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spread, and to exhibit marked signs of activity and proofs of the divine blessing. Fourteen persons were recently baptized at Khari, two of whom were old scholars of Mrs. Kerry's school.

DELHI.-From Mrs. Smith we learn that Mr. Smith is in a very weak state of health and needs a change. On the other hand Mr. Guyton and his family are well. Mr. Guyton has been able to preach in the vernacular. The Union Church consists of about forty members, while the attendance of natives has reached a hundred, and is larger and steadier than for many years past. In the villages there is a great demand for schoolmasters.

MONGHYR.-The Rev. T. Evans informs us that the school is doing well under two native teachers, one of whom is the son of the evangelist Sudin. At Jumalpore there is a very favourable opening for the Gospel, from eighty to one hundred persons attending the services every week. The services of a Bible reader have been engaged.

COLOMBO. We are happy to learn from the Rev. T. R. Stevenson that he finds much cause for gratitude in his labours. The services are well attended and he has three candidates for baptism. He speaks very warmly of the kindness of friends.

BERGEN, NORWAY.-The Rev. G. Hubert mentions that a large measure of divine blessing has been enjoyed in the meetings for inquirers that have been held. The labours of Mr. Sjodahl have especially been much blessed. More than twenty persons are mentioned as having been brought to Christ.

Home Proceedings.

We have the pleasure of announcing the safe arrival of the Rev. J. Williams, of Muttra, on the 28th April, after a voyage of thirty-five days. Mr. Williams has long suffered from eye-disease which may necessitate an operation. In other respects his health is good.

The Rev. F. D. Waldock, with his family, sailed on the 29th ult. in the Duke of Sutherland for Ceylon. On his arrival, the Rev. H. R. Pigott will leave Colombo for a visit to this country.

The best thanks of the Committee are due to the Revs. J. M. Stephens, B.A., and Richard Green, of Sheffield, and the friends connected with the Glossop Road and Townhead Street Churches-especially Messrs. John Jowett, Rawson Brothers, and Mr. A. Murwood-for a large supply of first-rate tools of all kinds (including large pit and cross-cut saws) in response to an appeal from our good Missionary, the Rev. J. J. Fuller, of Mortonville, Cameroons, West Africa. They are now on their way to Africa, and will prove of great service to our good brother.

Besides the Anniversaries in London, the following places have been visited since our last account.

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The names of the Members of the Committee elected at the Annual Members' Meeting are as follows:

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Manning, Rev. S., LL.D.

McMaster, Mr. J. S.

Medley, Rev. E., B.A.

Millard, Rev. J. H., B.A.

Morris, Rev. T. M.

Mursell, Rev. James

Parry, Mr. J. C.

Pattison, Mr. S. R.
Paul, Mr. T. D.
Penny, Rev. J.
Price, Rev. T., Ph.D.
Platten, Rev. H.
Sampson, Rev. W.
Sands, Mr. J.

Short, Rev. G., B.A.
Smith, Mr. J. J.
Spurgeon, Rev. J. A.
Spurrier, Rev. E.

Templeton, Mr. J., F.R.G.S.
Tilly, Rev. A.
Wallace, Rev. R.
Walters, Rev. W.
Webb, Rev. J.
Williams, Rev. C.

Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by Joseph Tritton, Esq., Treasurer; by Edward Bean Underhill, LL.D., Secretary, at the Mission House, Castle Street, Holborn, LONDON. Contributions can also be paid in at Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Twells and Co.'s, 54, Lombard Street, to the account of the Treasurer.


Dr. Cairns's Estimate of the Society's Work.


EW that heard it will forget the eloquent and impassioned peroration of Dr. Cairns' missionary sermon. By his kindness we are permitted to lay it before our readers. The words on which D. Cairns' discourse was founded were-" His enemies shall be clothed with shame, but upon Himself shall His crown flourish."

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"Dear Brethren, No Missionary Society can have a better title to rejoice in the continued fulfilment of this text than your own, the oldest of that honoured series which within the last eighty years have altered the face of the heathen world, and the one which, probably more than any other, had to encounter the scorn, the obloquy, and the embittered opposition of those who, when this great movement arose, were either found among Christ's enemies, or out of sympathy with his cause. Your history has been one-especially in its earliest periodof heroic faith and all - subduing courage, and has written the names of Carey, Fuller, and their noble associates and successors on the brightest page of missionary achievement and endurance. The church of which I am a minister reveres their names, treasures them as household words; and while familiar with the other great memories of your denomination, counts herself perhaps more a debtor to your missionary example and spirit than even to the other deeds and services which have given you an undying place on the roll of British Christianity.

Long before our Church had any separate place in the mission field, its most cherished teachers and members assisted and succoured your first mission secretary in his journeys to the north; and thus from you we have partly derived the impulse which makes us your fellow-workers at this day in Jamaica, in Western Africa, in India, and in the mighty Empire of China. Your zeal, which has provoked very many, has thus everywhere found imitators and witnesses; and I rejoice this day, as the representative of one of the churches whom you have blessed, to stand here, and acknowledge the obligation. Even had our churches never thus been touched, we should have been laid under debt with the whole Christian world, and especially the British region of it. You scaled first among us the almost inaccessible fastnesses of India. You kept the entrance open when British hands, to their eternal shame, sought to close it. You have laboured on among the foremost till that gigantic and hoary superstition is tottering to its fall. In Jamaica and the West Indies you have helped as much as any to give slavery its death

wound, and have sooner than any other missionary church seen the children of slaves assume the responsibilities of Christian freemen, and dismiss you with their blessings to other parts of the field.

