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minutia,and even trifling anecdotes, may be entertaining and interesting in a book of annals, though we should not expect them upon the historick page. We learn too, that the first child born in NewEngland was Peregrine White. There is a quaintness in the name, as well as in that of Seaborn,which was given to a child of Mr.Cotton, born on the passage to N.England. We hear also, that the Rev. Mr. Bentley is about collecting a very particular account of the first cradle, in which a child was rocked, born soon after our fathers landed

in Salem.

"In 1602 Gosnold sailed further northward, & discovered Cape Cod. They landed on an island, which they called Martha's Vineyard.”

We cannot so well account for this name, as that the Elizabeth Islands should be so called. Indeed we much doubt of its then bearing this name. In some old accounts it is called Martin's vineyard. We shall leave this matter to be disputed by the old colony antiquarians, who may be as much amused by viewing the pebblestones as the rocks of our shores. One thing is evident, that the island now called Martha's Vineyard is not the island Gosnold landed upon. From traditionary accounts, from an old Dutch map of the coast, and from some positive evidence, the island so called by them is now called Noman's land.

As another specimen of Dr. Holmes's style, and method of relating things, we select the following passage:

"The first general court of the Massachusetts colony was holden at Boston. At this court many of

the first planters attended, and were made free of the colony. This was the first general court, which the freemen attended in person. It was now enacted, that the freemen should in future have power to choose assistants, when they were to be chosen; and the assistants were empowered to choose out of their own number the governour and deputy govern, our, who, with the assistants, were empowered to make laws, and appoint officers for the execution of them.

This measure was now

fully assented to by the general vote of the people; but when the general court convened, early the next year, it rescinded this rule, and ordained, that the governour, deputy governour, and assistants, should be chosen by the freemen alone." P, 257.

The author refers us toChalmers' Political Annals for this and seve ral other documents, which may be depended upon, because they are taken from the Plantation Of fice. The late GovernourHutchinson frequently said, in conversa, tion with his friends, that a complete history of the colonies could not be written, this side of the Atlantick, for want of these papers; that the writer must go to GreatBritain and there search the files of this office. To these Chalmers had access, and he certainly has made a book, worthy the perusal of all who would make themselves acquainted with the affairs of America. We learn also this fact, that private gentlemen as well as the officers of government, when we were under the crown, had their directions to give every kind of information concerning the state of the colonies; that a regular correspondence was kept up be tween the secretary of the lords

of trade and plantation and certain individuals in this country, who do not always give their names with their letters, but who tell many facts, and often express their opinjons. The late John Pownal, esq. had all these papers arranged, and numbered, and put into regular cases for publick use and the service of individuals. Indeed every thing, appertaining to the various offices of Great-Britain, is in such complete order, as appears wonderful to a person who is not acquainted with their regular manner of doing business; which is worthy the imitation of these United States. We know not whether there is not as much method at Washington; but we know that in some of the states their records resemble an oyster bank, more than a cabinet for papers; and that it would be bringing order out of confusion to make them fit for use. There may be exceptions, however, in some of the publick offices.


In 1654. A sumptuary law was passed by the legislature of Massachusetts. Vide p. 354, marginal note. They acknowledge it to be a matter of much difficulty in regard of the blindness of men's minds and the stubbornness of their wills, to set down exact rules to confine all sorts of people"; yet "cannot but account it their duty to commend unto all, the sober and moderate use of these bless ings," &c. The court proceed to order, that no person whose estate shall not exceed the true and indifferent sum of 2001. shall wear any gold or silver lace, or gold or silver buttons, or any bone lace above 2 shillings per yard, or silk hoods or scarves, on the penalty of 10 shillings for every such offence. The law authorizes and requires the selectmen of every town to

