Fig-tree cursed, withers, lv. 125. Fightings, xxxiii. 346. Filthiness of sin, cvi. 296. Finger of God, denoting his power, Ixiv. 16.
First and last, God so called, xx. 5. Fishes, a miraculous draught of them, lv. 125.
Flattery, clxxxii. 444.
Following God, cxliii. 227. Following Christ, exliv. 227.
Folly and wickedness the same, xxiv. 369.
Food promised, ccxv. 457. Food miraculously supplied, ccxxi. 461.
Fools described, xiv. to xxiii. 367. Forbearance of God, cxv. 43. Forbearing one another. See lxv. 357. Forgetting God, xlvi. 193.
Forgiveness in God. See pardon of sin, cvi. 39.
-Promised to believers, xxv. 187. Forgiveness promised to penitents, xv. 265.
-Prayed for, cvii. 40.
-Is of grace, cxxvi. 46. See mercy
of God, c. 35. to ev. 39. Forgiveness in men, xlvii. 351. -Required in prayer, clxxi. 234. Forms of swearing, excii. 328. Fornication, cl. 426. Forsaking God, exlv. 227.
-God forsaketh the wicked,xxxii.82. -God forsaketh not his people, xxx, 81.
-Forsaken of friends, Christ was so xxv. 118.
Fortress, God is so to his people, Ixiii. 99.
Fraud forbidden, clv. 430. Friendship, faithfulness therein, lxiv. 356.
Frowardness, cxxi. 300.
Fruitfulness in religion required, xxxvii. 473.
-From whence it proceeds, lxxx.
Fulfilment of prophecy concerning Christ, 113 to 122.
Fury ascribed to God against the wicked, clii. 56.
Future punishments, xxix. 489,---490
Gall given to Christ, xxxii. 119. Garments of Christ parted, xxxiv. 119:
Gentleness toward men, Ixi. 356. Gestures in prayer, clxxviii. 237. Given, Christ was so, and for what end, xxviii. 154. Glory of God, xxx. 7.
-In favours to his people, xxxi. 8. Glory of Christ, i. 126. See his eter nity, xiii. 144.
Glorying of the righteous in God,
Glorying of the wicked in sin, cxviii. 211.liii. 379.
Glorifying God, ccxxxiii. 256.
-Christ glorified God, ccxxxiv. 256, -How men glorify God, xxiii. 257. God, how known, i. 3.---iv. 176.---v. 154.
God. Christ so called, iv. 133. Godliness, promises to it, i. 260.---- xix. 487.
Goodness of God, xcviii. 33. God doth good, xcvii. 33. Goodness of God, matter of praise, CCXV. 249.
Goodness of Christ, xi. 144.
Good man, his character, cavi, 298. Good men, promises to them, cxvii. 299.
-Doing good in general, lxxix. 289. -Doing good to others, xxxvii. 347. Gospel of grace given, cxxix. 46. Government of God, i. 69. Cause of joy, cvi. 207.
-Over the visible heavens and earth, lxxii. 18.
Government is of divine appointment, ci. 396.
Governors, their duties, xcvii. 393. -The Spirit's influence over them, xiv. 171.
-Their sins, cii. 396.
-Duties toward them, cx. 398.
-Sins against them, cxiii. 399. Grace of God in man's salvation, cxxiii. 45.
Grace prayed for, cxxxvii. 48. -Promised to believers, xxviii. 187. -Promised from Christ, xi. 148. Graciousness of God, cxix. 44.
Graciousness of Christ, cxxii. 45.
Grass, herbs, trees, &c. created, xi. 60.
Gratitude, Ixix. 359.
Greatness of God, xxvi. 6.
Grief of parents for children, ixxx. 388.
Grief for sin, xx. 459.
—At prayer not being heard, cxcviii.
Habitation of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Hand of God, denoting his power, Ixiii. 16.
Hard, nothing is so to God, lxvi. 16. Harmless, xli. 349.
Hated of God, the wicked are so, clvi. 56.
Hated of men, Christ was so,àvi 116. -Promises to those that are unjustly hated, x. 337.