Your Annual Report shows that your Society, though laden with fourscore years and more, is still equal to new enterprises, and able to plant in the citadel of a superstition only less grey and grisly than that of India and Ceylon and China, a pure Christian Church, amidst circumstances of interest which have attracted the sympathies of all Europe. Long may your Society hold on in its bright and everrising career! It would ill become you who have been the pioneers of this noblest work of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to falter or slacken, or even to be outstripped in contrast with your resources and numbers by any Church in Christendom. May your deep sympathies with evangelical doctrine-through which alone, and not by any novelties, you have helped on the cause of Christ at home and abroad-be a yet more potent attraction in this age of revival towards the mission field, in which no other doctrines can either sustain the worker or speed on his work! May your growing strength and organisation as a denomination culminate in missionary effort, while from that effort, like every faithful Church, you receive back more than you bestow! And may your ever increasing bonds of amity and concord with sister churches provoke you to a holier rivalry with one and all of them, and to a readiness to learn as well as to teach in this glorious enterprise to which the united strength and counsel of the whole "sacramental host

of God's elect" (so terrible is the foe!) seem barely equal.

Nay, I recall the word. You are well able, and we, and every Christian Church, on its separate standing ground, even the hardest and hottest of the tremendous battle - field, to fight and overcome. For thou, O great Captain! art above us and before us, the Breaker-up of our way! Thou Conqueror of Death! Thou Spoiler of principalities and powers! stir up Thy strength and come and save us! Thou who hast smitten the Paganism of the West with the blight of centuries, smite now the Paganism of the farthest East! Thou who hast made the crescent pale, loose now the fatal spell of the Prophet in India, in Persia, in Arabia, in the land of Thine own nativity, and death, and resurrection ! Thou who hast broken the temporal yoke of Rome, break also the last rod of her oppression ! Thou who art opening the rivers of Africa to light, roll back the darkness of Satan, and send through them a tide of life and salvation! Thou who hast scattered the isles and continents with martyrs, people them with victors, with worshippers, with an army of the saved, following Thee back to Thine own and to Thy Father's throne! Come, O Prince of Life, to a world without Thee dead; and amidst the throes and shakings which Thou hast begun, let Time's last age and Thine be born! Quickened by Thee, on Thee we call ! Descend in Thy Pentecostal chariot, the wind, the fire, and from Thy heaven of might, which gives a tongue of love for every clime, send us forth Thy witnesses, Thy soldiers, conquering and to conquer ?


The Mission in Rome.

In a

OR twelve years the Rev. James Wall has been carrying on the work of evangelization in Italy-for five of them in Rome. public address given in the Sussex Street Baptist Chapel, in Brighton, during the recent convention, Mr. Wall passed in review the progress that had been made. We are indebted to The Freeman for a copy of this very interesting address:

"He was surprised," he said, "to find at the convention at present being held in Brighton, that Italy seemed to stand almost last in the consideration of the Christian brethren assembled, and that a much wider interest was felt in the work of God in France, in Germany, and even in Russia. Italy has been regarded as very distant, and almost as if it were irredeemably under the power of Satan. Happily, however, this state of things is changing fast, and he hoped the time would speedily come when the Italian work would be felt to be of the very deepest interest. If we are to shake Popery we must strike it at the very root. The great taproot of the whole system is to be found in Rome. Crushed at Rome, it will be crushed at the head, and death must quickly ensue.


First he would show what the Pope did for Rome during the many centuries it was under his sway; though he parenthetically observed that to exhibit this fully would require almost a century. When he went to Rome the first thing that struck him was the utter desolation of the Campagna in all directions. Black crosses everywhere by the wayside marked the spots where men had fallen under the knife of the assassin or the brigand. Malaria, the result of misgovernment, brooded over the whole region. In some parts of the Papal States, ninetyseven per cent. of the people were unable to read and write. How fear

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fully unscriptural, inhuman, and tyrannical must have been the Government under which this was pos sible! Not only were the people in ignorance, they were set by the Papacy against each other. The Popes knew that they had no chance of remaining unless by acting upoa the principle of divide and conquer. If the people learned their strength they would arise and burst their bonds. Each year witnessed more than four million lawsuits-that is every sixth person was having a lawsuit, and the whole population over and over again had been engaged in logal contentions. In Rome there were ten thousand priests, monks, and nuns. Not only in Church matters, but in all the common affairs of life, they were the authorities. If you wished to pass forth out of the country you must go to a priest; to enter into business, to become connected with other countries, you must go to a priest. You must be born, and live, and die just as the priest desired you to do. Were the Romans satisfied with this? Never. There had been seventy revolutions in Rome. These, however, were constantly foiled, and liberation never could have come had not God provided the Romans with assistance.


The Lord has been at work in Italy. If we wish to be successful, we must try and find out where God is at work and become co-operators with

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