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I was engaged in prayer. During a previous service, she had been deeply moved to tears whilst I was preaching. She urged that I should hold a special service on a Sabbath-day, that she might have her married daughter and son-in-law, who reside in a distant part of the county, present. I agreed to her request. She caused her husband and sons to invite the neighbours for two miles round to attend my service. On arriving at the house, I found the kitchen, parlour, and hall literally crowded to overflowing. Her daughter and son-in-law were present, but where was the good mistress of the house? She had been suddenly taken ill the day before, and had not ventured to leave her bed. I said to her husband, "Perhaps the singing and speaking might be injurious to her." "No, no," he said, "she delights to hear your voice. Your last sermon has enabled her to trust in the Saviour. She often expressed a desire to see you, that she might tell you so." I had only proceeded a few minutes after having announced my text, when I was asked to pray for the mistress, as she was departing. Before my prayer was finished, the loud shriek of motherless sons and daughters told that her spirit had fled to join the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn, "in the rest that remains for the people of God."

In this district there is no place of worship nearer than three Irish miles, and no religious services have been held for years but mine.

A young woman who attended our Sabbath-school, to whom we taught the art of reading, died rejoicing in the Lord. She had had a desire to be baptized and join our little church, but ignorant parents would not let her. They often beat her for having become a Christian, and endeavoured to prevent her attendance at the school. Some days before her departure, she prevailed on her parents to send, at least, for Mrs. Douglas to visit her. My wife went, and had from her own lips the full assurance of her faith in Jesus and the salvation of her soul.

The land is opening before us. In Portadown, union prayer-meetings are held daily at noon, largely attended by all classes and denominations, to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our land. Our motto is, "Ireland for


The good work continues at


The usual instrumentalities are busily and successfully at work. The Sabbathschool is going on encouragingly. The teachers are thoroughly in earnest in the endeavour to win for Jesus the souls of the dear little ones; and there is reason to hope that a goodly number of these children are now, by faith, the children of God. The attendance also is most exemplary. Even in weather so inclement, with garments so thin, and feet so exposed, very few are ever absent.

Tract distribution is also vigorously maintained. In this way the good seed of the Word is flung broadcast to north, south, east, and west. And during the present awakening, how many have been enabled to thank God for the truth which a simple tract has been the means of conveying to their hearts!

In addition to the usual and stated services, Prayer meetings, conducted principally by our younger members, and passing from house to house, are doing a good work. As the subterranean fire shakes and pierces the mountain's rugged sides, so the glowing zeal of these young disciples is upheaving deeply-rooted prejudices, and breaking through granite-ribbed barriers of bigotry.

But I would speak particularly of the preaching of the Gospel, whether publicly or from house to house. At Grange Corner, the principal station, the attendance continues thronged, sometimes very much so. And how the poor people manage to return to the evening service, from distances of several miles, I myself hardly understand. Religion costs them not a little in toil and exposure. They are all likewise at work for the Master; I do not know a member you could brand as a sluggard. The presence of the Lord, also, according to His promise, is in our midst. The Word is usually with power; souls con

tinue to be saved; and, week after week, there is a steady influx into the Church of such as

Careless of the world's despising,
Still the sacred path pursue,
Buried with the Lord, and rising
To a life divinely new.

As to Sub-stations, they are limited only by my ability to attend to them. How different are all things now from what they were when I first came to labour here! Then, turn where I would, I was confronted with ignorant and unreasoning prejudice, strong in proportion as it was ignorant. Now I am favoured with work to my heart's utmost desire. There is no lack of opportunity. Had I the strength of many men, and could I distribute myself at the same time into different directions, I should have still plenty to do.

At B-, where I have preached regularly now for years, the interest does not abate; it rather increases. On the last evening, there was hardly room for the speaker to use the ordinary freedom of motion; and, at the close, the fingercrushing squeeze from many a hard but kindly hand, with "God bless you! and "The Lord spare you long to publish the good news!" testifies to the influence which the Gospel is steadily exerting.

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It is said that, At L resides one who had been greatly opposed to us. on one occasion, when a little the worse for liquor, he offered to fight any man on the general question. But the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, and the heart of this man also. Most unexpectedly, he asked me to preach at his house. This, of course, was at once complied with. It was found that the house would not be capable of accommodating the numbers likely to be present on the next occasion; and a friend who was there, and possessed the power, kindly offered the use of the National schoolhouse. The schoolhouse itself has been found not too large. And thus the Lord is still opening up locality after locality, and His word is having free course, and is glorified.