Haters, duties toward them, viii. 337. -Prayers against haters, ix. 337. Hating God, lxxxii. 203. Hating Christ, lxxxiii. 204. Hatred toward men, vii. 336. Haughtiness, xlix. 379.
Health to be prayed for, clxxxiv. 238. Heart known to God, xxxviii. 11.---- xlii. 273.
-Of the righteous described, xxxiv. to 1. 270.
-Duties respecting the heart, xli. xlii. 272.
-Affected for sin, xxiv. 470.
-Broken, contrite, xxv. 470. xl. 272. -Serving God with the, liv. 276. -God's influences on the hearts of the righteous, xliii. 273. lxiii. 230. -Evil, xlvi. xlvii. 275.
-Of the wicked, Satan's influence on it, xlv. 275.
-God's judgments on it, xliv 274.
Heaven and earth, the creation
-The dissolution thereof, vi. 483. -Holy, xcvii. 32.
The happiness of the righteous in it, vii. 484.
Heaviness and grief for sin, xix. 469. Heirs, Christians are so, viii. 484. Help from God promised, lxiv. 100. -Cause of joy, cii. 207.
Hell. See future punishments, 489, 490.
-Help from creatures vain, lxv. 102. Hill of God, holy, xcvii. 32.
Holy Ghost, his influences and opera- tions upon the creatures,162 to 171. -Promised to believers, lvi. 121..... xxvi. 187.
-Rejoicing in him, xcvi. 206. Holiness of God, xeiv. to xcvi. 31. Holiness of Christ, viii. 143.
Holiness of angels, xix. 16. Holiness in men, God honoured by it, cclxxxviii. 255.
-Directions for attaining it, xxiv. 268.
Holiness in ministers of Christ, cxxiii. 407.
Honour due to God, ccxxvi. 255. -How performed, ccxxvii. to ccxxx.
-Due to Christ, ccxxxi. 256. -Due to magistrates, cxi. 333. -Due to parents, xci. 390. -Due to one another, xxx, 344. Hope in God and Christ, caxi. 212. -Through grace, cxxxiv. 45. -Promises to it, xcii. 205.
Hope of the wicked perisheth, cxxii.
Hospitality, clxiii. 434.
House of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Humbled saints, their expressions, x1.875 375
Humility toward God, xxxiv. 372. -Toward men, xxxv. 372.
Humility of ministers, cxxiv. 410. -Examples of it, xxxviii. 375. Humility in prayer, cixx. 233. -Promises to it, xxxvi. 374. See pride, xli. 377.
Husbands, their duties, lxiv. 383.. Hypocrisy, xxx. 269.
Marks of it, xxxi. 269.
Hypocrites known to God, xlvii. 13. Their prayer not accepted, cciv. 244.
Idolatry, cxxxvi. 314.
-Threats against it, 314, 321, 322. Jealousy of God, for his people, clix. . 56.
Against his enemies, clix. 56. Jesus Christ, prophecies concerning him, i. 112.
-His miracles, xlix. 122. -His Glory, i. 126.
-His exaltation, iv. 127. -His titles, i. 128. vii. 133. -His works, i. 135. -His worship, i. 139. -His perfections, i. 140. -His benefits, i. 144. Ignorance of God, vii. 178. Images forbidden, 318, 320. -With threatenings, xlvii. 318.
Images are no representations
Immortality of God, xxi. 5. Impenitent known to God, xlvi. 13. See xv. 467.
Importunity in prayer, clxxiii. 237. Incarnation of Christ, iii. 113. Inchanters, clviii. 323. Inconsideration, xiv. 167. Incorruptible God, xxii. 5.
Indignation ascribed to God, cli. 55. Industry, vi. 362.
Influences of God's Spirit,162 to 171. -In prayer, 232.
-In praise, ccxi. 246. Ingratitude, lxx. 359.
Inheritance of Christians, viii. 484. Iniquity forbidden, cxxxiii. 311. -Threats against the workers of it, 311.
Iniquity is not in God, lxxxv. 29. Injustice not in God, lxxxv. 28. Instruction from God, lv. 95
-From ministers, cxxxviii. 421. -Not receiving it from ministers, cxlii. 423.
