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annum. The present funds of the Association will not allow of this outlay: already more has been promised in grants to the Indian work than is derived each year from regular subscriptions, and it has been through donations, or extra efforts by breakfast meetings or bazaars, that the necessary funds have been supplied. And yet the ladies of the Committee felt as though they should be neglecting a call of duty if they declined the offer. They have, therefore, engaged to undertake the charge of this new mission, believing that they only need to state the case to secure the necessary help from their Christian friends at home.

Nor is this the only application just now pressing on the Association. Mr. McKenna, the Baptist Missionary in Barisal, wishes to recommence a mission amongst the ladies of the Baboos there, where, for some years past, Baboo Keshub Chunder Sen and the Brahmo party have had great influence; whilst at Calcutta, Delhi, Benares, Allahabad, Serampore, and Soorie, where their agents are already labouring, new opportunities are constantly presenting themselves for more extended efforts, and Christian ladies and native women, who can teach in the Indian languages, are waiting to be employed.

It is scarcely necessary to repeat what has been said as to the special claims of the Zenana work. The women of India, whether of high or low caste, are so closely confined to their own apartments and shut out from all society, that any instruction must be carried to them by visitors of their own sex; but it is important that it should be understood and remembered that wherever the Agents of this Association go, they carry the Bible with them, as the indispensable and acknowledged object of their visits,—that it is read to the women, who, in most cases, learn to read it for themselves, and, in some instances, even purchase copies to keep constantly with them.

This work is comparatively new in Christian Missions, but it is a highly important and rapidly increasing one. The doors, hitherto closed, are now thrown open, and the entrance of Christian visitors is most earnestly invited.

Shall these poor sisters in India be left in their darkness and misery, or will not English Christian ladies do all they can to give them the precious light of the gospel, which alone can cheer their gloom, and raise them to the hopes and joys of the life eternal?

Subscriptions and Donations will be thankfully received by:-Lady Lush, Treasurer, 60, Avenue Road, Regent's Park; or by Mrs. Angus, The College, Regent's Park, and Mrs. F. Smith, 16, Highbury Grange, N., Honorary Secretaries.


Christian Work in Rome.

E avail ourselves of a long and interesting letter from Mr. Thos. Cook, which appeared in the Freeman on the 6th November, to extract the following paragraphs, having special reference to the ardent and self-denying labours of our missionary brother the Rev. James Wall. They will convey a very clear idea of the plans in progress, and of the use that will be made of the kind and generous action of our esteemed friend Mr. G. T. Kemp, of Rochdale, and his family.


"After four years of frequent changes occasioned by open and covert hostility, our esteemed Brother Wall, as the first fruit of the noble act of Mr. Kemp in the purchase of a palace, has found a comfortable home for himself and family, attached in which are facilities for all kinds of evangelistic work. The house is No. 35, Piazza S. Lorenzo, in Lucina, a small square leading off from the Corso at the foot of the Via Frattina. The ancient church and convent of S. Lorenzo are on the opposite side of the narrow square, the convent being now occupied as a military station. situation could not be better as a centre of important operations-easily found, and yet sufficiently retired from the noise and bustle of the Corso. Mr. Wall has now, what he never could have before in his temporary and unsettled residence, a study and library. There is also a nice little room appropriated to the studies of his assistant Evangelists, where they meet to read and discuss the sacred word. It would be well if this educational department could be strengthened by pecuniary aid and the assistance of a wise teacher, as I see plainly Mr. Wall will soon have too much on his hands.

"Another good-sized room will be kept as a book-store, for which already many cases of books and tracts have arrived, including large numbers of scriptures, gospels, &c.

"The largest room on the floor is now prepared as a temporary preaching room, and will be opened before this letter is posted, and I hope to be present at the first service and to report thereon.

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"The corridor from the square leads into a garden, which is immediately to be covered in for preaching and the accommodation of the church.

"Adjoining, and opening into the chapel by two large doors, is a schoolroom, which is being prepared for immediate use.

"The chapel and school together will accommodate 300 to 400 hearers, and this is capable of being enlarged when it is found necessary. The time may come when the palace itself may have to be taken down, and a large house for Divine worship be built on the site. Meanwhile, there are shops in front, and three floors to be let as residences, Mr. Wall only occupying the entire of the first floor. Soon as the chapel is completed, the room now appropriated for preaching and other church purposes, is designed to be used as a reception-room for visitors, where they may meet for information, counsel and friendly intercourse.

"At present all the services are in Italian, but I have consulted with Mr. Wall as to the propriety of devoting

one hour each Lord's day to an English service for the interest of those who will be glad to see His work, and to hear in their own tongue of its progress, and where also they may be able to worship according to the simple forms of English congregational service. It would cheer the hearts of those who love the truth to see occasionally the earnest worshippers and attendants on the ministry established here, and to hear the one hearty 'Amen' of the whole Italian congregation. No. 35 should be a house of call for Christian sympathisers and workers.


Has long been desired by Mr. Wall, for the purpose of issuing notices and small papers suited to passing seasons and events. There is a room nicely adapted for a small office, and one good friend has promised a press, if types and other materials can be obtained. If God approves of this idea, perhaps He will move the heart of some Christian brother with a small office at his command to cast in his lot with Mr. Wall. and carry his light-giving machinery to Rome, for if Mr. Wall had and press types, he would want a printer also. The will of the Lord be done in this matter.



