christians. He ac-cordingly induced sixteen heathen families to come and settle here, hoping thus to make the place too hot for the Christians, and drive them away. The latter waited quietly until the new comers had built their houses and settled down, and then threw out their net, and in a short time eight of the sixteen families

gave in, and have since been baptized. Four more families have since come forward, and are now being taught, while the Christians are as joyful as possible, and hope still to capture the remaining four families. The Manjee avows his determination of continuing in his idolworship, and his anger and disappointment at the turn affairs have taken may be better imagined than described.



"Some of our young converts are being persecuted by their heathen neighbours, and their faith being put to a severe practical test. The Manjee of a village called Thakoorpoora, about four or five miles south from here, has been exhibiting the most bitter hatred towards some four or five families recently converted from there. seized their fields, drove them and their oxen away when they attempted to plough them, stole their seed, grain, and several other things. He and some of his choice spirits even went so far as to go to the houses of the Christians when they were singing hymns and praying, and threatened them, with uplifted clubs, telling them to desist. The Christians, however, sang quietly on! They put up with such kind of treatment for some time quietly; but at last, when they found that matters were going too far, they reported them to me, and I felt compelled to bring the whole affair to the notice of the

authorities. The Manjee is now under examination by the police, and many other Manjees who are inimical to the spread of the Gospel, are awaiting with anxiety the result of this case, so that they may shape their conduct towards

the Christian converts accordingly. It is marvellous how, in spite of all the rage and worst endeavours of the devil and his children, the influence of the Gospel only spreads wider."

During the year 1874 more than 1,200 persons have been received into the Christian church.

Zenana Work and Bible Women in India,



THE interesting work in India which is carried on by the Agents of the Ladies' Association is so constantly increasing that, although the success which attends it may well call forth gratitude, yet a great deal of anxiety and disappointment cannot but be felt by the Committee when new claims come before them which their funds will not allow them to undertake. Still they feel so strongly that this is God's work which they are called to do by His own command, that they are compelled to accept it, and look with confidence to the sympathy and assistance of their Christian friends.

In the year 1870, for a short time only, this Association had Agents at work in Dacca, under the superintendence of the ladies of the Baptist missionaries. Some of the Zenanas were visited, but owing to the baptism of a Brahmin lady at Calcutta by an agent of the Church Missionary Society, the Baboos in Calcutta and in Dacca became frightened, and closed their houses against all missionary efforts, so that the work there was discontinued-to be resumed, it was hoped, at some future time. Lately, the wife of the Commissioner, resident at Dacca, has succeeded in gaining an entrance into many Zenanas, and has employed two native Christian teachers to give religious instruction to the ladies; but as she expects very shortly to leave Dacca, she has expressed her willingness to hand over her work to this Association, if they can support it. Mrs. Bion, Mrs. Allen, and Miss Robinson-all connected with the Baptist Mission-will give what sympathy and help they can, but are too much occupied to be able to undertake the housevisiting; so that there must be a lady visitor and some native Christian Bible women. This will need an expenditure of not less than £150 per

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