-Giving and receiving it, li. 353. -Refusing it, lii. 354.
-Fools refuse it, xv. 367. Instruction to be given to children,
lxix. 384. Integrity, xx. 267.
Intemperance in meat and drink, ii. 360. See drunkenness, 361. -In magistrates, iv. 396.
In ministers, cxxxv. 418. Intercession of Christ, vii. 147. Intreaties that prayer may be heard, 240.
Intruders into the ministerial office, cxviii. 403.
Invisible God, xv. 4. Joy in God, lxxxvi. 204.
-Through Christ, lxxxvii. 205. -In God promised, xciv. 205. Joy and comfort promised to believ- ers, xxix. 188.
Joy in heaven, xii. 486.
Judge of the world, God, iii. 70---- ii. 480.
Judge at the last day, Christ, iv. 135. Judging one another forbidden, lxvi. 358.
Judgment, future, i. 480.
-The time of it, iv. 481. -The persons to be judged, iii 481. -Employment of Angels at it, xxvii. 64.
-Threatened, occasioned fasting, clx. 231.
Just, promises to them, cxiii. 297. Justice of God, lxxxiv. 28. -Of Christ, ix. 143.
-Of magistrates, xcvii. 393. Justification from God, xvii. 78. -Not by works of the law, xviii. 78. -Is of grace cxxv. 46.
-Is free, and by grace through Christ, xix. 78.
-Is by Christ, xii. 148,
-Is promised to faith in God, xx. 186.
-Is promised to faith in Christ, xxi. 186.
Keep, God doth keep his people, Ixiv. 106.
Kindness of God, cxvi. 43.
Kindness prayed for, cxvii. 43.
-Thanks for it, cxviii. 44.
Kindness in men, ixii. 356. King, God is so, i. 69. --Christ is so, xxxv. 157.
Kings, see magistrates, 393 to 400. Kings, disobeying them sinful, cxiii. 399.
-When not sinful, cxiv. 400.----cliii. 321.
Kingdom of heaven, who shall not enter into it, xxvii. 488.
-Who shall enter into it, vii. viii. 484. Knowing God and Christ, a duty, i. 176.
-Not knowing God, a sin, vii. 178. -How God is made known, iv. 176. ----i. 3. Knowledge, God's is perfect,xxxii.9. -Things which God alone know- eth, xxxv. 9.
-God knoweth his people, xli. 11. -He knoweth the wicked, xliv. 13. -Sins against this attribute of God, liii. 14.
Knowledge, Chrises, i. 140.
Labour, a duty, vi. 362.
Lame cured by Christ, liii. 124. Lands, the law thereof, clvi. 430. Law of God, holy, xcvii. 32. -To be esteemed and obeyed, lxi. 280.
-Is a means of conversion, ix. 466. Law-giver, God is so, ii. 70. Leader, God is so, lvii. 96. -Christ is so, lviii. 96.
Lending, the law thereof, clvii. 432. Leprosy, cured by Christ, liii. 124. Liars, clxxvii. 440.
Life of man, short, i. 474. -The term of it, ii. iii. 474.
Life eternal, the gift of God thro' Christ, xvi. 150.
-Is from and by Christ, xv. 149. Life, Christ so called, xiv. 149. Light, the works and children there. of, lxxxvi. 291.
Light of the world, Christ, xxv. 154. ----v. 177.
Light and direction promised, xxvii. 187.
Likeness, none of God, xi. 4. Living God, xii. 4.
Loathed of God, who, cxv. 56. Loathing of self, because of sin,
Loftiness in man, xlviii. 379. Longing for God, lxxxv. 204. Long-suffering of God, exiv. 42. -Of men, see lxvi. 357, 358. Looking to God, xliv. 193. Lord, Christ so called, v. 130. Love, God's to Christ, lxxviii. 203. -God's love to believers, in Christ,
-God's love to his people, cause of joy, c. 207.
Love to God, lxvi, 201.----xxi. 487. -How produced, lxxi. 202. -How evidenced, lxxiv. 202. -Prayer to be made with it, clxvii. 233.
