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solid will never melt unless the surrounding media supply this constituent heat; a fact which explains the cause of the atmosphere being sometimes colder during a thaw than before it commenced. Now, it is by chemical combination only that elementary bodies part with their distinctive properties; therefore, we are justified in supposing constituent heat to be in chemical union. With regard to light, we know that many chemical changes require its presence, and that it is necessary to the life of organized matter; yet, we cannot clearly trace its existence in combination. The case is different with electricity. This principle enters largely into the composition of many, perhaps of all, bodies. Your Dr. Faraday, the worthy and accomplished pupil and successor of that great and good philosopher, Davy, has recently shown that a single drop of water contains electric matter sufficient for a powerful thunderstorm but this electric matter in union with water shows none of the distinctive properties of electricity; whence we have a right to conclude that it is in chemical union.

young are able to take care of themselves, the parents cast them off, and know them no more. Intuitively the bird builds its nest, the beaver constructs its hut, the rabbit makes its burrow, the bee forms its honeycomb, the spider spins its web,-each as perfectly, but not more so, than at any previous period of the world's existence. Each animal exercises the several functions of its peculiar organi zation, because the sensations of physical life impel it to do so. On the other hand, the attainments of man are progressive, because they result from the lessons of reason, which belongs to spiritual life. Moreover, this reason-this spark of spiritual life showing man the difference between good and evil, makes him resist many improper calls and propensities of physical life, which the inferior animals instinctively indulge, because they have no such spiritual check. I could extend this argument much farther, and answer many anticipated objections; but by so doing, at present, I should lose sight of the main question. I will therefore at once make my point, which is this:-Animal magnetism being common to the inferior warm-blooded animals, as well as to man, it cannot possibly be other than an effect of matter, wholly unconnected with anything spiritual, because these animals possess only physical without spiritual life, and psychological action cannot exist where there is no soul.

"What I wish you to understand is, that bodies, requiring electricity in its active state, contain it in its dormant or combined condition; that, therefore, such bodies may obtain their supply of electricity by the natural course of chemical action, without the aid of what, in the older philosophy of modern times, is called the grand reservoir, the necessity of a constant recourse to which "I now come to the real physical question before us, the would make them mere conductors of the fluid from the general nature and action of animal magnetism. I have already explained mass of the earth, whilst their very constituent matter is full of it. to you that a general governing principle, in the condition of an This is more especially applicable to organized matter, which is invisible and subtle fluid, pervades the world of matter; that all never free from electrical influence; whilst inert or inorganic bodies contain this principle reduced to an inactive state by chematter may possibly remain for ages without its active electrical mical operation; and that, in organised matter, the governing power being called into operation. In all organic matter, both fluid, by the effect of the continued chemical action which sup vegetable and animal, the electric action is always going on. It is ports life, is in never-ceasing progress of liberation and resumed well known that some vegetables, from the mere excitement of the activity. Not only does it direct every exercise of the animal atmosphere, give out electric sparks visible at night. A hairy functions, but it is the immediate agent of the will of motion; that man will produce, in the dark, visible electric sparks, by stripping is to say, it carries from the brain to the nerves, the volition by a silk stocking from his leg. The back of a cat, when dry and which any particular set of muscles is put in motion, and thereby warm, will, by friction, yield electric sparks; and, if the electric enables the will belonging to the physical life consequent upon circle be formed, a shock may be given either to the animal itself organization, to perform the voluntary functions of the body; or to the person who holds her. I have often in this way pro- whilst, unbidden by any but the eternal and benevolent God from duced in my fingers a very sharp pain from the electric fluid. whom it proceeds, it secretly directs the involuntary functions. "Both vegetable and animal bodies imbibe this fluid from THIS IS THE FLUID OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Now, physiolo every medium that tends to preserve their life. The former gists admit that there is a 'nervous fluid' from which the organs receive it from the soil they inhabit; from the atmosphere; from derive their power of voluntary and involuntary, sensible and the water taken up by their roots as nourishment, and decom- insensible muscular action, subservient to the laws of gravitation posed, the oxygen being set free, the hydrogen retained, and the and dynamics;-but they have made no inquiry into the origin of electric matter, liberated by the decomposition of the water, either this 'nervous fluid;' they have never sought from it any further brought into action or forming new combinations. Animals action; they have never tried to discover whether any other voluntary receive the electric fluid with the food they take, with the liquids or involuntary faculties are derived from it, independently of those they imbibe; it is present in every part of their bodies, and its appertaining to the known functions of individual life. They have influence is employed in every chemical change of the matter de- very unjustifiably taken it for granted, that the origin of this fluid rived from their food, assimilated and converted into blood is one of the mysteries of the creation beyond the reach of human charged with the elements of life. This blood receives electricity investigation; they have taken it for granted, also, that its action from the atmospheric air inhaled in respiration. Not only is it is limited to what they already know. Glimpses of facts, unobdecarbonised by the oxygen of the air breathed, which returns served by them, have been caught by ignorant and credulous from the lungs in the form of carbonic acid, but the electrical individuals, and advantage taken of such glimpses by quacks and action imparted by the air to the blood qualifies its chemical cheats to delude the weak and excite the contempt of the wise. elements for those secretions which maintain the animal frame, and To these causes are we to attribute the present disreputable conconsequently animal life. dition of animal magnetism, coupled, as it is, with all the lies that the most monstrous empiricism could invent, and with the delusions successfully practised upon badly informed and superficial minds, by even the very dregs of society.