"The first local preaching station in connection with the central position described above, is at No. 29, Via Panisperna, the residence and preaching and teaching-rooms of Signor Grassi. On Lord's-days and on Thursday evenings worship is conducted here, not far from the Basilica where the Canon was accustomed to officiate at the Altar and in the Confessional. These meetings are always crowded, and Grassi is an evident favourite with

the people of the Monte, of whom there are 25,000 in the locality, of the most genuine Roman type. I have attended two of his services, and have heard his energetic appeals and his withering denunciations of Popery. These converts from the Papal Church are all most at home in the exposure of its errors and tricks, by which they frequently excite their hearers to the expression of strong sympathy. I saw this at a Waldensian service at Venice, where the preacher excited his audience to noise and laughter. The controversial seems to be the first phase of the new life of converts from Popery; Grassi has less of this than most of his class. I have three of his sermons, which I intend to get translated, to let English readers see what are his teachings.

"The cry of Grassi is for more room, and the landlord is willing to enlarge the accommodation if the expense can be guaranteed and the rent ensured for three or four years. I have submitted this matter to the consideration of the Committee of the General Baptist Mission, by whom Grassi is supported. The sensation occasioned by Grassi's renunciation of Popery a year ago has subsided, and his career is now watched with great interest. His marriage has had a good effect on his character, and the best hopes are entertained of him by those who know him best. He is a man of a warm heart and great benevolence, and requires the watchful care of Mr. Wall to shield him from the designing and parasitical. One of his congregation has been admitted by baptism into Mr. Wall's church, and Grassi has on his books a long list of catechumens and inquirers.

"One of Mr. Wall's assistant evangelists has just come back from a ten days' campaign midway between Rome and Naples. He tells strange stories

of his conflict with priests and people, the latter generally defending him against the threats of the former. He says he was surrounded by 200 priests and 400 people, and he distributed tracts and gospels, and preached in a number of cities. His report is so interesting that a meeting has been convened for him to tell the story of his adventure. This man is supported by a gentleman in England, and is an excellent evangelist. He speaks a little English, of which he seems quite proud; and he is a fluent Italian speaker.

66 THE OPENING SERVICES Of Mr. Wall's church have been

held, and have been well attended, although no public notice had been given. A large portion of the Apostolic Church broke bread in the morning, after addresses by several friends, and in the evening Mr. Wall preached from the words, I am come that ye might have life,' &c. The Word was heard with marked attention. Several of the respectable inhabitants of the locality were present. There is now great hope of a steady and increasing congregation. One new family attended, and the children were delighted to attend the Sunday-school, where all was new to them."

Progress in Brittany.

ROM a letter received from the Rev. V. E. Bouhon, in the autumn of


last year, we extract the following interesting items, showing that a sure, though quiet, movement in favour of the Gospel is proceeding in Brittany. From other communications the same pleasing fact is apparent, so that we may hope, amidst the political agitations going on, there are, nevertheless, some signs that the kingdom of God is taking root among the people:

"During the months of April and May, our library books have been most useful. Several young soldiers, from the depôt in town, have particularly wanted to know about the Reformation times in France and Germany. They have read and lent around them the lives of Calvin and Luther. At the 'gendarmerie,' or mounted police, an officer has also some of our books for his family, which attends our meetings with regularity.

"The young candidate for baptism has been received, and will be baptized shortly, indisposition having caused an unavoidable delay.

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silver-lead mining having been once more abandoned at Lacombe, the workmen have scattered in various directions. In Pontrieux, a little orphan girl, over whom priests and bigots desired to rule, has been safely removed to Switzerland, there to be educated from the Bible. In the same town, I have had to visit an aged Bavarian, formerly a brewer, but now sick and not far from his end. He desired a French Bible, and expressed his regret at not being able to attend my ministry. Whilst I read with him, his Breton nurse listened, so that I addressed myself to her also. I will return shortly and visit Gunigamp.

"I had two good opportunities of preaching early in April, in connection with a family event-viz., my sister's marriage. It was at Charleville (north of France and near Sedan). Then some sixty people of that Romish town gathered at the town hall, and among them three coun

cillors. I had a private conference with one of the latter gentlemen on 'the principles of religious authority, the infallibility of the Pope, and the Bible.' I endeavoured to persuade him that Jesus Christ was the only head of the Church, and that, to be infallible and true, His Church must walk according to His commands, which are only in the Bible, thus making the Bible the source of religious authority, and showing the fallacy of Popery.

"Since my return home I have corresponded with a lady, also of Charleville, widow of a superior officer, who desired to know about our mode of baptism. She recognises that the early departures from Christian doctrine have given rise to changes in practice, but explains sprinkling in connection with climate. May this correspondence bear more fruit and enlighten this inquiring one ! "

Missionary Notes.

CALCUTTA.-The Rev. G. H. Bouse mentions the baptism of a native who is master of a school at Chitpore. He displays much zeal in preaching about the streets. Nine persons have also been baptized at the station on the Mutlah river. Open-air services have been resumed on the Maidan, and in the compound of the Lal Bazaar Chapel by the Rev. J. Robinson. The conversion of a sailor is mentioned, the son of a Baptist minister in America. At Khoolnea special services were being held, and several persons have been converted.

OOTACAMUND, NEILGHERRY HILLS.-Our esteemed friends, the Rev. G. and Mrs. Pearce, have taken up their abode on this healthy spot, where Mr. Pearce hopes to be able to do much good in connection with the place of worship he has been requested, by the European residents, to occupy.

BOMBAY.-We are happy to learn the arrival and settlement of the Rev. J. Urquhart, at Bombay. At the public service to induct him into the pastorate, the Rev. Dr. Wilson took the chair, and ministers of all denominations were present to give him welcome.

ROME.-The Rev. J. Wall reports that he has been cheered by several con

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