CHAP. XV. Characters good and 27 The ministry, a mean of per- bad, with promises and threats. 8 Promises to the righteous of 35 Pure heart. 9 Promises of blessings to the 38 Single heart. tained. 59 Obedience to God commanded. 73 God will render to mankind 101 Confession of uncleanness. mised. Page 296 173 Rash unnecessary swearing. 174 God only is to be sworn by. Sabbath privilges withdrawn. 4 The influence and effects of 31 Despising others. and be- 32 Strife forbidden to the godly. 5 Charity with other graces en- 33 Fightings, quarrels. joined. Offences forbidden. Page 346 7 Hatred toward mankind,threat-37 Doing good to others. Pa. 347 against those that hate them. 44 Unmerciful, threats. ous. -13 Envy a mark of an unconvert- Page 338 50 51 Page 339 52 25 Peace prayed for as a desirable 61 Gentleness. gift of God. 64 Friendship and faithfulness 65 Uufaithfulness in friendship.— 66 Forbearing to judge one ano- |