“Physical animal life is the mere machinery of organization set in motion. But there exists something more :-intelligence to direct that machinery; intelligence and volition to make it work to a profitable moral end; intelligence to distinguish good from evil;—that intelligence, in short, which constitutes spiritual life, and is, by a mysterious exercise of Divine will, united for a time to the physical life of the human body; though, when this latter is destroyed and extinct from any defect or injury, or by the wearing out or destruction of the organization that formed it, the immortal spiritual life is emancipated, in all its freshness, and vigour, and consciousness, to be eternally responsible for any misdirection it may have given to the physical life during their union in the body.

"The hypothesis that electricity is the sole governing principle of material polarity and of chemical action, under the inference that magnetism is one of its varieties or modifications, naturally leads us to the conclusion that the nervous fluid, which is the governing principle of animal life, is likewise electricity. In addition to what I have already stated to justify this conclusion, I may adduce the further well-known fact that, on the nerves of animal bodies recently deprived of life, but before the muscles have become rigid and therefore incapable of renewed motion, voltaic electricity pro duces so powerful an effect as to induce considerable muscular action.† It is also most effective, when properly applied, in


"There is another question, which I would pass without notice, did I not consider it necessary to my case. It is this. The most learned theologians, the wisest and best of our spiritual teachers, * Much has been said and written concerning the reasoning powers deny to the inferior animals the possession of any but the mere animals; and we daily see extraordinary instances of instinctive intelliphysical life. They consider that the life immortal, or the spi-gence in those domesticated with man, as well as in those which range the ritual essence which constitutes mind, belongs solely to man,-he alone being called to fill a higher future destiny. After mature consideration, I am compelled to assent to this doctrine, for the following reasons:-The instinct of all the inferior animals is perfect the moment their organs are mature. They require no instruction, but their natural instinct never improves. When the

forest and the desert in wild freedom. But this intelligence is the mere result of organization: it is directed solely to physical effects, and cannot reach a moral cause.

at Glasgow, November 4th, 1818, in his experiments upon the body of the *One of the most striking instances on record is that exhibited by Dr. Ure, executed murderer Clydesdale. The reality of muscular motion imparted by the apparatus not only to the limbs of the corpse, but to the muscles of

restoring the action of physical life suspended by suffocation. If the phrenic nerve be laid bare and exposed to the direct operation of the fluid, by means of conducting wires, the play of the lungs is instantly resumed, and the electric spark rekindles the flame of life, provided the animal heat be not exhausted. I have witnessed this effect on many occasions; I have myself produced it with the electricity of my own voltaic apparatus, the power of which is known to you. In my professional practice, I apply this process for restoring suspended animation, whenever an opportunity offers; because, in every case where no vital organ is disturbed, and the minimum of animal warmth necessary for the support of life is retained, I have found it successful. The nervous fluid, or, if it may be so called, the animal-magnetic fluid, is then most probably one of the forms of electricity,-a position the more tenable because it explains most of the known phenomena really arising from animal magnetism, and is in perfect accordance with the whole.

"I will endeavour to give you a brief general outline of these phenomena, so far, at least, as I am acquainted with them.

