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chief here, about whom I wrote you some time ago. This step alone shows his sincerity, as it will bring down upon him ridicule for a time; but, in every way, he has given us full satisfaction of being a changed man, and, in the most touching manner, assured us of his repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one subject under consideration, and that is about his two young wives, who have given him no cause of offence, but rather are willing to be guided by him, and who are always with him in the house of God. Whether we must make it a condition to his acceptance by putting away one of these, and, if so, will I be doing right and furthering the cause or not? This, my difficulty, I have laid before him, and told him I had written to you on the subject, a reply to which letter I am hoping to get by our next packet from England. In the meantime, the Church must consider it and tell me what they think.

"On Sunday mornings, our place of worship is comfortably filled, and so large a number of young men I have never seen attending the means of grace. Amongst them are the sons of nearly all the head men of the town, while nearly every one of the chiefs are to be seen in their seats on Sunday mornings.

"The day - school has greatly inoreased, and great interest in the Sabbath-school adds much to the encouragement we have thus received; and every night in the week we have a good attendance from the town. Thus it has pleased our Divine Master to own our imperfect efforts.

"During the month we have had one of those heavy storms that spread destruction around. It was one scene of desolation in the morning: whole rows of native huts were blown down, and, in some of them, children had to be

dragged from under the ruins—a mercy that the materials were so light that no serious consequence ensued; tall cocoa-nut trees uprooted, and heavy branches of trees snapped and carried away. On our premises, the tempo-rary cooking-shed we had was blown to the ground, my workshop lay flat, and so was the brick-shed. A large tree near the house, one of the heavy branches was broken off, and fell just two yards from the house, so that now I have no cooking-house nor outbuildings save a little matted place, which I have had to shore up with sticks to keep it from falling, only waiting a grant from the Committee to put up others, which, I trust, they will be kind enough to give.

"I also told you in my last that the smallpox was raging here, but worst up the interior. But the most horrifying sight is that which their superstition has driven them to. Out of the reach of missionaries' influence, at Wurii, some thirty miles up, every one who dies one or two others are accused of witchcraft, and with a stick knocked on the back of the neck, they are thrown into the river,-if a woman, her hands are tied, and served in the same way; so that every day there are three and four dead bodies floating past us, while the disease is cutting off whole villages and wasting towns. Among the victims is the King of Wurii, and three of his sons.

"I have had constant work in trying to check the ravage, in vaccinating from place to place, and, I believe, by this means have stayed it. To do this I have often been in danger of it; but our good and gracious God has thus far preserved us, while I have been permitted to do hundreds of them. Thus you see how much we needed the prayers we believed you have often offered up for us, and for which we feel

grateful to know we are being remembered at the throne of grace.

"As I shall have to write again soon, let me close this with very kind re membrance to you and Mr. Bailhache

and all at the house. With earnest prayer for the Divine guidance in all your arduous work my dear wife most cordially joins.-Yours very truly, "J. J. FULLER."

From Tromsoe, in Norway.

THE following communication bas come to hand through our esteemed

friend, the Rev. A. Wiberg, by whom it is translated. It is from the pen of Mr. Ola B. Hansson, our missionary at Tromsoe, in the extreme north of Norway :

"To the friends of the Norwegian

Missions in England.

"I have been complaining, with Elijah, that I am left here alone, and I feel very weakened and discouraged. But the voice of God seemed to reach my ear through Brother Wiberg, when I was informed that the friends in England were thinking of me, and remembered me and the inheritance of the Lord in their prayers. A voice seems to speak to me: 'Thou art not alone; there is a large number who agonise with thee in prayer. And what a rest for the mind to know that the warfare is the Lord's!


