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and is oppos'd to Precipitating: the Finer and more Subtile Parts are by Fire Separated, Mounted, and receive greater Force.

from 221 to 238 Inclufive, are Images well worth Attending to, 'Satan Rifing from his Fiery Couch, 377. the Flames in Commotion "wonderfully Defcrib'd, they are Shewn; as is 'the Horrid Vale in which his Vaft Bulk had 'lain; One Trembles at the Thoughts of it. You fee this Prince of Darknefs on the Wing ' in the Encumbred, Dusky Air; Now he Alights; the Soil is Admirably Painted, 'tis Such as when Subterraneous Winds had Rent off a "Whole Hill from a Burning Mountain, and 'with fuch Violence as to Caft it at a Distance; 'a Mountain whofe Entrails, not only Combu' stable Themselves, but Cram'd with moreMatter Alike Apt to Burn; being Irritated by those Pent-up Winds, and by Attrition Kindled, the Fire is made more Intense and more For'ceable by the Hideous Commotion, Burnings, Explofions and the like Fury ufual in the Dark Caverns; All these Together become the Auxiliaries of the Winds that first began the Tu'mult, and contribute to the Effects here fpo*ken of, the Rending of the Mountain, and that Horrid Devastation, with Infinite Stench and Smoak. On fuch a Ruin'd Burning Soil Satan Alighted: Such Refting found the Sole "of Un-bleft feet!

241 Supernal Power. Supream Power.

242 is This the Region

you See him look with Horror Round him, Reflecting on the Place he has in Exchange for Heaven. "He fubmits to his Inevitable "Lot, Comforting himself that his Mind is "Invincible and Unchangeable, that It can "make a Heaven of Hell, and that he is in "no Danger of being driven from this his New Kingdom, Where to Reign is better "than to Serve in Heaven. He refolves to "Rouze his Affociates to Partake with him, or to Try Once more the Event of Battle."


like the Moon whofe Orb through Optick Glafs the Tuscan Artist views like the Moon, Large as it appears in the Telescope; an Inftrument firft apply'd to make Obfervations on the Heavens by Galilæo, a Nátive of Tuscany Cotemporary with Milton.


or in Valdarno

top of Fefole

Fefole is a City in Tuscany, Valdarno, or the Valley of Arno, a Valley There. from fome Eminence, a Steeple or Tower in the City, or the Bottom of a Dark Defcent; Both which Aftronomers Chufe to make Obfervations in.

292 bis Spear to Equal which the Talleft Pine

to Equal which' in Comparison of which.

294 Ammiral

from Ammiraglio, (Ital.) Admiral is a very Un-poetical Word.

299 Beach. Shoar.

304 Sedge

from Saeg a Saxon Word, a little Sword, which Weeds broken with, the Wind or Otherwise, resemble.

305 Orion.

a Conftellation faid to bring Storms.

307 Bufiris and his Memphian Chivalry Bufiris, thought to be the Pharoah here fpoken of. Memphis the Metropolis of Antient Ægypt.

320 Vertue

as Virtus in Latin. Courage, Strength, Vigour of Mind.

341 Warping

working themselves forward, a Sea-term. Warping alfo fignifies Bending. This gives


Us a better Picture. the Great Cloud of Locufts was brought by the Eaft Wind, and we imagine we fee it of a Vaft Length, aloft, and Varying it's Form, Bending This way and That as Long Clouds do, or as a Large Flock of Birds.

345 Cope Arch'd Vault.

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351 a Multitude, &c.

Milton is perpetually filling the Mind with New and Great Images. the Northern Nations and Barbarous, Over-ftock'd with People, fent forth Multitudes, who (as Shakespear fays)

cry'd Havock, and let Slip the Dogs of War. This continu'd for feveral Ages with Infinite Slaughter and Ruin. a moft Proper and Beautiful Allufion.


the Books of Life

thofe Heav'nly Records juft before mentioned, the Angelick Regifters; Not the Book several times mentioned in Scripture, That was for Men. Book or Books makes no Difference; Either is a Poetical Way of Saying Such a One, Angel or Man, Is, or is not in the Favour of God, as his Name Is or is Not Written There.


God-like Shapes and Forms

Excelling Human


as there is no Point after Forms 'tis Evident the Words Excelling Human are not to Raise the Image, That to be Sure it does not, it continues it only, a fort of Repetition.


and the Invisible

Glory of him that made them to Transform to Transform the Invifible Glory of Him that made them, So it must be Understood, no Comma must break the Sentence, as it does being put after them, as in the Best Editions, in the Firft there is one alfo after him: Quite Wrong.

the Word Transform Here means only to Change, for what is Invifible has No Form, and cannot therefore be properly_faid to be Transform'd. 'tis a Metaphor. Rom. i. 23.



with Gay Religions full of Pomp and Gold Adorn'd is Here us'd in the Latin Senfe Ornatus, Honour'd, Reverenc'd with Rich and Splendid Religious Ceremonies.

376 Say, Mufe, their Names, Then known, Who First, Who Laft,

Rouz'd from the Slumber,on that Fiery Cocub at their Great Emperor's Call, as Next in Worth

came Singly

Then known; it had been faid juft before they had Loft their Ancient Names and got no


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