"By the power of the will, as I have before stated, the nervous fluid is, in an instant, directed by the brain to a nerve or set of nerves, in order to bring about muscular action, which is so rapid a consequence as to be almost simultaneous with volition. Now, such direction and its immediate consequence in muscular motion, show that the muscular fibre through which it passes is a good conductor of the fluid. If, therefore, the will can propel the nervous fluid to any nerve at the extremity of the body-let us say, for instance, at the tips of the fingers,-may we not justly infer that, as no known obstacle exists, the will can also drive the fluid beyond that nerve and out of the body altogether, provided there be any conductor to receive it? That such is actually the case is fully evident to the least informed of the magnetisers. I will go a step further, and tell you that not only can this be done by the force of volition and with perfect consciousness of the ability to do it, but it is constantly effected, without consciousness, by the inferior warm-blooded animals as well as by the human species. The caresses of the former bestowed upon their young; their lickings and rubbings, and the various modes of contact they employ, cause a transmission of magnetic fluid, which soothes the pains attendant upon the immaturity of animal nature. If the lickings of the dam quiet the cub, in like manner the human mother, or the human nurse will, by her caresses and her handlings, assuage the pains and stop the cries of the suffering babe. In both cases, there is a voluntary though unconscious communication of the nervous fluid, which is that of animal magnetism, or animal electricity-call it which you will. Further, this fluid is transmitted in the caresses of fraternal as well as parental affection, in those of holy friendship, in those of love. With reference to this latter, I have seen, in the course of my professional career, much to prove the extraordinary influence of animal magnetism in pregnancy, and during the whole period of gestation. In the exercise of the human feelings and affections, who has not, without knowing it, felt the power of animal magnetism! Who, in bodily suffering and anguish of mind, has not experienced its soothing effect! Do we not all know that actual contact induced by sympathy is more efficacious than verbal sympathy without it?-that the grasp of a friendly hand, the kiss of sisterly or conjugal affection, an embrace, the placing of a hand upon the head, or the shoulder, or the arm, or any other part of the sufferer's body, will produce a wonderfully quieting and consolatory effect, which the most tender words without it will fail to do? We have all felt this: we can all, therefore, bear witness of its truth. This is the unconscious exercise of animal magnetism; in all such cases, there is a transmission of magnetic fluid, arising from an exercise of the ordinary laws to which organic animal nature has been subjected by the GREAT


"The faculty of transmitting the animal-magnetic fluid, by an operation of the will, requires, like the exercise of every other animal faculty, a little practice to make it perfect. The mind should not wander, but the whole attention be devoted to the operation. I must also observe that, like every other fluid, that of animal magnetism has a tendency to equilibrium; therefore, the body containing the greater quantity will part with a portion to that which has less. Further: the active governing fluid of the murderer's face, to his eyes, and mouth, producing every variety of

the animal body naturally resides in the blood. When, therefore, by an operation of the will, the direction of the fluid to a nerve is followed by muscular action, the same operation of the will has simultaneously charged with an excess of blood the vessels belonging to that nerve,-for every nerve, however minute, has an artery and a vein,-or, more properly speaking, it has charged the vessels attached to the numerous nerves, or ramifications of nerves, which are united to each bunch of muscle. It follows, therefore, that a phlegmatic individual, however robust, is less charged with the magnetic fluid, and therefore less qualified to magnetise, than one of sanguineous temperament. I will illustrate this. Feel my hand."

We did so the doctor's hand was at the ordinary temperature of that of a man in health. A few moments after, he desired us to feel it again: it was in a burning heat, as if of strong fever. "I am,' ," said he, "of excessively sanguineous temperament, and therefore a good magnetiser. The first time you felt my hand, it was in its normal condition; the second time it was acted upon by my will to magnetise, and the vessels were therefore filled with an excess of blood: hence its high temperature. No doubt, in the contact, you received from me a portion of magnetic fluid.

"As I continue my explanation, you will naturally perceive that the science of medicine may gather many important advantages from the agency of animal magnetism. I confess to you, that, although in my practice I derive great assistance from the use of this agent, I am but an infant in knowledge of the results that I anticipate, when its separation from the monstrous lies with which it is now yoked shal! have dispelled the prejudice that, like a thick mist, conceals it for a time from the attention of the learned.

"One of the most singular effects of animal magnetism is that of magnetic sleep. This is a sort of lethargic condition, arising from pressure on the brain, caused by an excess of magnetic fluid communicated by a transmission to that organ. The lethargy thus induced so strongly resembles sleep, as not only to afford rest under bodily fatigue, but to leave the mind unfet tered to a certain limited extent. I am not, however, prepared to say that dreams ever occur during this kind of sleep, because I have never yet met an individual, even one who, whilst under its influence, had replied to questions, who retained the slightest recollection of having dreamed. You appear surprised at my allusion to answering questions; but of this you may be assured, that most, if not all, individuals who, in natural sleep, have an idiosyncratic propensity to somniloquence, will reply to questions when under the influence of magnetic sleep, although I know no instance of any such magnetised sleeper being the first to speak. The faculty of speaking must be excited. I may add, that as the action of the mental organs, which may correspond with the phrenological developments, is in great measure suspended, the sleeper who speaks unconsciously will always utter the truth. Such a faculty would prove a terrible engine for the discovery of personal crime. God forbid that it should ever be applied to such a purpose! the evils to which it might lead would be incalculably greater than any good it could afford.