"It will be four years in December since the church was organised here. During this time, 157 have been baptized. Of these, four have gone home to Jesus, and among them my own dear wife. A large number have emigrated to America, especially from among the young, which is weakening to our cause. Some have, to our great sorrow, followed the example of Lot's wife. I believe the church for the present numbers 129. We have a small Sunday-school, with about 100 children and seven teachers. On Sunday mornings, at half-past nine, the teachers meet for prayer and conversa

tion on the subject which is designated for the day. From three to half-past four in the afternoon the children meet. This work has been much hindered through great prejudices and great-yea, general-laxity in the education of children. Alas! this is a social evil, from which we should earnestly beseech God to deliver us. Yet this humble work has not been without fruit. Several children have been deeply affected by the Word. Two of these have gone to Jesus, the Friend of children. They died very happy. We have a small Young Men's Christian Association, which meets every evening from eight to ten. These meetings have been much blessed, and of great benefit to the young men We have also a sewing society, which meets every Monday afternoon from three to seven. This society has also been a great blessing. We owe to this society, in a great measure, that we have a meeting-house.


"In the month of June I was travelling in and about the country. It was a very happy season. The Holy Spirit accompanied the preached Word with, power. Many great opposers were led to the feet of Jesus. They were, in truth, changed from lions to lambs.

Eight were baptized, and among them one fourteen years of age. Many were deeply affected in witnessing the baptism, and among them three young females, who, I hope, will soon follow. Among those baptized was a sick man, who caused my heart greatly to rejoice. He had been seeking the Lord many years, and seen the truth with regard to baptism, but had not been obedient to the voice of the Lord. Now, when he was taken ill, his eyes were opened to his true condition. He saw himself as the servant who knew his Master's will, but had not done it. He sent a message to me, with these words: Come to me. I am ill, but cannot die until I am baptized.' I went there the following day, and, when I came in, he exclaimed, 'Thou hast well done that thou hast come.' I was very vividly reminded of the visit of Peter to Cornelius. His mother and wife were unbelievers, especially the firstnamed, who was a great enemy to the truth. But all were affected, and had to serve the cause of the Lord. During the night two of the brethren prepared a baptistery, and in the morning he was baptized, after which we assembled around the table of the Lord. It was a season which I never shall forget. He has since been much improved in health-yea, almost well.


"Here is an extensive field. Many are hungering and thirsting to hear the Gospel of Christ. A brother, by the name of Optander, has been here some time, and kept school, and his labours have been much blessed. Seven of the children have been converted. Pray for the young souls. After my return to Tromsoe, two have been baptized

here, and some have asked to be received. A brother, Peter Frederikson, has during this time made family visits, and his labours have been greatly blessed. The harvest here is truly great; but we are in want both of gifted men and means. May the Lord come to our help! Pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He may send labourers into His harvest.


"Some days ago we had a new proof of the omnipotence and great love of God. A fire broke out in one of the largest houses in the town, a hotel, just at the side of our chapel. It raged so vehemently that the people scarcely escaped. A child of ten years jumped down from the third storey, through the window, and died in a few hours. It was a horrible scene. The whole roof was enveloped in flames, and persons were hanging down in the windows and crying for help. Oh, how fearful it will be in the last day for the miserable beings who do not know Jesus! The fire lay hard on the chapel, the glass in some of the windows burst, and the roof was melted from the heat, and I stood terrified at the thought that the house which we with such a great difficulty had been enabled to erect should be the prey of the flames. But the Lord heard our prayers. The weather became very calm, and soon they were masters over the fire. In the evening we had a thanksgiving festival, and, I can say, we felt happy. Praised be the Lord who spared us! town of Tromsoe, Norway."

Pray for me, for the

and for the whole of

Gospel Preaching to my Mahommedan Relatives.



EFORE proceeding to his station at Cutwa, our missionary brother resolved on paying a visit to the home of his parents. He gives the issue in the following interesting narrative:

"At night we started from Kissengunge by bullock-cart and arrived at Katgorah the following day about 11