take notice of the apparel of any of the inhabitants, and to assess such persons "as they shall judge to exceed their ranks and abilities, in the costliness or fashion of their apparel in any respect, especially as to the wearing of ribbands and great boots," at 2001. estates, according to the proportion which such men use to pay to whom such apparel is suitable and allowed. An exception, however, is made in favour of publick officers and their families, and of those "whose education and employment have been above the ordinary degree, and whose estates have been considerable, though now decayed." We smile at the simplicity of our forefathers; but the mother country had set an example of similar measures, effected in a more summary manner. In the reign of queen Elizabeth "began in England long tucks and rapiers, which succeeded the sword and buckler;" and he was held the greatest gallant, that had the deepest ruffe and longest rapier. The offence unto the eye of the one, and the hurt unto the life of the subject that come by the other, caused her majesty to make proclamation against them both, and to place selected grave citizens at every gate to cut the ruffes, and break the rapier points, of all passengers that exceeded a yeard in length of their rapiers, and a nayle of a yeard in depth of their ruffes." Stow. Chron. 869.

There are many references to authorities in the American Annals. As far as we have been able to look them over, they are very exact, and there are very few typographical errours. When the author depends upon hearsay, he sometimes is mistaken; as for instance, p. 371, speaking of Mr. Hopkins's donation, in a marginal

note. "He gave 5001. out of his estate in England to trustees in New-England for the upholding and promoting the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in those parts of the earth;" which donation was considered as made to Harvard College and the grammar-school in Cambridge, and by virtue of a decree in chancery was paid in 1710, &c. &c.

This account of the Hopkinton fund is just, till he mentions the liberality of the general court. But it is a great mistake to say, that the court made any addition to the funds. There is a difference between an act, which enabled the trustees to receive their just dues, which was the only thing done, and to give credit for a donation. The funds accumulated by the value of the estate; and an application being made to the general court, they were put upon such a foundation, that the trustees can draw for so much money as enables them to give very considerable encouragement to young gentlemen, who reside in Cambridge for the sake of pursuing their theological studies. We certainly object against putting that upon the score of benevolence, which was only an act of justice.

In page 356 a very unnecessary compliment is introduced to a gentleman, who is called F.R.S. Dr. H. may recollect, that these letters mean the London Society;....this is a very different society from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which is always distinguished by F.R.S.E. Supposing the gentleman, howev. er, to be a member of either society, why is he brought forth to prove a thing, which no one doubts? Many gentlemen have seen the Columbium, and it is well known that "it attracted much notice," and that the place where it

was taken is near New-London. It is well to mention, that the American Academy of Arts and Sciences are about giving an account of this mineral. We are glad to learn that they are BUSILY employed.

In our review of the American Annals we mean to be equally candid and just. It is our opinion that the work would appear more perfect, were there not such a profusion of compliments and acknow!edgments to every one, who has favoured the author with a book, manuscript, or observation. It de tracts from the worth of the praise, when gratitude is expressed to those who richly deserve it, if every little trifling acquisition is made the subject of a note, or considered as an important literary document.

These hints may serve to benefit the author. We really think, he deserves much credit for his labours, and that these Annals will be regarded by the judicious among the useful publications, which have issued from the American press.

ART. 32.

The Pleasures of the Imagination, a poem in three books. By Dr. Akenside, Portland, T. B. Wait.


A VERY neat, not to say ele gant, edition of one of the most beautiful poems in the English language; and we believe very correctly printed. We do not altogether like the form, large octavo, which, in so thin a volume, looks awkwardly. If printed in 12mo. or 18mo. it would have made, we think, a better appearance. In other respects it is a handsome edition.

ART. 33.

Democracy Unveiled, or tyranny stripped of the garb of patriot By Christopher Caustic,

LL.D. &c. &c. In 2 vols. 3d
edition. New-York, for I. Riley
and Co.

DID the author think it necessary to subjoin to his third edition every thing that any person in England or America has ever said, not only of the work now before us, but of his other productions? Here are sixteen witnesses introduced to inform the publick, when they can decide as well without them, for the circumstances are within their own knowledge. Had these recommendations been omitted, would the author have feared censure; and is not this an unfair mode of averting it? This is not the self-supported confidence, which the author, since his success, might have justly displayed.

Of the great additions in verse and prose to the present edition, we can say, they are not inferiour to the rest of the work, nor unworthy of their relation to the elder born. But two volumes! Indeed, 'tis too much for our poor pockets to pay for.