"Mesmer certainly discovered magnetic sleep, but made no use of the discovery. His pupil, Puységur, having found idiosyncratic somniloquence under the magnetic action, invented somnambulism, and brought to light the alleged marvels of that condition. was ignorant, weak-minded, and credulous; but not more so, perhaps, than those of my professional brethren who are now pursuing the same illusory course.

"Magnetic sleep is very easily communicated by any individual who has practised the transmission of the magnetic fluid. I need Scarcely observe, that such transmission cannot take place even at the distance of a few feet, except by means of a conductor at a proper temperature,-a thing not easily obtained. The operator must, therefore, be near, and his fingers within half an inch of the patient's skin, if not in contact. Further, the electric circle is necessary. A great number of individuals of both sexes, utterly ignorant of the real nature of animal magnetism, produce this magnetic sleep, and are able to do so upon persons even unconscious of being the objects of magnetic action. This faculty is, like a medicinal poison, dangerous in the hands of the ignorant or unprincipled.

expression, from the placid and jocular to the most terrific, was so startling magnetic sleep. I may mention two severe cases of the most "In my practice, I have obtained many beneficial results from

that one gentleman actually fainted, and terror drove several from the room. Dr. Ure expressed the opinion that, but for the sections made by the surgeons present, vitality might have been restored.

distressing hysterical or uterine affection, which have occurred within the last six months. One patient was fourteen years of

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age; the other fifteen. ment.

Both cases had resisted all medical treatFour hours of magnetic sleep each day cured these young persons in a few weeks; the colour of their complexion was restored, their appetite returned, and they now enjoy the most robust health. In hundreds of cases, I have produced, by similar means, healthy action in females of all ages between sixteen and forty-five, upon whom the use of the most powerful emmenagogues had made no impression. In ordinary hysteria, which is peculiar to females, and also in many nervous complaints to which men are subject, I find magnetic sleep a very successful and admirable agent. I cannot explain to you the specific action of magnetism in any of the cases I have described, nor indeed in any other, because I know it not: I only state the facts I have witnessed, leaving the discovery of such action to more able heads than mine. I have always found the insomnolence arising from acute and from chronic disease, or from any other cause, yield to the magnetic action; and, by this agent, I have obtained refreshing rest for patients who otherwise would have had none. I employed this power upon yourself during your late severe attack, and the sleep from which you derived so much benefit was magnetic. If you remember, I always came to awaken you, having given strict injunctions to the nurse that you should not be disturbed. You always slept from the time I left you at night until I returned in the morning, and that, too, without the dangerous use of sedatives.*


"I have told you that the lethargy, or sleep of animal magnetism, is produced by an excess of the fluid pressing upon the brain. It follows, therefore, that to put an end to such a condition, its cause must be removed by extracting the excess of fluid. This leads us to the following corollary: if the magnetic fluid can be communicated at will, it can also be withdrawn at will,-a very important point, as you will presently perceive. You are aware that the nerves are the sole organs of sensation, or feeling, a property which they derive, not from their constituent matter, but from their being formed to receive, and from their actually receiving, by means of an action of the brain, a portion of the nervous or magnetic fluid, by which sensation is imparted. You know also that muscular action, both voluntary and involuntary, arises from precisely the same cause, the action of the brain which directs the fluid to the nerves. You further know that pressure upon the brain prevents that organ from sending the fluid to the nerves; and that paralysis is the consequence, because the corresponding with the part under pressure lose their property of sensation and of action. Now, although the pressure of a subtle, imponderable fluid like the animal-magnetic, be not sufficient to cause paralysis, nevertheless, it suspends volition, and causes a temporary cessation of all muscular motion except the involuntary motion of the vital organs, necessary to carry on life. The limbs of the sleeper become powerless, and the respiration-added to the talking, where it occurs-is alone indicative of life. Do you not think that, under such circumstances, the nervous or magnetic fluid that remains, might be extracted from any particular nerves, and the muscles and their appendages to which such nerves communicate feeling, be thereby deprived altogether of sensation? That this has been done, is beyond doubt. There are several wellauthenticated cases on record; among them is that of a lady who, under magnetic sleep, and partially deprived of sensation in the manner I have described, underwent excision of a cancer from her breast, without being sensible of the operation. I will introduce you this very day to a retired officer of rank in our navy,—a veteran of a hundred battles,' and one whose word cannot be doubted. Dreading the consequence of the extraction of a dangerous splinter from his knee, he deferred it from time to time. Being advised to submit to the operation whilst under the influence of magnetic sleep, the limb being deprived of sensation by the magnetiser, he ridiculed the thing as impossible. The importunities of his family, however, prevailed, and he consented to undergo the extraction in the manner described. He will inform you, that he not only felt no pain, but was wholly unconscious of what was passing.†

