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Miscellaneous Examples. - Shocking Effects of Gambling.

for years been addicted to the dreadful sin of gambling, and who was one of four, out of five, who, as we have related, were brought to a premature grave by the fascinating game of poker. One other still survives, and is yet pursuing the odious practice of gaming; and most sincerely do I desire that, ere it is too late, he may take into serious consideration the many risks he is running of not being so fortunate as the last two mentioned in this narrative; (for as I have never learned the particulars of the death of the two first, I cannot give any information of their last days that would be definite or satisfactory,) but I can assure the reader, that while there is one who becomes addicted to this vile practice, that ever after becomes religious, there are hundreds that pass out of the world without the least evidence of any preparation for that solemn and important change. And surely this fact should operate as a timely and a salutary warning to all who are enslaved by this vice, to lose no time in breaking the fetters by which they are bound, that they may be restored to the ranks of usefulness and respectability here, and be prepared for entering, as they should, upon the realities of that " undiscovered country" to which we are all so rapidly tending.


In the year 1832, a difficulty took place between two men of this class in Huntsville, Alabama. After a few words of altercation had passed between them, one at

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Miscellaneous Examples. Shocking Effects of Gambling.

tempted to raise a chair at the other, when his antagonist drew a pistol, and shot him through, which closed his mortal career in the course of a few hours. The one that was murdered was a man of family, and more generally respected than most persons of this class; and had justice been allowed to prevail, there is no doubt but that the murderer would have been punished as he deserves to be. But I believe he was either acquitted, or at most only fined a few dollars. You might hear men speaking of this atrocious deed, and so far from condemning it, their opinions would all be in favor of the bloody-minded perpetrator. And then inquire what men they were who were talking in this manner, and you would soon find that they were of that base class of men to whom the murderer himself belonged; and these were the only men that dared to speak on the subject, under the penalty of being caned or cowhided, and if they should resent it, to be shot down like a dog. This was the situation of that place at that time. These desperate characters stood ready, and set the law at utter defiance. The perpetrator of this foul deed had always stood at the head of the list of villains of this grade. The murder of this poor man did not appear to disturb the feelings of this desperado in the slightest degree. He was number one in this class of men, and with his associates this act made no kind of difference, unless it was to make him an object of more importance in their eyes. He was taken by the arm by our representatives, and escorted by our senators of this class, from that day until within the last year, during which time he was known to shoot some two or three other men. Whether the shots proved fatal or not I cannot say; still our hero was not harmed, and it would have been a dreadful

Miscellaneous Examples. - Shocking Effects of Gambling.

affair to have said any thing against a man who achieved such wonderful deeds of valor, and a gentleman sportsman. But still it seemed inevitable that this villain, like thousands of others, should have a fall. One foul act followed another, until this gentleman sportsman kills one of his servants. Here the law took hold of him; he is tried by the laws of Louisiana, and is sent to the penitentiary for four years. This act I know nothing about except what I had from others; but many of the acts of his former life I witnessed myself. This man has twice committed murder, and other deeds too shameful to relate by any writer that has respect for the feelings of his readers, unless it would be to show the community how much the people are imposed upon by this base class of men. And if this is the true character of this individual, who is still comparatively young, about thirtyeight years of age perhaps, — will he not be a hopeful subject indeed, to let loose upon society after having served out his four years in the state prison? Is there any reason to hope he will ever become a good citizen, or, indeed, that he will ever be any thing else than a scourge and a curse to society? I answer, No. Some may probably say that they place no dependence in these statements; if they do not, I would refer them to the citizens of Natchez, and Huntsville, Alabama, and they will find out much more perhaps than this sketch contains, as I did not aim at giving the reader a full history of this individual's life.


Miscellaneous Examples. - Shocking Effects of Gambling.


The second example that I shall introduce to the notice of the reader is the following:- There lived near Huntsville, Alabama, a man of considerable note, both in the class of gamblers and in the respectable walk of society. Not merely as a sportsman was this man noted, but as being one of the shrewdest men to be met with on subjects generally. He possessed extraordinary powers, both physical and mental, and might have done honor to any situation in which he might have been placed. This gentleman had an only son, a youth of remarkable sprightliness and promise; and had he taken that interest in the improvement of his mind and the preservation of his morals that he should and might have done, I doubt whether he would have been surpassed by any for eminence and usefulness. But unfortunately for him, as it has been for many of similar promise, he had formed an attachment for the vice of gambling. I think it was as early as his fourteenth year that he imbibed a passion for gaming; and whenever a youth becomes a votary of this pursuit at that age, it is seldom indeed that he is ever reclaimed; not but that his reformation might be effected if his parents are opposed to it, and exert their influence, authority, and example, to save him; but, unhappily, this was not the case with this unfortunate youth. His father saw the brink on which he stood, but being in the same predicament himself, his advice could have had but little. influence, while his example was constantly inculcating a different lesson. This youth appeared to entertain a great respect for his father and mother; they seemed to

Miscellaneous Examples. - Shocking Effects of Gambling.

be his idols, and this attachment was strongly reciprocated; for he was the idol of both of them. The father and son could never bear to be separate. Was the father so unfortunate as to get into a difficulty, the son was always at hand to sustain him, and if the son got into trouble of any kind, the father was always ready to defend, protect, and extricate him. They were both involved in difficulties of the most serious and desperate kind, and frequently they, as well as their opponents, would come off very badly hurt, besides often having to pay large sums of money for their rash and violent proceedings. This dreadful life they lived for several years, which gave great pain to the mother of this youth; who would often, with care and anxiety deeply marked upon her brow, await their return when they were absent on excursions of this nature for many months together; and none but a mother can tell how to sympathize with her during these seasons of agonizing suspense. True, she had every convenience about her house she could wish for; but all this, so far from affording her comfort, only served to enhance her wretchedness, while she reflected on the disgraceful and desperate calling to which her husband and son were addicted, and to all appearance irreclaimably addicted.

Time rolled on, and still they carried on their deeds of shame and darkness. Finally the time came when all their hopes were superseded by darkness and despair, the son, the idol of his parents, was brought to a premature grave. He became attached to a young lady of respectable parents, but poor. His father was opposed to the union, which he saw was likely to take place; this, however, did not deter him, for they were shortly afterwards married. Though his father was much displeased

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