A goodly

My knowledge of medicine (gratuitously ministered, as you know), has been a most efficient handmaid of the Gospel. It has opened for me many a door that would otherwise have been closed against me, and introduced me into many a family where my entrance would otherwise have been considered an intrusion. I thus enjoy, to no small extent, the goodwill of both Romanists and Protestants. Both have received benefit, and both are grateful-the Romanist, it would seem, even more so than the Protestant. The proverbially kindly feeling of the Irish, as displayed in any case of adversity, collects multitudes at times to funerals, that they may thus pay the deceased the last tokens of neighbourly regard. Recently, such a crowd of all classes and of all parties had assembled for this purpose at the house of a deceased friend, so numerous that, when the house was filled upstairs and downstairs, hundreds still remained outside. number were Romanists. I considered it best, owing to the throng, to stand at the door outside in the open air, and to lift up my voice so as to be heard by those within as well as by those without. Any who pleased could easily have moved out of range. But none did so. I was presently hemmed in on all sides, and our Roman Catholic friends seemed even more eager listeners than some others. The sun shone out brightly, but the day was freezingly cold. As if unmindful of the weather, the vast crowd continued through the whole service connected (and it was not a short one), manifesting every token of interest and respect. Shall I notice a criticism that was afterwards mentioned to one no way with me, and with no thought whatever that I should hear of it-"Like himself, his words were loving words. He will go direct to heaven, without even scorching his foot in purgatory?"

Some time ago, a gospel meeting was held in the cottage of a neighbour. There was present an elderly man, a great reader, very intelligent, but an enemy to religion. The Lord opened his eyes that night to see his sin and danger, and to look for refuge to the only Saviour. Though in very weak health, and apparently near his end, he "made haste and delayed not" to be "buried with

Christ in baptism." He then became a stranger, and something more, in his own family. They were intensely bigoted. His wife, however, came with him one evening, that she herself might witness our proceedings. She was interested, and felt she must return again. Subsequently she was convinced of sin, and then how eagerly did she consult her husband respecting the needed remedy! She, too, found peace through the blood of the Cross. Sickness afterwards entered the family. A daughter, lovely and beloved, was laid upon a bed of languishing. While we ministered to the body the soul was not neglected. She soon received the truth. Her experience during her remaining days gave much satisfaction. It was a great pleasure for such of our brethren as were able to visit her to join with her in some of our simple but touching hymns. A little before her decease, as indicating the current of her waking thoughts, she dreamt that she was in our chapel, and singing with the assembled congregation. We doubt not that she is now singing with the ransomed in heaven. Suffice it to say, the only remaining daughter has just been baptized and admitted to the fellowship of the Church.

Some time ago, a neighbour taking home a web to his employer, after having a little drink, was set upon by a number of rough fellows, and, considering himself in danger, had recourse to the knife in his pocket. For this he had to pass some months in prison. But good came out of the evil. Along with some necessary articles, a Christian friend forwarded to him this verse of Scripture in large type-"Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world." These words were blessed to his soul's salvation. The love of drink, the quarrelsome temper, &c., have alike passed away. A consistent member with us, he now thanks God who, in the riches of His grace, plucked him as a brand from the burning.

But I must conclude. I am really so unwell I can hardly hold my pen. O, my brother, the Lord is now doing great things for Ireland. "Her day of freedom dawns at length." The fields are delightfully white unto harvest. Alas, the labourers are so few! Surely it is not too much to ask for a dozen more labourers-men who are not afraid of work, men who will gladly spend and be spent for the love of souls. The noble heart of Britain will, I doubt not, hasten to send a dozen or more such men. And then, with His blessing, how soon may we sing

Erin, Mavourneen, the bosoms that mourn
Again shall with rapture behold thee;
The Lord, who averted His face, shall return,
And the blaze of His presence enfold thee!

A donation of £5 from Miss Page, Malvern, for the poor in Ireland, and parcels of clothing from Keighley, Berwick-on-Tweed, Walthamstow, Glasgow, Wallingford, and some unknown friend, are thankfully acknowledged.

Subscriptions in aid of the British and Irish Baptist Home Mission will be thankfully received by the Treasurer-J. P. BACON, Esq., 69, Fleet-street, London, E.C., and by the Secretary, Rev. J. BIGWOOD, at the Mission House, Castle Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Contributions can also be paid at Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Co.'s, Lombard-street.


Speech of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal at Serampore College.