"On individuals not asleep, the magnetic fluid has various kinds of action, arising, no doubt, from idiocratic causes. In some I have produced sickness and vomiting; in others, griping pains and catharsis. In some, I have assuaged pains in different parts of the body; in others I have caused pains, and even syncope. Applied

*This was strictly true; and we were more than once surprised that the doctor should so frequently find us asleep.

We saw this officer, who himself related to us the particulars of his case, which were perfectly corroborative of the doctor's statement.

to a patient in one way, its effect may be beneficial; applied in another way it may have an opposite result. Facts and experience should be the only guides to a medical man in its application, and these guides must themselves be governed by correct judgment. I frequently cure nervous head-ache by transmitting the fluid through the ends of my fingers, as I have cured it also by a transmission of the common electric fluid through a metallic point. I often put a stop to tooth-ache by touching the diseased tooth with my finger. In this case, no doubt, the magnetic fluid appeases the exacerbation of the nerve caused by contact with the air. But I will show you a variety of effects from the magnetic action, if you will devote a few weeks to the subject. You shall see my patients, not one of whom is conscious of being magnetised. Many of them would ridicule the idea of such a thing, and fancy that I was jesting if I told them the truth. Whenever, therefore, you see me lay one hand on the head and the other on the chest, or when I place both hands on any other part of a patient's person, pray observe the result."

M. de L- ceased speaking. It is sufficient to add, that he convinced us of the truth of his theory by examples, to the evidence of which we should have been insane had we not yielded. It is quite impossible for us here to give a statement of cases;these would fill a volume. It is also unnecessary; for, as we have explained in a former article, we do not pretend to teach animal magnetism; though we must, with candour, admit that, in writing for the information, and to satisfy the curiosity of the general reader, we have a lurking hope that the slight sketch we have given may induce some men of genius to investigate the subject, and examine the true character of animal magnetism as a new and useful branch of physiological science.

[In concluding this series of papers on ANIMAL MAGNETISM, we wish to remind our readers of what has been accomplished in them, and to inform them how far we are to be considered responsible for the speculations advanced in the present paper. In the first three papers, our able and intelligent correspondent gave a brief sketch of the history of Animal Magnetism; in the fourth, he gave the results of his own personal experience, which ended in his conversion to a belief that there is a MAGNETIC FLUID; and, in the present and concluding paper, he illustrates his belief by an attempt to elucidate it scientifically. His conclusions are-1. Magnetism is probably one of the modified forms of electricity. 2. Animal magnetism is simply electricity existing in warm-blooded animals. And 3. That this electricity may be communicated or withdrawn by an exertion of the WILL, and that therefore it is possible to make it a powerful subservient agent in the cure of discase. We leave these conclusions, especially the last one, to the consideration of our readers: not without a fear that some of them, like ourselves, may incline to be sceptical, in spite even of the eloquent enthusiasm of our correspondent. We, however, cordially concur in the recommendation with which he concludes this paper. ED. LOND. SAT. JOURNAL.]


WHEN Mary gets leave to go out for the day, she not only leaves her "place," in the sense of quitting for a time the scene becomes a kind of " Miss." She is elevated in the scale of society. of her labours, but she literally leaves " Mary" behind, and She holds out the "flag and sign" of gentility in the form of a white pocket-handkerchief, which she carries in her right hand; and assumes a degree of oriental splendour in the shawl which depends from her left arm. Her feet and ancles display the step of temporary promotion from black worsted to white cotton. Her shoe-strings and her bonnet-ribands are crisp with their newness. But the prime touch of all is to be seen in her gloves, which are of white silk. And joy it is to poor Mary to sit for once at a teatable in assurance of being undisturbed by missus's bell. She is now her own missus, and a belle into the bargain; and her laughing little clapper goes on at a delectable rate in ringing the changes of family gossip; and how the butcher's young man always wants to put his nasty greasy hands upon her whenever missus sends her to market; and one of the young gentlemen who visits her young master had the "imperance" to speak to her in the street, not recognising her in her holiday costume; and then she laughs herself to fits in thinking "how stupid to be sure he did look" when she told him of his blunder; and then, having enjoyed herself thoroughly, she returns home, and dreams that she and the butcher's man have made a match of it after all.—Fraser's Magazine, Jan. 1839.



