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versions during the last month. Mrs. Wall has also recommenced her work. The alteration and building of the hall for worship, are proceeding with tolerable despatch.

CAMEROONS RIVER, MORTONVILLE.-The Rev. J. Fuller has been much employed in vaccinating the people around him, and in his endeavours to stay the plague. At Wuri it has been very fatal. His new chapel is well attended by the chiefs and others, and he is shortly expecting to baptize for the first time in it.

NORWAY.-The Rev. G. Hubert informs us that Mr. Swenson is visiting the stations between Christiania and Arendal, who writes very favourably of the work of the Lord in progress. Tokens of the divine blessing are also experienced in Bergen. At Trondhjem, a large hall has been rented by Mr. Sjodahl; but the friends find it difficult to raise the rent of it.

JAMAICA.-We are informed by the Rev. D. J. East that a frightful hurricane has swept over many parts of Jamaica, tearing up plantations, destroying crops, and throwing down houses and public buildings. He mentions that several chapels are thrown down. At Rose Hill the roof of the new mountain chapel was lifted off and cast to the ground.

SALTER'S HILL.-The Rev. W. Dendy has resigned, on account of the infirmities of increasing years, his pastorate of the church at Maldon, and Mr. Hutchins, son of one of our late missionaries, has succeeded him.


Tidings have been heard of the arrival of the ship Chyebassa, at Calcutta, on the 6th December, and of the Navarino, at Colombo, on the 9th, at Madras on the 14th ult., and at Calcutta on the 20th December. The Rev. R. Smith writes from Madeira, that the ship Senegal has, so far, pursued her voyage safely, though the passage had been one of the roughest he had ever known. The Rev. W. Williams also reports his arrival at Port of Spain, Trinidad, on the 1st Nov., after a quick voyage of fifteen days. The Rev. J. C. Page has reached Port Said in greatly improved health.

Home Proceedings.


On Thursday evening, December 3rd, a public service for the "designation" of the Revs. E. B. Francis and G. Grenfell (students of the Bristol Baptist College), as missionaries of the Baptist Missionary Society, took place at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. There was a large number of persons in the chapel. A hymn having been sung, the Rev. R. Glover read a portion of the 10th chapter of Matthew, and offered prayer. Dr. Underhill then delivered an address on 66 Missionary work in India." In some prefatory remarks, he welcomed with pleasure their two young brethren who were about to consecrate their lives to missionary enterprise. It was some time since the Com

mittee had received from the Bristol Baptist College brethren for that work, and they were happy to find that the missionary spirit had not departed, but that it had revived, and that might be, he hoped, the beginning of many others who should, like them, consecrate their lives to the service of the Redeemer. These two brethren had passed the usual examinations with credit to themselves, and the Committee had every confidence that they were actuated by an earnest spirit of love to the Master, and the desire to save men's souls and bring them to Christ. The spheres of labour that they would occupy were very different in character, and very remote from each other. Mr. Grenfell was about to join their veteran missionary, Mr. Saker, on the western coast of Africa, and Mr. Francis had been selected by the Committee to labour in the district of Poonah, in the presidency of Bombay, in India. The district was supposed to contain from five to seven millions of people, a large proportion of whom were Mahrattas by origin, and Hindoos in religion. Comparatively little impression had been made upon Hindooism in this part of India. A large portion of that vast district was without missionary instruction, and, beyond the dependency itself, there were large states under native sovereigns, within whose borders was to be found no missionary at all. The Rev. A. Saker next gave an interesting address on missionary work in Africa, and gave an account of the sphere of labour to which Mr. Grenfell was appointed. He said the population amongst whom his lot would be cast were very degraded, but still they were members of the human family, and, therefore, capable of being raised by the influence of the Gospel. The Rev. J. G. Greenhough then invited the intended missionaries to give a statement of the motives which had led them to embrace a missionary life. Mr. Francis was the first who responded to the call, and he said he could hardly recollect the time when his heart was not set upon the work of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had given the resolution to become a missionary some eight years' consideration. He asked the prayers and sympathy of those present. Mr. Grenfell followed, and said the wish to become a missionary in Africa was first instilled into his mind by reading books of travel and by reading Livingstone's first book, and that desire had been sustained by a perusal of Moffat's travels. The Rev. J. G Greenhough then offered the dedication prayer; and, after another hymn had been sung, Dr. Gotch delivered a solemn charge to the two missionaries, founding his discourse upon Romans i. 14. The Rev. J. Penny closed the meeting prayer. The hymns were given out by the Rev. E. G. Gange.


