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Society-" One polished horde,

Formed of two mighty bribes-the Bores and


"Is like a pork-barrel; the middle good, but the top and bottom a leetle tainted."

Sam Slick.

Soldier (A)-In time of peace is like a chimney

in summer.

Sorrow The penalty we pay for life.

"A kind of rust of the soul, which every new idea contributes in its passage to scour away. It is the putrefaction of stagnant life, and is remedied by exercise and motion."


Soul-"The perceiver and revealer of truth."


"The body's guest."

Sir W. Raleigh.

Star-A jewel in the robe of night.

-A particle of gold-dust from the pathway of the blessed.

-A shining diamond on the shores of heaven.

Stars "The forget-me-nots of angels."

-Grains of gold on a far-off shore.


Style-"Is the dress of thoughts."

Lord Chesterfield.

Sunbeam-"Like the celestial ladder seen

By Jacob in his dream."


Sunday-"O day most calm, most bright,
The fruit of this, the next world's bud,
The indorsement of supreme delight,

Writ by a Friend, and with His blood;
The couch of time; care's balm and bay.

Sundays the pillars are,

On which heaven's palace arched lies:

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They are the fruitful beds and borders

In God's rich garden.

The Sundays of man's life,

Threaded together on Time's string,

Make bracelets to adorn the wife

Of the eternal glorious king."

George Herbert.

Sunday-"The golden clasp that binds together

the volume of the week."


Surrogate-A gate through which parties have to pass to get married.

Suspicion "The virtue of a coward." Herbert.

Sympathy-"The one poor word which includes all our best insight, and all our best love."

George Eliot.

Tears-Are the fount that purifies the soul.

Teeth-"A troop of pearls which march in goodly


Giles Fletcher.

Thought-Is the soul's chariot.

The hermit's solace in his cell,

The fire that warms the poet's brain,

The lover's heaven or his hell,

The madman's sport, the wise man's pain.


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