SINCE we last noticed this new art, which has so strongly attracted public attention, many experiments have been made, attended with the most gratifying results. It is evident that this art is destined to take a very high rank; and the ease with which copies of any design may be multiplied, without the intervention of a press and the necessity of great care and skill in the printer, as in engraving and lithography, will probably soon render it the favourite medium for the circulation of drawings. It remains, however, for us to explain how this multiplication of one design can be attained, as hitherto we have only described the process of obtaining a representation of any particular object.

To understand the means by which this is effected, it must be borne in mind that the whole surface of the prepared paper, if exposed to the light, will in a short time change from white to a deep violet, and, if very sensitive, nearly black; but if any opaque substance be interposed between the paper and the light, the portion so covered remains white, while all around it is coloured. Thus a white outline of whatever was desired to be represented was obtained, and in copying a print by this means a double operation was necessary; for in the first instance it was completely reversed, all the dark parts of the print being white in the drawing, and vice versâ, and it became necessary to obtain a transposed impression of the reversed drawing, to produce a correct copy of the print. In Mr. Talbot's first communication to the Royal Society, he omitted to state the means which he had used to procure accurately shaded drawings and dark outlines, and to multiply impressions of the same design; but the researches of artists soon led them to the method necessary to obtain these results. This circumstance has led to an unpleasant altercation between Mr. Wilmore, an engraver, and Mr. Talbot, as to their respective claims to the merit of this application. It seems very evident that both may "divide the crown," and we are sorry that any such dispute should have taken place. As we are not at all desirous of making our pages the arena of strife, we shall pass over the subject, and proceed to describe the process.

The desired effect is obtained by the medium of a glass plate, which in Mr. Talbot's process is smeared over with a solution of resin in turpentine, and, when half dry, held over the smoke of a candle, by which a dark ground, which will not rub off, is procured. Upon this a design is traced with a needle, leaving the glass transparent, and on the application of prepared paper a very perfect copy is procured, every line which the needle has traced being represented by a dark line on the paper. Mr. Talbot has also employed paintings on glass, executed "with transparent varnish of different colours, which, by the action of light, produce as many shadowy tints upon the resulting image. The blue colour gives a dark shade, the yellow, red, &c., &c., various feebler ones." A strong outline is given by the use of the needle, and drawings obtained by this process bear a strong resemblance to mezzotinto engravings.

Mr. Havell, the distinguished painter, has made use of a different process, productive of nearly the same results, but admitting of greater facility in producing effect. He published an account of his mode of process in the Literary Gazette of the 30th March, from which we transcribe it.

"My first attempt was a transfer of a powerful etching, by Rembrandt, of an old man reading; and instead of a bright face with black hair, I had a black face with white hair, white eyes, white nostrils, white mouth, &c., &c. ; and I soon discovered the impossibility of getting any resemblance to the power of the original by a second transfer. Still there was the power of the

new delineation before me; and to remedy its defects I applied it to a new process altogether, to produce the true lights and shadows in their right places. A square of thin glass was placed over the well-known etching, of 'Faust conjuring Mephistophiles to appear in the form of a bright star.' I then painted on the high lights with thick white lead, mixed with copal varnish, and sugar of lead, to make it dry quickly; for the half-tints made the white less opaque with the varnish, and graduated the tints off into the glass for the deep shadows. I allowed this to dry, and the following day (February 27th) retouched the whole, by removing, with the point of a knife, the white ground, to represent the dark etched lines of the original. The glass thus painted, when placed upon black paper, looked like a powerful mezzotinto engraving. I placed a sheet of prepared paper upon the painted surface; and, to make the contact perfect, put three layers of flannel at the back, and tied the whole down to a board. There happened to be a bright sun, and, in ten minutes, the parts of the glass exposed had made a deep purplish black on the paper. On removing the glass, I had a tolerably good impression, but the half-tints had absorbed too much of the violet ray. I immediately painted the parts over with black on the other side of the glass, which answers to the practice of engravers in stopping out, when a plate is bitten in too fast by the acid. This may be wiped off, renewed, or suffered to remain, at pleasure.