The Rev. E. B. Francis sailed for his destination in the Goa on the 12th ult. The Rev. G. Grenfell sailed, in company with the Rev. A. Saker, on the 19th. The Committee have also accepted the services of Mr. Miller, a student of the Pastors' College, and an interesting service was held to commend him to God at the Metropolitan Tabernacle on Monday evening, the 21st ult. The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon presided on the occasion, and Dr. Underhill, the Rev. A. Sturge (Mr. Miller's former pastor), the Rev. G. Rogers, and other brethren, took part in the service. Mr. Miller has been appointed to the important city of Benares.


The usual quarterly meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, the 20th January.


It will be convenient to many of our friends to know that the Annual Services will (D.V.) commence with the usual introductory prayer meeting on Thursday, April 22nd. The Mission Sunday will be on the 25th April; the annual members' meeting on Tuesday, the 27th April; the annual sermons on Wednesday, April the 28th; and the public meeting at Exeter Hall, on Thursday evening, the 29th. We are happy to be able to say that good progress has been made in the arrangements for them. May these gatherings be the subject of much earnest prayer among the churches.

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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by Joseph Tritton, Esq., Treasurer; by Edward Bean Underhill, LL.D., Secretary, at the Mission House, Castle Street, Holborn, LONDON. Contributions can also be paid in at Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, Tritton," Twells and Co.'s, 54, Lombard Street, to the account of the Treasurer.


The New Missionaries.-Faith's Appeal.


S the season for the departure of missionaries to the tropics is near its close, it may be interesting to our readers to have before them a list of the brethren whose services have been accepted, in accordance with the purpose announced in the last report, and the spheres of labour to which they have been appointed :

Rev. S. J. Chowrryappah, Madras.

Rev. E. B. Francis, Poonah.

Rev. G. Grenfell, Cameroons River, Africa.

Rev. J. E. Gummer, Jacmel, Hayti.

Rev. D. Jones, Monghyr.

Rev. W. Miller, Benares.

Rev. W. Williams, Trinidad.

Thus, four brethren have gone out to India in the service of Christ, two to the West Indies, and one to Africa. Besides these, two brethren have been sent to occupy posts of great importance as pastors of English churches, by whom they will be supported, viz. :

Rev. T. R. Stevenson, Colombo.

Rev. J. Urquhart, Bombay.

For these, outfits and passages only have been provided; but they wil give very material assistance to our missionaries, by co-operating with them, and by enabling them to devote their whole time to direct missionary work among the heathen.

To the above we may add the names of the six brethren who were placed on our list last year, viz. :—

Rev. C. C. Brown, Backergunge.

Rev. W. Greenway, Dinapore.
Rev. R. F. Guyton, Delhi.
Rev. E. C. B. Hallam, Monghyr.

Rev. J. Mintridge, Jessore.

Rev. R. Spurgeon, Sewry.

By these accessions to our staff, thirteen in all, the Committee have been able to supply several vacancies, to prepare the way for an extension of our operations, and to provide against the losses which death, or the infirmities of age, or other causes, may occasion. In answer to the prayers of the churches, these Christian men have given themselves to the Lord's service, and are now actively prosecuting the great task they have undertaken— the promulgation of the tidings of great joy, that to us is born a Saviour, even Christ the Lord.

The immediate expense is, of course, large; but it will be still larger next year, when all the above-named brethren will be in a position to draw on the funds of the Society. The Committee have often been charged with a want of faith. It has been said, if the men are only forthcoming, the means of their support will not be wanting. God has been pleased to provide the men, and we are now confidently relying on the fulfilment of the counterpart. Our financial year is fast drawing to a close, and we shall rejoice if it is found that, by donations of any amount, and by increased contributions, the expectations of the Committee as to the liberality of their friends are realized. The Birmingham Auxiliary will certainly fulfil their promise of last year, and provide £100 for each of the new Indian missionaries; and we have received from the congregations in Leeds £140 towards the same object. We hope that other churches will follow these examples, and that at the end of the year the Committee will be able to report that our funds are sufficient for the burdens which, trusting in God, they have prayerfully undertaken.

"Brethren, Pray for Us."


(Concluded from p. 5.)

THERE are also special departments of labour upon which we may invoke God's blessing. First and foremost, we mention the one chief means of spreading the truth, the preaching of the Gospel. The preaching of it in the crowded bazaar, in the remote village, in homely talk face to face; when the preachers of the Gospel go from town to town and village to village, carrying the good news of salvation; when they go to the weekly market, or the great annual religious festivals of the people, where thousands or even millions congregate from all parts of the country, and hear the Gospel, which they would otherwise never hear at all; wherever and

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