Previously I thought I would hire a house at Katgorah to live in for the few days I would be there, but I failed. There was only one shop belonging to a Hindu, who knowing us to be Christians would not allow us to enter it; so we fell into much difficulty. However, I ordered the cartmen to bring out my things from the cart and place them under the trees. While we were sitting under the trees a man came to us; I asked him whether he knew the village Shamnuggur or not? Also I inquired whether he could show me where the Duffodar families live. He pointed out to me the village and the houses of the Duffodar families, which were very close to the place where we were sitting. Then came another man out of the village and stood before me, whom I asked whether he knew Rohoman Duffodar, my eldest cousin, or not? He answered, 'I know him well.' Now I sent word to my cousin through this man, and after a little time he came to the place where I was, and seeing me, was quite struck, and said, Why are you here?' I told him, You know, brother, I am a Gospel preacher, and go to preach the Gospel in many directions; this time I have come in this direction especially to you my relatives.' Hearing this, he said, 'No one will hear your preaching in this part, you have nothing to do here, you can go to some other direction and preach your

religion.' Sometimes he expressed his anger, sometimes his grief for me and my father. After all he asked me whether I had taken any food or not, and when he heard that I had eaten nothing since 12 o'clock, he went to his house and brought some sweetmeats, and, giving them to me, seriously told me to be off from that place as soon as possible. I said to him, 'Brother, how can I go from here without fulfilling the object of my coming; if you do not allow me to enter your house or village, I shall remain under these trees and preach the Gospel to the neighbouring villagers.'


"Now he went away. When we were taking our food under the trees, one after another, about fifty men came out of the village and sat before us, all of whom were my relatives, and began to whisper to one another about me. After finishing my meal, I preached the Gospel to them for more than an hour. Then came another man, and standing before me with a sad countenance told me, ' We are very sorry that you are living under the trees. However, I don't care what others may say, come with me, I have a house at the outside of the village and will give it to you to live in.' We followed him and entered the house; when we were sitting there, another old man came and stood before me with tears, and said, Indeed, we are sorry that you will remain here, while, on the other hand, the villagers, your relatives,


are very

especially the anxious to see you; this place will be very inconvenient for you and them all, therefore, I wish that you should remain in my house, which is in the very centre of the village: I shall take all the burden and difficulties upon me. Let the others do whatever they like to do, we are Mahommedans, who can outcaste us?' Hearing this, I thankfully followed him, and entering his house I found my elder cousin, who said to me, 'If he can' entertain you in his house, then why should I not?' So he took me to his house and allowed us to sit in the verandah, and began to say, 'This is the home your father left when he embraced Christianity.' Hearing this, I joyfully sat there, and one after another, men, women, and children, came to hear. Then my brother told us that 'in this village about sixty families are living, all of whom are your relatives. Now most of them are coming to see, come; let us go to a more open place.' He took me to the khanka, a place for their public meetings and worship. When we sat there, about 100 men came and sat before me. I began to preach, some of them asked me a few questions about Mahomed, and their religion.


"I explained all to them, and in this manner I remained with them about two hours. In the evening, an old man came to us and informed me that one of his sons was seriously ill. I asked him to allow me to see him. So he took me to see the lad. I entered, and saw the lad was very ill, and offering a prayer, I gave him a

dose of medicine which I had with me. In the night I gave him two more doses, and the next morning, by the blessing of God, the boy recovered.

"This is the way God opened for

me to enter into their inner apartments where the women live. Many of them began to call me to see their sick ones, and I got very good opportunities even to preach to the women. Every morning and evening they used to gather in their khanka house, and I used to read the Bible and expound it, preach the gospel, and offer prayer with them. Gradually, I became so familiar with them, that they began to invite us morning and evening to eat in their families. In this manner I remained with them for five days. One day, when I was speaking with an old woman, she told me that, 'when your father was about to leave home, he came to me and informed me about his going to embrace Christianity.” I told her my father is dead and gone to his rest with the Lord Jesus in whom he believed. What are you doing for your salvation ?' She asked me, 'What shall I do to obtain salva tion ?' I told her, 'Believe in the name of the Lord Jesus, who died for you on the cross, for the remission of your sins.' She began to repeat the name of the Lord Jesus. Another man told me that he knew nothing of the Christian religion before, but that he would inquire into it more particularly now. During the various times when I engaged myself to preach, my companion, Lall Behari Shah, used to go to some other persons and talk to them of salvation only through our Blessed Redeemer. He laboured a great deal among the people there. The day when we left them, there came five invitations to us, and many urged us to live with them for some time more, but I am sorry to say that I could not for shortness of time and

other engagements. When I left, many of them told me to come to them once more. My brother followed us for some distance, and at the time of

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