IS Honour the Lieutenant-Governor delivered the following address at the Serampore College on Monday, December 14th, on the occasion of distributing prizes to the successful students :

"Mr. Principal, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Young Men of the Serampore College-I have had great pleasure, at the invitation of the Principal, in attending here to-day; and I understand that it is desirable that I should offer to you briefly such remarks as the present occasion seems to suggest.

"Now, first of all, I would ask you to remember that you are being educated under the care of the great Baptist Missionary Society. You must understand that the Baptists form an important section of the Christian Church; that some of the founders of this Institution have been intimately connected with Henry Martyn, one of the greatest men that ever adorned the Anglican Church in India; and also with Dr. Duff, who was long the life and leader of the Scotch Presbyterian Church in Calcutta. You must remember, too, that the Baptist Missionary Society has branches not only in different parts of this country-in Bengal, Madras, and in Northern India,-but also in many distant and foreign countries, in Burma, in Ceylon, in China, on the West Coast of Africa, in the West Indies, and specially in Jamaica and Trinidad. You must

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further understand that the Society, though established in the United Kingdom, has also branches in America. It is a circumstance upon which it would be well for you to reflect, that you have the privilege of being brought up under the care of a Society with such a world-wide influence and reputation.

"You may remember, too, that the operations of the Society have been gradually increasing, from the year 1792 up to the present time; that the jubilee or fiftieth year of its existence was celebrated in 1842; and that the income, beginning from small sums, has now reached (as I find from a recent publication by the Society) the amount of £32,000 sterling a year-that is, upwards of three lakhs of rupees. I presume that most of you are old enough to know the value of money, and from this fact alone you may understand, and I hope appreciate, the great benevolence of the people of England, of Scotland, and Ireland, who contribute this amount, not alone for this mission, but in addition to countless other sums contributed for the general cause of missions throughout the world.

"Now, looking to the peace which you

see around you in this country, now you may feel thankful when you remember that it has not always been peace. When the founders of this mission first came to India, the country was in a very unsettled and excitable state. The fact of Christianity being preached caused great distrust and suspicion in the minds of the natives; it caused even a certain amount of political trouble and disaffecton. The Government of that day, rightly or wrongly took the alarm, and threatened to deport the missionaries. Sometimes the missionaries were visited with pains and penalties; sometimes they were hauled before the judges and dragged into police-courts; sometimes surrounded by angry and tumultuous mobs; some of them even suffered shipwreck; others, again, lived in the jungles in a state of want and misery, where they were found with scarcely sufficient provision remaining for their sustenance. Now, you must look back with gratitude to the labours of such men. I am speaking to those who have had the benefit of Christian instruction. It is not in mortal man to equal the example of the early apostles, but still I think we may say that some portion of the apostolic spirit descended upon them, and that they strove unremitingly to imitate the great example which is set before you by the Bible. But time rolls on, and the aspect of the country is changed. The Government now no longer fears that disturbances will arise from proclaiming and preaching the gospel of peace; the natives themselves seem no longer to regard missionaries with distrust, and indeed, as an impartial observer travelling through Bengal, it seems to me that the missionaries are absolutely popular. If I go to the large cities, I see schools and colleges which belong to the various Christian missions, which

may not, indeed, equal the Government institutions in strength and resources, but which fully equal them in popularity. In the interior of the country among the villages, I find missionary institutions established in almost all parts of Bengal. The missionaries appear to be regarded by their rustic neighbours with respect, I may say almost with affection. They are consulted by their neighbours-by their poor ignorant rural poor ignorant rural neighbours-in every difficulty and every trouble, and seem to be regarded by them as their best and truest friends. Indeed, you, young men, whom I am now addressing, are a signal instance of this. You are the sons of natives of India; your parents have sent you here, well knowing that you come upon the condition which I have no doubt is most zealously fulfilled, namely, that of listening to the teachings of the Bible. Yet your parents, who approved of your coming here, are at liberty to act as they like; they sent you here for reasons of which they are themselves the most competent judges, and they are not obliged to send you here if they prefer for you a purely secular education; they are welcome to send you to the various Government schools which are to be found in this neighbourhood and elsewhere throughout the country.

“From these circumstances I am justified in inferring that the natives of Bengal have no fear of their religion being in any way interfered with ; that though Christianity may be the religion of the governing race, yet that the governing race, in its political and administrative capacity, treats all classes and all religions with the most absolute impartiality.

"I am sure, too, you must be aware that under the protection of Government, the Christian religion has a fair chance of being taught to those who

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