"There is no advantage in letting the glass remain too long in the light, as it deepens the middle tints, and does not blacken the shadows in the same proportion. The fixation with salt entirely failed; with the iodide of potassium, succeeded very well. The effect of the drawing may be heightened at pleasure, by touching the lights with strong iodide of potassium, and the darks with a strong solution of the nitrate of silver, dropped upon tin with a camel's-hair pencil: this instantly turns black. With these the drawing may be invigorated; and the whole will resemble a mezzotinto print, or a rich sepia drawing."

It requires the experienced hand of an artist to produce effects by this process; but the power of etching outlines on glass is more easily acquired, and can be applied with facility to obtaining copies of writings, as well as drawings, and may be not unsuccessfully adopted for circulars, &c.

The English process has been declared by M. Daguerre to be totally different from that practised by him, and it appears to be the case, since the accounts given of it represent the drawings obtained in the camera as at once giving figures, correctly shaded,— a result which can only be obtained with us by a double operation, or the use of shaded glass. M. Daguerre has, however, given no further description of this process, nor have we any accounts of further experiments upon it in France. His recent heavy misfortune in the loss of the Diorama by fire, has probably prevented him from giving attention to the "Daguerotype."

Mr. Talbot has communicated to the Royal Society a new recipe for the preparation of sensitive paper. It is as follows:"Take good writing-paper, and wash it over with nitrate of silver; then with bromide of potassium; and afterwards again with nitrate of silver; drying it at the fire between each operation." This paper is found to be exceedingly sensitive to weak light, changing its colour from pale yellow to green and deep purple with extreme rapidity; but it does not appear to be preferable to the paper prepared by the former process, as the impression is said to be less deep; of this, however, we have not had an opportunity of satisfying ourselves. It may, however, be found extremely useful when a strong light cannot be commanded.

We observe that boxes fitted up with every requisite for the exercise of the photogenic art, are advertised by Messrs. Ackermann

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of the Strand, and that prepared paper may be obtained at the shops of various opticians; but, for the benefit of those who are desirous of preparing the paper themselves, we will transcribe the proportions stated to be the best, as given by Mr. C. Toogood Downing, in a communication to the Literary Gazette, calculated upon the known chemical qualities of the materials.

For the first process of Mr. Talbot: thirty grains of nitrate of silver, ten grains of common salt, and twenty-nine and a half of iodide of potassium (the best medium for fixing the drawing), to the ounce of water.

If bromide of potassium be employed, as in Mr. Talbot's late process, the proportion should be twenty-one grains nearly to the ounce of water.

If hydro-sulphate of soda is used for fixing the shadow, instead of iodide of potassium, no definite proportion need be observed, as it acts in a peculiar manner upon the unblackened chloride. We have now brought our account of this new art up to the present time, and have mentioned every fact of importance already made public. There is every reason to believe that its application will become very extensive, and that new facts in relation to it will be discovered. We regard the subject as one of great importance, and shall from time to time communicate all the intelligence we can gather concerning it to our readers.


THE first exploit of Maximian, though it is mentioned in a few words by our imperfect writers, deserves, from its singularity, to be recorded in a history of human manners. He suppressed the peasants of Gaul, who, under the appellation of Bagandæ, had risen in general insurrection,-very similar to those which, in the fourteenth century, successively afflicted both France and England. It should seem that very many of those institutions referred, by an easy solution, to the feudal system, are derived from the Celtic barbarians. When Cæsar subdued the Gauls, that great nation was already divided into three orders of men-the clergy, the nobility, and the common people. The first governed by superstition, the second by arms, but the third and last was not of any weight or account in the public councils. It was very natural for the plebeians, oppressed by debt, or apprehensive of injuries, to implore the protection of some powerful chief, who acquired over their persons and property the same absolute right as, among the Greeks and Romans, a master exercised over his slaves. The greatest part of the nation was gradually reduced into a state of servitude, compelled to perpetual labour on the estates of the Gallic nobles, and confined to the soil, either by the real weight of fetters, or by the no less cruel and forcible restraints of the laws. During the long series of troubles which agitated Gaul, from the reign of Gallienus to that of Diocletian, the condition of these servile peasants was peculiarly miserable, and they experienced at once the complicated tyranny of their masters, of the barbarians, of the soldiers, and of the officers of the revenue.

