Jude 7. Sodom and Gomorrha are set for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Rev. xiv. 9. If any man shall worship the beast and his image, and shall receive his mark in his forebead, or in his hand, Ver. 10. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, poured out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. Ver. 11. The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night. xviii. 9. They shall see the smoke of their burning. xix. 20. The beast and the false prophet were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. xx. 10. The devil was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day an night, for ever and ever. Ver. 14. Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire; this is the second death. Vér. 15. And whosoever was not found written in the Lamb's book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. xxi. 8. The fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and liars, shall have their part in the lake, that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Ch. xxii. 5. N. B. The reader may observe the dreadfulness and duration of the foregoing punishments mentioned: Also, against what sins they are denounced. See also threats denounced against the various sorts of sinners, in the words. Wicked, Ungodly, Disobedient, Unbelievers, &c. in this work. THE EN D. INDEX. NOTE.....IN THE FOLLOWING INDEX, THE NUMERICAL LETTERS RE Abominableness of sin, cxii. 297. Affliction, deliverance from it, matter Alms called grace, cxxx. 47. -Their employment about mankind, -They have revealed God's will, xxiii. 62. -They have inflicted God's judg- -Their work at the day of judgment, -They worship God, xxviii. 65. -Anger ascribed to God, cxlvii. 53. 164. Applause of men not sought by Christ, xiii. 115. -Not sought by ministers of Christ, Appointments of God, x. 72. Arrogancy, xlvii. 379. Ascension of Christ, xliv. 121. Assurance of faith, cxxxiii. 223. B. Back-biting, clxxxv. 445. Bearing with one another's weaknes. Believers, promises to them, 186. to 189. Benefits of Christ to mankind, 144, to 158. 53. -Through Christ, matter of praise, -Threatened against sinners, cxlviii.—Spiritual, cause of joy, cvii. 208. 54. -God's power therein, xv. 18. Boasting sinfully, cxx. 219, & liv. 379. Body of Christ formed by the Holy Christ, his exaltation, iv. 127. Ghost, iii. 163. Bodies of mankind will be changed by-His works, i. 135. Christ, iii. 135. -His worship, i. 139. Boldness of Christ's servants in speak-His perfections, i. 140. ing his truth, cxxvii. 411. -In men, cxliii. 50. -His benefits, i. 144. Against sin, xvii. 150. -His benefits, cause of joy, xcv. 205. Bread, daily, to be prayed for, clxxxiii.-Cause of praise, ccxvi. 250. 237. -God to be praised for it, ccxxiii. 252. Brethren, the duties of christians as-God's power toward it, lxxiii. 18. such, xli. 87. Broken heart, xl. 271. Brother, Christ so called, xlii. 88. 110. Burial of Christ, xxxviii. 120. C Cleanse, God doth cleanse his people, XXV. 80. lxxix.-Duty to cleanse ourselves, xxv. 80. Calamities on wicked parents and chil- -On the children of the wicked, lxxxii. Calling of God's people, xv. 75. Is holy, xcvii. 32. Persons called of God to offices, xvi. Compare, nothing to God, x. 4. Care of God for his people, cause of Compassion ascribed to God, cviii. 41. -Cause of praise, ccxx. 251. -To whom exercised, cix. 41. 42. Care of Christ fo his people, xviii. 152. Compassion ascribed to Christ, cxi. Childless, promises to them, xc. 389. -Dutiful, blessed, xcii. 390, Their blessings, xxxviii. 85. Chosen of God, see election, xii. 72.-xiii 74-xiv 75. Confidence of the wicked, sinful, Conscience, good, xlviii 375. -How attained, xlix. 276. Contention, xx. 340. Contentious, fools are so, xx. 368. Christ, prophecies concerning him, Contentment, xxvii. 372. 112 to 122. -His incarnation, iii. 112. -His miracles, 112 to 126.. -His glory, i. 126. Contrite heart, xl. 271. Correcting children, lxxii 385. Correption of sin, xev. 294. Covenant of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Covenant blessings, cxlvi. 53. Delight in God, cxiv. 211. 495 Covenants with them punished, cxli.-From enemies, lxvii. 102. Deliverance from sickness, lxvi. 102. 316. Covetousness in general, cc. 451. Counsel, God giveth it to his people, -The wicked are deprived of it, lii. 94. -The duty of giving and receiving it, -Rejecting evil counsel, the wisdom Creation of all things, i. 57. -From sins, lxxii. 105. -To whom promised, Ixix. 104. Deliverer, Christ so called, lxviii.103. Denying God, ii. 176. Departing from God, cxl. 228. Despising one another, xxxi. 345. -Their enmity, xxxiii. 66. Creator, God is so to his people, lxxvi.-Their knowledge, xxxv. 67. 108. Creatures, christians are new ones, Creatures in the sea and land made, Crucifixion of Christ, xxix. 118. Cures, miraculous ones performed by Cursing, the sin thereof, cxciv. 448. D. -They were cast out by Christ, lii. -They were overcome by Christ, -How to be overcome by Christians, -Works, and children of the devil, Diligence and industry, vi. 362, Darkness, works thereof, lxxxiv. 291. Dead works, lxxxvii. 292. Death of the wicked miserable, viii. Death of Christ, xxxvi. 119. Deceiving by false doctrine. cxxxvii. Decrees of God, ix. 72. Defence, God is so to his people, xlviii. -To parents, xciii. 390. -in magistrates, iv. 396. 496 E. Edifying one another, liii. 354. -In defeating enemies, cc. 215. -Of Christians, xiii. 74. fast- -God redeemeth his people from God delivereth from them, lxvii. 102. -God excited compassion in them Enquiring of those who are no Gods Eternal life is from God, xiv. 486. Eternity of God, vii. 5. -Of Christ, xiii. 144. See Christ's Evil doers to be avoided, Ixxxi. 289. Evil men, cxviii. 299.----Doing evil Examination of self, the duty thereof, Example, giving, lxvii. $59. Excellency of Christ, xx. 152. Excommunication, exvii. 402. 240. Expectation of the wicked,cxxiv. 215. Faith in God, viii. 178. -God is glorified by it, ccxxxvi. 257. -Marks and evidence of true faith, -Through grace, cxxxiii. 48. -Prayer to be made with it, clav. -In his threatenings, reii. 31. Fasting appointed, cliv. 230. -Occasions of fasting, clviii. 231. -To Christ, i. ii. 128. Favour of God promised to the righ- -Deny'd to the wicked, cxxxix. 50. -Deny'd to the wicked, exli. 50. 196. -Promises to it, lix. 197---xx. 487. -Its usefulness in life, lviii. 196. Fear of men, the security against it, Feeds,Christ feeds thousands, lv. Fellowship with the wicked to be |