Love, Christ's to his church, xviii. 151.---xxx. 203.
-The church's love to Christ, lxxix. 203.
-Love to Christ, how enforced,
lxxv. lxxvi. lxxvii. 202.
-How evidenced, lxxxi. 203. Love to mankind, i. 333.
-To ministers of Christ,cxxxix.422. Lusts ofthe flesh, xci. 293.
Lukewarmness, see want of zeal
Magicians, clvii. 323. Magistrates, 393 to 400. -Their qualifications, xcviii. 394. -Their duties, xcvii. 393. -Their sins, cii. 396.
-Their concern with religion, 394. -Good ones promised, x. 395. -Evil ones threatened to be given as a punishment, cvi. 397.
-Evil ones enemies to religion, 397. -Enemies to civil interest, cv. 397. Magnifying ones self, lii. 379. Majesty of God, xxix. 7. Malice, xiv. 394.
Man, his creation, xii. 60. -His condition after his creation, xiv. 60.
-His fall into sin, xv. 61. Mansions in heaven, x. 485. Marks and evidences of faith, xiv. 181. Marriage, lvii. 381.
-Into religious families, lxxiii. 385. -With heathens, forbidden, lxi.382. Masters, their duties, xcv. 391. Means of conversion, x. 466. -Of faith, xviii. xix. 184. -Of godliness, iii. 260.
-Of perfection, xxvii. 268. -Of salvation, xlvii. 92
Meat and drink, temperance there- in, i. 360.
Mediator, Christ, vi. 145.
Meditation upon God and his word, xlix. 194.
Meek, they rejoice in God, lxxxix.
Meek, promises to them, xxx 372 Mercy of God, c. 35. -Promised, ci. 36.
-To whom promised, cii. 37. -Prayed for, ciii. 37. -Acknowledged, civ. 38. -Cause of joy, ci. 207. -Cause of praise, ccxv. 249. -Cause of thanks, cv. 39. Mercy in men, xliii. 349. Might, ascribed to God, lix. 15. Mind of man influenced by God's Spirit, ii. 162.
Mind of Christ, was influenced by it, iv. 163.
Ministerial abilities, of grace given,
Miracles of the apostles, 125 & 190. Miracles wrought by prayer, cxcix. 240.
-Wrought for persons of eminent faith, xxxvii. 190.
Miraculous gifts of the Spirit,xii.167. Mischief, doing it, xl. 348.
Mischievous, fools are so, xviii. 368. Money in a fish's mouth, lv. 125. Money, Christ was sold for it, xxi. 117.
Mortification, promises to it, xxii. 487.
Mothers, God's care of them, lxxviii. 387.
Motives to prayer, cxcii. to cxcviii. 239.
Mountain of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Mourning for sin, xvii 468. Murder forbidden, cxliv. 424. Murderers known to God, lii. 14. -Threats against them, cxlvi. 425. Murmuring, xxviii. 372.
Name of God is holy, xcvii. 32. Name of Christ, prayer to be made in it, clxiv. 232.
New creatures, christians, lxxvii. 109.
-Their duty as such, lxxviii. 110. North and south created, vi. 58.
Oath, the nature and duty thereof, clxxv. 225.
Obedience to God, lix. to lxvii. 279. -xv. 486.
-Must accompany prayer, clxix.233. --Thanks for it, ccxix. 251. Obedience to Christ, Ixix. 285. -Is an evidence of love to him, lxxxi. 203. Obedience to parents, xci. 390. -To magistrates, 399. -To ministers, cxxxviii. 421. Oblation of Christ, vii. 164. Observers of times, clx. 323. Offences forbidden, xxxv 346. Offices of Christ, as prophet, 152. -Priest, 154. --King, 157.
One with the Father, Christ, vi. 133. Operations of the Spirit, 126 to 171. Oppression forbidden, clviii. 432. -Deliverance from it, lxvii. 102. Oppressors,threats against them,432. Oppressed, promises to them, 433. Oracle of God, holy, xcvii. 33. Ordination of God, viii. 71. Overcome, promises to such, xl: 68 -lxxi. 286.-xxv. 488.
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