Their patience was at last provoked into despair: on every side they rose in multitudes, armed with rustic weapons, and with irresistible fury. The ploughman became a foot soldier, the shepherd mounted on horseback, the deserted villages and open towns were abandoned to the flames,-and the ravages of the peasants equalled those of the fiercest barbarians. They asserted the natural rights of men, but they asserted those rights with the most savage cruelty. The Gallic nobles, justly dreading their revenge, took refuge in the fortified cities, or fled from the wild scene of anarchy. The peasants reigned without control, and two of their most daring leaders had the folly and rashness to assume the imperial ornaments. Their power soon expired at the approach of the legions. The strength of union and discipline obtained an easy victory over a licentious and divided multitude. retaliation was inflicted on the peasants who were found in arms; the affrighted remnant returned to their respective habitations, and their unsuccessful effort for freedom served only to confirm their slavery.-Gibbon.

A severe

BROTHERS AND SISTERS. her child, must that be ranked which subsists between the chilNEXT to that pure and holy affection which a mother bears to dren of the same parents, the brothers and sisters of a family, when the feelings bubble up from the fountain of the heart untainted and pure. I do not mean to say that this affection is of the same class with the maternal one-that it springs spontaneously that it is to be found pure in uncivilized and uncultivated man. No, it requires a MORAL process to purify it; and intellect and taste must be thrown in, to give that sweetness to the stream, which makes domestic happiness so refreshing. But when brothers and sisters, thus taught to love one another, can also regard each as bound to each by more than merely natural ties-" knit together in love for the TRUTH'S SAKE"-then the family becomes a Bethel, and the Spirit of Love dwelleth in the midst of it.

The touching story in the Gospel, where the Redeemer of the world visits and loves "Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus," beautifully exemplifies these remarks. We are not told of their parents doubtless they were dead, gathered to that all but immortal slumber which comes over the faculties of man, and from which he shall not awake until the sound of the trumpet, "waxing louder and louder," shall peal into the deepest caverns of earth and sea, and assemble all-ALL-the millions of our race, "from Adam to his youngest born," around the great ARBITER. This was, perhaps, one of the reasons why He stept aside, as it were, in How completely does such a scene in his history prove him to be his probation, and tarried for a season in the orphan household. "bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh;" every fibre, every feeling, in nice and exquisite sympathy with us; until manhood, unable to master its emotions, dissolved into tears at a brother's grave!

Such a family I am now about to describe, bearing in many striking and singular points a near resemblance to the family of Bethany. They were three in number-two sisters and a brother; their parents were dead, not indeed without leaving them as much of this world's goods as renders life a double blessing, but they died infinitely happier in the conviction that their children were "rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which God hath provided for those that love him." So high was the mother's joy at the thought of all her children constituting a portion of the moments, saying, "Lord, let now thy servant depart in peace, for Redeemer's kingdom, that she held up her hands in her expiring mine eyes have doubly seen thy salvation!"

Isabella, the elder sister, was an active-minded girl; probably, having been early under the necessity of taking the management of household affairs, her education had given her character that activity which marked her; yet she must have been naturally of an energetic turn. To a stranger her air might have appeared distant, and her manner sharper than beseems the sex; yet to those who were intimate with her, she was known to possess a heart feelingly alive to all the charities of life, and a mind devoted to her God. The younger sister was more interesting in her appearance, but deficient in those mental qualities which so strikingly characterised Isabella. Nevertheless, she had the good sense-I may say, the grace-to look up to her sister as her superior; and to love her with the mingled affection which one might bear to a mother, a sister, and a Christian. Their only rivalry was in the path of duty, and they were not ashamed to hold frequent converse with each other on their everlasting prospects.

But the brother, how shall I describe him? With an intelligent mind, stored by an extensive though miscellaneous reading with a general knowledge, possessing a kind heart and a frank disposition, honourable in all his actions, and ignorant of the world and much of its depravity, he was yet a dangerous character. Dangerous! was he not a Christian man, one whose mental and moral qualifications entitled him to the esteem of all with whom he came in contact? Yes; but he was under the influence of sensation to an extreme degree; he was one of those who can attain such a standing in Christianity as to appear to an observer so spiritually bright, so determined on the side of God and godliness, so nervously scrupulous as to all that concerns consistency of character, that no man could possibly doubt that he would ever, by a revulsion of feeling, descend from his elevated position. "Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel," was written upon him; every effort of his mind was like each wave of the flowing tide, sparkling in the sun-beam, until it breaks upon the shore, and dies away into foam. Alas! too many of such characters, even while they abhor the name of hypocrite, become a disgrace to Christianity!

The two sisters loved their brother with all the ardour which

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