The most valuable remarks a mong the addenda will be found in the notes on page 26 and 195 of the second volume. The ridicule upon a letter from one great man to another, containing some whimsical observations on general polity, might have been supported by reference to any really profound historians or philosophers. "We see," says the letter-writer, "numerous societies of men, the aboriginals of this country, living together without the acknowledgment of either laws or magistracy, yet they live in peace among them

selves, and acts of violence and injury are as rare in their societies, as in nations which keep the sword of the law in perpetual activity,” &c. Nonsense.

Redeunt Saturnia regna; Jam nova progenies cœlo dimittitur alto. When the famous Locke formed a paper constitution for a community, his schemes soon dishonoured his judgment; yet was his reasoning generally conclusive, and his acquaintance with the histo


and state of man indisputable. But there are some politicians who can find an excuse for the absurdity of their deductions in their ignorance of facts.

The printers of this work, honourable and liberal as any our country can boast among that class of men, always distinguished for their honour and their liberality, generally deserve credit for their correct editions; but errours within their department are sometimes discernible. In the list of errata

we do not find a correction of a gross mistake in page 17th of the introduction, where lines from Horace are quoted as prose. Can this be the fault of the poet ?

[blocks in formation]

ART. 35.

A Sermon, preached in the audience of his Excellency Caleb Strong, Esq. Governour; his Honour Edward H. Robbins, Esq. Lieutenant-Governour; the honourable the Council, Senate, and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the anniversary election, May 28, 1806. By Samuel Shepard, A.M. Congregational minister of Lenox. Boston, Young & Minns, printers to the State. 8vo. pp. 31.

THE passage of scripture, serving as the theme of this discourse, is that in 1 Chron. xxix. 12. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. We acknowledge the propriety of the text for such an occasion; but, for aught we can see of the writer's design in selecting it, there are five hundred texts in the bible, which would have been equally fit for his purpose. The capital defect of the performance is want of point and want of order. The sermon contains many important remarks; but it is difficult to discern their particular object. The preacher has brought together several just reflexions on the providence of God, on the people of Israel, on our own country, on the christian religion, and on the duties of rulers; but they neither come in as precedents, nor follow as consequents: they hold in fact no manifest connexion with any manifest design of the author. Yet the sermon is not destitute of merit, and we willingly insert the ensuing description of the Jewish theocracy, as the most favourable specimen of its style.

Vol. III. No. 7. 2Z

They were also bleffed with an excellent conftitution of government. It is fometimes called a Theocracy; but excepting fome particular acts of royalty, which God referved immediately to himfelf, it was in its vifible form, and as originally committed to the adminiftration of man, republican. Opposed to every fyftem of tyranny and oppreffion, it was well adapted to fecure and perpetuate the rights and privileges of every member of the community. If the Ifraellites were not a free and independent people, the fault was in themfelves. To dence of each tribe, their agrarian law the diftinction, freedom, and indepenwas peculiarly favourable. In each province, all the freeholders must be not only Ifraelites, but defcendants of the fame patriarch. The prefervation of their lineage was alfo necessary to the tribes, while they were united as one tenure of their lands. The feveral commonwealth, ftill retained their distinction and privileges, and were independent of each other. Each tribe was in a

fenfe, a diftinct ftate, having its own prince, elders, and judges, and at the fame time was one of the united states of Ifrael. They had, alfo, a national council. This which might with propriety be called a general congrefs, was compofed of the princes, the elders, and heads the bufinefs of this affembly to attend to all matters, which related to the common intereft; fuch as levying war, negociating peace, providing for, and apportioning the neceffary expenses of the nation, and deciding in matters of dispute between particular tribes. No one tribe had a right of dictating to, or exercifing fuperiority over another. In this grand national affembly, refided the highest delegated authority, and it was to be regarded by all the tribes with the great

of families from all the tribes. It was

eft reverence. A violation of the conftitution, in this refpect, fubjected the offenders to the most fevere penalty. This grand council of the nation had its prefident, who was conftituted fuch upon republican principles.

ART. 36.

Preparation for war the best security for peace. Illustrated in a sermon delivered before the Ancient and Honourable Artillery

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